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18, SEPTEMBER 15, 2016

What Can MEMS Do for Logistics of Food?

Intelligent Container Technologies: A Review
Walter Lang and Reiner Jedermann

Abstract— One-third of the food produced on Earth is never and decay of fruits are not detected, mold fungus infections
eaten, but is lost. A considerable loss of food during transport destroy food. MEMS sensors and wireless sensor networks can
could be prevented if modern sensor technology was used identify problems, allowing better control and helping reduce
to manage the supply chain. To achieve this aim, intelligent-
container research is done worldwide and has made considerable the losses.
progress during the last years. This review firstl gives an overview
of this paper with focus on the most important international
research projects working closely to application and performing II. I NTELLIGENT C ONTAINER R ESEARCH
field tests. In the next chapter, we discuss the possible impact Within the last decade, substantial research has been
of sensor networks on food logistics and describe the results of
modelling the food supply. This leads us to the new paradigm in performed and published worldwide under the keywords
food logistics, first expire first out. The second part is devoted “Intelligent Container.” A first group, mostly patents, is con-
to identify critical sensor types for food logistics and related cerned with container security versus attack and manipulation.
new technical developments. We show that ethylene gas plays Wang and He [6] describes a system to detect any door
a crucial role, since it is the ripening trigger and indicator in opening. The structural integrity of the container is monitored
fruits and vegetables. Finally, we discuss the state-of–the art of
ethylene detection for logistics, infrared spectroscopy sensors, and by Selwyn [7]. The content of a container is monitored by
miniaturized gas chromatography systems. sensors in a system described by Easley and Martin [8].
Index Terms— Intelligent container, sensor networks, logistics, Commercial solutions for container tracking have also
mold detection, ethylene sensor, FEFO. become available in recent years. The Secure System [9]
sends alarms on unauthorized door opening by satellite.
I. I NTRODUCTION Additional wireless sensors can be placed inside the container.
The Container Security Box [10] can be attached to the top
O UT of the food produced on this world, two-thirds are
eaten and one-third is lost. Gustavsson et al. [2] found
that consumers cause some losses, but more occur during
of the container with a removable magnetic fixing. On arrival
at a harbor, it sends position data over the GSM network.
production, transport and retailing. Consumer losses differ A version with satellite communication is also available for
significantly between the first and third world, but losses due offshore tracking.
to production and retailing do not differ much. Other sources RFID tag application for transport has been investigated
also find substantial losses in food transport. In China alone, intensively for some time now. Recently, RFID applications
transport losses of perishables of hundreds of billions of RMB for smart harbor projects have become a new hot topic.
(Renminbi) per annum are reported [3]. In cold chains alone, Siror et al. [11] discusses model calculations of a smart
a value of 56 billion RMB (7.7 billion e) is lost [4].1 port at Mombasa Port in Kenya. The smart port system
A considerable part of these losses is caused by quality will monitor all transactions such as incoming and outgoing
problems in the transport chain. Temperature and humidity are freight. Siror calculates a model assuming EPC Gen 2 tags.
badly controlled, dangerous states such as premature ripening His model also assumes sensor equipped tags for sensitive
goods control and monitoring. Recently, the same author
Manuscript received March 14, 2016; revised May 31, 2016; accepted extended his investigation to cover aspects of security: Smart
May 31, 2016. Date of publication June 2, 2016; date of current version harbor technology will facilitate clearance of goods, allowing
August 15, 2016. This work was supported in part by the German Federation
of Industrial Research Associations and in part by the Federal Ministry of faster cargo flow, avoiding pile up of cargo, saving time and
Education and Research, Germany, under Reference No. 01IA10001. The GC money and reducing the risk of terrorist or criminal attack [12].
development has been done in cooperation with FWBI, Bremen, and has been Smart port applications will correlate Intelligent Container
supported by the AiF-German Federation of Industrial Research Associations.
This paper was presented at the IEEE Sensors Conference, Busan, South with big data research. The special challenges of pervasive
Korea, 2015. The associate editor coordinating the review of this paper and computing and RFID for operating container terminals and
approving it for publication was Prof. Subhas C. Mukhopadhyay. transportation systems are described by Kim and Hong [13].
The authors are with the Institute for Microsensors, -Actuators, and
-Systems, University of Bremen, Bremen 28359, Germany, and also with The next step is applying sensor data to supply chain
the Microsystems Center Bremen, University of Bremen, Bremen 28359, management, as investigated in the DynahMat project [14] by
Germany (e-mail:; rjedermann@imsas.uni- Jevinger et al. [15]–[17]. He investigates the use of dynamic
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSEN.2016.2576287 shelf-life modelling on chilled food, measuring temperature
1 The papers of Zhang [4] and Gong [3] are available in Chinese only. They and bacterial growth. He did a number of interviews with
are cited after [5]. industrial stake holders, finding:
1558-1748 © 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.


