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Choco Butter Nut was inspired by a Philippine-made snack which is

Palitaw. The process of this is same as the process in making a palitaw but
what it makes more special is how we make this unique that you can’t even
think of it that it can be made through that. We created a new version of
Palitaw by having a delicious chocolate butternut filling that melts on your
tongue and is very chewy once eaten along with the dessicated coconut
and sugar as toppings. The Choco butternut palitaw is made with sticky rice
flour, condensed milk, brown sugar, and margarine. The interior is filled
with chocolate butternut and the toppings are sugar and desiccated
coconut. We give survey forms to our customers and let them rate our
product and based on what they put at the form, they like and even love it.
The customers also suggest what could make it more tastier than others
and because we value them, we improve it. We select this snack as our
product in our business because we still want to consider what is made by
locals but to make our business grow, we improve and add other
ingredients in making our Choco Butter Nut Palitaw and mold it to a new

Patilaw choco butter nut 09615742362
7th St. Airmen’s Village, BGBNEAB, Lapu-lapu City

Disclaimer This document includes confidential and proprietary information of and regarding Patilaw. This document is provided for
informational and educational purposes only. You may not use this document except for informational and educational purposes,
and you may not reproduce this document in whole or in part, or divulge any of its contents without the prior written consent Patilaw.

7th St. Airmen’s Village, BGBNEAB, Lapu-Lapu City


The money is funded from the owner's parents as they were still not able to
provide capital but assures to be liable for that money, ₱350 were accumulated to be
the capital. The amout needed for the next days is equal to the proceeds from the first
day of sales and recouped the investments and used the additional cash for their
subsequent sale.

A. Executive Summary

1.1 Vision

Our goal is to establish ourselves as the top provider of snacks with Filipino
influences that are adored by individuals of all ages. Our vision is a world where Filipino
cuisine is praised for its distinctive and varied flavors.

Patilaw choco butter nut 09615742362
7th St. Airmen’s Village, BGBNEAB, Lapu-lapu City

Disclaimer This document includes confidential and proprietary information of and regarding Patilaw. This document is provided for
informational and educational purposes only. You may not use this document except for informational and educational purposes,
and you may not reproduce this document in whole or in part, or divulge any of its contents without the prior written consent Patilaw.
1.2 Mission

Our mission is to introduce snack lovers all around to the delectable and
distinctive flavors of Filipino cuisine. To produce snacks that embody Filipino culture we
are dedicated to using only the freshest and most genuine ingredients. We believe that
our snacks can serve as a bridge between cultures and bring people together through
the love of food. We aim to provide our customers with an unforgettable snacking
experience that will leave them wanting more.

1.3 Goals

The main goal of the business is to provide unique food and keeping them
profitable at all times. Selling our snack at a reasonable price and student-friendly over
the years.

1.4 Objectives

Providing excellent customer service and giving them a snack that they can enjoy
anytime is our plan. We are also aiming to increase our sales so we can multiply our
food quantity with quality wise.

2. Parties Supporting the Business

The parties supporting our business are our customers, buying from our Choco
Butter Nut product means they are also supporting our expenses of our inventories that
push us to continue our business; our Family, we get our capital from them as we are
still a student and doesn't have enough money to stand a business; Us, in able to
support our business, we need our will and courage to take the risk and be able to stand
to our mission, vision, goals, and objectives

Patilaw choco butter nut 09615742362
7th St. Airmen’s Village, BGBNEAB, Lapu-lapu City

Disclaimer This document includes confidential and proprietary information of and regarding Patilaw. This document is provided for
informational and educational purposes only. You may not use this document except for informational and educational purposes,
and you may not reproduce this document in whole or in part, or divulge any of its contents without the prior written consent Patilaw.
B. Environmental Analysis

This section presents the industry analysis, covering the following forces directly
affecting the proposed business. PESTLE Analysis, Microenvironment Analysis and
Situational (SWOT) Analysis

PESTLE Analysis

The macroenvironment consists of external factors that have a significant

influence on marketing strategy. One framework in conducting environmental scanning
is the PESTLE Analysis, which identifies the external forces and determines
opportunities and threats that arise from them.


1.1 Political Forces

 Environment Legislation. In order to ensure that our business has equitable

distribution of benefits for the company, it is accountable for the conservation,
management, development, and proper use of natural resources.

 The Value of DTI Registration. It is prohibited by Republic Act (RA) 3883 to use a
business name without first registering it with the DTI. Our business rights to use a
company name will be protected by registration for five years, after which it must be
renewed to maintain its legal validity.

Patilaw choco butter nut 09615742362
7th St. Airmen’s Village, BGBNEAB, Lapu-lapu City

Disclaimer This document includes confidential and proprietary information of and regarding Patilaw. This document is provided for
informational and educational purposes only. You may not use this document except for informational and educational purposes,
and you may not reproduce this document in whole or in part, or divulge any of its contents without the prior written consent Patilaw.
1.2 Economic Forces

Many economic factors, including interest rates, inflation rates, fiscal and
monetary policies, income, currency rates, employment, and employer confidence, can
have an impact on firms. Business markets and economic conditions both have context.
Several factors directly influence regional and international economic conditions. Each
of these directly affects how companies manufacture and deliver their goods and
services. Several business-related economic dynamics have an impact on the
economy. And because of the economic forces the entrepreneur's of CHOCO BUTTER
NUT always make sure that before making any big decisions,

Choco Butter Nut as a potential company should take the risk of a recession into
account. To achieve this, Choco Butter Nut's owners should thoroughly investigate any
potential difficulties their new venture may encounter. It would also be beneficial for the
owners to familiarize themselves with the local customs of the barangay Poblacion
Lapu-Lapu City, or even the entire island of Lapu-Lapu City, as this will make it simpler
for them to assimilate and win the support of the locals. by launching new goods like the
palitaw and chocolate butternut. Choco Butter Nut can boost sales and profitability,
creating opportunity for the company to expand and thrive.

 Interest Rate. The interest rate is another illustration of a broad-reaching economic

element. Generally, an interest rate is established by the central bank of a nation.
This rate affects borrowing costs and has the potential to increase or decrease
economic growth. While a lower interest rate can result in stronger economic growth
because business have more money available to invest, a higher interest rate can
hamper economic growth because firms must pay more to borrow money. In order
to control inflation, interest rates are frequently raised and lowered.

Patilaw choco butter nut 09615742362
7th St. Airmen’s Village, BGBNEAB, Lapu-lapu City

Disclaimer This document includes confidential and proprietary information of and regarding Patilaw. This document is provided for
informational and educational purposes only. You may not use this document except for informational and educational purposes,
and you may not reproduce this document in whole or in part, or divulge any of its contents without the prior written consent Patilaw.
 Inflation Rate. As the cost of products and services continues to rise over time, it is
said to be experiencing inflation. This can undermine the purchasing power of the
business owners and consumers, leading to weaker economic growth. Inflation can
have a number of distinct impacts on organizations, including greater expenses,
decreased profitability, and diminished demand.

 Fiscal Policies. We are all aware that lower taxes can increase business
profitability when fiscal policy is expansionary. Contractionary fiscal policy, on the
other hand, calls for more taxes and decreased spending. This directly affects the
company's bottom line. Business is significantly impacted by fiscal policies; Retail
enterprises are impacted by consumer demand and tax-related fiscal policies by
changes in people's disposable income. Consumers become more cost-conscious
and more likely to limit their spending to necessities as a result of higher taxes or an
expansion of taxable products, which reduces their net income. Less taxation
means consumers have more money in their pockets to spend on the goods and
services that shops sell. Higher interest rates may result from fiscal policy that
increases the federal deficit through government spending. Investing Choices

 How much risk a merchant is willing to assume depends on fiscal policies. Retailers
may feel confidence hiring staff or opening new locations when Congress proposes
tax credits for investing in business expansion or tax incentives to hire and train
personnel. Reduced business tax rates also free up money for new investments in
infrastructure and product options. And lastly Competitiveness

 consumers avoid stores because of economic uncertainty, and the entrepreneur's of

CHOCO BUTTER NUT are cautious because of uncertain fiscal policy. The Retail
enterprises must keep prices low and reduce costs, including hiring, to stay
competitive as long as customers put off significant purchases and decrease the
number of times they visit stores.

