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Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the

Award of degree of:
Bachelor of technology
(Civil engineering)
Submitted by:
RISHABH DEV (2002860009005)

AMIT KUMAR (1902860000001)

MUSKAN RAM (1902860000005)

PRESHIKA TAMANG (1902860000006)

Under the Guidance of


This certify that the thesis entitled “USE OF PLASTIC WASTE IN ROAD
CONSTRUCTION” submitted by RISHABH DEV (2002860009005),
MUSKAN RAM (1902860000005), AMIT KUMAR (1902860000001),
PRESHIKA TAMANG (1902860000006) in the partial fulfilment of the
requirements for the award of bachelor degree in Civil Engineering at
carried out by them under my supervision and guidance.
To the best of knowledge, the matter embodied in the thesis has not
been submitted to any other University/Institute for the award of
any degree or diploma.
Date: .................... Asst. Prof. MR. DEEPAK


We hereby declare that project work on “USE OF PLASTIC WASTE IN

INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY” is a record of an original work done by
us under the guidance of Asst. Prof. MR. DEEPAK this project work is
submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the award of
degree of bachelor of technology in Civil Engineering. The results
embodied in this thesis have not submitted to any other University
or Institute for the award of any Degree or Diploma.

Submitted to: Submitted by:


RISHABH DEV (2002860009005)
AMIT KUMAR (1902860000001)
MUSKAN RAM (1902860000005)
PRESHIKA TAMANG (1902860000006)


We have taken efforts in this project. However, it would not have

been possible without the kind support and help of many individuals
and organisations. We would like to extend my sincere thanks to all
of them.
We are highly indebted to Asst. Prof.MR. DEEPAK for their guidance
and constant supervision as well for providing necessary information
regarding the project & also for their support in completing the
We would like to express my gratitude towards my parents and
members for their kind co-operation and encouragement which help
me in completion of this project.
We would like express our special gratitude and thanks to industry
persons for giving us such attention and time.
Our thanks and appreciations also go to my colleague in developing
the project and people who have willingly helped me out with their

The lack of proper water supply and sanitation services turns the surrounding
into polluted, unhealthy and undignified place to live in and degrades water
quality in lakes, rivers and seas. The poor suffer most as they often depend
directly on these water bodies for their needs. The provision of wastewater
treatment can take control on their lives and make real strides on the path to
sustainable development (SD). The need to improve these services is now
recognized as a critical component of poverty reduction, as well as being
necessary for progress in health, education and environmental sustainability.
Wastewater treatment, water conservation and hygiene play a vital role in
providing healthy living conditions for all in a sustainable way.

Wastewater treatment combines biological, chemical and physical unit

processes to purify large volumes of sewage. Each unit process often based on
a naturally occurring process targets specific contaminants in a unique way. By
analysing wastewater constituents at various stages of treatment laboratory
professionals play vital role in the efficient operation of wastewater treatment
plants and thus, help to protect the environment and public health.

The paper presents the importance and the necessity to increase the efficiency
of cleaning process of the residual waste wate form waste industry. There
presented the methods of treatments of wastewaters, in order to find the best
conditions and parameters for treatment process.

1. Introduction Page No.

1.1 Background (8-12)
1.2 Problem statement
1.3 Objective

2. Literature Review (13-20)

2.1 Domestic wastewater characteristics
2.2 Sewage/Wastewater treatment procedure
2.3 Sewage system
2.4 Disposal/Reuse

3. Methodology (21-71)
3.1 Preliminary treatment
3.1.1 Screening
3.1.2 Wastewater treatment through coarse solids reduction
3.1.3 Grit removal system
3.2 Primary treatment
3.2.1 Primary sanitation tank
3.3 Secondary treatment
3.3.1 Phases of secondary treatment (Aeration, Settling, Decanting)
3.3.2 Process of secondary treatment (Activated sludge, Tricking
filter, Rotating biological contractor)
3.4 Tertiary treatment
3.4.1 Need of tertiary treatment
3.4.2 Tertiary treatments (Nitrogen removal, Phosphorus removal,

4. Expected Outcomes (72-74)

5. Reference (75)


1. Generalised flow diagram for municipal wastewater treatment


2. Wastewater treatment process

3. Bar screen of sewage treatment plant (STP)

4. Details of screens

5. Aerated grit chamber

6. Grit chamber of sewage treatment plant

7. The four functional zones of continuous flow settling basin

8. Aeration process of sewage treatment plant

9. Settling of sewage

10.Decanting at sewage treatment plant

11.Activated sludge

12.Tricking filter
13.Working of trickling filter

14.Rotating biological contractor

15.Generalized Fig. Of RBC

16.Working of RBC

17.Generalized flow diagram of tertiary treatment

Delhi being fast growing city is facing severe problem of untreated sewage.
Since the untreated sewage is discharged into the Yamuna River, the river is
severely polluted. Several efforts are made to depollute the Yamuna. In the
past Hon’ble Supreme Court issued several orders in this regard. As a result,
sewage treatment capacity in Delhi has been augmented. However, there is
always controversy on the utilization of sewage treatment capacity. In order to
get correct picture, a detailed study was conducted during November –
December 2003. The findings of the survey are presented in this report.
Delhi, the capital of India, has a population of over 13.9 million (approx. 14 m).
It has grown by more than 300% since 1971. The population density in the city
is also widely divergent, ranging from 1300 persons sq. km to 70,000 persons
per The population growth pattern of Delhi is the single most important
factor that affects the level quantity of water supply and sewerage services
available to its habitants. Delhi Jal Board (DJB) is the authority responsible for
planning, designing and execution of water supply and wastewater
management facilities within its jurisdiction in the National Capital Territory of
Delhi. About 40% of the population of Delhi (J.J.Clusters, MCA area,
unauthorised colonies and rural villages) live in un-severed areas. Presently
about 650mgd (2955 mid) water is distributed by (DJB) in Delhi. Additional
90mgd water supply is estimated from ground water. In future the demand the
demand is projected by DJB as 845 mgd (3841 mid) by the year 2006 and 950
mgd (4319 mid) in 2011. In absence of any additional source of water, no
further significant increase excepted up to 2021. The population that has been
projected by Delhi Development Authority (DDA) by 2021 is 23 million.
Earth is the only planet where water exists in all its three phases solid, liquid
and gas. Availability and absence of water influence the distribution and
abundance of human society, plants vegetation’s animals as well as the
atmosphere of the earth. With the increasing population and development
activities the completing demand for water potable, domestic use, irrigation
power generation and industrial activities are exerting enormous pressure on
our water resources as utilization of water has also been consequently
increasing very fast.
97% sea is saline, 2% freezed in glaciers poles and high mountains only 1% is
available for the consumption of life forms in this earth. The precious balance
between growing demand and supplies can be overcome by recycling and
reuse of waste water as it can be used for multiple uses one after the other,
thereby reducing demand for fresh water. Treatment of domestic sewage and
subsequent utilization of treated sewage for irrigation can prevent pollution of
water bodies, reduce the demand for fresh water in irrigation, resulting huge
saving in terms of nutritional value of sewage in irrigation. From the irrigated
land surface, the percolation will also recharge the ground water by low T.D.S.
water and will also increase ground water level.
The waste water especially sewage water is rich source of organic
biodegradable pollution, bacteria, viruses, pathogens marshy gases inorganic
grit and floating material. We can provide total water management solution by
treating water for potable, waste water for reuse other than
domestic/drinking, swimming and recreational.
Wastewater treatment is closely related to the standards and expectations set
for the effluent quality. Wastewater treatment processes are designed to
achieve improvements in the quality of the wastewater. The various treatment
processes may reduce:
1. Suspended Solids (physical particles that can clog rivers or channels as
they settle under gravity).
2. Biodegradable organics (e.g., BOD) which can serve as food for
microorganisms in the receiving body. Microorganisms combine this
matter with oxygen from the water to yield the energy they need to
thrive and multiply; unfortunately, this oxygen is also needed by fish and
other organisms in the river. Heavy organic pollution can lead to dead
zones where no fish can be found sudden releases of heavy organic
loads can lead to dramatic fish skills.

3. Pathogenic bacteria and other diseases causing organisms. These are

most relevant where the receiving water is used for drinking or where
people would otherwise be in close contact with it.
4. Nutrients including nitrates and phosphates. These nutrients can lead to
high concentrations of unwanted algae, which can themselves becomes
heavy loads of biodegradable organic loads treatment processes may
also neutralize or removing industrial wastes and toxic chemicals. This
type of treatment should ideally take place at the industrial plant itself,
before discharge of their effluent in municipal sewers or water courses.
Primary, secondary and tertiary treatment can make the waste water fit
for reuse like irrigation of parks, gardens agricultural fields, power
generation, filling in lake as Japani park, city park etc. Inspite of
constructing big S.T.P. up to 20mgd can be erected so that whole waste
water can be treated. No untreated waste water should go in natural
water resources.

It is really very strange that Delhi, which is India’s national capital, one of
the fastest growing metropolitan cities of the country, does not have a
proper sewage disposal and drainage system. Delhi is facing severe
problem of untreated sewage such that only about 55% homes in Delhi
are linked to a proper sewerage and the rest of the 45% wastes grows in
to the Yamuna River directly.
In fact, it is really very sad to say that the faces of the functional
commodes of the modern bathrooms in the urban Delhi are contributing
to the pollution of Yamuna. In spite of the fact that a number of plans
and programmes have been implemented by the government for
sewerage and wastewater treatment. These are not being able to keep
pace with the growing generation of wastewater. While there are
certain sections like developed and organised areas of Delhi which are
given wastewater treatment services to a certain extent. The slums or
the unorganised areas are not provided any sewage treatment, the
reason being they are not within the jurisdiction of the Delhi Jal Board


 Delhi’s population is growing every day and this is one prime

reason that affects the sewerage services available to its citizens.
 Most of treatment plants do not perform effectively due to
operational problems.
 The present capacity of the STPs is underutilized on account of
deficiency in the collection system.
 The large network of sewers and drains in the city is very old and
most of them are small and also in damaged condition.
 Low flow of sewage to STPs.
 No proper sewage management and planning.
 Delhi Jal Board had not prepared any proper and perspective plan
for sewage treatment.
 High-cost treatment but low-cost recovery that forces DJB to
depend on excessive loan help for government.

