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Asan Physics 1. ELECTRICITY & CHEMICAL EFFECTS OF CURRENT SSSSS0—060—0—656—6—————————————————— ELECTROSTATICS a Historical background : The first electrical phenomena was discovered in about 600 B.C. by “Thales of Miletus’, one of the founders of Greek science. He showed that when a piece of amber is rubbed with a woollen cloth (or fur), it acquires the powver of attracting light objects lke feather, dust, pieces of leaves, bits of straw, ete. © Amber isa hard yellowish to brown translucent fossil resin gum lke) found on the shores of the Baltic sea, ‘The Greek name for amber was “Mectrum’ (or ‘elektron’) and this is the origin of all familiar words lke electricity, electric force, electric charge, clectron, etc. The attraction of amber with feather, etc. was often confused with the magnetic attraction of lodestone’ for iron, © The first person to write a scientific account of the early experiences of electricity and magnetism was Dr. William Gilbert (1540-1603 A.D), a physician to Queen Elizabeth lof England. He studied electrical and magnetic phenomena systematicaly and wrotea book ‘De magnate’. Gibert showed that many substances besides amber acquire an attractive property when rubbed e.g. a glass rod rubbed with silk. ebonite rod rubbed with fur, He introduced the terms ‘electric force’, ‘electric attraction’ and ‘magnetic pole’. and gave the name ‘electrica’ for substances which became electrically charged by rubbing. He apparently failed to observe electric repulsion, ‘The existence of two kinds of electricity was suggested by C.F. Du Fay (1698-1739 A.D.) He performed en experiment in which a gold leaf when touched by an electrified glass rod, acquired the ‘electric virtue’ and repelled the glass rod. Du Fay also showed that the gold leaf which was repelled by the glass rod, was attracted by an electrified piece of amber. Thus, he gave two kinds of electricity the names ‘vitreous’ and ‘resinous’. Du Fay postulated the existence of two weightless fluids present in every matter and which were present in equal quantities in an uncharged or neutral body. In charged bodies, these fluids were present in ‘unequal amounts, the positive fluid being in excess in a positively charged body and vice-versa. This is called “two fluid theory of electricity’ 'n 1747, Benjamin Franklin proposed a ‘one-fluid model of electricity’. He proposed that every body has a ‘normal’ amount of electricity in the form of a weightless electric fluid (also called ‘electric fire), When a body is rubbed adainst another, some ofthe Midis transferred from onkibody to the other. The body which is excess in electric fluid is positive and the body deficient in the electric fluid is negative. Benjamin Franklin introduced the words ‘positive in place of ‘itreous” and “negative” in place of ‘resinous’. although the choice of these names was arbitrary. By this convention, ‘the electron’ has a negative charge. Electrostaties : The study of electric changes at res, the forces between them, and the electric fields associated with themis called ‘electrostatics. € © ‘The electricity developed on the surfaces of insulating bodies when ~ LA > rubbed against each other is called ‘frictional electricity’ or ‘static electricity’. Most substances release static electricity when rubbed \ against another. This is most noticeable when the rubbed substance isa very good insulating material. In every case, equal amounts of opposite charges are developed on the rubbed bodies, called (a) Two bodies rubbed positive charge’ and ‘negative charge’ agains each other © Electric charge : It is the property associated with matter due to which it produces and experiences electrical and magnetic effects. © Source of static electricity : When two substances are rubbed together, some electrons are removed from the atoms on the surface of one and transferred to the other [see fig (a). The substance which Negatively Positively gains electrons becomes negatively charged and the one which loses charged. ‘charged electrons gets positively charged. Thus, the excess or delicieney of Body A gains clcrons fregaie) lectrans makes a substance negative or positive, ‘fespectively, bbody.B loses electrons (positive) [see fig.(b)] ™ Induction : The process of charging a conductor from a charged body without touching them together is called ‘induction’. The charges developed on an object without any contact with another charge object are called ‘induced charges’. 