- dynamic shelf life service is a highly promising approach, He also investigates energy efficiency, finding that more
allowing new business opportunities; attention should be given to air flow strategies in cooled
- users are positive towards sharing information to improve reefers and storehouses. More data about the flow are needed.
the supply chain; This way, computational fluid dynamics and flow sensors come
- loss was estimated by a retailer to be 6%-7% of perish- to the attention of intelligent container researchers [26].
ables; and A large scale commercial field trial was carried out for the
- it is crucial to measure temperature close to the freight transport of kiwifruits from Australia [27]. Tests were repeated
via distributed sensor nodes, not one thermometer in over 3 years. During each year, 20000 wireless temperature
a container. loggers from the Israel company BT9 were placed in contain-
The DynaMat project also discusses dynamic pricing based on ers in various positions. The test revealed several problems
sensor data [15]. that have to be taken in account for fruit quality monitoring
Smart tags, i.e., sensors combined with RFID communica- in a commercial chain. Only 5% of the data from the two first
tion, are reviewed by Costa et al. [18], discussing the specific years were usable for reasons such as radio problems, loggers
importance of smart tag technology for different kinds of that were packed in the wrong pallet, loggers that were not
perishable food: horticulture, meat, fish, diary, bakery and turned off after removal from pallets, or pallets that mistakenly
beverage. Costa identifies four major advantages of smart tags bypassed manual quality verification at arrival. The measured
in logistics: (1) traceability and status monitoring, (2) efficient fruit firmness showed good agreement with a temperature-
enhancement of processes, (3) strict quality monitoring and history–based empirical model. Further research focused on
(4) better information for government and customers. economic [28], biological [29] and technical [30] aspects,
The use of Intelligent Container systems for perishables has as well as reduction of transmitted data volume by compressed
been investigated by Mejjaouli et al. [19], focusing on supply sensing [31].
chain modelling, and by Aung and Chang [20], focusing on Finally, The Intelligent Container Project, performed by
traceability. An extensive review on wireless sensor technolo- a German consortium including the authors, focusses on tech-
gies for perishables is given by Ruiz-Garcia et al. [21]. nical aspects of remote monitoring of cold chain transports and
Worldwide, researchers are working on intelligent container combination of sensor data with biological models [32], [33].
techniques. Some of the major projects include the following. The communication system includes wireless sensors packed
The European Pasteur project [22], completed in 2012, inside the product, a gateway for external communication by
focused on developing a smart sensor tag containing temper- cellular networks or satellite, and a database and web server to
ature, pH, humidity and gas sensors and an RFID interface. access temperature history and product quality prediction [34].
The sensor measurements were processed by a food quality Automated warning messages are generated by the embedded
prediction model, running on the smart tag. processing unit of the container based on shelf life models.
CHILL-ON [22], a further European project completed Extensive field tests and temperature mapping were carried
in 2010, focused on the avoidance, detection and prediction out for the transport of bananas from Central America to
of food safety hazards in fish and poultry supply chains. Europe [35].
In contrast to other projects, the estimation of remaining
shelf life and food risks was not based on calculation of III. H OW C AN R EAL -T IME DATA I MPROVE
a mathematical model, but on finding a chemical process with
similar kinetics and temperature dependency in the form of Sensor networks can supply real-time data about the trans-
a temperature-time-integrator (TTI). This TTI-Tag does not port and storage processes. How might these data be used for
need any battery. It can be read wirelessly over a passive improvement? In logistic processes, the chances to interfere
RFID interface. A major problem is fitting the TTI kinetics are very limited. Imagine a cooled reefer container on a ship
to different types of products. suffering from a hot spot caused by a failure in stowing that
The recent European Frisbee project [23], completed cuts off convective flow. The sensor network detects fruits
in 2014, focused on offline analysis of transport temperature starting to rot at this hot spot.
data [24] and shelf-life models. Although the project had no We cannot increase cooling power because overcooling will
emphasis on remote monitoring, it provides valuable insight harm other fruits that are close to the air inlet, nor can we
into cold chain problems. The effects of modifications in change the stowing to allow the cool air to flow. But still,
the chain in regard to food losses, energy consumption and valuable actions are possible.
CO2 emissions can be evaluated by a simulation tool, taking
into account typical temperature profiles from production to A. Changing the Logistic Chain: Dynamic FEFO
consumers’ fridges from different European countries and When I know that a certain load is in danger, I can give
biological models for various food products. notice to the receiving harbor to care for this reefer first.
Recently, Defraeye et al. [25] published a study using In road transport, I can reallocate it to a closer customer.
a holistic approach toward the whole supply chain, thus Even if the load definitively is lost, real-time information
broadening the area of topics considered. He draws attention is useful: I do not transport freight that will be lost at the
to new aspects such as disinfection from insect larva, which destination, thus saving costs, fuel and import taxes. Further-
requires that the temperature remains under a given threshold more, I can send replacements to be shipped immediately, thus
for a sufficient period of time during container transportation. avoiding problems with unsatisfied customers.