 Lack of infrastructure
 Weak financial base
 Corruption
 No co-ordinating body
 Lack of political will
 Lack of accountability etc.

 The study was carried out keeping following objective in mind.

 To carry out detailed survey to collect data on status of existing
drains joining the Yamuna River.
 To assess the existing sewage treatment capacity (plant-wise) in
Delhi and its utilization.
 To evaluate the performance of sewage treatment plants terms of
reduction in BOD, COD, TSS and coliform bacteria.
 To study the status of sewerage system in Delhi.
 To study ongoing schemes/rehabilitation work in trapping sewage.

The first wastewater treatment attempt was releasing the pollutants into
rivers, which where the sources of most water supplies. In 1971 this problem
drew the public attention to itself when the future king Edward VII caught
typhoid fever while staying at a house in Yorkshire. The reason was traced to
bad drainage and his illness resulted in immediate efforts to improve the
prevailing sanitary systems and so by the 19th century large cities realized that
they must reduce the water pollution which they release into the environment.
Sewage systems began to be designed and created after Louis Pasteur and its
colleagues proved that the bacteria which lived in sewers could cause
infectious diseases. From the early 1990s, sewer systems started to grow but
as cities started to develop, less spaces were available for disposal and
filtration, furthermore the amount of wastewater increased rapidly because of
the population growth. This all lead to the change in dimension of treatment
facilities today and former designs proved to be insufficient for today’s needs
in society. Overall (NIRAJAS and TOPARE) introduced three main objectives in
sewage/water treatment: ( i ) The evacuation of postponed particles and
floatable materials (ii) the treatment of organic elements in wastewater BOD
removal (iii) the removal of micro-organisms which may be the cause of
dangerous diseases. These objectives have been continued into the early
pollutant removal and reduction processes only in better systematic methods.
While the older treatment goals are still valid, new ways of treatment have
invented and developed significantly and more objectives have been into the
water treatment science.


Domestic wastewater is the main reason for designing a proper wastewater
treatment plan and building sewers and cities. The domestic pollutants
characteristics in wastewater can be physical. Chemical or industrial with
physical characteristics consisting of colour, temperature and weight. The
colour of wastewater which can be produced recently grey however as time
goes by it change to black, the reason why is the suspended solids which
cannot dissolve or settled in the waste water. In addition, the solids increase
the weight of the wastewater which has been measured 10,00000 grams in
one cubic meter in the wastewater. The temperature of the sewage water is
higher than normal water because of the heating pipes in the structures and
the household activities, estimated the temperature of the domestic
wastewater to be between 10 and 20 C. Defining the chemical wastewater
characteristics is more complicated than explaining the attributes of the
physical. There are a lot of different chemical phosphate are all being
considered under a major group called total Phosphorous mono-hydrogen
phosphate is usually determined to be phosphorous in wastewater. Its removal
is existence in order to prevent the reduction eutrophication and this process
is put to use through chemical participation using the three compounds
mentioned below:

Using ferric chloride:

Fecl 3 + HP O

Using Alum:

Using lime:

Furthermore, another chemical feature is PH which has been estimated to be

between 6.5 to 8.5 in domestic wastewater. In the precipitation reactions that
were mentioned before lime increases the PH on the other hand alum and
ferric chloride the PH (3). Industrial activities release different dangerous
pollutants into sewage, this can be further examined through analysing the
Environmental Protection Agency which divided these pollutants into different
groups: priority, conventional and nonconventional groups elements in
wastewater which makes the exact chemical measurement impossible.
However, the experts in the field divided the wastewater chemicals into
general groups of compounds for making the measurement easier, for example
polyphosphates, orthophosphates and organic.


There are a lot of pollutants and waste in the wastewater such as, nutrients
inorganic salts, pathogens, coarse solids etc. which are really dangerous for
ecology and human, for removing these pollutants, different processes have
been exposed. There are specific processes and unit’s operations in
sewage/wastewater treatment the primary goal of these processes is to
reduce the pollution of the water the polluting starting point until the end of
the treatment process which can be disposal or reused and these reduction
processes can physical, chemical or biological. Chemical unit processes are
playing and important role in advanced cleansing mentioned that chemical unit
processes are the procedures that cause reactions in wastewater components
such processes are used while physical and biological processes are in action.
There are quite a lot of different chemical processes, such as precipitation,
coagulation, neutralization and stabilization, ion exchange, oxidation and
advanced oxidation that may be added to sewage water during the purifying
procedure. Physical unit operations are some treatment methods which
cleanse the wastewater by using the physical forces such as flocculating,
floatation, mixing, filtration, screening, and gas transfer. Biological unit
processes are the procedures that beak down the grease/oil, suspended solids,
organic matter, nitrogen and phosphorous by bacteria which grow naturally in
a biological reactor. The bacteria consume the carbon-based material in the
sewers, also the primary goal of this treatment is to decrease the biological
elements in wastewater.


The processes and operations which were mentioned are being used in
different stages of treatment; preliminary, primary, secondary and advanced
wastewater treatment which are perusing different objectives in the treatment
Preliminary wastewater treatment: The objective is to remove the large
materials like coarse solids which are being frequently seen in wastewater.
Furthermore, it separates the floating materials which are being carried by
water flow. Preliminary treatment procedures usually contain grit removal,
coarse screening and comminution of large objects. In addition, this treatment
helps in removing the grease and oil. This process decreases the wastewaters
BOD by approximately 15 to 30% and the devices which are being used during
this treatment and grit chamber and comminutor.
Comminutor: This device consists of screen to prevent the large materials from
accessing further into the following treatment processes and some cutters are
also installed after the screen to chop the solids which had made it through the
Grit chamber: Its objective to remove the oils and semi-liquid elements. There
are two kinds of grit chamber Aerated and Vortex.
Primary wastewater treatment: the objective is to remove solid components of
wastewater by sedimentation these components can be organic elements such
as phosphorous, nitrogen and metals connected to solid components. On the
other hand, colloidal and dissolved elements will remain and not be affected.
The waste from primary sedimentation units is known as primary effluent and
the waste which have been produced by this process is called primary effluent.
The devices which are being used in primary treatment are sedimentation tank
and clarifiers anaerobic digestor.
Sedimentation tank and clarifiers: Up flow clarifiers and reactor clarifiers are
two types of sedimentation tanks perform very well if both the raw water is
characteristics and the hydraulic loading rates are constant.
Anaerobic Digestor: most of the primary waste is being treated biologically in
this system. Anaerobic digestor is being used in huge plants. Secondary
wastewater treatment. This treatment is used after the primary treatment
which completes the cleansing process through reducing the amounts of
remaining organic elements and solid particles; in addition, biodegradable
removal and colloidal or organic matter used aerobic biological in secondary
treatment process. Bacteria will decompose the fine organic matter, in some
biological units to produce a clear effluent while aerobic bacteria oxidize the
organic matter in some treatment units which called as treatment reactors and
may consists of oxidation ponds, aerated lagoons, aeration tanks, rotating
biological contactors and trickling filters. Tertiary advanced wastewater
treatment and wastewater reclamation. The objective is to remove the specific
wastewater constitutes which cannot be removed by secondary treatment
including toxic substances, organic elements and solid particles. Tertiary
removal uses the stream of river for recycling or industrial heat reduction and
groundwater renewal. Figure 1 shows the procedure of wastewater treatment
stages schematically. The nutrient control or removal and toxic waste
treatment containment removal are the two processes which are being done
in the advanced wastewater treatment. Nutrient control or removal is a
treatment which removes nitrogen and phosphorous by chemical biological or
a combination of both. Also, some physio-chemical treatment like
sedimentation, chemical coagulation, filtration and flocculation decreases the
water toxicity.
2.3 Sewerage system
In order to successfully accomplish these processes, there are some systematic
networks which collect and transport the wastewater from the production site
to the treatment site. As mentioned before, without having this kind of
sewerage systems some infectious diseases can spread in public and so the
sewerage system is made up of network of different sized pipes maintenance
holes, pump stations, and trunk sewers. Overall, a sewerage system primarily
receives the wastes which have been released from industrial or domestic
sources and then the treatment procedures take place in the system and it
finally releases the left-over pollutants into the environment. Furthermore, the
sewerage system can transfer the water in critical situation like heavy rainfalls
as a result the flood does the minimal damage to the citizens and domestic
areas. There are some important factors which have to be considered before
designing a sewerage treatment network, these consists of:
Environmental factors are concepts related to environmental situations such
as the quality of the groundwater and surface water, public health
considerations and odour and insects’ disturbance which affect public health
and land values.
Engineering factors should be considered and observed experienced engineers
to prevent any critical phenomena. The engineers who work on these projects
should considered sewer penetration, groundwater depth, risks of segregating,
recycling or reusing of sewage with in the houses, bearing capacity of the soil,
topography of the site and hydraulic calculations, especially for the coastal
Cost consideration is related to a financial analyser who should anticipate
which beneficial aspects are the most beneficial for use in the
sewage/wastewater treatment system. The analyser should pay attention to
the costs included in the project which consists of maintenance, repair,
electricity, fuels, staff, chemical and should also consider the general costs for
equipment, construction and land expense.
Process consideration is a factor that considers different aspects such as
wastewater characteristics and flow, performance characteristics and is also
analyse needs for designing a sewage/wastewater system like power and
equipment requirements, land availability and skilled staff.