1 Send nit Coen Class X Traluced charge separation : The post ely chat vaitions, When a negathel? ies i s pete wy the ebonlte rod and rave to the sloctrons ate hang on the eborite reat fee ig fa}. charge separation wallalso result from the presen," negative change on the Hey chargestglas rod [see fi. () In both examples using the neutral metalic bal, the charge 2+ pee pe nears ofthe bls the opposite of the ch ee Foam change inthe dstbution of electrons on an object when a charged objects pane that results from a chang 5 tiscaled induced change, separalian. ~~~", ebonite rod ts brought near {ar side of the ball due to the presen. ge on the approaching rod. The distribution Ebonite od @ Induced charge separation caused by the approach of a charged rod # Charging two spheres simultaneously by induction : Let two neutral metal spheres A ard Bn. contact, both supported on insulating stands [see fig al]. When a negatively charged rodis brought new y sphere A, the free electrons in the sphere are repelled and drift away from the rod. towards clectrons cannot escape from spheres, an excess negative charge accumulates at the right surface g right sphere B. This leaves a deficiency of negative charge on the left surface ofthe left sphere and it becomes positively charged. These charges are called “induced charges’ [sce fig(bl. I the spheres « separated slightly while the negatively charged rod is nearby, we see two oppositely charged sphe tod does not lose any ofits own charge [see fig.(]. Now, when the rodis removed and the two spheres separated by large distance, the charges become uniformly distributed over the surfaces ofthe two sphions [see fig i) aan t f @ Charging by induction © The process of induction is most noticeable in solid conductors like metals because of presence of lage number of free electrons in them, © Charging a single sphere using induction : To charge a single metal sphere [se fig] by inévetion (suppose positive), a negatively charged rod is brought near the sphere. Due to this, electrons are repelled and thus, drifted towards the right end (far end) of the sphere [see fig. (b)]. Now, the farendis then earthed and the electrons are moved to the earth [see fig.(l]. The earth connection is then removed. leaving the sphere positively charged [see fig.(d]. Now, remove the negatively charged rod. The post charge will spread uniformly over the sphere [see fig. (¢. TIShL SPY @ ae a —v 7 — “ gle sphere using induction Send nit Coen ALLE! Physics erences! )-so © Earthing a charged metal sphere : The elecisle potential of earth fs always taken an rere Elevle potential of a positively charged sphere will be positive, This means elveltie potential af postively charged sphere will be greater than that of the earth, When a positively charged sphere Is earthed or grounded using a conducting wire, the current flows from the sphere (high potential) to the ground (low potential). As ive know that the electrons moy@lpposite to the direction of current, this, the electrons from the earth reach the surface of sphere [see fig.(all. This neutrallses some positive charge of the sphere. This process continues till the whole positive charge get neutralised by the Incoming electrons from the ground ie,, the electric potential of the sphere also becomes zero, No potential difference then exists between the sphere and the Earth, If the sphere 1s negatively charged, the electron will move from the sphere to the Earth [see fig.(b}]. Again, the sphere becomes neutral, Mex Positively changed High potential gjyor iol, tLow px hy = srand Ground veo (uate \ o 4 Earthing ed metal sphere M ( © Attraction of charged body for uncharged conductor : If an uncharged body is brought near to a negatively charged rubber rod, then the negative charge on the rod repels the negative free electrons in the metal to its far end. A gositive charge is developed on the near end of the metal, Since x Me — Aduactiap. Attraction between charged and uncharged body Properties of electric charge © Electric charge is a scalar quantity. It can be of two types only : positive and negative, 9K @ Like charges repel each other while unlike charges attract each other. © Additivity of charge : The totalcharae of the body is the algebraic sum of all the individual contributions by various charges present on it, each being taken with ts proper sign © Conservation of electric charge : Electric charge can neither be created nor be destroyed. > Rubbing a glass rod on silk cloth results in both becoming