Our Final Gathering - The Dreaded Reflections of The Immortal Soul - V1.3 - Final

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Our Final Gathering:

The Dreaded Reflections of the Immortal

A 2-4 player, competitive RPG

By Ryan Boelter
Our Final Gathering was inspired by the following:

Dread, designed by Epidiah Ravachol and Nathaniel Barmore

Published by The Impossible Dream

Reflections, designed by Jim McClure

Published by Third Act Publishing

The Highlander franchise of movies, TV shows and other materials

Distributed by EMI Films and 20th Century Fox

All rights belong to their respective owners

Writing,Design and Layout by Ryan Boelter

Special Thanks to: David “Tigrannosaurus” and Richard Kreutz-Landry for

sparking this idea on Twitter on August 16, 2019. Ryan Evans, Cynthia Martinez,
David Wilson and Miranda McKinney for being the first playtesters at
AcadeCon 2019 and proving that a game can be written with a serious and
heavy playstyle in mind and easily turn into a really funny session of RP. Kristin
Flemmons for being the type of player I had in mind for this game. Character
Creation Cast for expanding my mind on the possibilities of characters and

Our Final Gathering: The Dreaded Reflections of the Immortal Soul is a work
created by Ryan Boelter and self published under the Lord Neptune Creates

Our Final Gathering: The Dreaded Reflections of the Immortal Soul is copyright
© 2019-2022 Lord Neptune Creates/Ryan Boelter with a Creative Commons:
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
What is Our Final Gathering?
This is a game about telling the stories of a few individuals who have had their lives intertwined
throughout all of history. From the very beginnings of when they thought they were all mortal, through
the times where they had one another’s backs and the times when they wanted to put knives into
those same backs. Our Final Gathering is a game about relationships and how they change
throughout the years, when those years are actually centuries. It’s also a game about history, playing
these characters during major events from this world’s past. Most of all, it is a game about finding
yourself while you fight for your life against friends and foes alike.

Potentially Heavy Role-Playing/Using Safety Tools

The very nature of this game dictates that we will be creating bonds with one another throughout
play, and then potentially sever those bonds as your character ends the life of the other during an all
out fight at the Final Gathering. This requires building up friendships or rivalries in various scenes, and
can easily lead to interpersonal conflict and likely can include heavy themes, especially when
involving the Villain playbook. Because of this, safety tools are highly recommended during play. Our
Final Gathering recommends using a verbal tool based on Script Change, originally developed as a
non-verbal tool by Beau Sheldon, called “Director’s Chair”. This adds the following actions to the
game. Just state out loud what action you wish to take, and everyone agrees to follow the effects
without question.

● “Pause”/”Cut!”: This allows everyone at the table to check in

and see if things need to be changed at all.
● “Rewind”/”Retake!”: This can be used to remove something that
just happened as if it didn’t happen.
● “Fast Forward”/”Refocus!”: This skips over something about to
happen to allow it to still narratively happen, but is just
something you don’t want to see in detail.
● “Play”/”Action!”: This resumes the action of the scene. (Person with megaphone)

In addition to the Director’s Chair tool above, you should also define some Lines and Veils before
play. Lines are anything that you would not like to see at all at any time during play. If one player has
something on their list of lines, all players must respect that and agree to not bring those items into the
story, no questions asked. Common lines are things like sexual assault, targeted discrimination,
spiders, etc. Veils are things that someone is fine being in the story, but would rather not be seen
during play. Common veils are things like consensual sex, torture, detailed violence, etc. Here’s an
example list:

Sexual Assault Consensual Sex
Targeted Discrimination Torture
Spiders Detailed Violence
... ...
Pauses the action and allows for a check-in.

Rewinds the action to remove something that just
happened as if it didn’t happen.

Fast Forward over something about to happen, but
keeps it in the story.

Resumes Play after a check-in.
The Basics:
This game combines the narrative, GM-less storytelling of Reflections combined with the tumbling
tower building and tension of Dread as you play Highlander-esque immortals bent on killing the other
player characters, because there can be only one!

The game takes place at the scene of an event called the Final Gathering, a showdown between
the last remaining Immortals, and will be played in a series of flashback scenes. The scenes involve
two or more players and detail a part of their lives together in the past from hundreds of years ago to
the present. Scenes will take place in a single location at a single point in time and will involve
everyone who is set up to be included in the flashback. Before a scene begins, each player will
secretly pick a goal from a list of four goals that range from Easy, 1 pull, to Difficult, 4 pulls. If your goal
is achieved in a scene, once the scene ends, you become the Attacker and start by pulling one brick
from the tumbling block tower as an Attack, holding onto this brick for use at a later time. The
opponent who fulfilled your goal, referred to as the Defender, will need to pull a number of bricks
equal to the difficulty level of the goal and place them back onto the tower, like in a game of Jenga.

If the tower falls at this point, the scene will transition out of the flashback to the Final Gathering where
you will describe the Attacker killing and beheading the Defender (or visa versa if the Attacker
accidentally knocks the tower over on the first pull), which is the only way to kill an immortal. Do you
do so with regret? Remorse? Anger? Joy? These could be friends from centuries past or they could be
bitter enemies that have eluded you all these years. They could even be friends turned enemies, or
enemies turned friends. The story will unravel the more you play. If the player whose character died
had any reserve bricks, these pass to the player whose character killed them, representing the
transfer of their immortal power. Also, their character sheet, along with any secrets built up along the
way, pass to the other player to represent the transfer of their immortal knowledge.

If there is still more than one player left in the game, the remaining players rebuild the tower. You only
rebuild the tower using the blocks that are not being reserved by other players at the table, however
you may decide to put one or more reserved bricks onto the tower at this point in case you didn’t
want to hold onto them any longer. Once the tower is rebuilt, pull 3 bricks for every player that has
been eliminated plus 3. This is done one brick at a time with normal rules, and will start with the player
whose goal was last achieved and proceed around the table until the correct number of bricks are
pulled. Then play resumes as normal.

Rules of Immortality:
Immortals are, for all intents and purposes, human. They need to eat, sleep, drink water, just like any
other human. They can even die or be killed! The only difference is that their bodies will regenerate
and bring immortals back from life a short time after being killed, as long as their heads remain
attached to their bodies. One side effect of this is that all immortals are unable to reproduce, so
immortals are unable to have children of their own. Another side effect is that if you are ever put into
a situation where you are perpetually dying (such as trapped at the bottom of the ocean, under a
huge rock slide, or somewhere else), you will be stuck there until an external force releases you.
Keep all of this in mind when setting up narratives and background for your characters. Effectively,
this means you can kill one another in the scenes, as long as explicit and enthusiastic consent is given
to take the story in that direction. You just cannot remove one another’s heads, because you will
need those in order to have lived long enough to get to the Final Gathering.

Materials Needed and Setup:

To play the game, you will need a tumbling tower made of 54 wooden blocks. Each block is three
times as long as it is wide, and one fifth as thick as its length, and should have some small, random
variations to make things more difficult in pulling. You also will need the character sheets, scenarios
and goal cards printed out to use throughout the game.

To start the game, stack the initial tower with eighteen levels of three blocks placed adjacent to one
another along their long side and at right angles to the previous level. This should be done on a sturdy
surface, such as a table, where players can easily gain access to pulling from any angle without
jostling the table too much.

Once the tower is built, before the first scene is set, we will need to prime the tower. Start with the
player to the left of the scene setter. Players pull and place one brick, continuing to the left after
every pull, until 3 bricks are pulled. Then play begins.

Image taken by Ryan Boelter from the first playtest of Our Final Gathering.
Pulling Bricks:
Rules for pulling normal bricks
● You may only use one hand at a time, but you may switch hands at any time.
● The block being pulled must be from beneath the topmost complete layer.
● You may touch other portions of the tower, but only with the same hand that is pulling a block.
● After a block is pulled, it must be placed atop the tower, aligned in the opposite direction of
the blocks in the layer beneath it.
● Place it within the topmost layer if that layer is incomplete.
● After placing the block on top, wait a few moments to see if the tower will collapse.

Rules for pulling reserve bricks

● Pull bricks as normal above, but instead of placing it back on top, you hold onto the brick.
● Aside from the very next pull, you are able to use this brick as slight attacks on people before
they make their first pull. You can, however, use previous bricks, if you happen to have them,
on the very next pull.
● To use a brick, you must interject by holding one up to the person about to pull their first brick.
● That player must place your reserve brick on top of the tower prior to pulling their first brick.
● If the tower falls with this placement, you get the kill, and the power, instead of who made
them pull bricks in the first place.
● Only one player may interject in this way for any given first pull. The first one to offer is the one
whose brick is used.