Fig. 1. Food loss per capita in kg/year for different parts of the world.
Adapted from Gustavsson et al. [2].
Fig. 2. Product losses during transport of ham [36], berries [37], fish [38] and
pork [39]. In supply chain models, conventional logistic planning and planning
The classic paradigm of logistics is First in-First out (FIFO). based on shelf-life–information are compared. Shelf-life-information reduces
The charges are processed in order of their arrival. Due to losses considerably.
computer control of the logistic chain, these days a new
logistic paradigm is taking over: First expire-First out (FEFO). that could not be sold due to quality defects decreased from
Those charges that are closer to their defined expiration 37% to 23%. Slightly lower but yet important improvements
date are processed preferentially. Sensor networks will allow were found in the supply chain for sea bream [38] and fresh
advancing even more: Those pallets or freight items that are pork chops [39] in other studies (Fig. 2).
closer to decay will be processed first. The time to decay But so far, these encouraging studies have not led to
is called “remaining shelf life.” It can be estimated and widespread applications. A major obstacle is the fact that data
continuously updated using real-time sensor data. This new loggers need manual handling to read the temperature history.
approach is called “dynamic FEFO.” To do the updating, A fully automated decision system can only be implemented
the sensor network must have implemented intelligence in the by wireless temperature data transmission, requiring adequate
form of a decision support tool that does shelf life estimating. microsystems with low costs and low energy consumption for
What is the impact of dynamic FEFO? At this point, when small battery size.
implementation in logistics is just starting, we do not have These concepts all estimate quality changes based on the
much evidence from real transport processes yet. On the product’s temperature history. Additional measurement of
other hand, supply chain modelling is an established and direct quality indicators can largely improve the accuracy of
elaborated tool of logistic research. Several investigators have the quality prediction.
used models to compare classic delivery to shelf-life–based A sensor-based warning system against mold fungus is
planning. subject of a running research project in Bremen [40].
Studies to quantify the advantages of dynamic FEFO date Also the consumer part of food loss (red bars in Figure 1)
back to 2005. Two decision points were considered in a Monte- could be considerably reduced by FEFO. Kranert et al. [41]
Carlo simulation for a real supply chain for cooked ham [36]. shows that in Germany consumer food loss is largely caused by
The first decision takes place at a transshipment point from fixed expiration dates and could be reduced largely by dynamic
where the goods are either forwarded to local customers or food labelling. A lot of food is obviously ok, but will not
to export deliveries with longer transport routes. A second be sold or used any more since a printed expiration date is
decision process was simulated at the retail stores. Goods over. To change this, the German Federal Ministry for Food
can be placed either immediately or after 12 or 24 hours and Agriculture has launched an initiative “too good for the
in the retail cabinets. The decisions were based on the time- bin” in 2015 [42]. Germany discusses to remove the term of
temperature history of the product. The statistical properties fixed expiration date from legal texts [43].
of several influence factors were evaluated during a field study
and taken into account for the simulation: initial bacteria load,
temperature variations in different steps of the supply chain, B. Improving Storage
variations of the transport duration and typical temperature Cooling fruit consumes considerable electric power. Analyz-
of consumer fridges. The simulation showed that the share ing a reefer or a cold store often reveals that the cooling power
of products with a critical bacteria load at the time of might be reduced if it was possible to correctly distribute the
consumption can be reduced from 16% to 8% by dynamic cool air. If some department of the refrigerated warehouse is
FEFO (Fig. 2) compared with an approach based only on blocked from the convective flow of cool air, to get this part
the production or packing date without using the temperature down to a set point of, e.g., 3°C, we must increase cooling
history. power, which will overcool other parts and waste power. In a
The greatest advantage of dynamic FEFO was found in current project, networks of temperature and flow sensors are
a study on strawberries [37]. Based on the temperature history, used to understand and control large cold stores. Based on
measured by data loggers, the berries are either sold directly or sensor data, new modelling tools are developed to describe
forwarded to local or remote retail stores. The share of fruits and improve cooling.


