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Direction: Answer the following questions in the space

1. Whathad happened during the twenty-first century when

it comes to the economic aspect?
- Increased flows of goods, ideas, finance and people - via
globalizations and urbanization - have increased the extent of
the market for workers, producers and consumers . Growth at
the global level in both population and per capita GDP has
accelerated, especially during the last two centuries
2. How the Industrial Revolution occurs?
- The Industrial Revolution began in the 18th century, when
agricultural societies became more industrialized and urban.
The transcontinental railroad, the cotton gin, electricity and
other inventions permanently changed society.
3. Whatare the different perspectives when it comes to
entrepreneurship? How it differs from each other?
- These definitions stem from different perspectives – namely
economic, psychological and sociological, respectively.
Economic perspectives of entrepreneurship focus on the
central role of entrepreneurs in economic development, the
creation of wealth and evolutionary and revolutionary change.
4. In
what ways this entrepreneurial infrastructure can be
- Infrastructure very often involves the production of either
public goods or goods that lend themselves to production by
natural monopolies; it is very typical to see public financing,
control, supervision, or regulation of infrastructure. This
usually takes the form of direct government production or
production by a closely regulated, legally sanctioned, and
often subsidized monopoly.

Direction: Answer the following questions in the space
provided. A rubric is given for your guidance in giving the

1. What are the important events that happened during the

twenty-first century?
- 21st century entrepreneurship opens the door to people helping
opens the door to people helping other people understand the
new team-based approach to business in a global economy
and how to use technology to work from home or in a co-
working space. It’s akin to teaching someone how to fish,
rather than giving them a fish.

2. How the Industrial Revolution occurred in Great Britain?

- The profits Britain had enjoyed due to booming cotton and
trade industries allowed investors to support the constructions
of factories. British entrepreneurs interested in taking risks to
make profits were leading the charge of industrialization.

3. Why entrepreneurship have different perspectives? Give

its differences to its other.
- It is because some entrepreneurs give social good priority
over other aspects. Learning about type of entrepreneurship a
company follows can help you decide whether you can
survive their work culture.

4. HowSilicon Valley becomes the center for entrepreneurial

infrastructure in the world?
- The importance of this region as a leading source of
entrepreneurial wealth generation is illustrated by the fact that
in 2010. This small geographic area is ranked 17th in the
world for patent production when compared to all other
nations (Engel & delPalacio, 2011) and is the world’s leading
‘cluster of innovation’, resulting in the ongoing success of
firms located there.

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