charged, one positive and another negative The total charge remains zero, asit was in the beginning. This means that frictional electricityis a transfer of electric charge from one body to the other, and not the creation of charge > Conservation of electric charge hols good in all ypes of reactions either ‘chemical’ or‘rucleu’ reactions. © Quantisation of charge : Every charge is an integral multiple of a certain smallest amount of charge that exists in nature, This property of charge is called ‘quantisation’. Since, electrons are indivisible, thus, only integral number of electrons can be transferred from one body to another, on rubbing. Hence, the charged bodies will have charges which are integral multiples ofthe charge on electron (e = 1.6 x10 "C.) oe [a= ane] where n = 1,2,3. independently in nature and e is called ‘elementary charge’, the smallest amount of charge that exists a Send nit Coen Charge is always associated with mass :,Chssoe sannoLewstuithoul mss a om rete AK fikens mas therfore thevcannathave chasse 5, rrays, an ee mld eh “The body which gains electrons becomes n, 58 ‘changes slightly during charging. , mh rae toes The iat abich [gees electrons becomes postive and it als loses mass arse insferable : If acharc ‘putin contact. with an une arged conductor, the ha ap : ra Gnangod particles (electrons) between the charged boa Class X ce Foroannc Abby conductor becomes chat narge sductor. This is called ‘conduc a inch Oe ody fs postive, Fai withdraw some electrons from uncharged body and the unc, becomes positively charged [see figal]. ve 0) toe tod body is negative. it will transfer some electrons to uncharged body and the uncharged, ‘becomes negatively charged [see fig. (bl). O Positiwely | Unchanged tow at 5 bo Charging by conduction © tkhen a charged body is touched to an uncharged conductor = (a) Charged body loses some charge. which is gained by uncharged conductor. {b). Charges on both are similar (positive or negative) (9) "Charge gained by ‘J conductor is less than initial charge on charged body. @ Flow of charge stops when both acquire same electric potential. oe Charges invariant: Hecigchaason a body does not change whateyerbe its speed (mass or densi ‘a body depends on its speed and increases with the increase in speed). © Accelerated charge radiates energy VRS A) Acharged particle in un » A moving charged © The charge resides on the outer surface of a conductor : Like charges repel each other ands get as far ane, trom one another. Thus, they reside on the outer surface of a conductor ashy are farthes con the outer surface. A solid or a hollow sphere of same outer radius wil ‘ame maximum emount of charge, because the charge resides on the outer surface of a conductor. § Conductoré and insulators Blectrical conductivity depends on how tightly the electrons are bound to the nucleus of the atom. Somes have electrons that are tightly bound to the nucleus and are not free to travel within the substance. Tre# / materials are calied insulators, Materials that have electrons in the outermost regions of the atom thet aro | to travel are called conductors, © Metals are good conductors ag they have large number of free electrons. These electrons act es ft longer belong to any one atom. but to the metal as a whole: consequently, they move freely throusho-"™ Piece of metal ged particle at rest produces efectric field (E) niform motion produces electric (E) and magnetic field (B). i | | i i (2) Charaes placed on a conductor _(b) Charges placed on an insulator will spread over the entire surfoce” will remain where they are pleced nn Send wit Caeser monn scree nts os oh NY ey & hn a a Oe sen Physics © Distribution of charge is not uniform on the surface of a conductor : The surface charge density is (Water chara dens ; : Variation of surface charge density with radi Leaf electroscope : It is an instrument used in electrostatics to detect the presence of electric charge on a bod: andi gives @ rough idea of the amount of charge present on the body @ Construction : It contains a vertical metal rod. with a rot metal rod and the box are insulated with each other (or aluminium) are attached to bottom end of the rod. © Detection of presence of charge on a body using electroscope » [Using conduction}: When the glectroscope is uncharged. the two downwards doeto its own weight [see fig al. Suppose e negatively cheraed the metal is a good conductor, electrons travel down the rod in leaves. charged as they gain electrons [see fig.