Patilaw choco butter nut 09615742362
7th St. Airmen’s Village, BGBNEAB, Lapu-lapu City

Disclaimer This document includes confidential and proprietary information of and regarding Patilaw. This document is provided for
informational and educational purposes only. You may not use this document except for informational and educational purposes,
and you may not reproduce this document in whole or in part, or divulge any of its contents without the prior written consent Patilaw.
 Monetary Policies. Correctly applied, monetary policy enhances the number of
jobs available and long-term economic growth by stabilizing prices and wages.

 Income. If a consumer's income rise and the company sold typical things, business
would likely grow. The income effect, in microeconomics, is the subsequent change
in demand for a good or service caused by an increase or decrease in a consumer's
purchasing power or real income. If the income of a consumer decreases, the
business will experience a decrease. The income impact predicts that people would
start to demand more as their income rises (and vice-versa). The proprietor of a
CHOCO BUTTER NUT firm should take this into consideration because, on the
other hand, demand may potentially decline as income rises. Additionally, income is
a component of consumer choice, which links preferences to consumption costs
and demand curves. These curves express how variations in relative market prices
and incomes affect a consumer's consumption patterns for goods and services.
When real consumer income increases, consumers will desire more of the typical
economic items to buy.

 Exchange Rates. Changes in exchange rates have an impact on businesses in two

ways: first, by altering the price of goods imported from other nations and, second,
by altering how desirable their products are to customers abroad. By simply
operating in its native market and conducting transactions in local currency, a
company can limit its exposure to foreign exchange. If not, it must make an effort to
balance outflows and inflows of foreign currency (a natural hedge), include
protection in commercial contracts, or use a financial instrument like a forward
contract. Most small firms used to be essentially local enterprises, producing goods
and services for a network of clients and suppliers who were nearby, typically in the
same city or state, and always in the same country, and sourcing supplies from
them. The most crucial thing for business owners to do is to keep track of the level
and trend of currency rates that are relevant to their industry.

Patilaw choco butter nut 09615742362
7th St. Airmen’s Village, BGBNEAB, Lapu-lapu City

Disclaimer This document includes confidential and proprietary information of and regarding Patilaw. This document is provided for
informational and educational purposes only. You may not use this document except for informational and educational purposes,
and you may not reproduce this document in whole or in part, or divulge any of its contents without the prior written consent Patilaw.
 Employment. The business owners of CHOCO BUTTER NUT make jobs available
not just for themselves but also for others. By introducing innovative goods to the
market and by increasing overall productivity and competitiveness, entrepreneurial
activities may have an impact on a nation's economic performance. Poverty is
mostly caused by underemployment and unemployment. The only resource the
impoverished have to increase their standard of living is frequently their labor. Thus
the development of You have the same right to unemployment benefits as wage
earners if you are a business. You may be eligible for a basic unemployment
allowance, an earnings-related allowance, or a labor market subsidy, depending on
your circumstances. You may also be eligible for an adjusted unemployment benefit
if you worked while unemployed.

 Employer Confidence. The ability to handle conflict more effectively, communicate

more effectively, be happier at work, better accept criticism, and become a better
manager or leader are all benefits of confidence in the workplace. Entrepreneurs
should take this seriously because a company's business is greatly impacted by an
employee who lacks confidence. The owners of CHOCO BUTTER NUT will see to it
that their employers have sufficient faith in them.

1.3 Socioeconomic Forces

 Education level. The correlation between health and education is another typical
finding. Overall, communities with lower average levels of education tend to have
worse health. Lower self-confidence and increased stress are also associated with
lower educational levels.

 Physical Environment. Important determinants of well health in a society include

things like secure housing, healthy workplaces, safe drinking water, clean air,
wholesome communities, and modern infrastructure. The working circumstances of
the people who are employed are very important to enterprises. An individual is
predisposed to higher health simply by virtue of having a job.

Patilaw choco butter nut 09615742362
7th St. Airmen’s Village, BGBNEAB, Lapu-lapu City

Disclaimer This document includes confidential and proprietary information of and regarding Patilaw. This document is provided for
informational and educational purposes only. You may not use this document except for informational and educational purposes,
and you may not reproduce this document in whole or in part, or divulge any of its contents without the prior written consent Patilaw.
 Social Support Network. We who receive a lot of support from our friends, family,
and the larger community are more likely to be in better health. The community's
culture, which includes traditions, beliefs, and customs, is another set of supporting
variables. The community's health may improve as a result of the improvement of
these elements.

1.4 Technological Forces

In today's generation, communicating, advertising, promoting, connecting is an

easy way to do. Technologies are enhancing and many are into it that's why in
promoting and advertising our food business, we use social medias and other related
technologies which can help to boost our business.

Technological Forces may include the following that helps us, owners, of this
business to exploit this opportunity.

 Internet. In posting, promoting, and advertising our Palitaw, we uses internet

always to be able to communicate and boost our food business to potential
customers. Internet helps us to

 Social Media. We are now using Facebook to create group page that promotes our
food business, Palitaw. Posting pictures related to our Palitaw helps us to let the
customers see how we sell and appreciate them.

 E commerce. Customers can buy online and reserve their Palitaw via Facebook
comments or Messenger. Reservation is only available after making our Palitaw
which we'll informed them by posting it in our Facebook Page.

 Our Food Business is flexible enough to go along with the trends regarding with the
technology but with limits.

Patilaw choco butter nut 09615742362
7th St. Airmen’s Village, BGBNEAB, Lapu-lapu City

Disclaimer This document includes confidential and proprietary information of and regarding Patilaw. This document is provided for
informational and educational purposes only. You may not use this document except for informational and educational purposes,
and you may not reproduce this document in whole or in part, or divulge any of its contents without the prior written consent Patilaw.
1.5 Legal/Regulatory Forces

As a small food business, we understand how critical it is to follow legal

regulations in order to ensure the safety and quality of our products. Legal requirements
are required to ensure that individuals, businesses, and organizations operate within the
legal framework. These requirements establish behavior standards, rights and
responsibilities, and a dispute resolution mechanism. That is why our business obtained
the necessary documents required by the local government to operate a food business
in our area, including the DTI (Department of Trade and Industry) registration and
barangay clearance.

We understand that these documents signify that we are recognized by the local
government and have complied with the necessary requirements to start or operate our
business legally. Our team has also conducted extensive research on food safety
regulations and standards to ensure that our products comply with all applicable laws
and regulations. We have implemented strict measures for food handling, storage, and
transportation to prevent contamination and spoilage. We are also committed to
complying with the proper disclosure of information about our products to regulate the
safety and health of our customers. In addition, we understand that legal compliance is
an ongoing process, and we will continue to review and update our policies and
procedures as needed to ensure that we maintain the highest standards of food safety
and legal compliance.

Environmental Forces

A small business like ours should consider the environmental forces because it
will affect in managing and operating the business venture. Natural Disasters has a big
impact in a business. This phenomenon may happen with poor possibility but it is
unpredictable and unguaranteed so might as well our business must be prepared just

Patilaw choco butter nut 09615742362
7th St. Airmen’s Village, BGBNEAB, Lapu-lapu City

Disclaimer This document includes confidential and proprietary information of and regarding Patilaw. This document is provided for
informational and educational purposes only. You may not use this document except for informational and educational purposes,
and you may not reproduce this document in whole or in part, or divulge any of its contents without the prior written consent Patilaw.
The change of climate is an important issue in terms of managing a food
business because it depends on how well your product could be sold instantly but our
product itself can be sold in a rain or shine phenomena, it could be partnered alongside
with drinks that matches the weather in that specific day of selling. Every personnel of
our business should apply the basic environmental responsibilities as it should
implement the 3R's; reducing waste, reuse and recycle the excess products and
materials used as much as possible or if can be used again in some certain things in a
way it could be environmental-friendly. With this, it would help our environment have
enough space for cleanliness and sanitation.


