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I've decided to get involved in the campaign about importance of proper hydration beacuse

summer is coming and weather heats up. When it's hot outside, we sweat more and everyone should
remember to regulate your body temperature.

We wrote an article about hydration of the body during the day and the dangers of dehydration. We
helped people choose the amount of water they should drink varies depending on their activity level,
height and weight and other factors. We were impressed with the results of the campaign beacuse
students are more aware and wants to drink water instead of sugary drinks.

I've realised that your brain is mostly water, drinking it helps you think, focus and concentrate better.
Water allows you to stay hydrated and doesn’t contain unnecessary calories or additives. You have more
energy, better temperature regulation and prevents headaches.

I encourage everyone to tried out a similar project in your school and share ideas for effective social
campaigns. Therefore we will be able to reach more people about the need to drink water and the
dangers of its deficiency.

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