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- What : Information

- Sub-what : how families spent their weekly income

- Where : in one country

- When : 1968 and 2018

- How : Percentage of weekly income

The bar chart shows the information on how families

spent their weekly income in one country within 1968

and 2018. The information is shown in percentage.

- What : The recapitulation

- Sub-what : the expenditures devoted by civilians

- Where : in a particular area

- When : in two different years

- How : Percentage of weekly income

The provided bar chart depicts the recapitulation

of expenditures devoted by civilians in a particular

area within two different years (1968 and 2018).

It appears that the expenditure is shown in a percentage

of weekly wages.


Overall/At Glance/In Hindsight/Generally

Overall, it seems that civilians in 1968 prioritised their

expenditures for food supplies rather than others. However, in

2018, people tent to spend their wages for leisure activities.


Furthermore, Housing and transport are both plunged substantially to around

5 - 8%. Meanwhile Clothing, Footwear and Personal goods went

otherwise to around 3-5% decrement followed by Fuel and Power

that experienced small number of decrement. Lastly, the expenditure of

Household Goods remained stable from 1968 until 2018.


Lastly, food and leisure which contributed the highest expenditures,

contributed approximately 18% decrement to the last year in 2018.

While, Leisure devoted roughly 16% increment which proved that

civilians in 2018 have been through a lot of mindset transformation

regarding the amount of wages that they have to spend on.

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