● If the tower proves too precarious, or narratively it feels like the right solution, you may opt to
sacrifice yourself to knock over the tower intentionally.
● If this is done, two things happen:
○ You gain narrative control over your character's ending.
○ You trigger a special flashback scene between yourself and your attacker that either
redeems you in your attacker’s eyes or reinforces their existing feelings for you. This is
how that plays out:
■ You will be playing a scene that will be showcasing a quality of yourself that
would be seen as positive in the eyes of your opponent. If you cannot think of
anything, ask them directly out of character.
■ Ask your opponent “Please remember me as I was when _________”. Fill in the
blank with an event that could easily showcase this quality.
■ Set a quick scene with only you and your attacker. This scene can take place
during any time period.
■ Take a few minutes to play out the scene together while the tower lays in ruins.
■ Once the scene ends, ask your attacker “How will you fondly remember me?”
■ After the attacker answers, state “I am ready” and relinquish your character to
the attacker, as you have lost your power through either death or a full transfer
of your immortal power which leaves you mortal and unconscious. Describe how
this happens.
■ The tower is now rebuilt as normal.
Flashback Scenes:
The core of the gameplay in Our Final Gathering is done through flashback scenes. These are quick
5-15 minute scenes that showcase significant times throughout history that the player characters
have crossed paths. Every character type has five scenes associated with it, each within an overall
Flashback Group.

Scenes should be played out chronologically throughout history, and they shouldn’t jump too far
ahead in time from the previous scenes. To help with this, each scene has a suggested order from
1-6, which is the suggested chronological order for the scenes to be played in, but it is up to each
group to determine whether or not that order makes sense in the moment. There will be three phases
to work through each of these scenes: the Scene Setting Phase, Scene Playing Phase and the Goal
Resolution Phase. After running through these three phases for a given player’s turn, play then passes
to the player who holds the next scene in chronological order.

Keep the following rules in mind while working through your scenes:
● Player characters cannot permanently die in the narrative of the flashback scenes, as they are
still alive at the Final Gathering.
● Players cannot force another character to do specific actions after a scene begins. You can
say “My lacky runs at you with their sword drawn”, but you cannot say “My lacky runs at you
with their sword drawn and you cut them down dramatically.” The first one sets up a narrative
for the other player to react where the second one takes away agency from the other player.
This doesn’t apply to setting up the scenes, however.

Scene Setting Phase:

When it is a player’s turn to set up their scene, they must keep the following in mind:
● There must always be at least two people in the scene that are able to achieve goals. You
may select any of the players to join in a scene when setting up a scene, even if their
character already died. If a player is included whose character had already died, their
character is only there for the narrative and may not complete anyone’s goals.
● Hand out a goal card for your scene to each player involved in the scene that are able to
complete goals
● Before you set the scene, every
remaining player in the scene
must select a goal from that
scene’s list of goals and write it
on their goal card.
● The scenes are fully set up by
the player whose turn it is. They
will read the prompt for the
flashback, then set the scene,
including the characters they
want involved in the scene,
keeping in mind the rules from
Two immortals prepare to face off against one another.
Scene Playing Phase:
After setup is completed, the scene itself is then played out. Players will try to get other players to
achieve their goals through a natural conversation within the scene, and people are encouraged to
go along with things if they narratively make sense to do so. It will generally be more interesting of a
story and feel more natural if you get in character for these scenes compared to trying to game the
scenes into forcefully achieving your goals. However, if the tone of your game is lighter, a little
metagaming can add to that levity. Regardless of how you wish to play out these scenes, the scenes
must come to an end somehow.

● The scenes end in one of three ways:

○ All players agree that the scene came to its natural conclusion.
○ The scene is about to shift to a different location.
○ One of the characters leaves the scene.

Goal Resolution Phase:

Once a scene ends, everyone reveals their goals. If someone accomplished a goal, they will explain
who completed their goal and when that happened. Based on this, resolve each goal in
chronological order starting with the first player to accomplish a goal. To do this, play moves into the
Goal Resolution phase. This phase has a series of steps that can be interrupted with a tower fall. Once
a tower falls, the phase ends and play moves on to the next scene. Here are the steps for this phase:
● The person who accomplished their goal first must make a single brick pull to add to their
reserves. They are now the Attacker during the Final Gathering scene. Another player may
interrupt with playing one of their reserve bricks.
● The player who completed the Attacker’s goal is now the Defender during the Final Gathering
Scene. To defend, they must pull a number of bricks equal to the value of the Attacker’s
completed goal. Another player may interrupt with playing one of their reserve bricks.
● If the tower falls at any point during this exchange, the scene ends and any further completed
goals are forfeit. Once the tower is rebuilt as normal, all remaining players, whether goals were
accomplished or not, pull one brick from the tower to keep in their reserves. Each of these pulls
may be interrupted by another player playing one of their reserve bricks.
● If the tower does not fall during this exchange, the narrative combat at the Final Gathering
comes to a stalemate and play moves on to the next player who completed a goal. Repeat
these steps until all players who completed goals are finished in this phase.
● If a scene ends and a player failed to have their goal accomplished, after all goals are
resolved, they must pull one brick and hang onto it, symbolizing the strong feelings that they
hold onto from that day. Another player may interrupt with playing one of their reserve bricks.
All scenes depleted:
● If all of the flashback scenes have been played and there are two or more characters left
standing, the final battle plays out like a Jenga match, as you are done reminiscing.
● Players will pull bricks one at a time and place them on top of the tower.
● If a player has reserve bricks at this time, they may force another player to place that brick on
top of the tower in addition to their normal pull. This may only be done once per pull.
● If the tower falls for a player, that player’s character dies and credit is given to the character
who has the most ill-will towards that player's character. If more than one person remains, the
tower is rebuilt according to the rules and play continues between the remaining people.
● It is encouraged to roleplay during these moments. Describe what your characters are doing
and saying. Do you protect people that are still there? Do you taunt them? Do you try to
convince them to give you their power willingly? Do you try to offer your power willingly?
● If the tower is purposely pushed over during this time, play out the rules for a Sacrifice as

Image taken by Ryan Boelter from the first playtest of Our Final Gathering.
Character Creation Questionnaires and Flashbacks
The following pages detail the various character types you can play in this game. Creating
characters for this game is very simple. You select an archetype and answer questions from that
archetype. Everyone has general questions to answer; the same questions on each character sheet.
There are also two specific questions that help flesh out the character a bit more, as well as a unique
relationship question. There is also a section for Secrets, which is just some knowledge that only you
know, about anything you can think of, that is inherently true. Secrets get revealed only to those who
take your power, unless you desire to reveal them. They have no mechanical benefit, they are just a
fun representation of your character’s knowledge. Secrets should be defined after characters are
introduced. To figure out which questions to answer, the following character archetypes are available
to play:

Main Characters:
The Hero - This is someone who always tries to do the right thing throughout the centuries, even when
bad things happen to them all the time. They have definitely saved the life of another person here
and have never asked for anything in return, which makes it ironic that it has come down to this.
The Villain - This is someone who does what they want, when they want, and is a constant foil for
someone like The Hero. They have spent centuries taking what they believe is theirs and exploiting
their power as an immortal for their own gain. They are bitter rivals with one of the people here today,
and are excited they finally get the chance to kill them.
The Observer - They tend to stick to themselves and have tried their hardest to stay out of the
immortal conflict. These past centuries have been spent mostly on the sidelines to history, watching
events unfold and staying in the shadows whenever possible. They tried their best to not have any ties
to anyone here, even pushing someone here away, but they may have been in the wrong place at
the wrong time in some cases, which may be their downfall as they realize they now mostly alone.

Auxiliary Characters:
The Best Friend - Whether good, bad or neutral, this is someone who has always been there in support
for a particular character. They’ve gone out of their way throughout the years to ensure their friend’s
survival, and hate that it’s come down to this final confrontation.
The Relative - This is someone who is literally a blood relative of one of the people at the gathering.
This could be either a close relative with a good relationship with that person or someone estranged.
Either way, they know what is at stake here, but do not like the odds of having to kill someone they
grew up with.
The Love Interest - This character is in love with another character, who has loved them back in the
past, at least. The last thing they wanted was to be put in a position where they might be forced to kill
one another, which makes this gathering especially troublesome for them.

The Main Characters are very morally defined. The Hero is good, The Villain is evil and The Observer is
neutral. The Auxiliary Characters are effectively side characters. These characters help to support the
main characters’ stories, but can also support one another’s stories. Your general moral stances will
be whatever you wish. Whether joining the same side as your best friend, relative or love interest, or
fighting against those who you are tied to. You may print all of the following pages to easily play this
game. The goal pages should be cut along the lines, then use those cards to pass out to those in your
scenes. Hold onto them until the scene gets set up.
The Hero - Playbook
You have always tried to do the right thing throughout the centuries, even when bad things seem to
happen all the time. You have saved many people in your day, but what matters in this moment is
you have also saved someone else here at The Gathering, having never asked for anything in return.
Define your character through the following questions and then play to find out who you had saved
in the past.

What is your name?

What do you look like?

What does your blade look like?

To become immortal, you must die first, not beheaded, so the immortality can activate. How did you
first die?

