Et - Assignment Venn Diagram

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A Venn diagram is a visual representation of similarities and differences between two or more
concepts. It depicts relationships between two or more sets of data by using circles as an
illustration. Each circle represents one particular set of data. Overlapping circles represent the
similarities, while detached circles represent the difference between sets or concepts.

With the help of a Venn diagram, you can easily describe any relationship between two or more
concepts. Using circles for the representation of data makes it simple to depict similarities
between two or more factions.


IDENTIFY 2 gestational and pregestational conditions or any topics related to the
concept covered in NCM 109. Determine their similarities and contrasts as to their
description and manifestations or signs and symptoms or any supporting data.



Indicate the individual interventions or procedures in each circle and place common
interventions or procedures of both conditions in the overlapping circles.
CRITERIA 6 points 5 points 4 points
Comparison of All statements Most statements Few statements
Gestational correctly describes correctly describes correctly describes
Condition/Topics the concept/topic the concept/topic the concept/topic
Identified identified identified identified

Placement of All statrements Some statrements Few statrements

statement within the noting similariteis are noting similariteis are noting similariteis are
Venn Diagram placed in the placed in the placed in the
overlapping circles overlapping circles overlapping circles
and the statement that and the statement that and the statement that
note diffrences at the note diffrences at the note diffrences at the
outer circles outer circles outer circles
Substantiality of Reflects all factual Reflects most factual Reflects few factual
Content and informations informations informations
appropriateness corresponds to corresponds to corresponds to
specific condition/ specific condition/ specific condition/
topic identified topic identified topic identified
Punctuality/Turn in
on time 2 POINTS


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