Revision 5

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Student’s name: ……………………………………. Class: 6A………… Date: ……….

I. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.
1. A. rose B. fond C. code D. stone
2. A. shoulder B. sound C. count D. around
3. A. tower B. owl C. crown D. show
4. A. how B. show C. follow D. pillow
5. A. south B. house C. soul D. noun
6. A. solar B. motor C. ocean D. cottage
7. A. house B. around C. south D. though
8. A. this B. think C. thank D. thieves
9. A. gather B. bathe C. birthday D. weather
10. A. tooth B. breathe C. through D. earth
11. A. than B. mouth C. thin D. Thursday
12. A. brother B. both C. things D. wealthy
13. A. there B. theater C. earth D. anything
14. A. author B. those C. the D. them
15. A. neither C. this C. thunder D. smooth
II. Choose the word with the different stress pattern.
1. A. vulnerable B. satellite C. hi-tech D. element
2. A. system B. solar C. dishwasher D. environment
3. A. materials B. rubbish C. athletic D. requirement
4. A. windsurfing B. equipment C. amateur D. recognize
5. A. cartoon B. musician C. comedian D. president
6. A. programme B. national C. factory D. material
7. A. pollution B. disappear C. recycle D. reusable
8. A. exchange B. career C. goggles D. compete
9. A. future B. machine C. intention D. appliance
III. Choose the best option to complete the following sentences.
A. Singapore is an island country of about three million people. It’s a beautiful (1) ................ with lots of green parks and
open spaces so it’s a very (2) ................ city. Most people (3) ................ in high-rise flats in different parts of island. The
business district is very modern with lots of high new office buildings. Singapore also has some nice older sections. In
Chinatown, there are rows of old short houses. The government buildings in Singapore is very beautiful and it is famous
for (4) ................ shops and restaurants. There are many good shopping centers. Most of the (5) ................ are free of duty.
Singapore’s restaurants sell Chinese, Indian, and European food, and the prices are quite reasonable.
1. A. district B. town C. city D. village
2. A. large B. dirty C. small D. clean
3. A. live B. lives C. are living D. lived
4. A. their B. the C. it’s D. its
5. A. priced B. prices C. goods D. good
B. Our future house will be on the ocean. It will be surrounded by tall trees and blue sea. But we only have salt water in
the ocean. We need fresh water for (1) __________ and for growing food (2) __________ farms. Ocean water is too salty
to drink. It is also too salty for watering plants. We must have the (3) __________ to make (4) __________ water from
salty water. We should be (5) __________ not to waste water.
1. A. drinking B. drink C. to drink D. drinks
2. A. in B. on C. at D. for
3. A. things B. suggestions C. problems D. ways
4. A. polluted B. contaminated C. fresh D. salty
5. A. careful B. careless C. carefully D. carelessly
C. Recycling is very good for the environment. For example, we make paper (1) _______ trees. If we recycle old paper,
we will (2) _______ many trees. Recycling uses less energy and helps control pollution.
There are three steps for recycling: (3) _______ , sorting and processing. We can recycle a lot of things such as
newspapers, magazines, books, cans, etc. Plastic is also a common recyclable product. We can recycle plastic bottles,
plastic bags and many (4) _______ items. We can recycle glass, too. Jars, broken pieces of glass and other glass products
can be recycled.
Put (5) _______ bins around the house and in the neighbourhood, and we can have things to recycle.
1. A. from B. on C. in D. at
2. A. cut B. get C. save D. have
3. A. marking B. doing C. buying D. collecting
4. A. good B. another C. other D. others
5. A. recycle B. recycled C. recycling D. recyclable
IV. Read and circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions:
A. Life in 100 years will be very different from now. We will travel by flying car. All we will need to do is to choose a
place on a screen inside the car. Then, we will just sit and relax because the car will drive itself. The car will take us
anywhere in a very short time. Traffic problems will be the thing of the past. Also, we don’t need to go to the supermarket
to do the shopping. We will buy things from home with a click of the mouse on the computer. We will have holidays on
others planets. We won’t have to do the housework as our robots will do all the housework for us. They will cook our
favourite meals and do the washing – up afterwards.
1. How will we travel in 100 years?
A. By plane B. By train C. By flying car D. By car
2. When we want to go to a place, we will just need to __________
A. tell the car the name of the place. C. type the name of the place on your phone.
B. choose the place on a screen inside the car. D. click of the mouse on the computer.
3. We will __________ to drive our car.
A. not need B. need C. need someone D. have to
4. Traffic jams __________.
A. will happen B. will get worse. C. will become serious D. will not happen
5. How will we do our shopping?
A. We will go to the supermarket to do our shopping.
B. The robots will do the shopping for us.
C. We will use the computer to do our shopping.
D. The robots will take you to the shopping mall.
B. More than two hundred years ago, the term “Environmental pollution” was very strange to people. They lived
healthily, drank pure water, and breathed fresh air. Nowadays the situation is quite different. People all over the world are
worried about things that are happening to the environment. Actually, it is man that is destroying the surroundings with
many kinds of wastes. Everybody knows that motorbikes and cars emit dangerous gases that cause poisonous air and