Who taught you everything you know?

Who do you still regret not being able to save centuries ago?

Who, here, did you once save from certain death?

What is one secret that you hold that no other here would know?

Throughout play, you may unearth more secrets about your character. Write them here as they
come up, or between rounds if you are currently active in a scene:
The Hero - Scenarios
The Hero - Flashback 1: A time for celebration… (Rank: 4)
Go back to a time of safety in an era from long ago and select one or more characters to join you.
This is a time for celebration! Either a birthday, a wedding, an engagement feast, a holiday, or
anything worth celebrating. Be it a big affair or a private hurrah, this scene will depict a time when
you were friends with one another, or at least on good terms. No conflict or high stakes is needed in
this scene, as this is a time of joy and friendship between everyone involved.

The Hero - Flashback 2: A life is saved… (Rank: 2)

Whether they are your best friend or your sworn enemy, sometimes people are caught in a situation
where they could easily die without deserving it in that moment. Choose one or more characters to
join you in this scene, one of those characters must be who's life you saved. Set up the location and
era of this scene. It should take place some time after previous scenes and open up right after you
save their life. What did you save them from and how did you save them?

The Hero - Flashback 3: A mentor is killed… (Rank: 1)

Every immortal fears the day that another will best them in battle and take their life. Your mentor has
met their last day and was killed by The Villain. If The Villain is in play, they must be included in this
scene along with anyone else that would make sense, otherwise include at least one other character
and The Villain will have gotten away before the scene starts. The scene will begin directly after your
mentor is killed by The Villain. Set up the location and the era that makes sense with what’s already
happened in previous flashbacks. Play out the scene and embrace the conflict.

The Hero - Flashback 4: A friend betrays you… (Rank: 2)

When you are the hero and you can live forever, sooner or later a friend will betray you. Choose one
or more characters to join you in this scene, one of those characters must be a friend at this point. If
no friends are among the player characters, it will have been an NPC friend who betrayed you to
your opposition. Set the scene immediately following the betrayal. Who betrayed you and how?
Where is this scene located and what era are you in? This should take place sometime after the
previous phases.

The Hero - Flashback 5: A close call… (Rank: 4)

You tend to be the one to save lives, but this time someone else saved yours. Choose one or more
characters, as needed, to join you in this scene. One of those characters is the person who saved you
just before this scene begins. Set the scene immediately following your life being saved. Who saved
you and how? Where is this scene located and what era are you in? This should take place within a
few decades of the present at the earliest, keep that in mind when picking your era.
The Hero - Flashback 1: A time for The Hero - Flashback 1: A time for
celebration... celebration...
1 Pull: Choose your own objective. 1 Pull: Choose your own objective.
2 Pulls: Get someone to accept a challenge to 2 Pulls: Get someone to accept a challenge to
a friendly game. a friendly game.
3 Pulls: Get someone to give you a personal gift. 3 Pulls: Get someone to give you a personal gift.
4 Pulls: Get someone to reveal a shameful 4 Pulls: Get someone to reveal a shameful
secret. secret.

Choice: Choice:

The Hero - Flashback 1: A time for The Hero - Flashback 1: A time for
celebration... celebration...
1 Pull: Choose your own objective. 1 Pull: Choose your own objective.
2 Pulls: Get someone to accept a challenge to 2 Pulls: Get someone to accept a challenge to
a friendly game. a friendly game.
3 Pulls: Get someone to give you a personal gift. 3 Pulls: Get someone to give you a personal gift.
4 Pulls: Get someone to reveal a shameful 4 Pulls: Get someone to reveal a shameful
secret. secret.

Choice: Choice:
The Hero - Flashback 2: A life is The Hero - Flashback 2: A life is
saved… saved…
1 Pull: Choose your own objective 1 Pull: Choose your own objective
2 Pulls: Get someone to say something they 2 Pulls: Get someone to say something they
admire about you. admire about you.
3 Pulls: Get someone to open up about 3 Pulls: Get someone to open up about
something they wouldn’t normally tell you. something they wouldn’t normally tell you.
4 Pulls: Get someone to ask you for help. 4 Pulls: Get someone to ask you for help.

Choice: Choice:

The Hero - Flashback 2: A life is The Hero - Flashback 2: A life is

saved… saved…
1 Pull: Choose your own objective 1 Pull: Choose your own objective
2 Pulls: Get someone to say something they 2 Pulls: Get someone to say something they
admire about you. admire about you.
3 Pulls: Get someone to open up about 3 Pulls: Get someone to open up about
something they wouldn’t normally tell you. something they wouldn’t normally tell you.
4 Pulls: Get someone to ask you for help. 4 Pulls: Get someone to ask you for help.

Choice: Choice:
The Hero - Flashback 3: A mentor is The Hero - Flashback 3: A mentor is
killed... killed...
1 Pull: Choose your own objective. 1 Pull: Choose your own objective.
2 Pulls: Get someone to fight you. 2 Pulls: Get someone to fight you.
3 Pulls: Get someone to let down their guard. 3 Pulls: Get someone to let down their guard.
4 Pulls: Get someone to pledge to fight for you, 4 Pulls: Get someone to pledge to fight for you,
then refuse their help. then refuse their help.

Choice: Choice:

The Hero - Flashback 3: A mentor is The Hero - Flashback 3: A mentor is

killed... killed...
1 Pull: Choose your own objective. 1 Pull: Choose your own objective.
2 Pulls: Get someone to fight you. 2 Pulls: Get someone to fight you.
3 Pulls: Get someone to let down their guard. 3 Pulls: Get someone to let down their guard.
4 Pulls: Get someone to pledge to fight for you, 4 Pulls: Get someone to pledge to fight for you,
then refuse their help. then refuse their help.

Choice: Choice:
The Hero - Flashback 4: A friend The Hero - Flashback 4: A friend
betrays you… betrays you…
1 Pull: Choose your own objective 1 Pull: Choose your own objective
2 Pulls: Take away something important from 2 Pulls: Take away something important from
someone. someone.
3 Pulls: Get someone to apologize to you about 3 Pulls: Get someone to apologize to you about
something they did in the past. something they did in the past.
4 Pulls: Get someone to switch sides. 4 Pulls: Get someone to switch sides.

Choice: Choice:

The Hero - Flashback 4: A friend The Hero - Flashback 4: A friend

betrays you… betrays you…
1 Pull: Choose your own objective 1 Pull: Choose your own objective
2 Pulls: Take away something important from 2 Pulls: Take away something important from
someone. someone.
3 Pulls: Get someone to apologize to you about 3 Pulls: Get someone to apologize to you about
something they did in the past. something they did in the past.
4 Pulls: Get someone to switch sides. 4 Pulls: Get someone to switch sides.

Choice: Choice:
The Hero - Flashback 5: A close call... The Hero - Flashback 5: A close call...
1 Pull: Choose your own objective 1 Pull: Choose your own objective
2 Pulls: Get someone to give something personal 2 Pulls: Get someone to give something personal
to you. to you.
3 Pulls: Get someone to announce a secret to 3 Pulls: Get someone to announce a secret to
everyone present. everyone present.
4 Pulls: Get someone to promise to keep you 4 Pulls: Get someone to promise to keep you
safe, then tell them you can’t promise the same. safe, then tell them you can’t promise the same.

Choice: Choice:

The Hero - Flashback 5: A close call... The Hero - Flashback 5: A close call...
1 Pull: Choose your own objective 1 Pull: Choose your own objective
2 Pulls: Get someone to give something personal 2 Pulls: Get someone to give something personal
to you. to you.
3 Pulls: Get someone to announce a secret to 3 Pulls: Get someone to announce a secret to
everyone present. everyone present.
4 Pulls: Get someone to promise to keep you 4 Pulls: Get someone to promise to keep you
safe, then tell them you can’t promise the same. safe, then tell them you can’t promise the same.

Choice: Choice:
The Villain - Playbook
You’ve generally been someone who does what they want, when they want. You may not have
started out as bad as you have become, but you have spent centuries taking what you believe is
yours and exploiting your power as an immortal for your own gain. You are bitter rivals with one of the
people here today, and are excited they get to finally get the chance to kill them. Define your
character through the following questions and then play to find out who you are bitter rivals with.

What is your name?

What do you look like?

What does your blade look like?

To become immortal, you must die first, not beheaded, so the immortality can activate. How did you
first die?

Who did you first kill to get into the position you are in now?

What are you most infamous for?

Who, here, are you bitter rivals with?

What is one secret that you hold that no other here would know?

Throughout play, you may unearth more secrets about your character. Write them here as they
come up, or between rounds if you are currently active in a scene:
The Villain - Scenarios
The Villain - Flashback 1: The time before you were bad… (Rank: 3)
It’s a misconception most people have that you were always the villain, but most memories don’t go
back to your origins. You used to be an honest person and people thought fondly of you. In this
scene, you will select your rival and more people to join you. This would have been many centuries
ago, when all of you were quite young, so establish the era as well. This scene is all about building
trust and establishing a base relationship with the others. This could be when you first met, when one
friend introduced you to others, at a ceremony or graduation of some kind, on the battlefield or any
other time you would have come together under friendly terms.