2.1 Customers

With a twist of chocolate butternut filling, this product called palitaw has an
impact on how we do business with our customers. This product makes our customers
happy and joyful by satisfying their cravings for this kind of snack.

In order to meet our customers' expectations and comprehend what they think of
our goods, we conduct research. We consider customer feedback when making
changes to our product to better suit their expectations. Customers purchase our goods
and offer our tiny business suggestions on how to make them better. Customers can
have an impact on other people by telling their friends and family about our product.

Students and families are our customers. Age ranges from 7 to adult. The location
where people frequently purchase from us is Pajo Lapu-Lapu City. Based on their
response to us, students, who are our customers, adore our product for its twist and the
fact that it is also incredibly delicious.

Patilaw choco butter nut 09615742362
7th St. Airmen’s Village, BGBNEAB, Lapu-lapu City

Disclaimer This document includes confidential and proprietary information of and regarding Patilaw. This document is provided for
informational and educational purposes only. You may not use this document except for informational and educational purposes,
and you may not reproduce this document in whole or in part, or divulge any of its contents without the prior written consent Patilaw.
2.2 Suppliers

Business Supplier/s Business Description Contact Number

Marigold Marigold Shop is a +63 32 268 7842

specialized retail business
that provides a wide choice
of high-quality products for
customers who value
beautiful and one-of-a-kind
stuff. Marigold Shop takes
pleasure in offering
consumers a carefully
curated range of items
picked for its design,
quality, and value.

La Nueva Supermart La Nueva Supermart is a (032) 495 8679

well known grocery store
that specializes in
providing customers with
high-quality, fresh, and
locally sourced products, a
lot of retail stores choose
to wholesale products in la
Nueva since in comparison
to other supermart their
pricing are rather modest.

Patilaw choco butter nut 09615742362
7th St. Airmen’s Village, BGBNEAB, Lapu-lapu City

Disclaimer This document includes confidential and proprietary information of and regarding Patilaw. This document is provided for
informational and educational purposes only. You may not use this document except for informational and educational purposes,
and you may not reproduce this document in whole or in part, or divulge any of its contents without the prior written consent Patilaw.
C5c Store C5C Shop is a retail
Business that specializes
in offering customers a
wide variety of high-quality
products at reasonable
costs. C5c store is a one-
stop shop for all of our
consumers' needs.

2.3 Competitors

Businesses who operate in the same market or industry as you and provide
comparable goods or services are considered competitors. These companies may
employ comparable marketing and sales strategies in an effort to draw in the same
clients or customers.

There are two types of competitors Indirect and Direct competitors


Indirect competitors are Businesses that compete with your company for the same
clientele or market share but provide different goods or services. In contrast to direct
rivals, who provide comparable goods or services, indirect rivals could provide
alternatives or replacements that can satisfy the same needs or wants as your good or

These are the Choco butter nut palitaw's indirect competitors

Patilaw choco butter nut 09615742362
7th St. Airmen’s Village, BGBNEAB, Lapu-lapu City

Disclaimer This document includes confidential and proprietary information of and regarding Patilaw. This document is provided for
informational and educational purposes only. You may not use this document except for informational and educational purposes,
and you may not reproduce this document in whole or in part, or divulge any of its contents without the prior written consent Patilaw.
 Bong turon-turon. Bong turon-turon is a delicious and unique twist on the classic
Filipino snack, turon. This modified version of the popular treat is sure to delight
anyone with a sweet tooth! While traditional turon is typically made with banana and
jackfruit filling, Bong turon-turon takes it to the next level by offering a range of
exciting flavor combinations. One popular variety features a sweet and nutty peanut
filling, complemented by a decadent drizzle of chocolate syrup. Another variety is
infused with a delicious vanilla flavor, making it a perfect choice for those who prefer
a more subtle and delicate taste.

 ANJR WAFFLE . ANJR WAFFLE offers creative, unique, and quality products and
services to generate maximum profit for the sole purpose of giving back to others.
ANJR Waffle sell different flavors of waffle as its primary product, in addition to an
ice scramble that is perfect for our extremely hot weather. The owner is opening the
Waffle Delight in response to the limited number of eating places in the area.

 Churroluscious. Churros is a type of fried dough pastry that accompanied by

dipping sauce such as chocolate. Churroluscious tried to find another flavor to make
it more unique, instead of serving the customers just the exact ordinary Churro.
After all the trial and errors, and flavor experimenting, we finally came up with this
traditional flavor which is the Ube Churro.


Direct competitors are businesses that offer similar products or services to your
business and operate in the same market or industry. They typically target the same
customer base or audience as your business and may use similar marketing strategies
and sales tactics.

These are choco butter nut palitaw's direct competitors:

Patilaw choco butter nut 09615742362
7th St. Airmen’s Village, BGBNEAB, Lapu-lapu City

Disclaimer This document includes confidential and proprietary information of and regarding Patilaw. This document is provided for
informational and educational purposes only. You may not use this document except for informational and educational purposes,
and you may not reproduce this document in whole or in part, or divulge any of its contents without the prior written consent Patilaw.
 Pallies . Pallies provides a yummy and worthy taste of palitaw. They also offer a
variety of flavors such as chocolate, cheese, and ube. Pallies is a Filipino kakanin
that may have been forgotten by most people due to continuously existing foreign
foods in the market.

Understanding and identifying your direct and indirect competitors is crucial since
they can have a big impact on your company. You may differentiate your company,
enhance your goods or services, and create powerful marketing plans to stand out in
the marketplace by examining their strengths and weaknesses.

2.4 Creditors

We credit our capital to our parents since we are still depending our money on
them in starting this business. The business won't be able to produce Palitaw without
them due to we still don't have enough money to create or start our business but we,
owners, assures to pay them back after making a good profit.


3.1 Strength

 The Choco Butter Nut Palitaw offers a Unique and innovative product By offering a
modified version of the traditional Filipino snack, palitaw, we are providing a unique
twist on a classic treat. This can help to differentiate our business from competitors
and attract customers who are looking for something new and different.

 Palitaw can be enjoyed as a snack or a dessert, and the addition of chocolate,

butter, and nuts can make it a more indulgent treat. This versatility can appeal to a
wide range of customers, and increase the potential for repeat business. Lastly
Choco butter nut palitaw is a relatively simple and inexpensive dessert to make,
which can allow us to offer our products at an affordable price point.

Patilaw choco butter nut 09615742362
7th St. Airmen’s Village, BGBNEAB, Lapu-lapu City

Disclaimer This document includes confidential and proprietary information of and regarding Patilaw. This document is provided for
informational and educational purposes only. You may not use this document except for informational and educational purposes,
and you may not reproduce this document in whole or in part, or divulge any of its contents without the prior written consent Patilaw.
3.2 Weakness

● The business is new so it lacks business recognition

● Our Limited financial resources and difficulty securing funding
● Our Lack of experience and expertise in running a business

3.3 Opportunities

 In a food industry, there are opportunities that could help a business improve. Our
business have the opportunity to have potential growth. We have the chance to
open and improve certain areas to be able to have a better marketing. We also
develop every personnel to do better performance and give what's best for the
customer's satisfaction. Our small business may add special offers to attract
customers in buying our product which is the Choco Butternut Palitaw.


 The competition on our business is one of the main threat for us because there are
other businesses in the market that offer similar or comparable products, such as
other traditional Filipino desserts or snacks, or other types of sweet treats. This
competition can make it difficult to attract and retain customers and also the
seasonal demand depending on the location and customer base, demand for
palitaw and other desserts is seasonal, with more demand during certain times of
the year or for certain occasions. This can make it challenging for us to maintain
consistent revenue throughout the time. Lastly is the availability of ingredients and
its cost, the availability and cost of ingredients, such as chocolate, butter, and nuts,
can fluctuate based on market demand and other factors. This can impact the cost
and profitability of our products, as well as our ability to maintain consistent quality.