C. Early Feedback also the direction of airflow. Two thermopiles are placed to
A crucially important aspect of sensor control of transport the left and right of a resistive heater [48].
processes is early detection of quality processes of fruit. As an An extended sensor with additional thermopiles for 2-
example, we consider a quality problem on a banana plantation dimensional measurement of the airflow is currently under
in South America. The travel to Europe takes three weeks, and development.
a large fruit company runs one ship per week. The quality 2) Acceleration: Mechanical shock is a major cause of loss
problem begins to appear a week after leaving port. The fruits of food. It occurs frequently when containers are handled
are stressed, causing increased ethylene emission. A hotspot roughly by the cranes. Quite often, they are released some
is developing and spreading in the load. This happens on 10 cm above the ground and then dropped down, which results
a ship on the Atlantic Ocean, and nobody knows about it. in dents in the fruit. To detect mechanical shock, accelerom-
When the fruits are landed in Europe, the problem is detected eters must be active 100% of the time; no duty cycling is
and feedback is given to the plantation to take action. But at possible. Since modern accelerometers have extremely low
this point in time, three additional ships are already on sea, power consumption, this is possible even for battery-powered
with the same quality problem. Using real-time sensor data, sensor nodes.
increased ethylene production and the development of a hot Today, a large variety of sensor nodes is available. Ambient
spot can be detected while they occur, so the alarm to the Systems provides sensor nodes with housing for commer-
plantation would come two weeks earlier and a large loss in cial and industrial applications. Battery lifetime is up to
fruit might be prevented. 5 years [49]. A common open source platform for research
and prototype applications is the TelosB / TPR2400 by Cross-
bow [50]. The board with size of 6,5cm ∗ 3 cm ∗ 0,6cm,
IV. S ENSORS —W HAT D O W E N EED AND and weight of 23 grams contains a radio with integrated
W HAT D O W E H AVE ? antenna and a low power CPU, running TinyOS. It operates
What type of sensor information do we need? Do we at 2,4 to 2,48 GHz and is ZigBee compliant. The standard
have sensors available, or do we have to develop them? sensor equipment contains temperature, humidity and light
Measurement of fruit and vegetable quality is reviewed by measurement.
Nicolai [44]. Sensor applications for perishable goods have Another evolving possibility of sensor networks applica-
been reviewed by Dada and Thiesse [45]. These are the major bility is the use of sub-GHz networks where direct sensor
measurands: node to base-station communication is possible, owing to
superior signal penetration of lower frequencies in comparison
to common 2.4 GHz. DASH7 and LoRaWAN are two open
A. Physical Measurands standards dealing in such sub-GHz standards.
1) Temperature: Cooled reefers have two or three tempera-
ture sensors. Applying sensor nets in real containers, we found B. Chemical Measurands
that local deviations from the average value are much larger The measurement of CO2 gas concentration is important in
than expected [46]. Especially to detect hot spots, a high two ways: On the one hand, an increasing CO2 concentration
granulation of sensor nodes is needed. is an indicator of metabolic activity. For example, if bananas
Relative air humidity is usually kept between 85% and 95% turn from their green unripe state to climacteric ripening phase,
in fruit transport and storage. Lower values cause weight loss their metabolic activity increases by a factor between 5 and 10.
by evaporation, whereas higher values increase the risk for On the other hand, an increased CO2 concentration is
mold fungus infections. Deviations from the optimal humidity often applied to delay the ripening of fruits. Such a modi-
set point can be used as additional input for the shelf-life fied atmosphere can be achieved on the container level by
estimator. an automated air-flap control system. In other applications,
Furthermore, high humidity values close to condensation are the fruits are packed inside a special foil inside the boxes that
problematic for several sensor types such as CO2 and airflow. repeals the CO2 . Especially in the latter case, there is a large
Condensation can scatter light on lenses or mirrors and form uncertainty as to whether the desired CO2 concentration is
a thermal bypass between the heater and thermopiles. actually achieved by self-respiration of the fruits.
There are many commercial sensors for temperature and Optical CO2 sensors use absorption maxima in the near-
humidity. An example used by the authors is the SHT75 by infrared range. Challenges for miniature sensors are the
Sensirion [47]. This is a fully calibrated digital-output low required length of the optical path to achieve a sufficient
power sensor. Temperature is measured with a band-gap sen- attenuation of the typical spectral line at 4.3 μm.
sor, achieving a resolution of 0.01°C and an accuracy of 0.3°C. Alcohols indicate anaerobic fermentation, which generally
Humidity is measured capacitively, resolution is 0.05% relative means strong degradation or complete loss of food. Measure-
humidity, accuracy is 1.8%. Power consumption is 2μW in ment of alcohols is done by chemical sensors, such as Pt doped
sleep mode, 3mW when measuring. SnO2 thin films [51].
Airflow or airspeed sensors are another important compo- Oxygen promotes growth of aerobic pathogens and spoilage
nent to monitor in order to verify the cooling conditions inside organisms, such as mold, and measuring oxygen can be
containers or warehouses. Miniaturized sensors based on the important within airproof food packaging. Chemical O2 sen-
thermoelectrical principle measure not only the magnitude but sors are reviewed by [52]. Very precise measurement is