2.4 Disposal/Reuse
Disposal or reuse are the final procedures in sewage/wastewater treatment
which should be designed in a way which pleases economic and scientific goals
and procedures. There are two main groups of disposal systems which differ in
their use in terms of where they are situated and how they are to function; on-
site and off-site disposal/reuse systems.
On-site system is being used in an area which has minimal pollution production
and also where there are only a couple of houses in a wide geometric range. In
this case this disposal system is even more beneficial in terms of economics, in
comparison to using a system for collecting, transferring and treating the
In a public system, wastes are being collected in an area and then carried to
other locations through transporting systems for final disposal. In addition,
public disposal systems can be very useful in critical situations like flooding or
storms by containing the water in the of-site facilities or carrying out the huge
proportion of water.

Wastewater is not sewage. All the water used in the home that goes down the
drains or into the sewage collection system is wastewater. This includes water
from bath, sinks, dishwashers, toilet, and washing machine. Small businesses
and industries often contribute large amounts of wastewater to sewage
collection systems others operate their own wastewater treatment systems. In
combined municipal sewage systems water from storm drains is also added to
the municipal wastewater stream. The average American contributes 265-568
litres of wastewater each day. Wastewater is about 99% water by weight and is
generally referred to as influent as it enters the wastewater treatment facility.
Domestic wastewater is wastewater that comes primarily from individuals, and
does not generally include industrial or agricultural wastewater.
At wastewater treatment plants, this flow is treated before it is allowed to be
returned to the environment, lakes or streams. There are no holidays for
wastewater treatment and most plants operate 24 hours per day every day of
the week. Wastewater treatment plants operate at a critical point of the water
cycle, helping nature defend water from excessive pollution. Most treatment
plants have primary treatment and secondary treatment.
Wastewater treatment is a process to convert wastewater into an effluent that
can be either returned to the water cycle with minimal environment issues or
reused. The latter is called water reclamation and implies avoidance of disposal
by use of treated wastewater effluent for various purposes. Treatment means
removing impurities from water being treated; and some methods of
treatment are applicable to both water and wastewater. The physical
infrastructure used for wastewater treatment is called wastewater treatment
The treatment of wastewater belongs to the overarching field of public works
environmental with the management of human waste, solid waste, sewage
treatment, stormwater management and water treatment by products from
wastewater treatment plants such as screenings, grit and sewage sludge may
also be treated in a wastewater treatment plant. If the wastewater is
predominantly from municipal sources, it is called sewage and treatment is
called sewage treatment. Satisfactory disposal of wastewater whether by
surface, subsurface methods or dilution is dependent on its treatment prior to
disposal. Adequate treatment is necessary to prevent contamination of
receiving waters to a degree which might interfere with their best or intended
use whether it be for water supply, recreation or any other required purpose.
Wastewater treatment consists of applying known technology to improve or
upgrade the quality of wastewater. Usually, wastewater treatment will involve
collecting the wastewater in a central, segregated location and subjecting the
wastewater to treatment processes. Most often since large volumes of
wastewater are involved treatment processes are carried out on continuously
flowing wastewaters rather than as batch or a series of periodic treatment
processes in which treatment is carried out on parcels or batches of
wastewaters. While most wastewater treatment processes are continuous
flow, certain operations such as vacuum filtration, involving as it does, storage
of sludge, the addition of chemicals, filtration and removal or disposal of the
treated sludge, are routinely handled as periodic batch operations.
Wastewater treatment however can also be organised or categorized by the
nature of the treatment process operation being used; for example, physical,
chemical or biological. Examples of these treatment step are shown below. A
complete treatment system may consist of the application of a number of
physical, chemical and biological processes to the wastewater.
Some Physical, Chemical and Biological Wastewater treatment methods:
 Sedimentation
 Screening
 Aeration
 Filtration
 Flotation and skimming
 Degasification
 Equalization

 Chlorination
 Ozonation
 Neutralisation
 Coagulation
 Absorption
 Ion exchange


 Activated sludge treatment methods
 Trickling filtration
 Oxidation ponds
 Lagoons
 Aerobic digestion

 Anaerobic digestion
 Septic tanks
 Lagoons
Physical methods

It includes processes where no gross chemical or biological changes are

carried out and strictly physical phenomena are used to improve or
treatment the wastewater.
Examples would be coarse screening to remove larger entertained
objects and sedimentation. In the process of sedimentation, physical
phenomena relating to the settling of solids by gravity are allowed to
operate. Usually this consists of simply holding a wastewater for a short
period of tank in a tank under quiescent conditions, allowing the heavier
solids to settle, and removing the “clarified” effluent. Sedimentation for
solid separation is Avery common process operation and is routinely
employed at the beginning and end of wastewater treatment of
operations. While sedimentation is one of the most common physical
treatment processes that is used to achieve treatment, another physical
treatment process consists of aeration – i.e. physically adding air, usually
to provide oxygen to the wastewater. Still other physical phenomena
used in treatment consists of filtration. Here wastewater is passed
through a filter medium to separate solids. An example would be the use
of sand filters to further remove entrained solids from a treatment
wastewater. Certain phenomena will occur during the sedimentation
process and can be advantageously used to further improve water
quality. Permitting greases or oils, for example, to float to the surface
and skimming or physically removing them from the wastewater is often
carried out as part of the overall treatment process.
In certain industrial wastewater treatment processes strong or
undesirable wastes are sometimes produced over short period of time.
Since such “slugs” or periodic inputs of such wastes would damage a
biological treatment process, these wastes re sometimes held, mixed
with other wastewater, and gradually released, thus eliminating
“shocks” to the treatment plant. This is called equalization. Another type
of equalization can be used to even out wide variations in flow rates. For
example, the wet well of a pump station can receive widely varying
amounts of wastewater and in turn pump the wastes onward at uniform

Chemical treatment
It consists of using some chemical reactions to improve the water
quality. Probably the most commonly used chemical process is
chlorination, chlorine, a strong oxidizing chemical is used to kill bacteria
and to slow down the rate of decomposition of the wastewater.
Bacterial kill is achieved when vital biological processes are affected by
the chlorine. Another strong oxidizing agent that has also been used as
an oxidizing disinfectant is ozone.
A chemical process commonly used in many industrial wastewater
treatment operations is neutralization. Neutralization consists of
addition of acid or base to adjust pH levels back to neutrality. Since lime
is a base, it is sometimes used in neutralization of acid wastes.
Coagulation consists of the addition of a chemical that, through a
chemical reaction, forms an insoluble and product that serves to
Remove substances from the wastewater. Polyvalent metals are
commonly used as coagulating chemicals in wastewater treatment and
typical coagulants would include lime, certain iron containing
compounds and alum.
Certain process may actually be physical or chemical in nature. The use
of activated carbon to adsorb or remove organics, for example, involves
both chemical and physical process. Processes such as ion exchange
which involves exchanging certain ions for others are not used to any
great extent in wastewater treatment.

Biological treatment methods

They use microorganism mostly bacteria in the biological decomposition

of the wastewater to stab end products. Most microorganisms or sludge
are formed and a portion of the waste is converted to carbon dioxide,
water and other end products. Generally biological treatment methods
can be divided into aerobic and anaerobic methods based on availability
of dissolved oxygen.
The purpose of wastewater treatment is generally to remove from the
wastewater enough solids to permit the remainder to be discharged to a
receiving water without interfering with its best or proper use. The
solids which are removed are primarily organic but may also include
inorganic solids. Treatment must also be provided for the solids and
liquids which are removed as sludge. Finally, treatment to control
odours to retard biological activity or destroy pathogenic organisms may
also be needed.
While the devices used in wastewater treatment are numerous and will
probably combine physical, chemical and biological methods, they may
all be generally grouped under four methods:
 Preliminary treatment
 Primary treatment
 Secondary treatment
 Tertiary treatment
Fig. 02


Section 60 of the environmental protection agency act 1992 permits the
agency (EPA) to specify and publish criteria and procedures, which in the
opinion of the agency are reasonable and desirable of the purposes of
environmental protection in relation to the management, maintenance,
supervision operation or use of all or specified classes or plant wasted in our
control or used by a sanitary authority of the treatment or disposal of sewage
of effluent to any water. This document is prepared in accordance with the
forgoing in respect of wastewater preliminary treatment. It objective therefore
is to provide criteria and procedures to properly manage, maintain, supervise,
operate, or use the processes and equipment required in preliminary
treatment of wastewater.
In interpreting these requirements, it is considered appropriate that criteria
can be evolved in relation to the following topics:
Management: criteria for the establishment of preliminary treatment including
sitting, design, process and equipment selection and organizational
management to meet performance objectives.
Maintenance: criteria for servicing and upkeep of equipment, approach
channels and accommodation work renewal of consumable items servicing and
Supervision: superintendence of the works, maintenance of detailed
performance records and monitoring to check compliance with service
objective, avoidance of nuisance and assessment of operating costs.
Operation or use: criteria for optimised operational performance and
efficiency of plant including disposal of by-products in an environmentally safe
manner, minimisation of nuisance from odours, flies, aerosols, or other social
impacts either at the plant or disposal site.
These criteria are considered from the point of view of the purpose,
functioning and load conditions which apply. Therefore, the criteria for
selection of process and equipment are reviewed, together with the issues
which arise in day-to-day operation. In considering these issues regard must be
had to the variations in wastewater flow and other characteristics. Foul flows
are subject to variation with daytime peaks and night time low flows. The
effects of rainfall can increase flows substantially and result in greater loads of
grit and screenings brought into the sewers through gullies. Preliminary
treatment processes must, therefore cater for a range of flow conditions
between minimum and maximum.
The purpose of preliminary treatment is to ensure a satisfactory quality of final
effluent and final sludge product and to protect the treatment process from
malfunction associated with accumulation of screenings, debris, inorganic grit,
excessive scum formation or loss of efficiency associated with grease or oil
films or fat accumulations.
Wastewater preliminary treatment processes essentially comprise physical
process required to ensure that the treatment plant can cater satisfactorily for
the pass-through flows. Their satisfactorily operation enables the plant to
produce the required final quality of effluent and a treated sludge suitable for
recovery or for the specified disposal objectives. The principal preliminary
treatment processes employed at a wastewater treatment works, therefore
may be described as follows:
 Screening
 Wastewater through coarse solid reduction
 Grit removal system
The first unit operation generally encountered in wastewater treatment
plants is screening. A screen is a device with openings, generally of
uniform size, that is used to retain solids found in the influent
wastewater to the treatment plant.
Screening is the first unit operation and at wastewater treatment plants.
Screening removes objects such as rags, paper, plastics and metals to
prevent damage and clogging of downstream equipment, piping and
appurtenances. Some modern wastewater treatment plants use both
coarse screens and fine screens. Figure depicts a typical bar screen. The
principal role of screening is to remove coarse materials from the flow
stream that could:
1. Damage subsequent process equipment.
2. Reduce overall treatment process reliability and effectiveness.
3. Contaminate waste way.