Patilaw choco butter nut 09615742362
7th St. Airmen’s Village, BGBNEAB, Lapu-lapu City

Disclaimer This document includes confidential and proprietary information of and regarding Patilaw. This document is provided for
informational and educational purposes only. You may not use this document except for informational and educational purposes,
and you may not reproduce this document in whole or in part, or divulge any of its contents without the prior written consent Patilaw.
C. Business Description

Choco Butter Nut Palitaw is a sole proprietorship business. This implies that the
owner has all authority and accountability for the management of the company's
finances and activities. As a sole proprietorship, there is no legal distinction between the
owner's personal and commercial affairs, and all revenues, expenses, and obligations
are directly attributable to the owner.

1. Product Description

Choco Butter Nut Palitaw is a delightful and mouth-watering Filipino snacks and
dessert that combines the goodness of cocoa, flour, and nuts. The base of this treat is a
soft and chewy rice cake, made with rice flour, cocoa powder, nut meg, water, and
sugar. To make this dessert even more delicious, we have added a scrumptious filling
of chocolate chips, which are perfectly melted to provide a smooth and creamy texture.
The palitaw is then coated with a layer of dessicated coconut, sugar, and sesame
seeds, which add a lovely crunch and nutty flavor to the treat.

Finally, to give the dessert an extra pop of color, we have added food coloring to the
coating mixture, which creates a vibrant and eye-catching appearance. Choco Butter
Nut Palitaw is the perfect treat for anyone who loves the combination of chocolate and
nuts, and is looking for a unique and indulgent dessert that is both delicious and visually

2. Equipment and Materials needed

 Butane stove
 Bowl
 Pot
 Spatula

Patilaw choco butter nut 09615742362
7th St. Airmen’s Village, BGBNEAB, Lapu-lapu City

Disclaimer This document includes confidential and proprietary information of and regarding Patilaw. This document is provided for
informational and educational purposes only. You may not use this document except for informational and educational purposes,
and you may not reproduce this document in whole or in part, or divulge any of its contents without the prior written consent Patilaw.
In making Palitaw, the ingredients used are chronologically followed:

 Dessicated Coconut
 Sesame Seeds
 Food Coloring
 Sugar
 Glutinous Rice
 Water
 Cocoa Powder
 Choco Chips
 Nutt Meg

The utensils used in this are:

 1 Pot
 3 Spoons
 1 mixing bowl
 1 regal tray
 A strainer
 1 Tupperware to

The equipments are:

 1 Butane Stove
 1 Gas Can

Patilaw choco butter nut 09615742362
7th St. Airmen’s Village, BGBNEAB, Lapu-lapu City

Disclaimer This document includes confidential and proprietary information of and regarding Patilaw. This document is provided for
informational and educational purposes only. You may not use this document except for informational and educational purposes,
and you may not reproduce this document in whole or in part, or divulge any of its contents without the prior written consent Patilaw.
3. Size of the Business

One of the things we are thinking of about the future plan of the business is to
sell Palitaw not just in Barangay Pajo but also on other barangays. We will offer
deliveries with shipping fee and reservations could be possibly made. Another plan is to
provide another flavors in Palitaw.

Patilaw choco butter nut 09615742362
7th St. Airmen’s Village, BGBNEAB, Lapu-lapu City

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informational and educational purposes only. You may not use this document except for informational and educational purposes,
and you may not reproduce this document in whole or in part, or divulge any of its contents without the prior written consent Patilaw.
4. Personnel Requirements

1. Owner :

Job Description:

 Overall management and strategic decision-making for the business.

 Financial planning and budgeting.
 Developing and implementing business strategies.
 Building and maintaining relationships with stakeholders.
 Ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.

Job Qualifications:

 Strong entrepreneurial and leadership skills.

 Extensive knowledge and experience in the food industry.
 Business management or related degree.
 Financial acumen and experience in budgeting and financial planning.
 Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.

2. Financial Manager:

Job Description:

 Managing financial resources, including budgeting, accounting, and financial

 Analyzing financial data and providing insights for decision-making.
 Managing cash flow and financial risks.
 Liaising with external auditors and financial institutions.

Job Qualification:

Patilaw choco butter nut 09615742362
7th St. Airmen’s Village, BGBNEAB, Lapu-lapu City

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and you may not reproduce this document in whole or in part, or divulge any of its contents without the prior written consent Patilaw.
 Bachelor's degree in finance, accounting, or related field.
 Proven experience in financial management and accounting.
 Strong analytical and problem-solving skills.
 Knowledge of financial regulations and reporting standards.

3. Human Resource:

Job Description:

 Recruiting, hiring, and onboarding employees.

 Developing HR policies and procedures.
 Managing employee benefits and performance evaluations.
 Handling employee relations and conflict resolution.

Job Qualifications:

 Bachelor's degree in human resources or related field.

 Proven experience in HR management.
 Knowledge of labor laws and regulations.
 Strong interpersonal and communication skills.
 Ability to handle confidential information.

4. Director Inventory In Charge:

Job Description:

 Overseeing inventory management and control.

 Developing inventory strategies and optimizing stock levels.
 Managing supply chain and logistics.
 Implementing inventory tracking systems.

Job Qualifications:

 Bachelor's degree in supply chain management or related field.

Patilaw choco butter nut 09615742362
7th St. Airmen’s Village, BGBNEAB, Lapu-lapu City

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and you may not reproduce this document in whole or in part, or divulge any of its contents without the prior written consent Patilaw.
 Proven experience in inventory management and logistics.
 Strong analytical and problem-solving skills.
 Knowledge of inventory software and systems.
 Excellent organizational and multitasking abilities.

5. Sales Manager:

Job Description:

 Developing sales strategies and plans.

 Identifying and pursuing new sales opportunities.
 Managing a sales team and providing guidance.
 Monitoring market trends and competitor activities.

Job Qualification

 Bachelor's degree in business, marketing, or related field.

 Proven experience in sales management.
 Strong negotiation and relationship-building skills.
 Knowledge of sales techniques and strategies.
 Excellent communication and leadership abilities.

6. Content Strategies:

Job Description:

 Developing and executing content strategies.

 Creating engaging and informative content.
 Conducting market research and audience analysis.
 Analyzing content performance and making adjustments.

Job Qualifications:

 Bachelor's degree in marketing, communications, or related field.

Patilaw choco butter nut 09615742362
7th St. Airmen’s Village, BGBNEAB, Lapu-lapu City

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and you may not reproduce this document in whole or in part, or divulge any of its contents without the prior written consent Patilaw.
 Proven experience in content strategy and creation.
 Excellent writing and editing skills.
 Knowledge of digital marketing and social media platforms.
 Analytical and creative thinking abilities.

7. Customer Service Officer:

Job Description:

 Providing exceptional customer service.

 Handling customer inquiries, complaints, and feedback.
 Resolving customer issues in a timely manner.
 Identifying opportunities for service improvements.

Job Qualifications:

 High school diploma or equivalent.

 Proven experience in customer service.
 Excellent communication and problem-solving skills.
 Patience and empathy in dealing with customers.
 Ability to handle challenging situations.

8. Product Supply Officer:

Job Description:
 Coordinating and managing the procurement and supply of ingredients and
materials for the production of Palitaw.
 Building and maintaining relationships with suppliers and negotiating
favorable terms and prices.
 Monitoring inventory levels and ensuring timely replenishment.

Patilaw choco butter nut 09615742362
7th St. Airmen’s Village, BGBNEAB, Lapu-lapu City

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and you may not reproduce this document in whole or in part, or divulge any of its contents without the prior written consent Patilaw.
 Optimizing supply chain efficiency and reducing costs.
Job Qualifications:
 High school diploma or equivalent.
 Proven experience in supply chain management or procurement. Knowledge
of sourcing and procurement principles.
 Strong negotiation and communication skills.
 Attention to detail and ability to analyze data.
 Proficiency in inventory management software and tools.