The Villain - Flashback 2: The time you turned… (Rank: 1)

There was a turning point in your life, whether to stay the course of good or start down a path of evil.
You chose the latter and have not regretted it since. In this scene, you will select at least your rival
and others, if needed. This scene is all about unleashing an evil inside of you that may have been
there all along or, perhaps, was gained by killing the wrong immortal. You just made your choice and
the scene will pick up immediately following your action from that choice. Maybe this was your first
kill, something you stole, killing an evil immortal and getting overwhelmed by their memories, or
anything else that villains do that you actually ended up enjoying. You crossed a line and your rival
was horrified at this turn of events.

The Villain - Flashback 3: The time you made it personal… (Rank: 2)

In this scene, choose your rival and any others, as needed. You will be attacking someone personally
through some sort of proxy in this scene. Perhaps by threatening or harming a loved one, stealing
something valuable, or worse. Set the scene so that it starts directly after your heinous act. Describe
what you did, where all of you are now, and what era this takes place in.

The Villain - Flashback 4: The death of a close friend… (Rank: 3)

In this scene, choose one or more people. A friend of yours is killed, whether it be by one of the other
characters, someone else, an accident or something else. You are the villain and those around you
die all the time, but this one is different, this one meant something to you. Set the scene either
immediately following your friend’s death or at their funeral. Describe how your friend died, who is
responsible, if anyone. This is a moment of vulnerability for the Villain, play into that.

The Villain - Flashback 5: The point of no return… (Rank: 5)

In this scene, choose your rival and any other characters, as needed. You had come to another
turning point in your life where you could come back from this life of villainy or double down. You
chose to double down in a way that goes well beyond when things got personal. Describe what you
did to truly hurt your rival. This could be something heartbreaking, world shattering, or especially
destructive. This will probably be a very heavy scene, so feel free to push the boundaries of comfort
here. Your character will be perceived as monstrous after this scene.
The Villain - Flashback 1: The time The Villain - Flashback 1: The time
before you were bad... before you were bad...
1 Pull: Choose your own objective. 1 Pull: Choose your own objective.
2 Pulls: Get someone to promise to do 2 Pulls: Get someone to promise to do
something for you in the future. something for you in the future.
3 Pulls: Get someone to give you something 3 Pulls: Get someone to give you something
meaningful. meaningful.
4 Pulls: Get someone to reveal their greatest 4 Pulls: Get someone to reveal their greatest
personal weakness. personal weakness.

Choice: Choice:

The Villain - Flashback 1: The time The Villain - Flashback 1: The time
before you were bad... before you were bad...
1 Pull: Choose your own objective. 1 Pull: Choose your own objective.
2 Pulls: Get someone to promise to do 2 Pulls: Get someone to promise to do
something for you in the future. something for you in the future.
3 Pulls: Get someone to give you something 3 Pulls: Get someone to give you something
meaningful. meaningful.
4 Pulls: Get someone to reveal their greatest 4 Pulls: Get someone to reveal their greatest
personal weakness. personal weakness.

Choice: Choice:
The Villain - Flashback 2: The time you The Villain - Flashback 2: The time you
turned... turned...
1 Pull: Choose your own objective. 1 Pull: Choose your own objective.
2 Pulls: Provoke someone to an aggressive act. 2 Pulls: Provoke someone to an aggressive act.
3 Pulls: Get someone to renounce something 3 Pulls: Get someone to renounce something
they used to believe in. they used to believe in.
4 Pulls: Get someone to do something morally 4 Pulls: Get someone to do something morally
opposite their initial intentions. opposite their initial intentions.

Choice: Choice:

The Villain - Flashback 2: The time you The Villain - Flashback 2: The time you
turned... turned...
1 Pull: Choose your own objective. 1 Pull: Choose your own objective.
2 Pulls: Provoke someone to an aggressive act. 2 Pulls: Provoke someone to an aggressive act.
3 Pulls: Get someone to renounce something 3 Pulls: Get someone to renounce something
they used to believe in. they used to believe in.
4 Pulls: Get someone to do something morally 4 Pulls: Get someone to do something morally
opposite their initial intentions. opposite their initial intentions.

Choice: Choice:
The Villain - Flashback 3: The time you The Villain - Flashback 3: The time you
made it personal... made it personal...
1 Pull: Choose your own objective. 1 Pull: Choose your own objective.
2 Pulls: Get someone to attack you. 2 Pulls: Get someone to attack you.
3 Pulls: Get someone to promise something 3 Pulls: Get someone to promise something
they’ll regret later. they’ll regret later.
4 Pulls: Get someone to lash out at someone 4 Pulls: Get someone to lash out at someone
they love or respect. they love or respect.

Choice: Choice:

The Villain - Flashback 3: The time you The Villain - Flashback 3: The time you
made it personal... made it personal...
1 Pull: Choose your own objective. 1 Pull: Choose your own objective.
2 Pulls: Get someone to attack you. 2 Pulls: Get someone to attack you.
3 Pulls: Get someone to promise something 3 Pulls: Get someone to promise something
they’ll regret later. they’ll regret later.
4 Pulls: Get someone to lash out at someone 4 Pulls: Get someone to lash out at someone
they love or respect. they love or respect.

Choice: Choice:
The Villain - Flashback 4: The death of The Villain - Flashback 4: The death of
a close friend… a close friend…
1 Pull: Choose your own objective. 1 Pull: Choose your own objective.
2 Pulls: Get someone to promise to keep a 2 Pulls: Get someone to promise to keep a
secret. secret.
3 Pulls: Get someone to share something with 3 Pulls: Get someone to share something with
you that they normally wouldn’t. you that they normally wouldn’t.
4 Pulls: Get someone to switch sides. 4 Pulls: Get someone to switch sides.

Choice: Choice:

The Villain - Flashback 4: The death of The Villain - Flashback 4: The death of
a close friend… a close friend…
1 Pull: Choose your own objective. 1 Pull: Choose your own objective.
2 Pulls: Get someone to promise to keep a 2 Pulls: Get someone to promise to keep a
secret. secret.
3 Pulls: Get someone to share something with 3 Pulls: Get someone to share something with
you that they normally wouldn’t. you that they normally wouldn’t.
4 Pulls: Get someone to switch sides. 4 Pulls: Get someone to switch sides.

Choice: Choice:
The Villain - Flashback 5: The point of The Villain - Flashback 5: The point of
no return... no return...
1 Pull: Choose your own objective 1 Pull: Choose your own objective
2 Pulls: Get someone to admit they were wrong. 2 Pulls: Get someone to admit they were wrong.
3 Pulls: Get someone to turn their back on a 3 Pulls: Get someone to turn their back on a
friend. friend.
4 Pulls: Get someone to break a vow. 4 Pulls: Get someone to break a vow.

Choice: Choice:

The Villain - Flashback 5: The point of The Villain - Flashback 5: The point of
no return... no return...
1 Pull: Choose your own objective 1 Pull: Choose your own objective
2 Pulls: Get someone to admit they were wrong. 2 Pulls: Get someone to admit they were wrong.
3 Pulls: Get someone to turn their back on a 3 Pulls: Get someone to turn their back on a
friend. friend.
4 Pulls: Get someone to break a vow. 4 Pulls: Get someone to break a vow.

Choice: Choice:
The Observer - Playbook
You tend to stick to yourself and have tried your hardest to stay out of the immortal conflict. These
past centuries have been spent mostly on the sidelines to history, watching the events unfold and
staying in the shadows whenever possible. You’ve tried your best to not have any ties to anyone
here, however you may have been in the wrong place at the wrong time in some cases, or let
yourself get too close to someone before pushing them away, which may be your downfall as you
realize you are now mostly alone. Define your character with the questions below and then play to
find out who you used to be close with but then ultimately pushed away.

What is your name?

What do you look like?

What does your blade look like?

To become immortal, you must die first, not beheaded, so the immortality can activate. How did you
first die?

What have you been collecting from history to display at your home?

What role did you play in mortal society to hide better from the immortal conflict?

Who, here, did you once push away even though they were close to you?

What is one secret that you hold that no other here would know?

Throughout play, you may unearth more secrets about your character. Write them here as they
come up, or between rounds if you are currently active in a scene:
The Observer - Scenarios
The Observer - Flashback 1: Center of attention… (Rank: 5)
This was a time before immortals feared for their lives. You were the type to always make themselves
the center of attention, and you had a way to make others feel welcome and joyous. In this scene
select one or more people to join. You will be in a situation where you are the center of attention, in a
good way. This could be a ceremony, a celebration, a night out with friends, or a quiet dinner
together. Describe the era you are in and the situation. This is a low stakes scene.

