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All About Britain

Follow the instructions to do your Project and complete all the activities.

1. Answer the following questions and complete the activities:

1.1. Which are some of the most famoust ghosts in Britain? Look for information
about other British ghost.
1.2. What job mentioned in the book do you prefer? Why?
1.3. What are the most famous British sites and atractions? Choose one you want
to visit and explain why.
1.4. Draw the family tree of the British Royal Family.
1.5. Describe the traditions for British holidays and festivals.
1.6. What typical British food is mentioned in the book? Do you want to try any of
them? Why?
1.7. What are the British national sports? Did you play any of them? Another
famous sport is rugby, look for information and write about the history and
rules of rugby.
1.8. The great British writers William Shakespeare, Charles Dickens and J.K.
Rowling, and some famous British personalities including Queen Elizabeth I,
Sir Winston Churchill and the Beatles, have influenced British life and culture in
different ways.
Choose one of them. Look for information on the Internet and talk about the
life and influence in culture.
1.9. What are the legends mentioned in the book? What is your favourite one?
What is the story?
1.10. Chapter 12 is about modern Britain, its technology and popular British
celebrities and shows. Look for information about a British celebrity (actor,
musician, etc.) and say what are the most famous songs, films, books… of that
person and why do you like him or her.

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