less than 1 ppm is sufficient [57]. This is why fruit ripen

For example, one box with 20 kg of bananas in a container
can start an unwanted ripening process due to fungus infection
or mechanical stress during packing. During ripening, the eth-
ylene production rate increases to 5 μl/(kg·h) at 15°C [58].
After 2 days, the single “ripe” box can lead to a critical
ethylene concentration of 0.1 ppm in the container with a free
air volume of 47.4 m3 . After two more days at this ethylene
concentration, ripening is initiated in the remainder of the
container load.
Fig. 3. Ethylene efflux over time [59], adapted from [60]. In climacteric
Not only does ripening make fruit emit ethylene, but stress
state, ethylene is easy to measure. To detect the beginning of growth in like wounds or attack by insects does as well. What do we need
preclimacteric state, a resolution of some 10 ppb is needed. to measure? Figure 3 shows the ethylene efflux rate of apples
and bananas over time. Bananas are climacteric fruits, meaning
done using a physical principle: paramagnetic measurement. they stay in a premature state (green banana) for a long time,
Recently, this method has been integrated in a MEMS chip by but when ripening starts, the process cannot be stopped until
Krippner et al. [53]. final decay. During ripening, ethylene concentration in the
container will be in the ppmv (part per million in volume)
range. But what we want to measure is the small rise in
C. Biological Measurands the preclimacteric state that indicates that something will be
Food is subject to biological attack. The application of happening soon. To do this, we have to measure some tens
biosensing in food transport is just beginning. The main part per billion (ppb). Furthermore, a container full of fruit
obstacle is probe sampling. For example, entering a banana will include a lot of other species from organic chemistry,
container in transport to take a sample with a cotton swab like alcohols. This means measurement must also be highly
is impossible. A biosensor can be put directly on a fruit, but selective.
then this specific fruit must be infected to trigger an alarm The laboratory techniques to measure plant ethylene are
signal. An important aggressor is mold, which can be grown reviewed by Christescu et al. [61]. The important meth-
on a breeding ground and detected by means of dielectric ods are photoacoustic spectroscopy, electrochemical sensors
spectroscopy [54] or optical image recognition [40]. Dielectric and electrocatalytic sensors, gas chromatography and infrared
spectroscopy has also been used for MEMS based detection of spectroscopy. The applicability of these methods in logistic
Escherichia coli, a dangerous pathogen growing on food [55]. processes is reviewed by Janssen et al. [59]. To get high
The alternative is to detect gaseous metabolic products of resolution and selectivity, three methods are promising: non-
the pathogens. Concina et. al. used an electronic nose to dispersive infrared spectroscopy (NDIR), gas chromatogra-