The Observer - Flashback 2: Friends lost… (Rank: 3)

Word didn’t have to travel far for you to hear about immortals getting killed off by other immortals.
Not only for their power, but their knowledge as well, and you had amassed a decent fount of
knowledge at that point, even though it was relatively early in your lifetime. You realized that being
close to someone was a detriment to living a long life, as anyone can betray any other for power or
self preservation. Select one or more people for this scene. At least one of these people must be the
person you were close to and pushed away, whether it be family, best friends or significant others. Set
the scene where you will have this falling out. You want to go into hiding and work from the shadows
while everyone else doesn’t want the fear to compromise their lives.

The Observer - Flashback 3: Helpful informant… (Rank: 4)

You discovered that your old friend needed some information that only you were able to access,
and it saved their life. You promised you would not interfere with the conflict of the immortals, but you
couldn’t just sit back letting your old friend die. Choose your close friend from the previous scene and
at least one other player if that close friend already perished in the present, otherwise more players
beyond your close friend are optional. Describe the scene where you meet with them. Did they
come to you, did you come to them, or was it somewhere neutral? What era does it take place?
What information did they seek?

The Observer - Flashback 4: Back alley dealings… (Rank: 1)

You were in need of something someone else had. It took a while to track down, but you finally were
able to contact the one person, or persons, who were able to assist you. Select one or more
individuals for this scene. Describe the secret location that you met and what you were in need of
that only they had access to. This could be a time to reconcile, a time of tension or a time of greed.
What they expect in return is up to them, so striking a good bargain for yourself here might be in
everyone’s best interests.

The Observer - Flashback 5: Into solitude… (Rank: 6)

You kept getting pulled into the conflict and things were getting more and more tense every day. It
wasn’t that long ago that you cut all ties and moved completely off the grid. This was the last time
you were seen by any of the immortals before the Final Gathering, let alone most other people. Is it a
final goodbye between friends? A confrontation that pushed you further into self-exile? Something
that someone said that scared you? Select one or more people to join you for this scene. Describe
the scene where you have this final interaction. This takes place minutes before you leave for good.
The Observer - Flashback 1: Center of The Observer - Flashback 1: Center of
attention... attention...
1 Pull: Choose your own objective 1 Pull: Choose your own objective
2 Pulls: Get someone to accept a dare. 2 Pulls: Get someone to accept a dare.
3 Pulls: Get someone to stay later than they 3 Pulls: Get someone to stay later than they
should. should.
4 Pulls: Get someone to reveal a weakness to 4 Pulls: Get someone to reveal a weakness to
you in private. you in private.

Choice: Choice:

The Observer - Flashback 1: Center of The Observer - Flashback 1: Center of

attention... attention...
1 Pull: Choose your own objective 1 Pull: Choose your own objective
2 Pulls: Get someone to accept a dare. 2 Pulls: Get someone to accept a dare.
3 Pulls: Get someone to stay later than they 3 Pulls: Get someone to stay later than they
should. should.
4 Pulls: Get someone to reveal a weakness to 4 Pulls: Get someone to reveal a weakness to
you in private. you in private.

Choice: Choice:
The Observer - Flashback 2: Friends The Observer - Flashback 2: Friends
lost... lost...
1 Pull: Choose your own objective 1 Pull: Choose your own objective
2 Pulls: Get someone to not spare your feelings. 2 Pulls: Get someone to not spare your feelings.
3 Pulls: Get someone to push you away first. 3 Pulls: Get someone to push you away first.
4 Pulls: Get someone to promise that they will be 4 Pulls: Get someone to promise that they will be
there for you anytime if needed. there for you anytime if needed.

Choice: Choice:

The Observer - Flashback 2: Friends The Observer - Flashback 2: Friends

lost... lost...
1 Pull: Choose your own objective 1 Pull: Choose your own objective
2 Pulls: Get someone to not spare your feelings. 2 Pulls: Get someone to not spare your feelings.
3 Pulls: Get someone to push you away first. 3 Pulls: Get someone to push you away first.
4 Pulls: Get someone to promise that they will be 4 Pulls: Get someone to promise that they will be
there for you anytime if needed. there for you anytime if needed.

Choice: Choice:
The Observer - Flashback 3: Helpful The Observer - Flashback 3: Helpful
informant... informant...
1 Pull: Choose your own objective 1 Pull: Choose your own objective
2 Pulls: Get someone to apologize for a past 2 Pulls: Get someone to apologize for a past
deed. deed.
3 Pulls: Get someone to agree to do something 3 Pulls: Get someone to agree to do something
for you in the future. for you in the future.
4 Pulls: Get someone to divulge a personal 4 Pulls: Get someone to divulge a personal
secret that could ruin them. secret that could ruin them.

Choice: Choice:

The Observer - Flashback 3: Helpful The Observer - Flashback 3: Helpful

informant... informant...
1 Pull: Choose your own objective 1 Pull: Choose your own objective
2 Pulls: Get someone to apologize for a past 2 Pulls: Get someone to apologize for a past
deed. deed.
3 Pulls: Get someone to agree to do something 3 Pulls: Get someone to agree to do something
for you in the future. for you in the future.
4 Pulls: Get someone to divulge a personal 4 Pulls: Get someone to divulge a personal
secret that could ruin them. secret that could ruin them.

Choice: Choice:
The Observer - Flashback 4: Back alley The Observer - Flashback 4: Back alley
dealings... dealings...
1 Pull: Choose your own objective 1 Pull: Choose your own objective
2 Pulls: Get someone to give something to you 2 Pulls: Get someone to give something to you
without strings attached. without strings attached.
3 Pulls: Get someone to agree to your bargain. 3 Pulls: Get someone to agree to your bargain.
4 Pulls: Get someone to break off the deal 4 Pulls: Get someone to break off the deal
entirely. entirely.

Choice: Choice:

The Observer - Flashback 4: Back alley The Observer - Flashback 4: Back alley
dealings... dealings...
1 Pull: Choose your own objective 1 Pull: Choose your own objective
2 Pulls: Get someone to give something to you 2 Pulls: Get someone to give something to you
without strings attached. without strings attached.
3 Pulls: Get someone to agree to your bargain. 3 Pulls: Get someone to agree to your bargain.
4 Pulls: Get someone to break off the deal 4 Pulls: Get someone to break off the deal
entirely. entirely.

Choice: Choice:
The Observer - Flashback 5: Into The Observer - Flashback 5: Into
solitude... solitude...
1 Pull: Choose your own objective 1 Pull: Choose your own objective
2 Pulls: Get someone to say they will miss you. 2 Pulls: Get someone to say they will miss you.
3 Pulls: Get someone to push you away 3 Pulls: Get someone to push you away
forcefully. forcefully.
4 Pulls: Get someone to fight to keep you near. 4 Pulls: Get someone to fight to keep you near.

Choice: Choice:

The Observer - Flashback 5: Into The Observer - Flashback 5: Into

solitude... solitude...
1 Pull: Choose your own objective 1 Pull: Choose your own objective
2 Pulls: Get someone to say they will miss you. 2 Pulls: Get someone to say they will miss you.
3 Pulls: Get someone to push you away 3 Pulls: Get someone to push you away
forcefully. forcefully.
4 Pulls: Get someone to fight to keep you near. 4 Pulls: Get someone to fight to keep you near.

Choice: Choice:
The Best Friend - Playbook
Whether good, bad or neutral, you are someone who has always been there in support of a
particular character. You’ve gone out of your way throughout the years to ensure your friend’s
survival, and hate that it’s come down to this final confrontation. Your only hope now is to help one
another be the last two standing and figure things out from there.

What is your name?

What do you look like?

What does your blade look like?

To become immortal, you must die first, not beheaded, so the immortality can activate. How did you
first die?

What has been your favorite way to unwind throughout history?

What is a non-combative skill that you’ve practiced and perfected throughout the ages?

Who, here, is your best friend?

What is one secret that you hold that no other here would know?

Throughout play, you may unearth more secrets about your character. Write them here as they
come up, or between rounds if you are currently active in a scene:
The Best Friend - Scenarios
The Best Friend - Flashback 1: Getting in trouble together… (Rank: 1)
You once were young and not of the most mature of minds and sometimes you would get in trouble.
Whether you were the culprit or your best friend was, you took turns taking the blame for one
another’s shenanigans. This was a time of innocence and fun, perhaps when you were kids or young
adults. Select one or more players to join you in this mischievous scene, one of them must be your
best friend. Describe the scene and what all of you were doing that lead you to getting into trouble.
The scene takes place immediately following getting caught and reprimanded, and now you wait.
Who caught you and who are you waiting for? The scene will end when that person arrives. Plan to
end the scene where it makes sense for this person to enter.

The Best Friend - Flashback 2: It’s a big world… (Rank: 4)

At some point, early on in your friendship, but after proving to always be there for one another, you
needed to part ways for one reason or another. Select your best friend and any other players, as
needed, to join you in this scene. The scene takes place at a time when you or your friend is leaving.
What is the reason for the departure? How long was it supposed to last? Set the scene at the location
where you last saw your friend before they departed.

