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LESSON 4: Media and Information Languages

Jennylyn C. Barbecho Sir Denmark Lacap

Grade 12 - Archimedes May 23, 2023

1. I chose this television commercial because it was one of my favorites when I was a kid,
and it also drew my attention aside from its catchy song because of the commercial's positive
message, which also demonstrated the importance of family planning.

2. The message of the commercial is to educate the next generation, particularly young
Filipinos, on how to manage their family. This is crucial in the Philippines because we have the
highest rate of teen pregnancies. It's also untrue to say that having many children will make you
more dependent on others as you age.

3. In my opinion, yes, it is effective because they teach the audience that having a family
and planning for a child will help to avoid the social, health, and financial problems you face if
an unplanned pregnancy happens. The most striking part for me is what she said in her song,
''Sabe mo pasensya na walang pera kaya mag dropout ka." It's so hard for children who can't
finish school to quickly get a job at a young age to help their parents, which makes me very sad
because their parents don't have a good plan for their family.
Yes, there is a person in the image who is engaged in a fight between a guy and a woman, with a
child in the background. I can tell from the image that they are arguing, and the child behind
them can hear them because she appears to be listening to her parents argue. This image, in my
opinion, is trying to tell us to be careful with the words we use when conversing. Just be
composed, and you two should have that discussion. As it may traumatize them, don't let the
kids hear it. and go through a proper conversation; don't always shout; and don't get hurt.

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