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- What : the main reasons

- Sub What 1 : causes of land degradation by three different

regions (North America, Europe and Oceania)

- Sub What 2 : causes of worldwide land degradation

- When : 1990’s

The provided data depicts the predominant causes of

uncontrolled deterioration in land quality either regionally (North
America, Europe and Oceania) or Globally within the last decade of
20th century.


Overall, the highest ratio of land deterioration regionally was

contributed by Europe as it had over two-fifth of its land degraded,
while the main cause of the soil quality decline was mainly by the
over-grazing activity.

Body Paragraph 1

Regionally, Europe had become the highest contributor by

having almost a quarter of its land degraded by deforestation, over-
cultivating and over-grazing, although Oceania had contributed the
highest rate of over-grazing compared to Europe. Meanwhile, North
America had remained to be the land which has the lowest rate of
land deterioration.

Body Paragraph 2

Globally, while the over-grazing had contributed the highest

rate of land deterioration, Over-cultivation had followed to be the
second highest reason by contributing almost one-third from the
whole causes as well as deforestation which had taken over than a
quarter fraction. Additionally, there was a small minority of other
reasons that was not mentioned.

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