(bl]. Because the ‘other. When the positively charged glass rod is broughtntg contact electroscope, elect wutof the metal leaves and onto because each leaf becomes positively charged as it loses electrons [see fig. (c\]. ){Using induction): When the clectroscape is uncharged. the nwo leaves hang paral downwards due to its own weight [see fig.(al]. Suppose g negatively charged rod is plac: of the electroscope. Due to this, electrons are repelled and thus, drift electroscope rod. This makes the leaves neaatively charged due to gain of el lec the leaves have similar charges, they repel each other. When the positively charaed a x the metal knob of an uncharged electroscope, electrons get attracted towards Thear end (knob) becomes negatively charged while the far end lleaves) becomes leaves repel each other because each leaf becomes positv gs” ind metal ball or knob or hard rubber or amberTu © More the amount of charge present on a body, more will be the deflection of the electroscope leaves and vice-versa. This gives a rough idea of amount of charge present on a body. 4 Test of charge with leaf electroscope ‘Charge on_| Effect on leaves divergence when the | Charge on Blectroscope object to be tasted is touched or The object brought near the knob of electroscope _| to be tested Positive aaease Postive. aus Poste Negatin tnerease Negative | Danease E Nocharge Divergence hanged lt oF —aNedwergence Sent nit Coen eee reece ere eee a B Point discharge : The charge leaks out (discharges Is. Let us conse pine AMM) having positive charge on it. There willbe a high concentration of positive charge atthe point (tp) ofan in| as surface charge density is inversely proportional to the radius of curvature. This wil ie (electrons) from atmosphere (ar). At the same time, positive ions in the air are erase a charge at the point (tip). The negative charges (electrons) on reaching the tip neutralise some posi, a ence lowers its positive charge and potential. Thus, the charged sharply pointed conductor discha, ett way. Thisis called point discharge. The discharging of a sharply pointed charged conductor in atmos é called point discharge or corona discharge. hey 3 © The movement of positive charges (tans) an irons) near a pointed chargedeony, | causes an air disturbance which is called electric wind. wd ‘Very high ® So charge density e _- teteee,, \ a o®) +e Point discharge '@ Lightning conductor : It is a device which protects buildings from the lightning either by neutralising er conducting. © Construction : It consists of a number of pointed conductors fixed to a high point on the building connected to a thick copper wire which runs down the side of building and ends on a metal plate buried nie ground ~ © Working : When a negatively charged cloud passes over the building, it induces a positive charge on the point ends of lightning conductor and equal negative charge at the metal plate. Due to discharging action of sharp points, a positive electric wind is set up towards the negatively charged cloud. Thigpeutralises some negative charge on the cloud, thereby redutlfig potential difference between cloud and earth. Thus, possibilty of electric discharge through air from cloud to earth + is reduced. Even if the electric discharge from cloud takes place, the negative charge of the cloud passes through copper ‘Wire to metal plate in the ground. And thus, the building is saved from the damage due to electric discharge. How clouds get charged ? During the development of a thunderstorm, the air currents move upward while the water droplets move downward. In such a condition, a Joud formation causes water vapour molecules fo collide resulting ina transfer of electrons between Painted Conductors K+ + b+ + + these molecules. Cooling causes water vapour molecules to. Metal condense into water droplets. The, -atoms in these droplets hold plate onto electrons more readily than atoms in Water vapour, and mbt thus the droplets become negatively charged, Being heavier, these negatively charged water droplets a= | _2t the botiom ofthe coud, causing the hatiam ofthe cloud to become negatively charged, The topo! the o> Containing the rising water vapour, becomes positively charged \ cerged _ Send nit Coen ALLEN Why air becomes a conductor during ligh As explained, the postive charges collect near the upper edges ofthe clouds and the n regative charges accumulate hear the lower edges. Also, theres accumulation of postive charaes near the arourddve to phenomenon of “induction When the magnitude