The Best Friend - Flashback 3: Misunderstanding… (Rank: 3)

You have fought side by side for years and there was nothing you wouldn’t do for one another until
that one fateful day where everything unraveled. Select your best friend and any other players, as
needed, to join you in this scene. This scene takes place at a time when either you misunderstood
something they had done or they misunderstood something you had done. Regardless of who’s at
fault, what was the misunderstanding? Set the scene where you and your best friend parted ways for
a while when the wounds were still fresh.

The Best Friend - Flashback 4: Reconciliation… (Rank: 6)

It has been a long time since you last saw your old friend, but now circumstances are pushing you
back together and the old wounds have mostly healed. Select your best friend and any other
players, as needed, to join you in this scene. Set the scene at a location where you have a chance
to talk and reclaim your friendship. It should move from awkward, or even hostile, to finding common
ground and rekindling your friendship.

The Best Friend - Flashback 5: I always have your back… (Rank: 3)

There was a time where you and your best friend almost didn't make it out alive if it wasn't for you
watching each other's backs. Select your best friend and any other players, as needed, to join you in
this scene. Set the scene at a moment of safety right after almost losing your heads. What happened
that was so dangerous? How did you manage to get out alive? Is there still danger waiting for you
after this scene?
The Best Friend - Flashback 1: Getting The Best Friend - Flashback 1: Getting
in trouble together... in trouble together...
1 Pull: Choose your own objective. 1 Pull: Choose your own objective.
2 Pulls: Get someone to promise to lie about 2 Pulls: Get someone to promise to lie about
what happened. what happened.
3 Pulls: Get someone to take the blame. 3 Pulls: Get someone to take the blame.
4 Pulls: Get someone to admit to a previous 4 Pulls: Get someone to admit to a previous
wrongdoing worse than this one. wrongdoing worse than this one.

Choice: Choice:

The Best Friend - Flashback 1: Getting The Best Friend - Flashback 1: Getting
in trouble together... in trouble together...
1 Pull: Choose your own objective. 1 Pull: Choose your own objective.
2 Pulls: Get someone to promise to lie about 2 Pulls: Get someone to promise to lie about
what happened. what happened.
3 Pulls: Get someone to take the blame. 3 Pulls: Get someone to take the blame.
4 Pulls: Get someone to admit to a previous 4 Pulls: Get someone to admit to a previous
wrongdoing worse than this one. wrongdoing worse than this one.

Choice: Choice:
The Best Friend - Flashback 2: It’s a big The Best Friend - Flashback 2: It’s a big
world... world...
1 Pull: Choose your own objective. 1 Pull: Choose your own objective.
2 Pulls: Get someone to promise to take care of 2 Pulls: Get someone to promise to take care of
something for you. something for you.
3 Pulls: Get someone to give you something they 3 Pulls: Get someone to give you something they
normally wouldn't relinquish, then refuse it. normally wouldn't relinquish, then refuse it.
4 Pulls: Get someone to promise to not forget 4 Pulls: Get someone to promise to not forget
about you, then tell them you can't promise the about you, then tell them you can't promise the
same. same.

Choice: Choice:

The Best Friend - Flashback 2: It’s a big The Best Friend - Flashback 2: It’s a big
world... world...
1 Pull: Choose your own objective. 1 Pull: Choose your own objective.
2 Pulls: Get someone to promise to take care of 2 Pulls: Get someone to promise to take care of
something for you. something for you.
3 Pulls: Get someone to give you something they 3 Pulls: Get someone to give you something they
normally wouldn't relinquish, then refuse it. normally wouldn't relinquish, then refuse it.
4 Pulls: Get someone to promise to not forget 4 Pulls: Get someone to promise to not forget
about you, then tell them you can't promise the about you, then tell them you can't promise the
same. same.

Choice: Choice:
The Best Friend - Flashback 3: The Best Friend - Flashback 3:
Misunderstanding... Misunderstanding...
1 Pull: Choose your own objective 1 Pull: Choose your own objective
2 Pulls: Get someone to apologize to you, then 2 Pulls: Get someone to apologize to you, then
refuse the apology. refuse the apology.
3 Pulls: Get someone to threaten you. 3 Pulls: Get someone to threaten you.
4 Pulls: Put the blame on someone when you 4 Pulls: Put the blame on someone when you
know it was your fault, then get them to accept know it was your fault, then get them to accept
the blame. the blame.

Choice: Choice:

The Best Friend - Flashback 3: The Best Friend - Flashback 3:

Misunderstanding... Misunderstanding...
1 Pull: Choose your own objective 1 Pull: Choose your own objective
2 Pulls: Get someone to apologize to you, then 2 Pulls: Get someone to apologize to you, then
refuse the apology. refuse the apology.
3 Pulls: Get someone to threaten you. 3 Pulls: Get someone to threaten you.
4 Pulls: Put the blame on someone when you 4 Pulls: Put the blame on someone when you
know it was your fault, then get them to accept know it was your fault, then get them to accept
the blame. the blame.

Choice: Choice:
The Best Friend - Flashback 4: The Best Friend - Flashback 4:
Reconciliation... Reconciliation...
1 Pull: Choose your own objective 1 Pull: Choose your own objective
2 Pulls: Get someone to accept their part in a 2 Pulls: Get someone to accept their part in a
previous misunderstanding. previous misunderstanding.
3 Pulls: Get someone to return a gift you gave 3 Pulls: Get someone to return a gift you gave
them, then refuse to accept it back. them, then refuse to accept it back.
4 Pulls: Get someone to draw their blade against 4 Pulls: Get someone to draw their blade against
you, then lay yours down. you, then lay yours down.

Choice: Choice:

The Best Friend - Flashback 4: The Best Friend - Flashback 4:

Reconciliation... Reconciliation...
1 Pull: Choose your own objective 1 Pull: Choose your own objective
2 Pulls: Get someone to accept their part in a 2 Pulls: Get someone to accept their part in a
previous misunderstanding. previous misunderstanding.
3 Pulls: Get someone to return a gift you gave 3 Pulls: Get someone to return a gift you gave
them, then refuse to accept it back. them, then refuse to accept it back.
4 Pulls: Get someone to draw their blade against 4 Pulls: Get someone to draw their blade against
you, then lay yours down. you, then lay yours down.

Choice: Choice:
The Best Friend - Flashback 5: The Best Friend - Flashback 5:
I always have your back… I always have your back…
1 Pull: Choose your own objective 1 Pull: Choose your own objective
2 Pulls: Get someone to promise to watch over 2 Pulls: Get someone to promise to watch over
something special to you if you don’t make it something special to you if you don’t make it
out alive. out alive.
3 Pulls: Get someone to start tending to one of 3 Pulls: Get someone to start tending to one of
your wounds, then refuse their help. your wounds, then refuse their help.
4 Pulls: Confess a horrible secret about your past 4 Pulls: Confess a horrible secret about your past
that no one else would know, then get someone that no one else would know, then get someone
to forgive you for your part in it. to forgive you for your part in it.

Choice: Choice:

The Best Friend - Flashback 5: The Best Friend - Flashback 5:

I always have your back… I always have your back…
1 Pull: Choose your own objective 1 Pull: Choose your own objective
2 Pulls: Get someone to promise to watch over 2 Pulls: Get someone to promise to watch over
something special to you if you don’t make it something special to you if you don’t make it
out alive. out alive.
3 Pulls: Get someone to start tending to one of 3 Pulls: Get someone to start tending to one of
your wounds, then refuse their help. your wounds, then refuse their help.
4 Pulls: Confess a horrible secret about your past 4 Pulls: Confess a horrible secret about your past
that no one else would know, then get someone that no one else would know, then get someone
to forgive you for your part in it. to forgive you for your part in it.

Choice: Choice:
The Relative - Playbook
You are someone who is literally a blood relative of one of the people at the Final Gathering. This
could be either a close relative with a good relationship or someone estranged. Either way, you know
what is at stake here, but don’t like the odds of having to kill someone you grew up with.

What is your name?

What do you look like?

What does your blade look like?

To become immortal, you must die first, not beheaded, so the immortality can activate. How did you
first die?

Who, in the mortal world long ago, was like a sibling to you that you lost due to old age?

What family line started after you adopted a young child long ago, and what are they like

Who, here, are you related to?

What is one secret that you hold that no other here would know?

Throughout play, you may unearth more secrets about your character. Write them here as they
come up, or between rounds if you are currently active in a scene:
The Relative - Scenarios
The Relative - Flashback 1: A family gathering… (Rank: 2)
Long before it was discovered that you were immortals, you, and your relative, were just normal kids
in a normal village with a normal family at a normal family gathering. Select one or more players to
join you in this scene. One of the players will be a blood relative of yours. Because immortals are
unable to have children themselves, this individual cannot be a parent or a child, but a sibling,
cousin, aunt or uncle would all be good choices. Set the scene where this family gathering takes
place. What is the family gathering for? How many are in attendance? This should be a low risk scene
to help get to know the characters more during a time of coming together as family and friends.