Fig.03 Bar screen of sewage treatment plant

There are two types of screening processes
1. Manually operated
2. Automatically

 Coarse screens
 Fine screens
 Micro screens

Coarse screens Micro screens Fine screens

6 to 50 mm <0.5 k Less than 3 mm

Table No. 1 size screen

Design of screening chamber:

The objective of screens is to remove large floating material and coarse solids
from wastewater. It may consist of parallel bars, wires or grating placed across
the flow inclined at 30-60 Degree. According to method of cleaning the screens
are hand cleaned screens or mechanically cleaned screens. Whereas, according
to the size of clear opening they are coarse screens (greater than 50mm)
medium screens (25-50mm) and fine screens (10-25mm). normally, medium
screens are used in domestic wastewater treatment.

Screen type and description:

Trash rack – designed to prevent logs, timbers, stumps and other large debris
from entering treatment processes. Opening size: 38 to 150mm
Manually cleaned bar screen - designed to remove large solids, rags, and
debris. Opening size: 30 to 50mm bars set at 30 to 45 degrees from vertical to
facilitate cleaning. Primarily used in older or smaller treatment facilities or in
bypass channels.
Mechanically cleaned bar screen – designed to remove large solids, rags and
debris. Opening size: 6 to 38 mm bars set at 0 to 30 degrees from vertical.
Almost always used in new installations because of large number of
advantages relative to other screens.
Coarse screen – designed to remove large solids, rags and debris from
wastewater and typically have opening of 6 mm. Types of course screens
include mechanically and manually cleaned bar screens, including trash racks.
Fine screens – designed to remove material that may create operation and
maintenance problems in downstream processes, particularly in systems that
lack primary treatment. Typical opening sizes for the screens are 1.5 to 6 mm.
very fine screens with opening of 0.2 to 1.5mm placed after coarse or fine
screens can reduce suspended solids to levels near those achieved by primary
Micro screens – designed to remove principally fine solids from the treated
effluent (<50 microns).

3.1.2 Wastewater treatment through coarse solids reduction

As an alternative to coarse bar screens or fine screens, comminutors and
macerators be use to intercept coarse solid and grid or shred them in
the screen channel. High – speed grinders are used in conjunction with
mechanically cleaned screens to grin and shred screenings that are cut
up into a smaller, more uniform for return to the flow stream for
subsequent removal by downstream treatment operations and
processes, comminutors macerators and grinders can theoretically
eliminate the messy and offensive task of screening handling and
Comminutors consists of a rotating slotted cylinder through which wastewater
flow passes. Solids that are too large to pass through the slots are cut by
blades as the cylinder rotates, reducing their size until they pass through the
slot opening. Comminutors are used commonly in small wastewater treatment
plants, less than (0.2 m3/s or 5M6D). They are installed in a wastewater flow
channel to screen and shred materials to sizes from 6 to 20 mm without
removing the shredded soils from the flow stream.
Macerators are slow speed grinder that typically consist of two sets of 2.
Counter rotating assemblies with blades. The assemblies are mounted
vertically in the flow channel. In the blades or teeth on the rotation assembles
have a close tolerance that effectively chop material as it passes though the

3. Grinders:
Grinders consists of 2 sets of counter rotating, intermeshing cutters that trap
and shear wastewater solids into a consistent particle size, typically 6mm. The
cutters are mounted on a 2drive shaft with intermediate spacers. The shafts
counter rotates at different speeds to clean the cutters. The chopping action of
the grinder reduces the formation of rag balls and rag ropes. Wastewater that
contains large quantities of rags a solid, such as prison wastewater, utilize
grinder downstream from course screens to help prevent frequent jamming
and excessive wear. High speed grinders typically referred to as a fiammer
mills, receive screened materials from base screen. The material is pulverised
by a speed high rotation assembly that wets materials passing through the


It is a unit operation. removal grit foam wastewater may be accomplished in
grit chambers or by centrifugal separation of solids. Grit chamber are designed
to remove grit, consisting of sand, gravel, sanders, or other heavy solid
material that have specific gravities or setting velocities substantially greater
than those of organic particles in wastewater. Grit chambers are most
commonly located after the bar screens and before the primary sedimentation.
These are just like sedimentation tanks, design mainly to remove heavier
particles or coarse inert and relatively dry suspended solids from the
wastewater. There are two main types of grit chambers like rectangular
horizontal flow types and aerated grit chambers. In the aerated grit chamber
the organic solids are kept in suspension by rising aerated system provided at
the bottom of the tank.
Grit includes sand, gravel, cinder, or other heavy solid materials that are
“heavier” (higher specific gravity) than the organic biodegradable solids in the
wastewater. Grit also includes eggshells, bone chips, seeds, coffee grounds,
and large organic particles, such as food waste. Removal of grit prevents
unnecessary abrasion and wear of mechanical equipment, grit deposition in
pipelines and channels, and accumulation of grit in anaerobic digesters and
aeration basins. Grit removal facilities typically precede primary clarification,
and follow screening and communication. This prevents large solids from
interfering with grit handling equipment. In secondary treatment plants
without primary clarification, grit removal should precede aeration.
Many types of grit removal systems exist, including aerated grit chambers,
vortex-type (paddle or jet induced vortex) grit removal systems, detritus tanks
(short-term sedimentation basins), horizontal flow grit chambers (velocity-
controlled channel), and hydro cyclones (cyclonic inertial separation). Various
factors must be taken into consideration when selecting a grit removal
process, including the quantity and characteristics of grit, potential adverse
effects on downstream processes, head loss requirements, space
requirements, removal efficiency, organic content, and cost. The type of grit
removal system chosen for a specific facility should be the best balances these
different considerations. Specifics on the different types of grit removal
systems are provided below.
Grit chambers are provided to:
1. Protect moving mechanical equipment from abrasion and accompanying
abnormal wear.
2. Reduce formation of heavy deposits in pipelines, channels and conduits.
3. Reduce the frequency of digester.
Types of Grit Chamber
1. Horizontal flow (Rectangular or square) (configuration type)
The horizontal flow grit chamber is the oldest type of grit removal
system. Grit is removed by maintaining a constant upstream velocity of
0.3m/s (1ft/s). Velocity is controlled by proportional weirs or rectangular
control sections, such as Parshall flumes. In this system, heavier grit
particles remain suspended or are re-suspended and transported out of
the channel. Grit is removed by a conveyor with scrapers, buckets, or
plows. Screw conveyors or buckets elevators are used to elevate the grit
for washing or disposal. In smaller plants, grit chambers are often
cleaned manually.

Designing a Rectangular horizontal flow type grit chamber:

 Cross-sectional area, Ax = (Qdesign / Vh) for each unit (Vh = 1ft/sec), depth =
3-5 ft
 Assuming (tD= 1-2 minutes), determine the length L = Vh * tD (Add 10%
 Check the SLR (1200-1700 m3/m2-day) and Vs (≥ 0.01 m/sec). Grit
produced is about 1.5 ft3/ML of wastewater flow. Add to depth {1ft FB +

2. Aerated Grit Chamber

In aerated grit chambers, grit is removed by causing the wastewater to
flow in a spiral pattern, as shown in figure 3. Air is introduced in the grit
chamber along one side, causing a perpendicular spiral velocity pattern
to flow through the tank. Heavier particles re accelerated and diverge
from the streamlines, dropping to the bottom of the tank, while lighter
organic particles are suspended eventually carried out of the tank.

Fig.05 Aerated grit chamber

3. Vortex Type Grit Chamber

The vortex-type grit chamber consists of a cylindrical tank in which the flow
waters tangentially, creating a vortex flow pattern. Grit settles by gravity into
the bottom of the tank (in the grit hopper) while effluents exits at the top of
the tank. The grit that settles into the grit hopper may be removed by a grit
pump or in air lift pump.