detect microbial contamination of tomatoes [56]. Electronic phy (GC) and electrocatalytic sensors.
nose systems are very powerful sensing systems, but it is Electrochemical sensors are already commercially available.
difficult to achieve the selectivity needed to trigger a warning Membrapor offers an ethylene sensor resolving 0.1 ppm [62].
in a transport system. An approach reaching farther might The practical application in transport and long-term stability
be to combine two sets of indices: indices for risk (tem- are being tested.
perature history and specific transport data) and indices for NDIR uses the absorption of infrared light by ethylene at
infection (gas measurement) to calculate a specific risk fig- 10.6 μm, when a specific molecule vibration of the ethylene
ure, e.g., a “mold infection risk number”. This type of risk molecule is excited. A detection limit of 5 ppm can be
estimator is not yet realized, and it will be one of the most achieved [59]. A commercial system by smartGAS [63] has
interesting challenges in Intelligent Container research in the a resolution of 20 ppm (3σ ). This limit may be reduced by
coming years. applying a preconcentrator, but the lower bbp range cannot
be reached [59]. Recently, a new type of IR spectroscopic
sensors using hollow waveguides has been described. When
they are combined with a preconcentrator, the ppb range is
Up until now, we have been measuring the environment accessible [64]. At this moment, these systems need a hol-
of the transported fruit to determine the remaining shelf life. low waveguide, an FTIR spectrometer, a quantum cascade
But we can also look at the fruit: Do they themselves tell us laser and a liquid-nitrogen–cooled mercury-cadmium–telluride
something about their well-being? Actually they do, and the detector [65], which makes them heavy and expensive.
clue to understanding them is ethylene gas. Ethylene (C2 H4 ) Development of a smaller handheld system is in progress [66].
is a colorless, odorless and nontoxic gas that acts as a gaseous Gas chromatography is an established method for gas detec-
phyto-hormone of fruits. When bananas (and many other tion, but commercial systems are large and expensive, and they
fruits) ripen, they emit ethylene—on the other hand, when need an operator to do the measurements. First experiments on
bananas feel ethylene, they start ripening. To trigger the micro-GCs were reported in 1979 by Terry et al. [67]. Current
ripening of a climacteric fruit, an ethylene concentration of MEMS-based microGCs and preconcentrators are describes


Fig. 4. Schematic of a miniaturized gas analysis system combined of a GC

(gas chromatograph) and a preconcentrator [59]. Detection is done by a
MOX gas sensor and a humidity sensor.

Fig. 6. Signal attenuation per meter as a function of frequency for bananas

inside a reefer container [34].

using additive manufacturing (stereo-lithography printing) for

GC-columns [71].