9. Cook

Job Description:

 Preparing the traditional Filipino snack Palitaw according to the established

recipe and quality standards.
 Ensuring the quality, taste, and consistency of the Palitaw.
 Following proper food safety and hygiene practices in food preparation.
Collaborating with the Product Supply Officer to forecast ingredient requirements.
Monitoring and maintaining inventory of cooking supplies and ingredients.

Job Qualifications:

 Culinary degree or equivalent certification preferred.

 Proven experience as a cook or chef, preferably with experience in Filipino
cuisine. Knowledge of traditional Filipino cooking techniques and recipes.
 Understanding of food safety and sanitation regulations.
 Ability to work in a fast-paced kitchen environment.
 Attention to detail and ability to maintain consistent quality.
 Strong time management and organizational skills.

If the business will grow and develop new branches, hiring new personnels in the future
would help our business go beyond further.
Patilaw choco butter nut 09615742362
7th St. Airmen’s Village, BGBNEAB, Lapu-lapu City

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and you may not reproduce this document in whole or in part, or divulge any of its contents without the prior written consent Patilaw.
The things we will consider in hiring a staff are:

1.) Must have experience in baking.

2.) Are willing to follow ethical codes in our business

3.) Obeys the upperhands

4.) Is trustworthy, responsible, respectful, kind, fair, and a good citizen

5.) The staff-to-be must provide NBI Clearance to let us asure the future staff could
provide no harm inside the company's premises.

The company will provide minimum wage, with this, we are only opening our
business 8 hours everyday including the lunch time that covers only for 30 minutes.

Benefits are as follows:

1.) PhilHealth

2.) Social Security System

3.) Pag-IBIG Fund

4.) 13th month pay

5.) Leave w/ Pay

Medical expenses will be shouldered if the accident happened within the

company premises.

Company Worker

Philhealth 50% = 100 Pesos 50% = 100 Pesos

Patilaw choco butter nut 09615742362
7th St. Airmen’s Village, BGBNEAB, Lapu-lapu City

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and you may not reproduce this document in whole or in part, or divulge any of its contents without the prior written consent Patilaw.
SSS 50% = 200 Pesos 50% = 200 Pesos

Pag-IBIG 50% = 100 Pesos 50% = 100 Pesos

The table shows the percentage of contribution and corresponding amount in

pesos for the health card and insurance benefits in the Philippines. The company and
worker both contribute equally to the premiums for Philhealth and Pag-IBIG, while the
contribution for SSS is higher at 200 pesos per month.

13th month pay Equivalent to 1 month pay 10,440

The table shows that the 13th month pay in the Philippines is equivalent to one
month's salary, with a value of 10,440 pesos.

Day All in all amount

Leave w/ pay Sick leave-6 days in 435 2,610

a year

Vacation-6 days 435 2,610

leave in a year

This table shows the computation for sick leave with pay in the Philippines, with 6
days of sick leave entitlement in a year. The amount per day is 435 pesos, and the total
amount for 6 days is 2610 pesos.

Patilaw choco butter nut 09615742362
7th St. Airmen’s Village, BGBNEAB, Lapu-lapu City

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and you may not reproduce this document in whole or in part, or divulge any of its contents without the prior written consent Patilaw.
Employee Name:

Regular pay:

Sick leave:

Vacation leave:

Gross Profit:

Other Deductions




Total Deductions:

Net pay:

Patilaw choco butter nut 09615742362
7th St. Airmen’s Village, BGBNEAB, Lapu-lapu City

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and you may not reproduce this document in whole or in part, or divulge any of its contents without the prior written consent Patilaw.
This is a sample payslip form that can be used for an employee's salary
computation. The employee name, regular pay, sick leave, vacation leave, gross pay,
other deductions, total deductions, and net pay should be indicated on the form.


This section describes the form of the business organization, the liability of the
owner, the organizational structure, the role of the owner, and the proposed salary.
1. Form Business Organization
Chocobutternut Palitaw is handled and owned by a single owner of a business. It
is formed by sole proprietorship because it has overall control over operations and owns
the assets and profits of the business. This small business decided to choose single
proprietorship mainly because it is simplier to set up than any other form of business.
Being a sole proprietorship type of business makes it easier to manage the
business because it is less risky and in terms of taxation, it is the most suitable for a
small business like Chocobutternut Palitaw. The people involved in the business are the
Purchasing Manager/Inventory in Charge, Sales Manager, HR Director, Cook, Content
Strategies, Customer Service Officer, Product Supply Office and Insights Analyst. The
chosen type of business is inexpensive to operate and maintain and was the most
common by some business owners.

2. Liability of the Owner

As owners of Choco Butternut, we bear unlimited liability, which means that we
are personally responsible for all the debts and obligations of the business. In the event
of financial difficulties, we may have to use our personal assets to settle the business's
While this form of liability poses risks, it also provides us with complete control
over the decision-making process of our business. We need to exercise caution and
prudence in our business operations, but having unlimited liability also gives us
complete ownership and control over the success of our business.

Patilaw choco butter nut 09615742362
7th St. Airmen’s Village, BGBNEAB, Lapu-lapu City

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and you may not reproduce this document in whole or in part, or divulge any of its contents without the prior written consent Patilaw.
3. Organizational Structure

Patilaw choco butter nut 09615742362
7th St. Airmen’s Village, BGBNEAB, Lapu-lapu City

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4. Role and Responsibilities


OWNER  Responsible for the development,
stability, direction.
 To facilitate delivery, gathering with
service providers or product
 Oversee the company's day-to-day
 They lay out the strategy and vision.
 They possess the expertise and
power to take decisive action and
remove political and financial
barriers from the way
FINANCIAL MANAGER  Manage a company's financial
situation and work to assure its
 They oversee crucial tasks like
keeping an eye on cash flow,
figuring out profitability, controlling
spending, and creating reliable
financial data.
 Developing cash flow statements.
 Controlling of financial loss risk.

Patilaw choco butter nut 09615742362
7th St. Airmen’s Village, BGBNEAB, Lapu-lapu City

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informational and educational purposes only. You may not use this document except for informational and educational purposes,
and you may not reproduce this document in whole or in part, or divulge any of its contents without the prior written consent Patilaw.
 Generating financial projections.
HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR  Promoting a secure workplace.
 Controlling of employee relations.
 Organizing pay and benefit
 Ensuring that labor rules and
regulations are followed.
 Supporting the growth of employees
INVENTORY IN CHARGE  Monitors and keeps track of current
inventory levels.
 Processing purchase orders as
 monitors orders and looks on
 Records purchases, keeps a
database, counts inventory
physically, and compares the real
stock count to computer-generated
 Analyze sales data and change
inventory levels as necessary to
satisfy demand.
SALES MANAGER  Assembling and managing a sales
force to increase sales.
 Supporting project completion,
keeping an eye on the market, and
studying performance indicators.
 Gathering orders from current or
potential sales outlets while selling

Patilaw choco butter nut 09615742362
7th St. Airmen’s Village, BGBNEAB, Lapu-lapu City

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informational and educational purposes only. You may not use this document except for informational and educational purposes,
and you may not reproduce this document in whole or in part, or divulge any of its contents without the prior written consent Patilaw.
products and attending to consumer
 They make sure consumers are
satisfied and well taken care of.
 Training new sales team members.
CONTENT STRATEGIES  Entails organizing, generating,
revising, and releasing pertinent
material in accordance with the
company's business goals and user
 The primary responsibility of the
strategist is to create a content
strategy that is compliant with and
aims to accomplish business goals.
 Development and application of a
 Ensuring that all firm social media
profiles have the most recent
 Creating a mission and vision
statement for the business
CUSTOMER SERVICE OFFICER  Addressing customer queries and
 Compiling client feedback
 Keeping the lines of communication
open and active.
 Refresh customer records in our
database, adding details of talks
and conclusions.