Fig.06 Grit chamber of sewage treatment plant

Primary treatment
Primary (mechanical) treatment is designed to remove gross, suspended and
floating solid from sewage. It includes screening to tap solid objects and
sedimentation by gravity to remove suspended solids. This level is sometimes
referred to as “mechanical treatment”, although chemicals are often used to
accelerate the sedimentation process. Primary treatment can reduce the BOD
of the incoming wastewater by 20-40% and the total suspended solids by some
50-70%. Primary treatment is usually the first stage of wastewater treatment.
Many advanced wastewater treatment plants in industrialized countries have
started with primary treatment, and have then added other treatment stages
as waste water load has grown, as the need for treatment has increased, and
has resources have become available.
In the primary sedimentation stage, swage flows through large tanks,
commonly called “pre-setting basins”, “primary sedimentation tanks” or
“primary clarifies”. The tanks are used to settle sludge while grease and oil rise
to the surface and are skimmed off. Primary settling tanks are usually equipped
with mechanically driven scarpers that continually drive the collected sludge
towards a hopper in the base of the tank where it is pumped to sludge
treatment facilities. Grease and oil from the floating material can sometimes
be recovered saponification (soap making) .
Objective of primary treatment:
 It may be considered sufficient treatment in the wastewater is used to
irrigate crops that are not consumed by humans or to irrigate orchards,
vineyards, and some processed food crops.
 In many industrialized countries, primary treatment is the minimum
level of pre-application treatment required for wastewater irrigation.
 Some organic nitrogen, organic phosphorous, and heavy metals
associated with solids are also removed from the primary
 Approximately 20 to 40% of the incoming biochemical oxygen demand
(BOD5), 50 to 70% of the total suspended solid (SS), and 65% of the oil
and grease are removed during primary treatment.
 The main object of primary treatment is the removal of settle-able
organic and inorganic solids by sedimentation, and the removal of
materials that will float (scum) by skimming.
 Scum is swept across the tank surface by water jets or mechanically
means from which it is also pumped with sludge processing unit.
 Settled solids (primary sludge) are removed from the bottom of
tank by the sludge rakes that scrap the sludge to a central well from
which it is pumped to sludge processing units.
 Primary sedimentation tanks are clarifying may be round or rectangular
basins, typically 3 to 5m deep, with hydraulic retention time between 2
and 3 hours.

Primary sedimentation tank

Primary sedimentation tank (PST), also called settling tank or clarifier
component of a modern system of water supply or wastewater treatment. A
sedimentation tank allows suspended particles to settle out of waters or
wastewater as a flow slowly through the tank, thereby providing some degree
of purification. A layer of accumulated solids, called sludge, form at the bottom
of the tank and is periodically removed. In drinking-water treatment,
coagulants are added to the water prior to the sedimentation in order to
facilitate the settling process, which is flowed by filtration and other treatment
steps. In modern sewage treatment, primary sedimentation must be followed
by secondary treatment (e.g., trickling filter or activated sludge) to increases
purification efficiencies. Sedimentation is usually preceded by the treatment
using bar screens and gift chambers to remove large objects and coarse solids.
Primary sedimentation tanks are large tanks which are design to allow
wastewater to flow slowly through in a smooth motion, free from turbulence –
enabling the organic solids to settle to the bottom, retention time in the
primary tanks is 2 or 3 hours. The sludge is collected by two parallel, chain-
driven flight scrapers. These moves continuously along the sloping floors of the
tanks, slowly ploughing the sludge toward the end of

the tank where a cross collector (also chain and flight) moves the sludge into a
deep hopper. From here, it is removed by new centrifugal pumps to a sludge
Scum, which rises to the surface of the tanks, is directed by fan-shaped water
jets to the inlet end of the tank. Here, it is lifted over a wall and into a trough
by rotating scum from collectors and carried into the sludge sump. The sludge
and scum from the primary sedimentation tanks are pump to the gravity
thickeners. After the sludge has been thickened in the gravity thickeners., it is
sent to the gravity belt thickeners for further thickening before being sent to
the digesters. At this stage, over 70 percent of the suspended solids have been
separated from the liquid waste stream with 40 percent of the BOD removed.
After separation in the primary sedimentation tanks, the liquid stream is
conveyed via the inter-stage pump station at a rate of up to nine cubic meters
per second to the reactor/clarifiers for secondary treatment.

Primary Sedimentation is a physical wastewater treatment process using

gravity to remove suspended solids from water. Solid particles entrained by
the turbulence of moving water may be removed naturally by sedimentation in
the still water of lakes and oceans. Setting basins are ponds constructed for the
purpose of removing entrained solids by sedimentation. Clarifies are tanks
built with mechanical means for continuous removal of solids being deposited
by sedimentation. Objectives of Primary Treatment of Wastewater

1. To produce a liquid effluent of suitably improved quality for the next
treatment stage (i.e.) secondary biological treatment.
2. To active a solids separation resulting in a primary sludge that can be
conveniently treatment and disposed of. Benefits of Primary Treatment
The benefits of primary treatment include
1. Reduction in suspension solids
2. Reduction in BOD
3. Reduction in the amount of waste activated sludge (WAS) in the activated-
sludge plant.
4. Removal of floating materials (oil and grease).
5. Partial equalization of flow rates and organic load. Assessment of PST Characteristics

Setting Tanks and Clarifiers are designed to retain water so that suspended
solids can settle. By sedimentation principles, the suitable treatment
technological should be chosen depending on the specific gravity , size and
shear resistance of particles. Depending on the size and density of particles,
and physical properties of the solids, there are four types of sedimentation
. Type 1 – Dilutes, non-flocculent, free- setting (every particle settles
. Type 2 – Dilute, flocculent (particles can flocculate as they settle) .
. Type 3 – Concentrated suspensions, zone settling hindered settling (sludge
. Type 4 – Concentrated suspensions, compression (sludge thickening).

Different factors control the sedimentation rate in each:

Unhindered settling is a process that removes the discrete particles in a very
low concentration without interference from nearby particles. In general, if the
concentration of the solutions is lower than 500 mg/L total suspended solids,
sedimentation will be considered discrete. Concentrations of raceway effluent
total suspended solids (TSS) in the west are usually less than 5mg/L net. TSS
concentrations of off-line settling basin effluent are less than 100 mg/L net.
The particles keep their size and shape during discrete settling, with an
independent velocity. With such low concentrations of suspended particles,
the probability of particle collisions is very low and consequently the rate of
flocculation is small enough to be neglected for most calculations. Thus, the
surface area of the settling basin becomes the main factor of sedimentation
rate. All continues flow settling basins are divided into four parts: inlet zone,
settling zone, sludge zone and outlet zone (Figure).
In the inlet zone, flow is established in a same forward direction.
Sedimentation occurs in the settling zone as the water flow towards to outlet
zone. The clarified liquid is then flow out from outlet zone. Sludge zone settled
will be collected here and usually we assume that is removed from water flow
once the particles arrive the sludge zone.
In an idea rectangular sedimentation tank, in the settling zone, the critical
particle enters at the top of the settling zone, and the settle velocity would be
the smallest value to reach the sludge zone, and at the end of outlet zone,
the velocity component of this critical particle is Vs. the settling velocity in
vertical direction and Vh in horizontal direction.
From Figure 1, the time needed for the particle to settle:
t _o = H/V _p = L/Vs (3)
Since the surface area of the tank is WL, and Vs = Q/Wl Vn = Q/W where Q is
the flow rate and W, L, H is the width, length , depth of the tank.
According to above equation, this is a basic factor that can control the
sedimentation tank performance which called overflow rate.
Equation also tell us that the depth of sedimentation tank is independent to
the sedimentation efficiency. Only if the forward velocity is low enough to
make sure the settled mass would not suspend again from the tank floor.

. Settlement of flocculent particles

In a horizontal sedimentation tank. Some particles may not follow the diagonal
line in fig 1, while settling faster as they grow. So, this says that particles can
grow and develop a higher settling velocity if a greater depth with longer
retention time. However, the collision chance would be even greater if the
same retention time were spread over a longer, shallower tank. In fact, in
order to avoid hydraulic short-circuiting tanks usually are made 3-6 m deep
with retention times of a few hours.

. Zone-settling behaviour
As the concentration of particles in a suspension is increased, a point is
reached where particles are so close together that they no longer settle
independently of one another and the velocity fields of the fluid displaced by
adjacent particles, overlap. There is also a net upward flow of liquid displaced
by settled particles.
This results in a reduced particles-settling velocity and the effect is known as
hindered settling.
There is a common case for hindered settling occurs. The whole suspension
tends to settle as a ‘blanket’ due to its extremely high particle concentration.
This is known as zone settling because it is easy to make a distinction between
several different zones which separated by concentration discontinuities Fig 3
represents a typical batch-settled characteristics. There is a clear interface near
the top of the column would be formed to separating the settling sludge mass
from the clarified supernatant as long as leaving such as suspension to stand in
a settling column. As the suspension settles, this interface will move down at
the same speed. At the same time, there is an interface near the bottom
between that settled suspension is complete, the bottom interface would
move upwards and meet the top interface which moves downwards.

. Compression Settling
The settling particles can contact each other arise when approaching the
floor of the sedimentation tanks at very high particle concentration. So that
further settling will only occur in adjust matrix as the sedimentation rate
decreasing. This is can be illustrated by the lower region of the zone-settling
diagram (Figure 3). In compression zone, the settled solids are compressed by
gravity (the weight of solids), as the settled solids are compressed under the
weight of overlying solids, and water is squeezed out while the space gets
smaller. Types of Sedimentation Tanks

Sedimentation might occur in tanks of other shapes removal of
accumulated solids is easiest with conveyor belts in rectangular tanks or with
scrapers rotating around the central axis of circular tanks. Basins and clarifiers
should be designed based on the settling velocity of the smallest particles to be
theoretically 100 % removed.

Settling basins and clarifiers can be designed as of following types:

1.Rectangular Horizontal Flow Tanks

There are most commonly used for primary sedimentation, since they

 Occupy less space than circular tanks.