cancer, but no one wants to travel on foot or by bicycle. Manufacturers know that wastes from factories make water and
soil polluted, but they do not want to spend a lot of their money on treating the wastes safely. Scattering garbage is bad
for our health, but no one wants to spend time burying it. Is it worth talking a lot about pollution?
1. What was strange to people more than two hundred years ago?
A. Environment B. Environmental pollution
C. Pure water D. Fresh air
2. How did people live in the past?
A. They lived healthily B. They breathed fresh air
C. They drank pure water D. All of these
3. Who is destroying the surroundings nowadays?
A. The environment itself B. People from other planets
C. It is man D. Animals
4. Is scattering garbage good or bad for our health?
A. Yes, it is B. No, it isn’t C. It is good D. It is bad
5. Which of the followings is not true?
A. In former days, people led a healthy life.
B. People have no awareness of the dangerous of pollution.
C. Water is now heavily contaminated by industrial waste.
D. It's harmful for our health if rubbish is spread our areas.
V. Rewrite each sentence, using the word given in the brackets.
1. My computer didn’t work last night, so I couldn’t email you. (because)
→ _________________________________________________________________________________.
2. Because they were hungry, they ate all the food left in the fridge. (so)
→ _________________________________________________________________________________.
3. No one in Vietnam entertainment industry is more scandalous than Chi Pu.
→ _________________________________________________________________________________.
4. If you don’t pay attention, you will lose the game.
→ _________________________________________________________________________________.
5. Our sources of energy will soon end if we don't try to save them. (Unless)
→ _________________________________________________________________________________.
6. Unless John is nervous, he will pass the driving exam. (If)
→ _________________________________________________________________________________.
7. No one in our football team is more skillful than Quang Hai. (most)
→ __________________________________________________________________________________.
VI. Reorder the words to make meaningful sentences.
1. most/ world/ one/ cathedrals / Notre Dame/ famous/ is/ of/ the/ in/ the/.
→ _____________________________________________________________________________.
2. more/ playing/ can/ Playing/ be/ interesting/ soccer/ than/ badminton/.
→ _____________________________________________________________________________.
3. than/ intelligent/ more/ never/ Robots/ will/ humans/ be/.
→ _____________________________________________________________________________.
4. chance/ if/ I/ have/ the/ discover/ a/ I/ will/ Sahara/ desert/.
→ _____________________________________________________________________________.
5. the water,/ Unless/ throw/ be/ trash/ into / there/ you/ will/ no/ water pollution/ . /
→ _____________________________________________________________________________.
6. people/ in/ driverless/ a few/ travel/ years' time? /in/Will/cars
→ _____________________________________________________________________________.
I. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.
1-B 2-A 3-D 4-A 5 -C
6-D 7-D 8-A 9-C 10 - B
11 - A 12 - A 13 - A 14 - A 15 - C
II. Choose the word with the different stress pattern.
1-C 2-D 3-B 4-B 5-D
6-D 7-B 8-C 9-A
III. Choose the best option to complete the following sentences.
A. city, clean, live, its, goods
B. drinking, on, ways, fresh, careful
C. from, save, collecting, other, recycling
IV. Read and circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions:
A. 1C, 2B, 3A, 4D, 5C
B. 1B, 2D, 3C, 4D, 5B
V. Rewrite each sentence, using the word given in the brackets.
1. My computer didn’t work last night, so I couldn’t email you. (because)
→ I couldn’t email you because my computer didn’t work last night.
2. Because they were hungry, they ate all the food left in the fridge. (so)
→ They were hungry, so they ate all the food left in the fridge.
3. No one in Vietnam entertainment industry is more scandalous than Chi Pu.
→ Chi Pu is the most scandalous person in Vietnam entertainment industry.
4. If you don’t pay attention, you will lose the game.
→ Unless you pay attention, you will lose the game.
5. Our sources of energy will soon end if we don't try to save them. (Unless)
 Our sources of energy will soon end unless we try to save them.
6. Unless John is nervous, he will pass the driving exam. (If)
 If John isn’t nervous, he will pass the driving exam.
 If John is nervous, he won’t pass the driving exam.
7. No one in our football team is more skillful than Quang Hai. (most)
 Quang Hai is the most skillful player in our football team.
VI. Reorder the words to make meaningful sentences.
7. most/ world/ one/ cathedrals / Notre Dame/ famous/ is/ of/ the/ in/ the/.
 Notre Dame is one of the most famous cathedrals in the world.
8. more/ playing/ can/ Playing/ be/ interesting/ soccer/ than/ badminton/.
 Playing soccer can be more interesting than playing badminton.
 Playing badminton can be more interesting than playing soccer.
9. than/ intelligent/ more/ never/ Robots/ will/ humans/ be/.
 Robots will never be more intelligent than humans.
10. chance/ if/ I/ have/ the/ discover/ a/ I/ will/ Sahara/ desert/.
 I will discover the Sahara desert if I have a chance.
11. the water,/ Unless/ throw/ be/ trash/ into / there/ you/ will/ no/ water pollution/ . /
 Unless you throw trash into the water, there will be no water pollution.
12. people/ in/ driverless/ a few/ travel/ years' time? /in/Will/cars
 Will people travel in driverless cars in a few years’ time?

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