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S/F(Azərbaycan dilindən İngilis dilinə tərcümə, Morfologiya)

1. 1991-ci ildə Azərbaycan Respublikasının üçrəngli bayrağı yenidən yüksəldi. (Aralıq)

a) In 1991 the tricolor flag of the Azerbaijan Republic was raise once more.

b) At 1991 the tricolor flag of the Azerbaijan Republic was raised once more.

*c) In 1991 the tricolor flag of the Azerbaijan Republic was raised once more.

d) On 1991 the tricolor flag of the Azerbaijan Republic was raised once more.

e) Since 1991 the tricolor flag of the Azerbaijan Republic was raised once more.

4. Bu sərgiyə baxmaq fürsətini əldən verməyin.(Aralıq)

a) Don”t miss the opportunity go to the exhibition.

b) You haven”t to miss the chance of watching this exhibition.

c) Don”t lose the chance to look exhibition.

*d) Don”t miss the chance of watching this exhibition.

e) Don”t miss the chance and look at the exhibition.

6. Building materials differ in hardness(Aralıq)

a) Tikinti materialları bərk olur

b) Tikinti materiallarının bərkliyi olmur

*c) Tikinti materialları bərkliyinə görə fərqlənir

d) Tikintidə bərkdir

e) Tikinti materialları üçün əsas onların bərk olmasıdır

7. Bütün metallar qara və əlvan metallara bölünür. (Aralıq)

a) All metals is divided into ferrous and non- ferrous metals.

b) All metals divided into ferrous and non- ferrous metals.

c) All metals divide into ferrous and non- ferrous metals.

*d) All metals are divided into ferrous and non- ferrous metals.

e) All metals are divide into ferrous and non- ferrous metals .

8. Choose the correct translation. Memar evin ölçüsünü və otaqların formasını göstərmək üçün
plan çəkir. (Aralıq)

a) An architect draws a plans to show the size of the house, the shape of the rooms.

b) An architect draw plan to show the size of the house, the shape of the rooms.

c) An architect draws plan to show the size of the house, the shape of the rooms.
d) An architect draw a plan shows the size of the house, the shape of the rooms.

*e) An architect draws a plan to show the size of the house, the shape of the rooms. 10.
Divarların daha da möhkəm olması üçün kərpiclər bir-birinə uyğun gəlməlidir. (Aralıq)

a) To make the walls stronger the bricks must overlap each other.

b) To make the walls stronger the bricks must overlapped each other.

c) To be made the walls stronger the bricks must overlap each other.

d) To make the walls stronger the bricks must overlap each other’s.

*e) To make the walls stronger the bricks must be overlap each other.

11. Divarların daha da möhkəm olması üçün kərpiclər uyğun gəlməlidir. (Aralıq)

*a) To make the walls stronger the bricks must be overlap.

b) To make the walls stronger the bricks must overlapped.

c) To be made the walls stronger the bricks must overlap.

d) To make the walls stronger the bricks must overlap.

e) To make the walls stronger the brick must overlap.

12. Ətraf mühitin məhv olmasında əsas iki amil suyun və havanın çirklənməsidir. (Aralıq)

a) Water and air pollution is the two main factors that destroy the environment.

b) Water and air pollution are the two main factors that destroys the environment.

c) Water and air pollution are the two many factors that destroy the environment.

*d) Water and air pollution are the two main factors that destroy the environment.

e) Water and air pollution are the two factors that destroy the environment.

13. İlk dəmir beton körpü 1875-ci ildə tikilib. (Aralıq)

*a) The first ferroconcrete bridge was built in 1875.

b) The first ferroconcrete bridge had been built in 1875.

c) The first ferroconcrete bridge has built in 1875.

d) The first ferroconcrete bridge was build in 1875.

e) The first ferroconcrete bridge has been built in 1875.

14. Kərpic, daş və betondan başqa divarların inşasında digər təbii və süni materiallardan istifadə
edirlər. (Aralıq)

a) Besides brick, stone and concrete other natural and artificial materials are use for the
construction of walls.

*b) Besides brick, stone and concrete other natural and artificial materials are used for the
construction of walls.
c) Besides brick, stone and concrete other natural and artificial materials use for the
construction of walls.

d) Besides brick, stone and concrete other artificial materials use for the construction of walls.

e) Besides brick, stone and concrete other natural materials use for the construction of walls.