 They can be economically built side-by-side with common wails.
 The maximum forward velocity to avoid the risk of scouring settled
sludge is 10 to 15 mm/s (06 to 09m/min or 2 to 3 ft / min), indicating
that the ratio of length to width l/w should referrals be about.
 The maximum weir loading rate, to limit the influences of draw-down
currents, is preferably about 300 m3/d-m, this figure is sometimes
increased where the design flow is great then 3 ADWF.
 Inlets should be baffled to dissipate the momentum of the incoming
flow and to assist in establishing uniform forward flow.
 Sludge is removed by scraping it into collecting hoppers at the inlet end
of the tank.
 Sum removal is essential in primary sedimentation tanks because of the
grease and other floating matter which is present in wastewater. The
sludge separates and can return along the length of the tank at the
water surface. As they move towards the outlet end the bank, the flights
then move the sun towards a skimmer located just upstream of the
effluent weirs.

2. Circular Radial Flow Tanks

 Careful design of the inlet stelling well is needed to active a stable radial
flow pattern without causing excessive turbulence in the vicinity of the
central sludge hopper.
 The weir length aroid the perimeter of the tank is usually sufficient to
give a safes factory weir loading rate at maximum flow, but at low flows,
very low flow depths may result.
 To overcome the sensitivity of these tanks to slight errors in weir level
and wind effects, it is common to provide v-much wares.
 Sludge removal is affected by means of a rotary sludge scrapper who
moves the sludge into a central hopper, from which it is with drown.
 Scum removal is carried out by surface skimming board attached to the
sludge scrapper mechanism and positioned so that scum is moved
towards a collecting hopper at the surface.

3. Up Flow Tanks:
 Up flow tanks, usually square in plan and with deep hopper bottoms are
common in small treatment plants.
 Their main advantages is that sludge removal is carried out entirely by
activity and no mechanical parts are required for cleaning them.
 The steeply sloping sides usually to horizontal concentrate the sludge at
the bottom of the hopper.
 Weir loading rate is a problem only at low flows. So that v-match weirs
are desirable.
 The requires up flow pattern is maintained by weir troughs.
 Any practical with a velocity lower than Vp = Q/A will not remove.

In a horizontal flow tank assuming that such particles were uniformly

distributed to the flow, particles with Vp=Q/A still be removed proportion. SECONDARY TREATMENT

Wastewater treatment is critical in maintaining the quality of receiving water

bodies. Wastewater exits residential, business, and industry buildings via
drains, this includes water from toilets, washer machines, dish washers,
showers and baths. The water is transported to local wastewater treatment
facilities and undergoes a series of treatments in order to remove pollutants
that would otherwise pollute the environment.

Secondary treatments is a treatments process for wastewater (or sewage) to

achieve a certain degree of effluent quality by using a sewage treatments
plants with physical phase separation to remove settle-able solids and a
biological process to remove dissolve and suspended organic compounds after
this kind of treatment, the wastewater may be called a secondary-treated
Secondary treatments are the portion of a sewage treatments sequence
removing dissolved and colloidal compounds measured as biochemical oxygen
demand (BOD). Secondary treatment is traditionally applied to the liquid
portion of sewage after primary treatment has removed settle-able solids and
floating material, secondary treatment is typically performed by indigenous,
aquatic microorganisms in a managed aerobic habitat. Bacteria and protozoa
consume biodegradable soluble organic contaminants (e.g. sugars, fats, and
organic short carbon molecules from human waste, food waste, soaps and
detergents) while reproducing to form cells of biological solids. Biological
oxidation is sensitive to temperature

After settling, the clear wastewater is decanted from the tank into an
automatically lowered centrally located trough. This Secondary treated
effluent is piped into the Equalisation Basin for holding before its final tertiary
treatment. Secondary Alum dosing can be used at this point for removal of

Fig. 6 Decanting system of STP

3.3.2 Process of Secondary Treatment

Once wastewater has gone through the Primary treatment stage. The Effluent
will undergo a secondary treatment in order to remove both small suspended
solids and BODs (five-day biochemical oxygen demand) that pass through the
primary treatment stage. All secondary treatments systems use a biological
process to break down organic matter. Microorganisms are introduced to the
wastewater and consume the organic matter, oxygen delivered to the system
ensuring microorganism survival. Oxygen delivery differs among the various
systems. This biological process occurs naturally in nature, but is accelerated in
secondary treatments system. Typically, 85% of BOD and suspended solids are
removed during

Sludge or MLSS (Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids) is removed and pumped to

the Sludge lagoons. “Nitrification” occurs during this stage (aeration/mixing)
which is the oxidation of ammonia to nitrite.


The Aerators switch off and the effluent becomes still. Having no oxygen
supply, the microorganisms use carbon in the organic matter as a food source,
converting nitrates to nitrogen gas which is released to the atmosphere (“De-
nitrification). During this phase the solids separate and settle from the liquid
giving clarification to the upper part of the tank.
Fig.9 settling of sewage

Some treatment processes, denitrification often impairs the settling of the floc
causing poor quality effluent in many suspended aeration plants. Overflow
from the activated sludge mixing chamber is sent to a secondary clarifier
where the suspended biological floc settles out while the treated water moves
into tertiary treatment or disinfection. Settled floc is returned to the mixing
basin to continue growing in primary effluent. Like most ecosystems,
population changes among activated sludge biota can reduce treatment
efficiency. Nocardia, a floating brown foam sometimes misidentified as sewage
fungus, is the best known of many different fungi and protists that can
overpopulates the floc and cause process upsets. Elevated concentrations of
toxic wastes including pesticides, industrial metal plating waste, or extreme
pH, can kill the biota of an activated sludge reactor ecosystem.
Fig.11 Activated sludge

This process. Water exiting secondary treatment will carry nitrogen,

phosphorus, heavy metals, Pathogens, and bacteria. For further removal of
pollutants, the water is transported to a tertiary treatment system and
disinfection. There are a variety of secondary treatment processes in which the
following are conventional processes used by treatment plants:

 Activated sludge
 Trickling filter
 Rotating Biological Contractor (RBC)
 Oxidation ponds

Operational and initial costs along with space are their factors that will often
determine which technique is appropriate. Space is influenced by population
size and cost of land. For example, oxidation ponds require large areas of land
is costly or needed for housing oxidation ponds are not a likely option. ACTIVATED SLUDGE

The activated sludge process is a process for treating sewage and industries
wastewater using air and a biological floc composed of bacteria and protozoa.
It is a common suspended-growth method of secondary treatment. Activated
sludge plants encompass a variety of mechanisms and processes using
dissolved oxygen to promote growth of biological floc that substantially
removes organic materials Biological floc is an ecosystem of living biota
subsisting on nutrient from the inflowing primary . Nitrogenous dissolved
solids are similarly converted to biological floc or oxidized by the floc to
nitrities, nitrates , and in some processes , to nitrogen gas through
denitrification. While denitrification is encouraged in

Fig.12 Trickling filter Biological processes

The bio-film develops in a trickling filter may become several millimetres thick
and is typically a gelatinous matrix that contains many species of bacteria,
cillates and amoeboid protozoa , annelids , round worms and insect larvae and
many other micro fauna. This is very different from many other bio-films which
may be less than 1 mm thick, Within the thickness of the bio-film both aerobic
and anaerobic zones can exist supporting both oxidative and reductive
biological processes. At certain times of year, especially in the spring rapid
growth of organisms in the film cause the film to be too thick and it may slough
off in patches leading to the ‘spring slough’. Purpose of Activated Sludge:

In a sewage (or industries wastewater) treatment plant, the activated sludge

process is a biological process that can be used for one or several of the
following purpose: oxidizing carbonaceous biological matter, oxidizing
nitrogenous matter. Activated Sludge Process:

The general arrangement where of an activated sludge process for removing

carbonaceous pollution includes the following items:

 Aeration tank where air (or oxygen) is injected in the mixed liquor.
 Settling tank (usually referred to as “final clarifier” or ‘secondary settled
tank”) to allow the biological flocs (the sludge blanket) to settle thus
separating the biological sludge from the clear treated water.

Treatment of nitrogenous matter or phosphate involves additional steps where

the mixed liquor is left in anoxic condition.

1.Bioreactor and final clarifier

The process involves air or oxygen being introduced into a mixture of

screened, and primary treated sewage or industries wastewater combined
with organism to develop a biological floc which reduces the organic content of
the sewage. This material, which in healthy sludge is a brown floc, is largely
composed of saprotrophic bacteria but also has an important protozoan flora
mainly composed of other important constituents include motile and
sedentary Rotifers.

Managed activated sludge, a range of mucilaginous filamentous bacteria can

develop including sphaerotilus natans, which produces a sludge that is difficult
to settle and can result in the sewage blanket decanting over the weirs is often
described as sewage fungus but the fungal communities are relatively

The combination of wastewater and biological mass is commonly known as

mixed liquor. In all activated sludge plants, once the water waste has received
sufficient treatment, excess mixed liquor is discharged into settling tanks and
the treated supernatant is run off to undergo further treatment before
discharge. Part of the settled material, the sludge, is returned to the head of
the aeration system to re-seed the new wastewater entering the tank. This
fraction of the floc is called Return Activated Sludge (R.A.S).

The space required for a sewage treatment plant can be reduced by using a
membrane bioreactor to remove some wastewater from the mixed liquor prior
to treatment. This results in a more concentrated waste product that can then
be treated using the activated sludge process.

Many sewage treatment plants use axial flow pumps to transfer nitrified mixed
liquor from the aeration zone to the anoxic zone for denitrification. These
pumps are often referred to as internal mixed liquor recycle mixer in the
anoxic zones in order to achieve denitrification.