of the accumu . e, attractive electric f batugen the neative electrons on the cloud and the induced pine charge onthe ground pull oaeste from the cloud to the ground. Negative and positive charges meet, producing a streak of light and sound called lightning. The process is called an Slesurc discharae because the charge from the cloud is reduced (or discharged) ‘othe ground. -—— Ly* Sigrtice Physics Dielectric strength : The maximum electric field that may exist in a dielectric without the occurrence of clectric break dou is called dielectric strength. e.g. Dielectric strength of airs 3 x 10° V/m During “lightning, the dielectric coe ‘Orair a lieved, frence. air becomes conducting, B Coulomb's law : The force of attraction directly proportional to the product 'r between them and it always ac Coutts ou oF repulsion between two point charges ‘g,” and ‘g," atyrestis t of the charges and inversely proportional to the square of the gistance ‘ts along the line joining the charges. N o Coulomb's law — Fr graph for Coulomb's law where 'K’ is 2 constant of proportionality sometimes called electrical constant or electrostatic force constant o Coulomb's constant. ——— mM For vi jeuum. the coulomb’s constant K =| — | dre, where ‘c,’ is called permittivity of free spate gr vacuum (also called absolute electrical 2. = 8.85_x 10 C°N*m* Coulomb force between two charges placed jp a given medium is given by, 910° Nm? Sl system: 1 44, 46) 1 where ‘e’ is called permittivity of medium lor absolute electrical permittivity of medium) | © Relative permittivity of medium (¢,): Itis the ratio of permittivity (c) of medium to the permittivity (E,) of vacuum, : & &, AE Relative permittivity of medium js also called dielectric constant of medium, for ait, ©, = 1.00059 ~ 1.0006 at 1 atm, for water, ¢, = 80, forGacutim.c, befor sabity a irra © The Coulomb force between two charges decreases by a factor — if a medium of dielectric constan ¢, is introduced between them. 7 © Relative permittivity of 2 medium can also be defined as the ‘satlo of coulomb fore betssen charaes in vacuum “F,’ to the coulomb force between the same charges keeping the same separation between them’. L fo. merit = bn 7 Send nit Coen Class X F ie ee Uses of static electricity Lay © Photocopier: The, slacrostatc fore that charged pate exert on one another Pays the cerry an office copier. The sopvina moaess scaled xeroaraphy, The photocondbctve Proper ofseengaS etilical to the xerographic process. S © Laser printer : A lasor printer is used with computers to provide high-quality copies of text ang grep ‘As the laser beam moves rapidly from side to side across the rotating drum, the comy “hy offat the right moments during each scan to profuce the désted pase charae image, rstheheas © Inkjet printer : An inkjet printer is another type of printer that uses electric charges ints operation ha shuttling back and forth across the paper, thine printhead ejects a thin steam of ink droplet ® though wo lsc components an slatodeandhedleon pate, dveto which theyacnse ai charge by the process of induction. net x Electrostatic precpitators:Elecrostatic precptators are at polation contol dvies that rome parties fom the emissions (ue gas) of processing and powerplants that bun fos fue, By sg Giecly onthe properties of ec icds, these devices are capable of removing almost allabout 9° the tiny particles of soot, ash, and dust FES . * Electric potential + Electric potential ata point Ain an electric field is the work done per unit Bos, test charge in transporting it from infinitely far away to the point A ~ a — Concept of electric potential © Electric potential is a scalar quantity, : © SLUnit of electric potential : Volt (V) ; 1 Volt 1 Joule/coulomb or 1 V = 15 C- © Potential Difference : Potential difference (V,- V,) between two points A and B is defined asthe work done in carrying a unittest charge from point A to point B. oo, avy we * % ‘ Concer of potest ference © Wyo = positive if V, > V, ; Wha = negative if V, Alloys like manganin, constantan, nichrome, ete. ; used in wire wound resistors. > Carbon resistors ; compact and! low cost. > Aluminium oF copper wires; low resistance conductors used to make connecting wites/eln transmission lines. © The resistors which obey Ohm’s law are called linear resistors or ohmic conductors. The resistors. do not obey Ohm's law are called non-linear resistors or n aS Resistance, R tand Resistance, R =] V4 graph for a conductor TV graph for a conductor obeying ohm's law obeying ohm's law ‘ Moy 0 IV TUN OG, 7 Dynamic resistance, R = tan -T graphs for non-chmic conductor Send nit Coen Physics ALLEN (© Resixance ‘R’ is not a material property, that is, its velue ch material, Resistence depends on the nature of substance, cross-sectional area) and temperature ©. Resistance is directly proportional to the length (/) of 2 conductor ar a Resistivity (Specific resistance) Traterial. It depenc T rence The substances which show the phenomenon of superconductivity are called ‘superconductor > Till today. 