15. Mis cərəyanın ən yaxşı keçıricisidir. (Aralıq)

a) Copper is the better conductor of electricity.

b) Copper is the conductor of electricity.

c) Copper is the best electricity of conductor.

d) Copper is best conductor of electricity.

*e) Copper is the best conductor of electricity.

16. Müasir inşaatı betonsuz təsəvvür etmək çətindir. (Aralıq)

a) İt is difficult to imagine modern structure with concrete.

b) İt is no difficult to imagine modern structure without concrete.

c) İt is difficult to imagined modern structure without concrete.

d) İt is difficult imagine modern structure without concrete.

*e) İt is difficult to imagine modern structure without concrete.

19 Son zamanlar memarlarımız böyük təcrübə toplamışlar. (Aralıq)

a) Our architects has accumulated great experience lately.

*b) Our architects have accumulated great experience lately.

c) Our architects have been accumulated great experience lately.

d) Our architects have accumulate great experience lately.

e) Our architects have accumulating great experience lately.

22. Suvaqçının istifadə etdiyi əsas alətlər mala və kürəkdir. (Aralıq)

a) The chief instrument used by the plasterer are the trowel and float .

b) The chief instruments used the plasterer are the trowel and float.

c) The chief instruments use by the plasterer are the trowel and float.

*d) The chief instruments used by the plasterer are the trowel and float.

e) The chief instruments used by the plasterer is the trowel and float.

23. Tikinti prosesi iş icraçısı və mühəndisin nəzarəti altında baş verir. (Aralıq)

a) The building process took place under the supervision of foremen and engineers.

b) The building processes takes place under the supervision of foremen and engineers.
c) The building process take place under the supervision of foremen and engineers .

d) The building process takes place under the supervision of foremens and engineers.

*e) The building process takes place under the supervision of foremen and engineers.

24. Turizm yüksək inkişaf etmiş biznesə çevrilib. (Aralıq)

a) Turism becomes a highly developed business.

b) Turism has became a highly develop business.

*c) Turism has become a highly developed business.

d) Turism was become a highly developed business.

e) Turism become a highly developed business.

25. Xarici dilləri bilmək bu gün insanlar üçün çox vacibdir. (Aralıq)

a) To know foreign language is very necessary for people nowadays.

b) To know foreign languages was very necessary for people nowadays.

*c) To know foreign languages are very necessary for people nowadays.

d) To know foreign languages is very necessary for people nowadays.

e) To know foreign languages were very necessary for people nowadays.

26. Нəyatı susuz təsəvvür etmək mümkün deyil. (Aralıq)

a) Life is impossible without water.

*b) It is impossible toimagine life without water.

c) It is impossible to see life without water.

d) It is impossible to imagine water without life.

e) It is possible to imagine life without water.

27. Choose the correct antonyms.(Aralıq)

a) to return- to come back

b) to go to bed- to go to sleep

c) far from- a long way from

*d) friends- enemies

e) to stay- to spend

28. Choose the correct couples.

1. Look after a. Göz gəzdirmək

2. Look at b. Axtarmaq

3. Look for c. Baxmaq

4. Look through d. Bənzəmək

5. Look like e. Qayğısına qalmaq


*a) 1-e, 2-c, 3-b, 4-a, 5-d

b) 1-b, 2-d, 3-a, 4-c, 5-e

c) 1-a, 2-e, 3-d, 4-b, 5-c

d) 1-c, 2-a, 3-e, 4-d, 5-b

e) 1-d, 2-b, 3-c, 4-e, 5-a

30. Ağlıma qəribə bir fikir gəldi.(Aralıq)

a) My idea came so strange to me.

b) A strange idea comes to my mind every day.

*c) A strange idea came to my mind.

d) An idea came to mind my.

e) A strange idea has come to me.

34. Bu şəhərdə çoxlu maşınlar var.(Aralıq)

a) There is a lot of cars in this city.

b) There are different kind of cars in this city.

*c) There are too many cars in this city.

d) There is lots of cars in this city.

e) There are few cars in the city.