Patilaw choco butter nut 09615742362
7th St. Airmen’s Village, BGBNEAB, Lapu-lapu City

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informational and educational purposes only. You may not use this document except for informational and educational purposes,
and you may not reproduce this document in whole or in part, or divulge any of its contents without the prior written consent Patilaw.
 Processing payments.
PRODUCT SUPPLY OFFICE  Enhance the effectiveness of the
supply chain overall and search for
any potential process
innovationsOversee the distribution
and manufacturing operations.
 Planning and executing a logistics
strategy will ensure that objectives
are reached.
 Adopt new technology and keep up
with industry trends and
COOK  Operating kitchen equipment.
 The person in charge of preparing
the ingredients.
 Serves food by reading recipes,
putting ingredients together,
blending, and cooking them, all
while keeping the kitchen clean
 Pays attention to the presentation
and details of each order
 Placing and completing orders.

5. Salary Requirements



Patilaw choco butter nut 09615742362
7th St. Airmen’s Village, BGBNEAB, Lapu-lapu City

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informational and educational purposes only. You may not use this document except for informational and educational purposes,
and you may not reproduce this document in whole or in part, or divulge any of its contents without the prior written consent Patilaw.
(Php Peso)
Owner 49,962 23 days 1,149,726 13,796,712 1,581.30 2,400 2,700
Purchasing 36,028 22 days 792,616 9,511,392 1,094.10 2,400 1,350
Sales Manager 30,188 22 days 663,356 7,960,272 952.20 2,400 1,350
HR Director 45,000 22 days 990,000 11,880,000 1,360.70 2,400 1,350
Content 19,000 22 days 418,000 5,016,000 609.30 1,200 900
Customer 18,000 22 days 396,000 4,752,000 578.70 1,200 900
Service Officer
Product Supply 44,000 22 days 968,000 11,616,000 1,334.70 2,400 1,350
Financial 46,720 22 days 1,027,840 12,334,080 1,421.40 2,400 1,350


This section presents the production schedule, production process, equipment

required, sources of materials and estimated production cost.

1. Production schedule

Choco butternut Palitaw provided a detailed production schedule to manage an

organized procedure in order to preserve a smooth course of action. This timetable will
help the organization manage its time more successfully and efficiently. And this helps
us to direct our daily operations.
Patilaw choco butter nut 09615742362
7th St. Airmen’s Village, BGBNEAB, Lapu-lapu City

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informational and educational purposes only. You may not use this document except for informational and educational purposes,
and you may not reproduce this document in whole or in part, or divulge any of its contents without the prior written consent Patilaw.
This timetable provides our day by day step of time for efficiently managing our
time spent cooking and selling.
2. Production Process

7:00 8:30 9:00 9:10 9:30 10:00 10:30 10:35 11:00

Prepare and
Sanitize the
Wear clean
attire and
gloves to start
the cooking
glutinous flour
and cocoa
powder for the
Shaping and
Flattening the
Boil water and
Put the dough

Patilaw choco butter nut 09615742362
7th St. Airmen’s Village, BGBNEAB, Lapu-lapu City

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informational and educational purposes only. You may not use this document except for informational and educational purposes,
and you may not reproduce this document in whole or in part, or divulge any of its contents without the prior written consent Patilaw.
until it floats
Toast the
coconut with
food coloring,
brown sugar
and sesame
Coat the
dough with the
Display the
final product in
the stall

Buying the ingredients and preparing the necessary tools as well as maintaining
hygiene before making the palitaw is the first stage in production process then it is
followed by the procedure of making the palitaw Itself.

Patilaw choco butter nut 09615742362
7th St. Airmen’s Village, BGBNEAB, Lapu-lapu City

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informational and educational purposes only. You may not use this document except for informational and educational purposes,
and you may not reproduce this document in whole or in part, or divulge any of its contents without the prior written consent Patilaw.
3. Equipment Required


(in Philippine peso)
This is used to toast ₱1,000
the ingredients such
as desiccated coconut
and sesame seeds.

Patilaw choco butter nut 09615742362
7th St. Airmen’s Village, BGBNEAB, Lapu-lapu City

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informational and educational purposes only. You may not use this document except for informational and educational purposes,
and you may not reproduce this document in whole or in part, or divulge any of its contents without the prior written consent Patilaw.
Used for boiling or ₱250
cooking large amounts
of food Cost varies
depending on size and

Butane stove is a ₱600
cooking stove
specially designed to
be portable and

Used in as a fuel for ₱25
butane stove

Butane Gas


Patilaw choco butter nut 09615742362
7th St. Airmen’s Village, BGBNEAB, Lapu-lapu City

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informational and educational purposes only. You may not use this document except for informational and educational purposes,
and you may not reproduce this document in whole or in part, or divulge any of its contents without the prior written consent Patilaw.
Used for flipping or stirring ₱50

For serving or mixing ₱20

Used for pouring liquids ₱50

Used for stirring or serving ₱15


Patilaw choco butter nut 09615742362
7th St. Airmen’s Village, BGBNEAB, Lapu-lapu City

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informational and educational purposes only. You may not use this document except for informational and educational purposes,
and you may not reproduce this document in whole or in part, or divulge any of its contents without the prior written consent Patilaw.
Bowl for mixing the glutinous rice and cocoa powder. Gloves for the hygienic way
of flatten the dough. Spoon for mixing the food coloring with water. Pan to cook the
desiccated coconut and sesame seeds. Luwag to mix the desiccated coconut and
sesame seeds properly. Kaldero that have a water to cook the dough. And for the
equipment Stove to cook the product. Butane to light the stove to cook the product.

Patilaw choco butter nut 09615742362
7th St. Airmen’s Village, BGBNEAB, Lapu-lapu City

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informational and educational purposes only. You may not use this document except for informational and educational purposes,
and you may not reproduce this document in whole or in part, or divulge any of its contents without the prior written consent Patilaw.
4. Materials
The materials used in production are both accurate and of high quality is
essential to maintain smooth operations and improve the overall quality of the finished

Glutinous Rice 70.00
Cocoa powder 150.00
Sesame seeds 70.00
Desiccated Coconut 100.00
Sugar 20.00
Food coloring 25.00
Water 10.00
Nutmeg 80.00
Plastic Gloves 30.00
Plastics 10.00

5 Sources of materials
Local Markets:
Local markets in the Cebu are often a great source for fresh and traditional ingredients
required for Palitaw, such as glutinous rice flour, coconut, sugar, and sesame seeds.
We establish relationships with local suppliers and farmers to ensure a steady supply of
high-quality ingredients.

Patilaw choco butter nut 09615742362
7th St. Airmen’s Village, BGBNEAB, Lapu-lapu City

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informational and educational purposes only. You may not use this document except for informational and educational purposes,
and you may not reproduce this document in whole or in part, or divulge any of its contents without the prior written consent Patilaw.
Wholesale Suppliers:
We connect with wholesale suppliers who specialize in Filipino or Asian food
ingredients. These suppliers often have a wide range of products and can provide bulk
quantities of essential ingredients for Palitaw at competitive prices.

6. Estimated production cost

The work that people do to produce goods and services is referred to as labor.
The overall The total of all wages, benefits, and payroll taxes paid to and for everyone is
the cost of labor. employees. There are two categories: direct labor expenses and
indirect labor costs.