26 pure metals, many compounds and alloys have been found te display the phenom, superconductivity. ) Critical temperature (transition temperature): The temperature at which a substance en, ‘ _superconductor is called “critical temperature’ or transition temperature . Critical ‘tempeme “(Jor some sustances are: (1) Mercury-4.2 K (2) Zine - 0.79 K (3) Lead -7.26 K (4) Vanadium.43) (Niobium - 9.22 K ft — Colour code for resistors : A colour code is used for resistors to indicate their resistance values and. | Petcen, accuracies. On the resistors, a set of co-axial coloured tings are made, The-first two bands or rings indicate ‘two significant figures and third band indicates multiplier The last hand stands for tol re ce y ‘Tolerance %| © Toleam the colour coding, you can learn the following sentenc: B B ROY Great Britain Very Good Wife Good Son i * hast nt (No colour), then % Tolerance is 20% |! Sent wit Coen ALLEN Physics B Effect of stretching of a wire on resistance : Let a wire of length (', and cross-sectional area A, having resistance R, be stretched to a length (and its cross-sectional area becomes A, such that fy = ny Effect of stretching of a wire ie., volume after stretching = volume before stretching Thus, new resistance of wire after stretching is given by Ry = n*R, Effect of bending of a wire on itself on resistance : Let a wire of length (, and cross-sectional area A, having resistance R, be doubled on itself such that its lngth (= (,/2 and its cross-sectional area becomes A, = 2A,. Thus, new resistance of wire after doubling the wire on itself s given by R, = R,/4 Effect of bending of a wire on itself 1 Condition for two wires of different materials to have the same resistance Pe Ar wi f equal lengths, then 4 = > Ifthe wires are of equal lengths. then A= 5 4 > Ifthe wires are of equal area of cross-section, then a Electric circuit : A continuous path which consists of various electric devices lke bulb, tubelight, resistors, ete connected with each other through conducting wires to the terminals of a source of emf like battery is called ‘electric circuit © Circuit elements : The various devices like electric bulbs, resistors, etc. connected in an electric circuit are called ‘circuit elements © Circuit diagram : A diagram which indicates how different devices are connected in a circuit by using proper electric symbols for the devices is called a ‘circuit diagram’ Symbols of some commonly used components in circuit diagrams 4 HH « a An cleric eel Abatey =p eyor sich open) Apo hey or sith dosed) | + MW ww or AW A resistor of Awirejoint Wires crossing Pecnrauines A variate resistance or theostt without joining io -O ‘O- 6 An elect bulb ‘An ammeter A voltmeter A galvanometer 13 Sent nit Coen Class X no porisn ae tee difference (voltage) 3, Measuring potential fe potenti by a device called ‘voltmeter’. tential diffe . ntial di © Voltmeter is connected in parallel tothe device across which eet © The volimeter has a very larae resistance, so that itd. - very litte effect on the voltage being measured. For an, + V. rence is to be measure from the circuit and hy ws very ideal voltmeter. t esistance r= byw Measuring potential difference ae across a resistor using a voltmeter. ° 7 i instrument called Measuring current : The electric current through a device is measured by using = a phe @ _Ammeter is connected in series with the device through which a current is ae © The ammeter has a very small resistance. so that ith ng measure an ideal ammeter, resistance 1 = 0. Resistors in series : R, = R, +R, + R, as very lit © General formula for ‘n’ resistors in series : R,=R, +R, +R, = 1 = constant, VaR In series, V, : V,:V,=R,:R,:R,and V=V, +V,+V5 If there are ‘n’ equal resistors (R) connected in series, then R, = n R In series combination, R, is greater than the highest value of individual resistances. In series combination, jf ane resistance gets ‘open’. the current in the whole circuit will be zero and cic breaks. 