2.Sludge production
Activated sludge is also the name given to the active biological material
produced by activated sludge plants. Excess sludge is called “surplus activated
sludge” or “waste activated sludge” food supplied in the wastewater in
balance. This sewage sludge is usually mixed with primary Sludge from the
primary clarifies and undergoes further sludge treatment, for example by
anaerobic digestion, followed by thickening, dewatering, composting and land
The amount of sewage sludge produced from the activated sludge process is
directly proportional to the amount of wastewater treated. The total sludge
production consists of the sum of primary sludge from the primary
sedimentation tanks as well as waste activated sludge from the bioreactors.
The activated sludge process produces about 70-100 kg/ML of waste activated
sludge (that is kg of dry solids produced per ML of wastewater treated; one
mega litre (ML) is 103m3 ). A value of 80 kg/ML is regarded as being typical. In
addition, about 110-170 kg/ML of primary sludge is produced in the primary
sedimentation tanks which most but not all of the activated sludge process
configurations use. TRICKLING FILTER
The terms trickle filter, trickling bio filter, bio filter, biological filter and
biological trickling filter are often used to refer to a trickling filler. A trickling
filter is a type of wastewater treatment system first used by Dibben and
Clowes. It consists of a fixed bed of rocks, lava, coke, gravel, slag, polyurethane
foam, sphagnum peatmoss, ceramic, or plastic media over which sewage or
other wastewater flows downwards and causes a layer of microbial slime (bio-
film) to grow, covering the bed of media.
Conditions are maintained by splashing, diffusion, and either by forced air
flowing through the bed or natural convection of air if the filter medium is
porous. These systems have also been described as roughing filters,
intermittent filters, packed media bed filters, alternatives septic systems,
percolating filters, attached growth processes, and fixed film processes.
Typically, sewage flow enters at a high level and flows through the primary
settlement tank. The supernatant from the tank flows into a dosing device
Fig.13 Working trickling filter
often a tipping bucket which delivers flow to the arms of the filter. The lush of
water flows through the arms and exit through a series of holes pointing at an
angle downwards. This propels the arms around distributing the liquid evenly
over the surface of the filter media. Most are uncovered (unlike the
accompanying diagram) and freely ventilated to the atmosphere.
System can be configured for single pass use where the treated water is
applied to the trickling filter once before being disposed of, or for multi-pass
use where a portion of treated water is cycled back and retreated via a closed
loop. Multi-pass system results in higher quality and assist in removal of total
nitrogen (NT) levels by promoting nitrification in the aerobic media bed and
denitrification in the anaerobic septic tank. Some systems use the filters in two
banks operated in series so that the waste water has two passes through a
filter with sedimentation stage between the two passes. Every few days the
filters are switched round to balance the load. This method of treatment can
improve nitrification and de-nitrification since much of the carbonaceous
oxidative material is removed on the first pass through the filters.
The removal of pollutants from the wastewater streams involves both
absorption and adsorption of organic compounds and some inorganic species
such as nitrites and nitrates ion by the layer of microbial bio-film. The filter
media is typically chosen to provide a very high surface area to volume. Typical
material is often porous and have considerable internal surface area in
addition to the external surface of the medium. Passage of the wastewater
over the media provides dissolved oxygen which the bio-film requires for the
biochemical oxidation of the organic compounds and releases CO2 gas, Water
and other oxidised products. As the bio-film thickens, it eventually slough off
into liquid flow and subsequently forms part of secondary sludge. Typically, a
trickling filter is followed by a clarifier or sedimentation tank for the separation
and removal of the sloughed bio-film. Other filters utilising higher density
media such as sand, foam and forced air blowers and backwashing or an
enclosed anaerobic environment. ROTATING BIOLOGICAL CONTRACTOR

A Rotating Biological Contractor or RBC is a biological treatment process used
in the treatment of wastewater followed by primary treatment. The primary
treatment process removes the grit and other solids through a screening
process followed by a period of settlement. The RBC process involves allowing
the wastewater to come in contact with biological medium in order to remove
pollutants in the wastewater before discharge of the treated wastewater to
the environment, usually a body of water (river, lake or ocean). A rotating
biological contractor is a type of secondary treatment process. It consists of a
series of closely spaced, parallel discs mounted on a rotating shaft which is
supported just above the surface of the waste water. Microorganisms grow on
the surface of the discs where biological degradation of the wastewater
pollutants takes place.
Fig.14 Actual RBC Fig.15 generalised RBC
Rotating biological contractors (RBCs) are robust mechanical fixed-film
secondary treatment systems capable of withstanding surges in organic load.
RBCs were first installed in Germany in 1960 and have since been developed
and refined into a reliable operating unit. The rotating disks support the
growth of bacteria and microorganisms present in the sewage, which break
down and stabilize organic pollutants. To be successful, micro-organism need
both oxygen to live and food to grow. Oxygen is obtained from the atmosphere
as the disks rotate. As the micro-organisms grow, they build up on the media
unit they are sloughed off due to shear forces provided by the rotating discs in
the sewage. Effluent from the RBC is then passed through a secondary clarifier
where the sloughed biological solids in suspension settle as a sludge.
Approximately 95% of surface area is submerged in wastewater. the first stage
of a series of modules, with nitrification being completed after the 5 th stage.
Most design of RBC systems will include a minimum of 4 or 5 modules in series
to obtain nitrification of waste water.
Bio-films, which are biological growths that become attached to the discs,
assimilates the organic materials in the wastewater. Aeration is provided by
the rotating action, which exposes the media to the air after contacting them
with the waste water, facilitating the degradation of pollutants being removed.
The degree of waste water related treatment is related to the amount of
media surface area and the quality and volume of the inflowing wastewater.

Fig.17 Generalised flow diagram of tertiary treatment

Secondary treatment removed 85 to 95 percent of BOD and TSS and minor

portions of nitrogen, phosphorus, and heavy metals. Tertiary treatment is the
next wastewater treatment process after secondary treatment. This treatment
Is sometimes called as the final or advanced treatments and consists of
removing the organic load left after secondary treatment for removal of
nutrients from sewage and particularly to kill the pathogenic bacteria. The
effluents from secondary sewage treatment plants contain both nitrogen(N)
and phosphorus(P). N and P are ingredients in all fertilizers. When excess be
accelerated which results in eutrophication in the water body receiving suck
waster. Algae growth may be stimulated causing blooms which are toxic to fish
life as well as aesthetically unpleasing. Secondary treated effluent also contains
suspended, dissolved, and colloidal constituents which may be required to be
removed for stipulated reuse or disposal of the treatment stage to raise the
effluent. The purpose of tertiary treatment is to provide a final treatment stage
to raise the effluent quality before it is discharged to the receiving
environment such as sea, river, lake, ground, etc., or to raise treated water
quality to such a level to make it suitable for intended reuse. This step removes
different types of pollutants such as organic matter, SS, nutrients, pathogens,
and heavy metals that secondary treatment is not able to remove. Wastewater
effluent becomes even cleaner in this treatment process through the use of
stronger and more advanced treatment systems. It includes sedimentation,
coagulations, membrane process, filtration, ion exchange, activated carbon
adsorption, electrodialysis, nitrification and denitrification, etc. Tertiary
treatment is costly as compared to primary and secondary treatment methods.
3.4.1 Need of Tertiary treatment
Tertiary treatment may be provided to the secondary effluent for one or more
of the following contaminants further:
- To remove total suspended solids and organic matter those are present
in effluents after secondary treatment.
- To remove specific organic and inorganic constituents from industrial
effluents to it suitable for reuse.
- To make treated wastewater suitable for land application purpose or
directly discharge it into water bodies like rivers, lakes etc.
- To remove residual nutrients beyond what can be accomplished by
earlier treatment methods.
- To remove pathogens from the secondary treated effluents.
- To reduced total dissolved solids (TDS) from secondary treated effluent
to meet reuse quality standards.

3.4.2 Tertiary treatment

In advance wastewater treatment, treatment options or methods are
dependent upon the characteristics of effluents to be obtained after secondary
treatment to satisfy further use of disposal of treated wastewater. Nitrogen removal

Wastewater containing nutrients includes sewage, agriculture, run off and
many of the industrial effluents. The nutrients of most concerned are N and P.
the principal nitrogen compounds in domestic sewage are proteins, amines,
amino acids and urea. Ammonia nitrogen in sewage results from the bacterial
decomposition of these organic constituents. The nitrogen compounds result
from the biological decomposition of proteins and from urea discharged in
body waste. This nitrogen is in complex organic molecules and is referred
simply a organic nitrogen. Organic nitrogen may be biologically converted to
free ammonia (NH30) or to the ammonium ion (NH 4+) y one of several different
metabolic pathways. These two exists in equilibrium as :
NH4+ -------- NH3 + H+
Ammonia nitrogen is the most reduced nitrogen compound found in
wastewater, which can be biologically oxidized to nitrate if molecular oxygen is
present. In wastewater the predominant forms of nitrogen are organic
nitrogen and ammonia. The nitrification may take place in biological treatment
units provided the treatment periods are long enough. Generally, for the HRT
used in secondary treatment conversion of organic nitrogen to ammonia is
significant and nitrification may not be significant. Because of oxygen demand
exerted by ammonia and due to other environmental factors removal of
ammonia may be required. The most common processes for removal of
ammonia from wastewater are
i) Biological nitrification
ii) Denitrification Biological nitrification

Bacteria remove ammonia nitrogen from wastewater by a two step

biological processes: nitrification followed by denitrification to
convert it finally to gaseous nitrogen. In this gaseous form N 2 is inert
and does not react with the wastewater itself or with other
constituents present in wastewater. Since treated wastewater is
likely to be saturated with molecular nitrogen; the produced N 2 is
simply released to the atmosphere. These two steps involved require
different environmental conditions and hence generally they are
carried out in separate reactors.
It has important role in nitrogen removal from wastewater during
treatment. The biological conversion of ammonia to nitrate nitrogen
is called nitrification. It is autotrophic process i.e., energy for bacterial
growth is derived by oxidation of nitrogen compounds such as
ammonia. In this process, the cell yield per unit substrate removal is
smaller than heterotrophs. Nitrification is a two-step process. In first
step bacteria known as Nitrosomonas can convert ammonia and
ammonium to nitrate. These bacteria known as nitrifiers are strictly
aerobes. This process is limited by the relatively slow growth rate of
nitrosomonas. Next, bacteria called nitrobacter finish the conversion
of nitrite to nitrate.