The Relative - Flashback 2: Leaving the nest… (Rank: 6)

You had spent the majority of your life up to this point in the same village close to home and the rest
of your family, but now it’s time to move on for one reason or another. Select your blood relative and
more players, as needed, to join you in this scene. Set the scene just before you are about to leave.
Where does this take place? Why are you leaving home?

The Relative - Flashback 3: Overcoming hardship… (Rank: 5)

You’ve had a fair share of hardships over the years, including the natural deaths of the mortal
members of your family, but now you are facing something harder than you’ve had to deal with
before. Select your blood relative and more players, as needed, to join you in this scene. Set the
scene of where and when this is. What sort of hardship needs to be overcome? Why is your blood
relative the only one who can help you to overcome this? What would happen if you weren’t to
overcome this hardship?

The Relative - Flashback 4: Blood is thicker than water… (Rank: 5)

There was a time where you had to fight for your lives together to take down a rival family and made
it out with all of your heads still attached. There was no more danger ahead, so this was a time to
relax afterwards, even though you were in an unusual location for relaxing. Select your blood relative
and more players, as needed, to join you in this scene. Set the scene in a location where this fight
took place, such as an enemy’s household, a place of business, or anywhere else that feels right.
Why did you need to fight this fight? Did you initiate it or was it defensive? How many people did you
end up killing, and how many of them were immortal as well?

The Relative - Flashback 5: We Are the Last… (Rank: 1)

You've watched over the mortal line of your family for centuries, but this war with the other immortals
had taken its toll as your enemies started targeting them to get to you. Then the day came that the
last of your mortal family had died. Now it is only you and your immortal blood relative that remains.
Select your blood relative and more players, as needed, to join you in this scene. Set the scene
immediately following the burial of your last mortal relative. Who were they? How did they die?
The Relative - Flashback 1: A family The Relative - Flashback 1: A family
gathering... gathering...
1 Pull: Choose your own objective 1 Pull: Choose your own objective
2 Pulls: Get someone to share some gossip with 2 Pulls: Get someone to share some gossip with
you. you.
3 Pulls: Get someone to offer to talk to an 3 Pulls: Get someone to offer to talk to an
unfavorable family member with you. unfavorable family member with you.
4 Pulls: Get someone to tell you something that 4 Pulls: Get someone to tell you something that
they are disappointed in you about. they are disappointed in you about.

Choice: Choice:

The Relative - Flashback 1: A family The Relative - Flashback 1: A family

gathering... gathering...
1 Pull: Choose your own objective 1 Pull: Choose your own objective
2 Pulls: Get someone to share some gossip with 2 Pulls: Get someone to share some gossip with
you. you.
3 Pulls: Get someone to offer to talk to an 3 Pulls: Get someone to offer to talk to an
unfavorable family member with you. unfavorable family member with you.
4 Pulls: Get someone to tell you something that 4 Pulls: Get someone to tell you something that
they are disappointed in you about. they are disappointed in you about.

Choice: Choice:
The Relative - Flashback 2: Leaving The Relative - Flashback 2: Leaving
the nest... the nest...
1 Pull: Choose your own objective 1 Pull: Choose your own objective
2 Pulls: Get someone to accept a gift from you. 2 Pulls: Get someone to accept a gift from you.
3 Pulls: Get someone to ask if they can travel 3 Pulls: Get someone to ask if they can travel
with you, then refuse them. with you, then refuse them.
4 Pulls: Get someone to try to convince you to 4 Pulls: Get someone to try to convince you to
change your mind, then cut ties with them. change your mind, then cut ties with them.

Choice: Choice:

The Relative - Flashback 2: Leaving The Relative - Flashback 2: Leaving

the nest... the nest...
1 Pull: Choose your own objective 1 Pull: Choose your own objective
2 Pulls: Get someone to accept a gift from you. 2 Pulls: Get someone to accept a gift from you.
3 Pulls: Get someone to ask if they can travel 3 Pulls: Get someone to ask if they can travel
with you, then refuse them. with you, then refuse them.
4 Pulls: Get someone to try to convince you to 4 Pulls: Get someone to try to convince you to
change your mind, then cut ties with them. change your mind, then cut ties with them.

Choice: Choice:
The Relative - Flashback 3: The Relative - Flashback 3:
Overcoming hardship... Overcoming hardship...
1 Pull: Choose your own objective 1 Pull: Choose your own objective
2 Pulls: Get someone to offer sound advice to 2 Pulls: Get someone to offer sound advice to
you. you.
3 Pulls: Get someone to swear their loyalty to 3 Pulls: Get someone to swear their loyalty to
both you and your plans. both you and your plans.
4 Pulls: Get someone to ask for forgiveness for 4 Pulls: Get someone to ask for forgiveness for
something in the past, then tell them you’ll only something in the past, then tell them you’ll only
forgive them after getting through this hardship. forgive them after getting through this hardship.

Choice: Choice:

The Relative - Flashback 3: The Relative - Flashback 3:

Overcoming hardship... Overcoming hardship...
1 Pull: Choose your own objective 1 Pull: Choose your own objective
2 Pulls: Get someone to offer sound advice to 2 Pulls: Get someone to offer sound advice to
you. you.
3 Pulls: Get someone to swear their loyalty to 3 Pulls: Get someone to swear their loyalty to
both you and your plans. both you and your plans.
4 Pulls: Get someone to ask for forgiveness for 4 Pulls: Get someone to ask for forgiveness for
something in the past, then tell them you’ll only something in the past, then tell them you’ll only
forgive them after getting through this hardship. forgive them after getting through this hardship.

Choice: Choice:
The Relative - Flashback 4: Blood is The Relative - Flashback 4: Blood is
thicker than water... thicker than water...
1 Pull: Choose your own objective 1 Pull: Choose your own objective
2 Pulls: Get someone to promise they’ll always 2 Pulls: Get someone to promise they’ll always
have your back. have your back.
3 Pulls: Get someone to give you something 3 Pulls: Get someone to give you something
important that was found on one of your important that was found on one of your
enemies. enemies.
4 Pulls: Get someone to renounce any ill feelings 4 Pulls: Get someone to renounce any ill feelings
toward you from the past, then tell them you toward you from the past, then tell them you
can’t do the same. can’t do the same.

Choice: Choice:

The Relative - Flashback 4: Blood is The Relative - Flashback 4: Blood is

thicker than water... thicker than water...
1 Pull: Choose your own objective 1 Pull: Choose your own objective
2 Pulls: Get someone to promise they’ll always 2 Pulls: Get someone to promise they’ll always
have your back. have your back.
3 Pulls: Get someone to give you something 3 Pulls: Get someone to give you something
important that was found on one of your important that was found on one of your
enemies. enemies.
4 Pulls: Get someone to renounce any ill feelings 4 Pulls: Get someone to renounce any ill feelings
toward you from the past, then tell them you toward you from the past, then tell them you
can’t do the same. can’t do the same.

Choice: Choice:
The Relative - Flashback 5: We Are the The Relative - Flashback 5: We Are the
Last... Last...
1 Pull: Choose your own objective 1 Pull: Choose your own objective
2 Pulls: Get someone to admit that they fear 2 Pulls: Get someone to admit that they fear
they will be next. they will be next.
3 Pulls: Get someone to promise you that they 3 Pulls: Get someone to promise you that they
will hunt those responsible. will hunt those responsible.
4 Pulls: Get someone to ask you if they can 4 Pulls: Get someone to ask you if they can
depend on you to keep them safe, then tell depend on you to keep them safe, then tell
them no. them no.

Choice: Choice:

The Relative - Flashback 5: We Are the The Relative - Flashback 5: We Are the
Last... Last...
1 Pull: Choose your own objective 1 Pull: Choose your own objective
2 Pulls: Get someone to admit that they fear 2 Pulls: Get someone to admit that they fear
they will be next. they will be next.
3 Pulls: Get someone to promise you that they 3 Pulls: Get someone to promise you that they
will hunt those responsible. will hunt those responsible.
4 Pulls: Get someone to ask you if they can 4 Pulls: Get someone to ask you if they can
depend on you to keep them safe, then tell depend on you to keep them safe, then tell
them no. them no.

Choice: Choice:
The Love Interest - Playbook
You are in love with another character here, who has loved you back in the past, at least. The last
thing you wanted was to be put in a position where you might be forced to kill one another, which
makes this Final Gathering especially troublesome for you.

What is your name?

What do you look like?

What does your blade look like?

To become immortal, you must die first, not beheaded, so the immortality can activate. How did you
first die?

What has been your most attractive feature throughout history?

Who, in the mortal world long ago, did you marry and eventually lose to old age?

Who, here, did you once have a romantic relationship with and still have feelings for?