38 Choose the antonym of the word “poor”.(Aralıq)

a) generous

b) pennyless

c) mysterious

d) selfish

*e) rich

43 Choose the correct answer.

O kitablar maraqlıdır.(Aralıq)

a) These book is interesting

b) Those books is interesting

*c) Those books are interesting

d) This book is interesting

e) These books are interesting

47. Choose the correct sentenceAralıq)

a) The hotel room do has a television and a telephone

*b) The hotel room has a television and a telephone

c) The hotel room have a television and a telephone

d) The hotel rooms has a television and a telephone

e) The hotel room doesn’t has a television and a telephone

61. Choose the correct translation: Onlar hər yerə özlərinin on beş yerlik maşınında səyahət

a) They travel somewhere in their fourteen-seat car

*b) They travel everywhere in their fifteen-seat car

c) They travel anywhere in their fifteen-seat bus

d) We travel somewhere in their fifteen-seat car

e) They travel somewhere in their fifteen-seat car.

64. Choose the correct translation. Firma gәlәcәkdә müvәffәqiyyәt qazanmaq üçün
istehlakçıların ayrı-ayrı mallara vә xidmәt növlәrinә olan ehtiyaclarını öyrәnmәlidir(Aralıq)

*a) The firm must study the needs of consumers for different goods and services to do well in
future .

b) The firm first investigates the needs of consumers then does well.

c) First he must investigate the needs of consumers for various goods services to make success.

d) The firm must investigate the consumers want for seperate goods for success.

e) The company before being success must study the consumers needs and services.

65. Choose the correct translation. Hər kəs bilir ki, Niaqara Kanadada ən böyük şəlalədir.(Aralıq)

a) Nobody knows Niagara falls is the largest falls in Canada.

b) No one knows Niagara falls is the largest falls in Canada

c) Everybody knows Niagara falls as the falls river Canada.

d) Everybody knows Niagara falls is the smallest falls in Canada.

*e) Everybody knows that Niagara is the largest falls in Canada.

68. Choose the synonym of the underlined word. Fidan likes cartoons.(Aralıq)

a) dislikes
b) hates

c) plays

*d) is fond of

e) is free

117. Find the correct translation.

ərimək, təbiət, bəzəmək(Aralıq)

a) Beach, branch, seed

*b) Melt, nature, decorate

c) West, flower, harvest

d) Freeze, fly, sledge

e) Nest, natural, decoration

118. Find the correct translation.

Migrate, frost, bud(Aralıq)

*a) Köçmək, şaxta, tumurcuq

b) Getmək, soyuq, qönçə

c) Uçmaq, qar, gül

d) Köçmək, qar, tumurcuq

e) Aralanmaq, buz, toxum

133. İngilislər çay haqqında ilk dəfə 1598-ci ildə eşidiblər.(Aralıq)

a) The English first heard of tea since 1598.

*b) The English first heard of tea in 1598.

c) In 1598 English first listened about tea.

d) The English people first tasted tea in 1598.

e) The English first have heard about tea in 1598.

136. Mətbəx kifayət qədər rahat deyil.(Aralıq)

a) The kitchen’s convenient is too bad.

b) The kitchen not convenient enough.

c) The convenient kitchen is not too enough.

d) The convenience of this kitchen is too bad.

*e) The kitchen isn’t convenient enough.

137. O bizi əmin etdi ki, Conla danişmayıb.(Aralıq)

a) She assured us that she has not spoken to John.

b) She assured us that she had spoken to John.

c) She assured to us that she had not spoken to John.

*d) She assured us that she had not spoken to John.

e) She informed us that she had not spoken to John.

138. O dedi ki, tarixi romanları sevir.(Aralıq)

a) She says that she loves historical novels.

*b) She said that she loved novels.

c) She told that she loved historical novels.

d) She said that she loves historical novels.

e) She said that she loved historical novels.

139. O heç vaxt heç yerdə kimsə haqqında danışmağı xoşlamır.(Aralıq)

*a) He never likes to speak about anyone anywhere.

b) He doesn’t like to speak about anyone nowhere at any time.

c) He doesn’t likes to speak about anybody somewhere.

d) He never likes to speak about somebody nowhere.

e) He never doesn’t like to speak about everybody everywhere.

140. O mənə dedi ki, geologiya ilə maraqlanır.(Aralıq)

a) He said me that he was interested in geology.

b) He told her that he was interested in geology.

*c) He said to me that he was interested in geology.

d) He told to me that he was interested in geology.

e) He said to me that he is interested in geology.

