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3 main domains of human devt

1. cognitive
2 psychosocial
3. physical

Effects of Stress
1 anxiety
2 panic
3 tension
4 misery dejection

Drugs that damage our brain

1 inhalant
2 marijuana
3 shabu

Personal development
may be defined as a process in which persons reflect upon themselves, understand who they
are, accept what they discover about themselves, and learn new set of values, attitudes,
behavior, and thinking skills to reach their fullest potential as a human beings.

What could be the three Aspects or domains of Human development?

1. Physical Development – Which covers the growth of the body and the brain, motor and
sensory skills, and even physical health;
2. Cognitive Development – Which covers our capacity to learn, to speak, to understand, to
reason, and to create;
3. Psychosocial Development – Which includes our social interactions with other people,
our emotions, attitudes, self-identity, personality, beliefs and values

What are the three influencing category on Human Development?

or the inborn traits passed on by the generations of offspring's from both sides of the
biological parent’s families;
2.Environment is the world outside of ourselves and the experiences that result from our
contact and interaction with this external world
3.Maturation is the natural progression of the brain and the body that affects the cognitive
(thinking and intelligence), psychological (emotions, attitude, and self-identity), and social
(relationships) dimension of a person.

ideal self
is the self that you aspire to be. It is the one that you hope will possess characteristics
similar to that of a mentor figure.

actual self
however, is the one that you actually see. It is the self that has characteristics that you are
nurtured or, in some cases, born to have. It is built on self-knowledge

Self Concept
refers to your awareness of yourself. It is the construct that negotiates these two selves. It
connotes first the identification of the ideal self as separate from others and second, it
encompasses all the behaviors evaluated in the actual self that you engage in to reach the
ideal self

Is derived from social interaction that provide insight into how others react to you.
ACTUAL SELF – is who we actually are, how we feel, look and think. It is our self-image.

Social Roles
The negotiation that exist between actual self and ideal self are exemplified in social roles
that are adjusted and re-adjusted. Are derived from outcomes of social interactions from
infant to adult development.

Personal Effectiveness means making use of all the personal resources – talent, skills,
energy and time, to enable you to achieve life goals.

TALENT first need to be identified and then develop to be used in a particular subject area
(science, literature, sports and politics

EXPERIENCE includes knowledge and skills that we acquire in the process of cognitive and
practical activities

KNOWLEDGE is required for setting goals, defining an action plan to achieve them and risk

SKILLS also determine whether real action are performed in accordance with the plan. If  the
same ability is used many times in the same situation, then it becomes the habit that runs
automatically, subconsciously.

The BRAIN STEM connects the spinal cord and the brain. It controls functions hat keep
people alive such as breathing, heart rate, blood pressure and food digestion.

The CEREBELLUM, this region controls voluntary movement. When you want to lift your fork,
wave your hand, brush your hair or wink at your crush. This area translate your will into

NEURONS is the basic functional units of the nervous system, are three part units  and
a key to brain functions.
●Nerve cells

Parietal lobe helps people understand what they see and feel.
➢Frontal Lobe determines personality and emotions.
➢Occipital Lobe is where the vision function is.
➢Temporal Lobe is where the hearing and word recognition abilities are.

Stress is defined as a reaction of the mind and body to a stimulus that disturbs the well-
being, state of calm, or equilibrium of a person.

PERSONAL TIMELINE portrays the influential events and happenings of a person’s life so
that he can understand where he has gone  wrong and right in the past. It helps to plan the
future in a better and constructive way.


Basic Trust vs. Mistrust – Hope
•During the first or second year of life, the major emphasis is on the mother and father’s
nurturing ability and care for a child, especially in terms of visual contact and touch. The
child will develop optimism, trust, confidence, and security if properly cared for and handled.
•If a child does not experience trust, he or she may develop insecurity, worthlessness, and
general mistrust to the world.


Autonomy vs. Shame – Will
•The second stage occurs between 18 months and 3 years. At this point, the child has an
opportunity to build self-esteem and autonomy as he or she learns new skills and right from
•The well-cared for child is sure of himself, carrying himself or herself with pride rather than
shame. During this time of the “terrible twos”, defiance, temper tantrums, and stubbornness
can also appear.


Initiative vs. Guilt
•They learns that being assertive, using power, and being purposeful can influence their
•Develop sense of purpose
•Starts to evaluate one’s behavior


Industry vs. Inferiority
•During this stage, often called the Latency, we are capable of learning, creating and
accomplishing numerous new skills and knowledge, thus developing a sense of
•This is also a very social stage of development and if we experience unresolved feelings of
inadequacy and inferiority among our peers, we can have serious problems in terms of
competence and self-esteem.


Identity vs. Role Confusion
•Development depends on what is done to a person. At this point, development now depends
primarily upon what a person does.
•An adolescent must struggle to discover and find his or her own identity, while negotiating
and struggling with social interactions and “fitting in”, and developing a sense of morality
and right from wrong.


Intimacy vs. Isolation
•At the young adult stage, people tend to seek companionship and love. Some also
begin to “settle down” and start families, although seems to have been pushed back
farther in recent years.
•Young adults seek deep intimacy and satisfying relationships, but if unsuccessful,
isolation may occur. Significant relationships at this stage are with marital partners and


Generativity vs. Stagnation
•Career and work are the most important things at this stage, along with family. Middle
adulthood is also the time when people can take on greater responsibilities and
•For this stage, working to establish stability and Erikson’s idea of generativity –
attempting to produce something that makes a difference to society. Inactivity and
meaninglessness are common fears during this stage.


Integrity vs. Despair
•Erikson believed that much of life is preparing for the middle adulthood stage and the
last stage involves much reflection.
•As older adults, some can look back with a feeling of integrity — that is, contentment and
fulfillment, having led a meaningful life and valuable contribution to society

Robert J. Havighurst elaborated on the developmental tasks theory in the most systematic
and extensive manner. His main assertion is that development is continuous throughout the
entire life span, occurring in stages, where the individual moves from one stage to the next
by means of successful resolution of problems or performance of developmental tasks.

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