First step: NH4+ +3/2O2 ------- NO2- + 2H+ + H2O

Second step: NO2- +1/2O2---------NO3-
Overall reaction: NH4+ +2O2 --------- NO3- +2H+ +H2O
Nitrosomlons and nitrobacter use the energy derived from the reactions for
cell growth and maintenance. Some of ammonium ions are assimilated into
cell tissues. Neglecting this ammonia ion used in cell synthesis the O 2 required
to oxidize ammonia to nitrate is 4.57 mg O 2/mg ammonia nitrogen. If the
ammonia used in the cell, O2 required is considered it is 4.3 mg O 2/mg
ammonium nitrogen and about 7.14 mg of alkalinity is needed to neutralise
the H+ produced.
Nitification may be used to prevent oxygen depletion from nitrogeneous
demand in the receiving water. Nitrification requires a long retention time, a
low food to microorganism ratio, high mean cell residence time and adequate
alkalinity. Wastewater temperature and pH affects time the rate of
Nitrifying bacteria are sensitive organisms. A variety of organic and inorganic
agents can inhibit the growth and action of these organisms. High
concentration of ammonia and nitrous acid can be inhibitory. The system
acclimatize to lower pH can also work successfully. The temperature also has
considerable impact on growth of the nitrifying bacteria. Dissolved oxygen
concentration above 1 mg/L is essential for nitrification slows down or ceases. Denitrification
In some applications, such as discharge of effluent into enclosed water bodies
or recycle to water supplies, nitrification may not be sufficient. When nitrogen
removal is required, one of the available methods of to follow biological
nitrification with denitrification. Denitrification is accomplished under
anaerobic or near anaerobic conditions by facultative heterotrophic bacteria
commonly found in wastewater. Nitrates are removed by two mechanisms: (1)
conversion of NO3 to N2 gas by bacterial metabolism and (2) conversion of NO3
to nitrogen contained in cell mass which may be removed by settling.
Denitrification occurs when oxygen levels are depleted and nitrate becomes
the primary electron acceptor source for microorganisms.
Nitrate, NO3- --------nitrate, NO2---------nitric oxide, NO ------- nitrous oxide,
N2O------- Nitrogen, N2
Denitrifying bacteria are facultative organisms, they can use either dissolved
oxygen or nitrate as an oxygen source for metabolism and oxidation of organic
matter. This is carried out by hetetrophic bacteria such as pseudomonas,
spririllum, lactobacillus, bacillus, microaoccus, etc. for reduction to occur, the
DO level must be near to zero, and carbon supply must be available to the
bacteria. Because of low carbon content is required for the previous
nitrification step, carbon content is required for the pervious nitrification step,
carbon must be added before denitrification can proceed. Aamall amount of
primary effluent, bypassed around secondary and nitrification reactor can be
used to supply the carbon. However, the unnitrified compounds in this water
will be unaffected by the denitrification process and will appear in effluent.
When complete nitrogen removal is required, an external source of carbon
containing no nitrogen will be required. The most commonly used external
source of nitrogen is methanol. When methanol is added the reaction is:
NO3- +5/6 CH3OH -------1/2N2 +5/6 CO2 +7/6 H2O +OH-
For treatment plant above 3 mg/L of methanol is required for each mg/L of
nitrate, making this process can expensive. Alkalinity is generated in this
process denitrification can be carried out as attached growth and suspended
growth process. Phosphorous removal
Normally secondary treatment can only remove 1-2 mg/L of phosphorous, so a
large excess of phosphorous is discharged in the final effluent causing
eutrophication of lakes and natural water bodies. Generally, it appears as
orthophosphate, polyphosphate and organically bound phosphorous.
Phosphorous is required for microbes for cell synthesis and energy transport
maintenance as well as it is stored for subsequent use by microbes. During
secondary treatment process about 10 to 30 % of influent phosphorous is
removed. Phosphate is removal is currently achieved largely by chemical
precipitation, which is accomplished by sequencing and producing the
appropriate environmental condition in the reactors.
Acinetobacter organisms are helpful for removal of phosphorous from effluent.
Under anaerobic conditions, phosphorous accumulating organisms assimilate
fermentation products into storage products within cells with the concomitant
release of phosphorous from stored polyphosphates. Release of phosphorous
occurs under anoxic condition. The BPR requires both aerobic and anaerobic
zones in reactors for efficient treatment. Generally, lime precipation is most
commonly used for phosphorus removal. Phosphoras is removed in the waste
sludge from the system. Treatment technologies presently available for
phosphoras removal include.
 Physical
 Filtrations for particulate phosphoras
 Membrane technologies
 Chemical
 Presipitaion
 Other
 Biological
 Assimilation
 Enhanced biological phosphoras removal chlorination
Water chlorination is the process of adding chloriene or hypochloride to
water. This method is used to kill certain bacteria and other microbes in
tap water chlorine is highly toxic. In particular, chlorination is used to
prevent the spread of water bone disease such as cholera, dysienterity,
typhoid etc.
As a halogen chlorine is a highly efficient disinfectant and is added to
public water supplies to kill disease causing pathogens such as bacteria ,
viruses and protozona that commonly grow in water supply reservoirs
on the walls of ater mains and in storage tanks. The microscopic agents
of many diseases such as cholera , typhoid and dysentery killed
countless people annulay before disinfection methods were employed

Xhloriene is manufactured from salt by electrolysis or other methods. It

is a gas at atmospheric pressure but liquefies under pressure. The
liquefied gas is transported and used as such. As a strong oxidizing agent
chlorine kills via the oxidation of organic molecules. Chlorine and
hydrolysis produced hypochlorous acid are neutrally charge and
therefore easily penetrate the negatively charged surface of pethogens.
It is able to disintrigate the lipids that compose the cell and react with
intracellular enzymes and protienes making them non-functional.
Microorganism than die or no longer able to multiply.

When chlorine is dissolved in water it converts to an equilibrium mixture

of chlorine hypocholorous acid and hydrochloric acid

In acidic solution the major species are cl2 and hocl where as in alkaline
solution effectively only clo- is present. Very small concentration of
clo2-, clo3-,clo4- are also found.

Disinfection by chlorination can be problematic in some circumstances.

Chlorine can react with naturally occurring organic compounds found in
the water supply to produce compounds known as disinfection by-
products. The most common DBPs are try halomephanes and haloacitic.
Tryhalomethanes are the main disinfectant by-products created from
chlorination with two different types, bromoform and
drybromochloromethane, which are mainly responsible for health

There effects depend strictly on the duration of there exposure to the

chemicals and the amount ingested into the body. In high doses,
broform mainly slows down regular basin activity which is manifested by
symptoms such as sleepiness. Chronic exposure of both bromoform and
dibromochloromethane can cause liver and kidney cancer, as well as
hard diseases uncautionness or death in high doses. Due to the potential
carcinogenicity of these compounds, drinking water regulation across
the developed world required regular monitoring of the concentration of
these compounds in the distribution system of municipal water system
the world health organization has stated that the risk to health from
these by-products are extremely small in comparison with the risk
associated with inadequate disinfection.
Wastewater treatment involves a variety of processes performed at different
levels of treatment. The basic form of treatment is the breaking down of
organic waste bacteria either aerobically or anaerobically or a combination of
both which occur in secondary treatment. Primary treatment offers the
settlement of solids. Tertiary treatment involves the removal of phosphorous,
nitrogen and toxic substances. Pathogen removal occurs throughout treatment
but becomes more effective mostly at tertiary levels through the use of UV
rays and chlorination. The higher the treatment efficiency the better the
quality of effluent produced.
Terms Used
Activated sludge: Sludge particles are produced by the growth of
microorganisms in aerated tanks as a part of the activated sludge process to
treat wastewater.
Aeration: Exposing to circulating air adds oxygen to wastewater and allow
other gases trapped in wastewater to scape (the first step in secondary
treatment via activated sludge process).
Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD): A laboratory measurement of wastewater
that is one of the main indicators of the quantity of pollutants present; a
parameter used to measure the amount of oxygen that will be consumed by
microorganisms during the biological reaction with organic material.
Biosolids: Sludge that is intended for beneficial use. Biosolids must meet
certain government-specified criteria depending on its use (e.g., fertilizer or
solid amendment).
Decomposition: The process of breakdown into constituent parts or elements.
Domestic wastewater: Wastewater that comes primarily from individuals, and
does not generally include industrial or agricultural wastewater.
Effluents: Treated wastewater flowing from lagoon tank, treatment process, or
treatment plant.
Grit chamber: A chamber or tank in primary treatment where wastewater
slows down and heavy, large solids (grit) settle out and are removed.
Influent: Wastewater flowing into a treatment plant.
Logoons (oxidation ponds or stabilizer’s ponds): A wastewater treatment
method that uses ponds to treat wastewater. Algae grow with in the lagoons
and utilize sunlight to produce oxygen, which is in turn used by
microorganisms in the lagoon to break down organic material in the
wastewater. Wastewater solids settle in the lagoons, resulting in effluent that
is relatively well treated, although it does contain algae.
Wastewater: Water that has been used for domestic or industrial purposes.
1. Adam, C, Gnirss,R.,Lesjean,B.,Buisson, H.,and Kraum, M.(2002).
“Enhanced niological phosphorus removal in membrane bioreactor.”
Water Sci.technol.,46(4-5),281-286.
2. Ekama, G.A., and Wentzel, M.C. (1999). “Difficulties and development in
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3. Mr. Sanjeev Tyagi plant in charge sector-54 Noida (UP). And his group.
4. Mr. Rakesh Kumar plant Operator.
5. Wikipedia.

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