Executive chef ₱450 ₱11,700
Cook ₱435 ₱11,310
Packaging manager ₱450 ₱11,700
Packaging Staff ₱435 ₱11,310
General manager ₱1,000 ₱26,000
Deputy manager ₱800 ₱20,800
Assistant manager ₱600 ₱15,600
Production manager ₱450 ₱11,700
Operating manager ₱450 ₱11,700
HR manager ₱450 ₱11,700
Marketing manager ₱450 ₱11,700
Financing and accounting ₱450 ₱11,700
Customer Service Officer ₱450 ₱11,700

Delivery manager ₱450 ₱11,700

Patilaw choco butter nut 09615742362
7th St. Airmen’s Village, BGBNEAB, Lapu-lapu City

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informational and educational purposes only. You may not use this document except for informational and educational purposes,
and you may not reproduce this document in whole or in part, or divulge any of its contents without the prior written consent Patilaw.
Accounting staff ₱435 ₱11,310
Purchasing In-charge ₱435 ₱11,310
Inventory In-charge ₱435 ₱11,310
Sales staff ₱435 ₱11,310
TOTAL LABOR COST ₱7,750 ₱219,750


This section presents the evaluation of suppliers, purchase procedures, storage

and inventory control, and sales procedures.

1. Evaluate on of Suppliers

Suppliers play a critical role in the successful operation of Choco Butternut

business as they provide high-quality goods and supplies. Maintaining a positive
relationship with suppliers is essential for the growth and development of the
business. Therefore, it is important to assess the consistency and quality of supplies
provided by suppliers.

The evaluation process involves assessing and approving the quality of

supplies to ensure that the business maintains its quality management. Employees
are responsible for evaluating the supplies required for the production of goods to
ensure the business has control over its quality management. Suppliers of ingredients
and materials are essential in providing the necessary services for the business to
offer goods and services to its customers.

CRITERIA 1 2 3 4 5

Patilaw choco butter nut 09615742362
7th St. Airmen’s Village, BGBNEAB, Lapu-lapu City

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and you may not reproduce this document in whole or in part, or divulge any of its contents without the prior written consent Patilaw.

Table Above Depicts product evaluate on for the

month of April

2. Purchase Procedures

1. Product and Supply Office-in-charge is required to provide a list showing the

needed ingredients and the estimated prices to be funded and send it to the Financial

2. The Financial Manager will provide the money to be used after analyzing the prices
of the ingredients needed.

3. After purchasing the ingredients from our trusted suppliers, the Purchase Manager
and Supply-in-charge will inspect every ingredients if it's in good quality and turns
back the money remaining to Financial Manager.

4. The Inventory Control-in-charge will organize the ingredients where it needed to be


5. Lasty, the Product Manager signs the receipts to document the payment and
business transactions.

Patilaw choco butter nut 09615742362
7th St. Airmen’s Village, BGBNEAB, Lapu-lapu City

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and you may not reproduce this document in whole or in part, or divulge any of its contents without the prior written consent Patilaw.
3. Storage and Inventory Control

One of our ethical values is to always make sure that ingredients are always
secure to produce a good quality product,by this, ingredients needed are utilized and
uses the excess left. As long as it's unused, edible and can't harm no one, we are not
wasting it and rather used it for the making Palitaw next time. After every making of
Palitaw, we checked what are the ingredients left and kept it inside the refrigerator to
prevent spoiling and those ingredients that are already used completely are listed.

We always bought ingredients that we could reuse for another recipe to save
money. Ergo, keeping an eye in every materials and ingredients that we have is a
must and if ever there's something that must be bought, we assure to also
immediately provide it.

Patilaw choco butter nut 09615742362
7th St. Airmen’s Village, BGBNEAB, Lapu-lapu City

Disclaimer This document includes confidential and proprietary information of and regarding Patilaw. This document is provided for
informational and educational purposes only. You may not use this document except for informational and educational purposes,
and you may not reproduce this document in whole or in part, or divulge any of its contents without the prior written consent Patilaw.
Sales Procedures

Patilaw choco butter nut 09615742362
7th St. Airmen’s Village, BGBNEAB, Lapu-lapu City

Disclaimer This document includes confidential and proprietary information of and regarding Patilaw. This document is provided for
informational and educational purposes only. You may not use this document except for informational and educational purposes,
and you may not reproduce this document in whole or in part, or divulge any of its contents without the prior written consent Patilaw.
Shipment System and Control

Logistics Partner:
 Identify a reliable logistics partner or shipping company to handle the
transportation of your Palitaw products.
 Ensure they have experience in handling food items and are familiar with the
necessary regulations and requirements.
Packaging and Labeling:
 Develop packaging solutions that ensure the freshness and quality of your
Palitaw during transportation.
 Consider using sealed containers or packaging that protects the product from
moisture and physical damage.
 Design and include labels on the packaging that comply with regulatory
requirements and provide information about the product, ingredients, allergens,
and shelf life.
Inventory Management:
 Implement an inventory management system to track stock levels and ensure
efficient shipment planning.
 Regularly monitor inventory levels to avoid stockouts or excess inventory.
 Set up reorder points and establish a streamlined process for reordering
ingredients and packaging materials.
Order Fulfillment:
 Develop an order fulfillment process that includes receiving, processing, and
packaging customer orders.
 Ensure accuracy in order picking and packaging to minimize errors and customer
 Streamline the process to enable timely order fulfillment and meet customer

Patilaw choco butter nut 09615742362
7th St. Airmen’s Village, BGBNEAB, Lapu-lapu City

Disclaimer This document includes confidential and proprietary information of and regarding Patilaw. This document is provided for
informational and educational purposes only. You may not use this document except for informational and educational purposes,
and you may not reproduce this document in whole or in part, or divulge any of its contents without the prior written consent Patilaw.
Function of Support Services:

Quality Control:
 Establish quality control procedures to ensure that the Palitaw products meet the
highest standards of taste, texture, and appearance.
 Conduct regular quality checks during production to identify and address any
deviations or issues.
 Implement quality assurance measures to maintain consistency and customer
Food Safety and Hygiene:
 Adhere to strict food safety and hygiene protocols throughout the production
 Train employees on proper food handling, sanitation, and hygiene practices.
Regularly conduct inspections and audits to ensure compliance with food safety
Customer Service:
 Develop a customer service strategy to handle inquiries, feedback, and
complaints from customers.
 Train customer service representatives to provide prompt and helpful responses,
ensuring customer satisfaction.
 Implement processes for gathering and analyzing customer feedback to
continuously improve the quality of your Palitaw and customer experience.
Supplier Management:
 Establish strong relationships with suppliers to ensure a consistent and reliable
supply of high-quality ingredients.
 Regularly assess supplier performance and conduct audits to maintain quality
 Collaborate with suppliers to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance the
overall supply chain.

Patilaw choco butter nut 09615742362
7th St. Airmen’s Village, BGBNEAB, Lapu-lapu City

Disclaimer This document includes confidential and proprietary information of and regarding Patilaw. This document is provided for
informational and educational purposes only. You may not use this document except for informational and educational purposes,
and you may not reproduce this document in whole or in part, or divulge any of its contents without the prior written consent Patilaw.

This section contains the following of the marketing mix: product, place, price,
promotion, people, packaging, positioning.

1. Product

A Palitaw, named Patilaw Choco Butternut is a flat, sweet rice cake eaten in the
Philippines that will satusfy the customers' taste buds in ebery bite of it. This product is
inspired by the brilliant mind of the Filipinos in making a food that were innovated from
the amazing ways of our company's people.
We created a new version of Palitaw by having a delicious chocolate butternut
filling that melts on your tongue and is very chewy once eaten along with the dessicated
coconut and sugar as toppings. The Choco butternut palitaw is made with sticky rice
flour, condensed milk, brown sugar, and margarine. The interior is filled with chocolate
butternut and the toppings are sugar and desiccated coconut.

2. Place

Our business is located at 7th Street Mactan Benito Ebuen Air Base, Lapu-Lapu
City. We chose this place to hold our business because our target audience is students.
We believe that most of the students will most likely buy from our business because of
our products, which include snacks.