To estimate shelf-life losses, it is necessary to measure
the temperature directly in the center of the food packing.
Unfortunately, the propagation of radio waves is hindered
by the high signal attenuation of water-containing products.
Communication is only possible if messages are forwarded
inside the network by means of multi-hop protocols. Using
Fig. 5. Output signal from the micro-GC, measured with 400 ppb ethylene
in air. A resolution in the 10 ppb range is achieved [59].
a physical model [34], we can show that most problems can
be overcome by reducing the operating frequency to a range
below 1 GHz (Fig. 6).
by [68]–[70]. For logistics, small and autonomous GC systems In a global network, data have to be exchanged between the
have been developed recently [59], [71]. systems of different companies and players in the cold chain.
Figure 4 shows a system that includes gas chromatography Hardware platforms of different manufacturers have to be sup-
and preconcentration. Resolution is done by a MEMS chro- ported. A high level of standardization can be achieved if data
matographic column packed with Carbosieve SII, a commer- transmission is organized in accordance with standard Inter-
cial material for the stationary phase of CGs. For a detector, net protocols. The IPv6 over Low power Wireless Personal
a metal oxide semiconductor (MOX) gas sensor is used. Envi- Area Networks (6LoWPAN) protocol enables wireless sensor
ronmental air is the carrier gas. The system is automatized, nodes to be addressed like any other Internet device. The
so it can work without an operator and report regular measure- Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) [34] is especially
ments on its own. To increase resolution, a preconcentrator is adapted to the requirements of Machine-to-Machine (M2M)
used, also made by MEMS technology. The preconcentrator communication.
collects ethylene for some minutes, and then the adsorbed
ethylene is set free by heating. This way, a short strong impulse VII. D ECISION S UPPORT T OOLS
of ethylene is injected in the GC.
Figure 5 shows a chromatogram made with this system For various reasons, it is beneficial to evaluate the sensor
using a test gas of 400 ppb ethylene in air. The signals of data directly inside the container.
the MOX gas sensor (blue solid line, left scale) are given - Communication costs can be reduced if warning messages
together with the signal of the humidity sensor (red dotted are transmitted only when a hazard is detected.
line, right scale). The big challenge of micro-GC measurement - External communication can fail; an autonomous system
of ethylene is to separate the ethylene peak from the water can react to critical situations, e.g., by lowering the set
peak, which is almost overlapping. In the measurement, a noise point. Autonomous systems are robust with respect to
equivalent (+/− 3σ ) ethylene concentration of 4 ppb is communication failure.
achieved. We conclude that it is possible to measure ethylene - A human operator is not able to handle full temperature
down to a concentration of 10 ppb. The preconcentrator records of various pallets in hundreds of containers.
and GC-column of these systems are made using silicon The freight supervision unit or even the sensor nodes in the
technology. Recently, we had an encouraging experience wireless network inside the container can be made smart by


implementing a local decision system. A biological model, and less energy, but communication still eats up batteries.
adapted to the special properties of the transported food Thus, the trend toward local decision-making remains strong.
product [34], was implemented on the sensor node level. Concerning measurement, the problem how to detect mold in
The thermal balance model, which was used to predict food is still unsolved. New sensor projects are concerned with
the risk of hot spots, required the product’s and the air the detection of mold infection in containers [40].
supply’s temperatures as input parameters. It was therefore
implemented on the freight supervision unit, where both data R EFERENCES
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Walter Lang studied physics at Munich Univer- Reiner Jedermann received the Diploma degree in
sity and received the Diploma degree in Raman electrical engineering from the University of Bremen
spectroscopy of crystals with low symmetry in in 1990. He finished the Ph.D. thesis on decision
1982, and the Ph.D. degree in engineering from tools for freight supervision in 2009. After two
Munich Technical University on flame-induced employments on embedded processing of speech
vibrations. In 1987, he joined the Fraunhofer Insti- and audio signals, in 2004, he became a Research
tute for Solid State Technology, Munich, where Associate with the Department of Electrical Engi-
he worked on microsystems technology. In 1995, neering, University of Bremen. His current research
he became the Head of the Sensors Department, focus is the analysis of spatial temperature profiles
Institute of Micromachining and Information Tech- and the implementation of automated remote quality
nology, Hahn-Schickard Gesellschaft (HSG-IMIT), monitoring of fruits in containers and refrigerated
Villingen-Schwenningen, Germany, where he was involved in sensors for warehouses.
flow and angular rate, sensor test, and modeling. In 2003, he joined the
University of Bremen. He is heading the Institute for Microsensors, -Actuators
and -Systems and the Speaker with the Microsystems Center Bremen.
His projects cover sensors and microfluidic systems, sensor networks for
logistic applications, and the embedding of sensors in sensorial materials.


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