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rk's Last Mohawk

By Don Barbeau
There sat "Mohawk" No. 2933 (American 1929), a medium size 4-8-2 stored unserviceable in a burned out, roofless section of an old roundhouse. Her driving and eccentric rods were removed and her paint was somewhat in the process of removing itself. There were also signs of rust. But to a then 19 year old visitor, Selkirk's last . "Mohawk" was a welcome sigbt. For until I set foot on the premises that cold day in November 1958, I bad no idea any "Mohawk" had survived, mucb less taken up residence at Selkirk. Contemplating this once indefatigable freigbter, Iremorsefully recalled bow, as a grade scbooler, I suffered from a disorder known as "4-8-4 bias syndrome". Every locomotive I saw, I compared to a 4-8-4. Naturally, no poor "Mohawk" could measure up. Thus I bad viewed the resentless procession of "Mohawk" powered freigbts in and out of Selkirk Yard as nothing more than a parade of the prosaic. But now, time and chance bad made a "Mohawk" the order of the day, so Ibad some catching up to do. To atone for the sins of my childhood, I was determined to learn all I could about the 2933. I began by observing her mechanical particulars. The running gear was essentially as built and the placement ofber appliances had apparently remained constant throughout her days. The only significant alteration was a "boosterectomy" wbicb bad been performed in sucb a workmanlike manner (perhaps at West Albany) that the void was not glaring. The 2933 had obviously been well maintained during ber active service years. Retumingbome later that day, I searcbed my personal library for specifics regarding the 2933 historically. I came up with the double zero. Even the publisbedrosters left something to be desired concerning 2933, . as she remained listed as having a booster. But regardless of what sbe bad been or hadn't been, she was the lone link to my childhood and that made bermost noteworthy from my newfound perspective. Tbe 2933 remained at Selkirk until 1961. Amidruins of roundhouses past, sbe had fmally gained venerability. My last visit with ber came in late November 1960. My autumn bad included multiple visits to Montreal and Pbiladelphia photographing, you guessed it, 4-8-4's! ButIpromise I didn't relapse! Instead I continued to earnestly acknowledge 2933 and ber standing as Selkirk's last "Mohawk". P.S. The 2933 is now displayed at the National Museum of Transport (St, Louby Don Barbeau) is).

Selkirk's last "Mohawk": depreciated yet appreciated. (1958 photo

Mohawk (4-8-2) Type

Class Road Numbers Cylinders Drivers Pressure Trac. Force 60,620 12,400 Weight Engine 369,100 Builder Date









Become a recognized M2933 Booster" by recognizing she has no booster. Then revise her data. Delete the 12,400 and don't forget to reduce her weight by at least 2 tons.

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