What is one secret that you hold that no other here would know?

Throughout play, you may unearth more secrets about your character. Write them here as they
come up, or between rounds if you are currently active in a scene:
The Love Interest - Scenarios
The Love Interest - Flashback 1: The look… (Rank: 6)
You may have known one another earlier on in life, or are complete strangers, but this is the first time
that spark had been ignited between the two of you. Whether it be from across a crowded room,
spending time with each other and maybe some friends, or even in the heat of battle, the feeling
was undeniable. Select one person who you shared this experience with, this must be your mutual
interest, then select others to join the scene as necessary. Set the scene where this took place. In this
scene, there is a mutual interest, but it will not lead to an actual relationship at this time.

The Love Interest - Flashback 2: The chance encounter… (Rank: 5)

Years after that first spark, you finally ran into one another again, this time it was on more familiar
terms. Who knew that this chance encounter would lead to the beginning of a mostly amazing
bittersweet relationship? Select your mutual love and any others that are needed for this scene. Set
the scene where you will have this chance encounter with one another which will directly lead to the
two of you agreeing to begin an actual relationship at the end.

The Love Interest - Flashback 3: The end of a courtship… (Rank: 6)

You finally had the opportunity to spend some quality time with your mutual love interest. Things have
been touch and go for a while, not being able to pin each other down over the centuries, but fate
had finally put you in the same place for a good amount of time and you took perfect advantage of
it. You had a really good run together, but something is pushing you apart once again, whether it be
one of your own actions or something external. Set the scene to where you want this courtship to end
and choose your mutual love interest to join you. If needed, add more players to the scene. In this
scene, things should be awkward and possibly heated.

The Love Interest - Flashback 4: The setback… (Rank: 4)

It always felt like it was going to be destined that you would be with the immortal that held your
heart, but circumstances kept intervening and, once upon a time, another person won you over with
their charm. A mortal, no less! This scene takes place the night before the wedding to this mortal love
of yours. Choose your mutual interest to join you in this scene plus anyone else, if needed. Set the
scene where this took place. Why are you marrying this mortal?

The Love Interest - Flashback 5: The commitment… (Rank: 2)

Long after you lost your mortal spouse to old age and your heart mended to the loss, the old flame
was rekindled with your first true love. This scene will go over that encounter leading up to committing
to be together and trying to make it work. In a world of immortals falling to others, at the very least,
you will have each other’s backs until the very end. Choose your mutual love for this scene and any
others, as needed. Set the scene where this took place.
The Love Interest - Flashback 1: The The Love Interest - Flashback 1: The
look... look...
1 Pull: Choose your own objective 1 Pull: Choose your own objective
2 Pulls: Get someone to get something for you. 2 Pulls: Get someone to get something for you.
3 Pulls: Get someone to tell you that they don’t 3 Pulls: Get someone to tell you that they don’t
like something you do like. like something you do like.
4 Pulls: Get someone to compliment something 4 Pulls: Get someone to compliment something
about you, then reveal it to be untrue. about you, then reveal it to be untrue.

Choice: Choice:

The Love Interest - Flashback 1: The The Love Interest - Flashback 1: The
look... look...
1 Pull: Choose your own objective 1 Pull: Choose your own objective
2 Pulls: Get someone to get something for you. 2 Pulls: Get someone to get something for you.
3 Pulls: Get someone to tell you that they don’t 3 Pulls: Get someone to tell you that they don’t
like something you do like. like something you do like.
4 Pulls: Get someone to compliment something 4 Pulls: Get someone to compliment something
about you, then reveal it to be untrue. about you, then reveal it to be untrue.

Choice: Choice:
The Love Interest - Flashback 2: The The Love Interest - Flashback 2: The
chance encounter... chance encounter...
1 Pull: Choose your own objective 1 Pull: Choose your own objective
2 Pulls: Get someone to admit they haven’t 2 Pulls: Get someone to admit they haven’t
stopped thinking about you since you last met. stopped thinking about you since you last met.
3 Pulls: Get someone to admit a great flaw. 3 Pulls: Get someone to admit a great flaw.
4 Pulls: Get someone to agree to join you in 4 Pulls: Get someone to agree to join you in
doing something, but then admit you can’t hold doing something, but then admit you can’t hold
up your end of the agreement. up your end of the agreement.

Choice: Choice:

The Love Interest - Flashback 2: The The Love Interest - Flashback 2: The
chance encounter... chance encounter...
1 Pull: Choose your own objective 1 Pull: Choose your own objective
2 Pulls: Get someone to admit they haven’t 2 Pulls: Get someone to admit they haven’t
stopped thinking about you since you last met. stopped thinking about you since you last met.
3 Pulls: Get someone to admit a great flaw. 3 Pulls: Get someone to admit a great flaw.
4 Pulls: Get someone to agree to join you in 4 Pulls: Get someone to agree to join you in
doing something, but then admit you can’t hold doing something, but then admit you can’t hold
up your end of the agreement. up your end of the agreement.

Choice: Choice:
The Love Interest - Flashback 3: The The Love Interest - Flashback 3: The
end of a courtship... end of a courtship...
1 Pull: Choose your own objective 1 Pull: Choose your own objective
2 Pulls: Get someone to tell you something they 2 Pulls: Get someone to tell you something they
admire about you or how much they missed admire about you or how much they missed
you. you.
3 Pulls: Get someone to admit a wrong they’ve 3 Pulls: Get someone to admit a wrong they’ve
done in the past or claim to forgive you for done in the past or claim to forgive you for
something you did. something you did.
4 Pulls: Get someone to ask you to stay for good. 4 Pulls: Get someone to ask you to stay for good.

Choice: Choice:

The Love Interest - Flashback 3: The The Love Interest - Flashback 3: The
end of a courtship... end of a courtship...
1 Pull: Choose your own objective 1 Pull: Choose your own objective
2 Pulls: Get someone to tell you something they 2 Pulls: Get someone to tell you something they
admire about you or how much they missed admire about you or how much they missed
you. you.
3 Pulls: Get someone to admit a wrong they’ve 3 Pulls: Get someone to admit a wrong they’ve
done in the past or claim to forgive you for done in the past or claim to forgive you for
something you did. something you did.
4 Pulls: Get someone to ask you to stay for good. 4 Pulls: Get someone to ask you to stay for good.

Choice: Choice:
The Love Interest - Flashback 4: The The Love Interest - Flashback 4: The
setback… setback…
1 Pull: Choose your own objective 1 Pull: Choose your own objective
2 Pulls: Lie about not caring anymore about 2 Pulls: Lie about not caring anymore about
another person in the scene and then leave the another person in the scene and then leave the
scene. scene.
3 Pulls: Get someone to create a ruckus about 3 Pulls: Get someone to create a ruckus about
how terrible you have become. how terrible you have become.
4 Pulls: Get someone to confess their feelings for 4 Pulls: Get someone to confess their feelings for
someone else. someone else.

Choice: Choice:

The Love Interest - Flashback 4: The The Love Interest - Flashback 4: The
setback… setback…
1 Pull: Choose your own objective 1 Pull: Choose your own objective
2 Pulls: Lie about not caring anymore about 2 Pulls: Lie about not caring anymore about
another person in the scene and then leave the another person in the scene and then leave the
scene. scene.
3 Pulls: Get someone to create a ruckus about 3 Pulls: Get someone to create a ruckus about
how terrible you have become. how terrible you have become.
4 Pulls: Get someone to confess their feelings for 4 Pulls: Get someone to confess their feelings for
someone else. someone else.

Choice: Choice:
The Love Interest - Flashback 5: The The Love Interest - Flashback 5: The
commitment... commitment...
1 Pull: Choose your own objective 1 Pull: Choose your own objective
2 Pulls: Get someone to apologize for past 2 Pulls: Get someone to apologize for past
actions. actions.
3 Pulls: Get someone to forgive you for 3 Pulls: Get someone to forgive you for
something bad you’ve done that hurt them. something bad you’ve done that hurt them.
4 Pulls: Falsely admit to someone that things 4 Pulls: Falsely admit to someone that things
probably wouldn’t work out between you both, probably wouldn’t work out between you both,
then get them to try to convince you otherwise. then get them to try to convince you otherwise.

Choice: Choice:

The Love Interest - Flashback 5: The The Love Interest - Flashback 5: The
commitment... commitment...
1 Pull: Choose your own objective 1 Pull: Choose your own objective
2 Pulls: Get someone to apologize for past 2 Pulls: Get someone to apologize for past
actions. actions.
3 Pulls: Get someone to forgive you for 3 Pulls: Get someone to forgive you for
something bad you’ve done that hurt them. something bad you’ve done that hurt them.
4 Pulls: Falsely admit to someone that things 4 Pulls: Falsely admit to someone that things
probably wouldn’t work out between you both, probably wouldn’t work out between you both,
then get them to try to convince you otherwise. then get them to try to convince you otherwise.

Choice: Choice:

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