Grade11 - World History

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Name: ______________________________________ Nickname: ______________________

Class: 11 – Global History Date: May 26, 2023 Date Submitted: ____________________

Activity #1: Human Migration Map Activity

I. Analyze the map and answer the following questions.

1. What is the main idea of this map? In other words, what does this map show?
2. When did people first begin to migrate? Where did they first migrate from?
3. What allowed people to migrate further south in North America after 10,000 BC?
4. According to the map how long did it take humans to reach all of the islands in the Pacific Ocean? Why do you
think it took so long from humans to reach these islands?
5. THINKER (Answer cannot be found on the map): How do you think the sea ice and ice sheets helped humans
migrate throughout the world?
Indicators: SO 4.1 G. 10-12/1 Be aware of the importance of historical times and periods indicating changes in the development of

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