3. Price

Evaluating the quality, tasteness, and visuals, ten (10) pesos each is the suited
price for our product, Palitaw. Our product assures everyone's taste buds to be
delightful in every bite considering the uniqueness of its flavors and the love for the job

Patilaw choco butter nut 09615742362
7th St. Airmen’s Village, BGBNEAB, Lapu-lapu City

Disclaimer This document includes confidential and proprietary information of and regarding Patilaw. This document is provided for
informational and educational purposes only. You may not use this document except for informational and educational purposes,
and you may not reproduce this document in whole or in part, or divulge any of its contents without the prior written consent Patilaw.
that were added in every Palitaw making. We may have similarities to the direct
competitors regarding the snack but ours, Palitaw, offers crazylicious taste in people's
unique taste.

4. Promotion
Choco Butternut use a different kinds of promotional strategies to effectively
reach its target customers. Among these strategies are free product and sample
giveaways, social media marketing, and word-of-mouth marketing.
Offering free product samples and giveaways is an effective way to capture the
attention and interest of potential customers. By providing free samples, we allow
customers to try our products without any obligation to purchase. This approach not
only attracts new customers but also helps us receive valuable feedback on our
We also utilize social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram to reach
a wider audience and engage with customers. Our social media presence not only helps
us reach to out potential customers but also boosts our brand awareness. This is
especially important as social media users will note the existence of our business and
its availability for inquiries on product information, purchasing options, and other related
Additionally, we rely on word-of-mouth marketing to further promote our products.
This strategy involves encouraging satisfied customers to spread the word about our
business to their friends and family. Through word-of-mouth marketing, we are able to
attract new customers and increase brand awareness, especially when we personally
persuade acquaintances about our products.
By utilizing a combination of free product and sample giveaways, social media
marketing, and word-of-mouth marketing, Choco Butternut is able to effectively promote
its products and reach its target consumers.

Patilaw choco butter nut 09615742362
7th St. Airmen’s Village, BGBNEAB, Lapu-lapu City

Disclaimer This document includes confidential and proprietary information of and regarding Patilaw. This document is provided for
informational and educational purposes only. You may not use this document except for informational and educational purposes,
and you may not reproduce this document in whole or in part, or divulge any of its contents without the prior written consent Patilaw.
5. People
Choco Butternut utilizes the "people" strategy to understand the preferences of
both its employees and target customers. The company implements proper training and
guidelines for employees to ensure that they are knowledgeable about the products and
can provide excellent customer service. This includes assisting customers with any
questions they may have about the products and providing personalized product
Having employees who are knowledgeable and customer-oriented helps to
create a positive image for the business and build customer loyalty. In addition, Choco
Butternut provides customer service support to address any issues or concerns that
customers may have. This helps to build trust and reliability between the business and
its customers, ultimately leading to increased sales and profitability.

6. Packaging
The Patilaw Choco Butternut, a Palitaw, is placed in a cleaned plastic container
to not mess up the product when direct marketing to the customers. The packaging may
be simple but our number one priority is to make it safe to the consumers and more
importantly, our packaging is user-friendly since it's easy to store and it's easy for the
consumers to see the product in a see-through plastic container. It's also a way for us to
prevent complaints and customer's health if we're regarding the packaging.

7. Positioning
Using our tagline, "Palitaw? Patilaw" we are positioning this catchy phrase on our
dear customer's mind. We would like them to remember that our Palitaw is as unique as
our mind and it tastes delicious than others. We assured to our beloved customers that
they won't forget our Palitaw quickly because we make sure we satisfy them with visual
and the savoriness of every bite.

Patilaw choco butter nut 09615742362
7th St. Airmen’s Village, BGBNEAB, Lapu-lapu City

Disclaimer This document includes confidential and proprietary information of and regarding Patilaw. This document is provided for
informational and educational purposes only. You may not use this document except for informational and educational purposes,
and you may not reproduce this document in whole or in part, or divulge any of its contents without the prior written consent Patilaw.
H. Financial Plan

1. Financial Position



For The Month Ended on April 30, 2023


Current Assets

Cash ₱1605

Trade & Other Receivables ₱200

Inventory (₱150)

Total Current Assets ₱1955



Current liabilities

Trade & Other Payables ₱350

Total Liabilities ₱350

Owner's Equity

Patilaw, Capital ₱1605

Total ₱1955

Patilaw choco butter nut 09615742362
7th St. Airmen’s Village, BGBNEAB, Lapu-lapu City

Disclaimer This document includes confidential and proprietary information of and regarding Patilaw. This document is provided for
informational and educational purposes only. You may not use this document except for informational and educational purposes,
and you may not reproduce this document in whole or in part, or divulge any of its contents without the prior written consent Patilaw.
2. Statement of Comprehensive Income

Patilaw Choco Butternut

Income Statement

For the month ended of april 30, 2023

Revenue P2120

Less: Cost of sales (P715)

Gross Profit P1405

Less: Operating Expenses

Permits and Licenses (P460)

Total Expenses (P460)

Net Income P945

Patilaw choco butter nut 09615742362
7th St. Airmen’s Village, BGBNEAB, Lapu-lapu City

Disclaimer This document includes confidential and proprietary information of and regarding Patilaw. This document is provided for
informational and educational purposes only. You may not use this document except for informational and educational purposes,
and you may not reproduce this document in whole or in part, or divulge any of its contents without the prior written consent Patilaw.
3. Statement of changes in owner’s equity



Patilaw, Capital, Beginning ₱350

Add: Net Income ₱1255

total ₱1605

Patilaw choco butter nut 09615742362
7th St. Airmen’s Village, BGBNEAB, Lapu-lapu City

Disclaimer This document includes confidential and proprietary information of and regarding Patilaw. This document is provided for
informational and educational purposes only. You may not use this document except for informational and educational purposes,
and you may not reproduce this document in whole or in part, or divulge any of its contents without the prior written consent Patilaw.
A. Appendix

1. Licenses and Permits Documentation

Patilaw choco butter nut 09615742362
7th St. Airmen’s Village, BGBNEAB, Lapu-lapu City

Disclaimer This document includes confidential and proprietary information of and regarding Patilaw. This document is provided for
informational and educational purposes only. You may not use this document except for informational and educational purposes,
and you may not reproduce this document in whole or in part, or divulge any of its contents without the prior written consent Patilaw.
2. Product Illustrations or product packaging samples

Patilaw choco butter nut 09615742362
7th St. Airmen’s Village, BGBNEAB, Lapu-lapu City

Disclaimer This document includes confidential and proprietary information of and regarding Patilaw. This document is provided for
informational and educational purposes only. You may not use this document except for informational and educational purposes,
and you may not reproduce this document in whole or in part, or divulge any of its contents without the prior written consent Patilaw.
3. Marketing Brochures

Patilaw choco butter nut 09615742362
7th St. Airmen’s Village, BGBNEAB, Lapu-lapu City

Disclaimer This document includes confidential and proprietary information of and regarding Patilaw. This document is provided for
informational and educational purposes only. You may not use this document except for informational and educational purposes,
and you may not reproduce this document in whole or in part, or divulge any of its contents without the prior written consent Patilaw.
4. Business Forms

4.1 Sales Invoice

Patilaw choco butter nut 09615742362
7th St. Airmen’s Village, BGBNEAB, Lapu-lapu City

Disclaimer This document includes confidential and proprietary information of and regarding Patilaw. This document is provided for
informational and educational purposes only. You may not use this document except for informational and educational purposes,
and you may not reproduce this document in whole or in part, or divulge any of its contents without the prior written consent Patilaw.
4.2 Purchase Order

Patilaw choco butter nut 09615742362
7th St. Airmen’s Village, BGBNEAB, Lapu-lapu City

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informational and educational purposes only. You may not use this document except for informational and educational purposes,
and you may not reproduce this document in whole or in part, or divulge any of its contents without the prior written consent Patilaw.
4.3 Business Official Receipt

Patilaw choco butter nut 09615742362
7th St. Airmen’s Village, BGBNEAB, Lapu-lapu City

Disclaimer This document includes confidential and proprietary information of and regarding Patilaw. This document is provided for
informational and educational purposes only. You may not use this document except for informational and educational purposes,
and you may not reproduce this document in whole or in part, or divulge any of its contents without the prior written consent Patilaw.

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