141. O, elan etdi ki, bizimlə getmək istəmir.(Aralıq)

a) She announced that she didn’t want to go with them.

b) She announces that she doesn’t want to go with us.

c) She informed that they didn’t want to go with us.

d) She told that she didn’t want to go with us.

*e) She announced that she didn’t want to go with us.

142. O, mənə hücüm etməyə tələsdi, artıq o indi ümidsiz bir qızla döyüşürdü.(Aralıq)
a) He wanted to hit me, so he was fighting with a desperate girl.

*b) He rushed to attack me, but now he was fighting with a desperate girl.

c) He rushed to hit me , so he did it immediately.

d) He hit me and I began crying.

e) He rushed to attack me, but he changed his mind.

144. O,polislə danışdığını inkar etdi.(Aralıq)

a) He denied having spoken the police.

*b) He denied having spoken to the police.

c) He denied spoken to the police.

d) He denies having spoken to the police.

e) He denied had spoken to the police.

145. Onlar səhərdən bəri buradadırlar, lakin hələ heç kimi görməyiblər.(Aralıq)

a) They have been here since morning, but they didn’t see anybody yet.

b) They have been here since morning, but they don’t see anybody yet.

*c) They have been here since morning, but they have not seen anybody yet.

d) They are here since morning, but they had not seen anybody yet.

e) They are here since morning, but they have not seen anybody yet.

146. Onlar səhərdən bəri buradadırlar, lakin hələ həkimi görməyiblər.(Aralıq)

a) They are here since morning, but they have not seen the doctor yet.

*b) They have been here since morning, but they have not seen the doctor yet.

c) They are here since morning, but they had not seen the doctor yet.

d) They have been here since morning, but they don’t see the doctor yet.

e) They have been here since morning, but they didn’t see the doctor yet.

148. Qardaşım çox etibarlıdır və mən ona həmişə güvənə bilirəm.(Aralıq)

*a) My brothers is very reliable and I always trust him.

b) My brother is very reliable and I can always trust him.

c) My brother was so brilliant and one wants to trust her.

d) My brother is very open – hearted and I can easily trust him.

e) He is very reliable, so one can trust him.

150. The planning of cities is not a new idea.(Aralıq)

a) Şəhərlərin planlaşdırılması yaxşı ideya deyil.

b) Şəhərlərin planlaşdırılması yaxşı ideyadır.

c) Şəhərlərin planlaşdırılması ideya olaraq qalır.

d) Şəhərlər yeni ideyalara görə planlaşdırılır.

*e) Şəhərlərin planlaşdırılması yeni ideya deyil.

153. Translate into English: Azərbaycanın yüksək inkişaf etmiş sənayesi var.(Aralıq)

a) Azerbaijan has an elevated developed industry.

b) Azerbaijan has a high developed industry.

*c) Azerbaijan has a highly developed industry.

d) Azerbaijan has a tall developed industry.

e) Azerbaijan has a loudly developed industry.

157. Translate the sentence. Onun südə qarşı allergiyası var.(Aralıq)

*a) She is allergic to milk.

b) He was allergic to milk.

c) He is allergic for milk.

d) She is allergic into milk.

e) She is asthma.

158. Translate the underlined words.

There are state and private schools in Azerbaijan.(Aralıq)

a) Dövlət,xüsusi

b) Ictimai, özəl

c) İctimai, şəxsi

*d) Dövlət, özəl

e) Dövlət, şəxsi

160. Translate the words.

Leaver, architecture, punishment(Aralıq)

*a) Məzun, memarlıq, cəza

b) Məzun, memarlıq, cəzalıq

c) Məzunolmuş, memar, cəza

d) Gedən, memar, cəza vermək

e) Məzuniyyət, memar, cəzalı

191. What is the means of “crisis”(Aralıq)

a) bərpa

b) müstəqil

c) dövlət

*d) böhran

e) inkişaf

199. Yağış hələ də pəncərələri döyəcləyir və mən ağaclardakı küləyi duya bilirdim. )(Aralıq)

*a) The rain was still beating on the windows, and I could hear the wind in the trees.

b) The rain was still beat the windows, and I can hear the voice of the wind in the trees.

c) The rain is still be beating the window, so I could hear the wind.

d) The wind in the trees was so beating that I could hear it.

e) The rain was so noisy that I could hardly heard the wind in the trees.

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