1a Resistors in parallel : ~~ "R*"R. © General formula for n resistors in parallel : @ Since V, = V, = V,=--— = V, = V = constant, 1 1R = constant Tes con: or Ine © Inparalll combination, 1, : l= Em Pia 1 7 Send nit Caeser | | i aun Physics © F'n equal resistors (8) are connected in parallel, then R, « & 4 © For two resistors R, and R, in parallel, their equivalent resistance is given by, RR, = 1B “ R, +R, © In parallel combination, R, is less than the lowest value of individual resistances. x © Incase of resistors in parallel, if gne resistance becomes “ops © For ‘n’ equal resistors in series, R= n R and for ‘n! equal resistors in parallel, R, =R/n. Thus, Be = ye © To got maximum resistance, resistors must he connected in series and to get minimum ress must be connected in parallel . 1H _Wheatstone bridge : This arrangement was frst used by C.F. Wheatstone, {see fig.) ce, resistors itsh phys 19th century AEF Whesstone ridge is balanced, current through R, is zero. The condition for balanced bridge is or ot=tt or RR,=RR, © Innumericals based on Wieatstone bridge. if bridge is balanced, then simply remove R,.. Now, R, and R, ate inseries, R, and R, are in series and combination of these two pairs of resistors are in paraliel @ In Wheatstone bridge, cell and galanometer are interchangeable, both the terminals of a device (like a bulb) are avire i.e., they are joined directly. then the device is seid to be short-circuited and potential difference across it becomes 2er0. ee fw © The given figure shows a combination of four Wentical Bulbs joined with a battery. Bulbs A and B are connected ip series across the emf of the battery. inected by itself across the battery. This means the voltage drop across C ‘ this same voltage is split between bulbs A and B. As a result, bulb C will glow more brightly than either of bulbs A and y B, which will glow equally brightly. Bulb D has a wire connected across it .e._a shart citcuit, so the potential pi difference across bull_D is zero and it doesnt glow. IFbulb A falls. B goes out, but bulb C will glow. If bulb C_ fails, there is po effect on the ather bulbs. bulb fails, we cannot detect this event, because bulb D wes not ‘lowing intially; also, there isno effect on the other bulbs. x Internal resistance of a cell : The opposition caused Jyians and atoms af the electrolytéto the flow of electric ‘current in a cell is called its “internal resistance’. 1 oat © When the cell is discharging: I= 5" and |vee-t) That is, Ve oy ihe ternal voltage acrdse itis greater than emf of the cell. The direction electric current is opposite to that in discharging. c © When the cell is in open circuit: R=20; 1= 7" => =0 and (V=e) © When the cell is short circuit : Terminal voltage, [V = IR = 0 : © Maximum power transfer Takes place in the circuit and maximum current flows in the circuit when Rw , © Direct current : An glectsi dhose magnitude and direction does not change with time i ag ‘Grect current (or DC). DC can be obtained from electrochernical cell or battery or DC generators, © Alternating current : An electric current who: i inuousl with time and deciy, changes periodically Half cycle positive, half cyclenegative, constant amplitude). AC can be obtained “AC generators. (This gurents very ara25 te, yy Current —» + | * Direct current Alternating current, Heating effect of electric current : To maintain the curent, the source (cel or battery) has to keep expending its energy. A part of the source energy is consumed into useful work lke in rotating the blades of an electric fan producing light and sound in television, etc, Rest of the source energy is converted to heat to raise the temperate of the device. © Han clectrc circuit is purely resistive, that is, it consists of resistors only connected to a batter, the sue energy gets dissipated entirely in the form of heat. This heating effects utilised in devices such as elect. geysers, electric heater, electric iron, etc © Electric power : The work done per unit time bya source of em like a battery) in order to maintain electic current in a circuit is called ‘electric power’. x (8) very or > Unit of electric power: Watt MW; 1 Watt = 1 volt-ampere = 1 VA ; 1 kilowatt = 1000 watt © Electric energy : The total energy supplied by a source of emf in order to maintain the electric curentia the circuit in a given time is called ‘electric energy’. =Pxt-VxIxt > Unit of electric energy ; Joule (J); 1 Joule = 1 volt-ampere-sec = > Other units of electric energy : 1 Watt-hour = 3600 J ; 1 Kilo wait hour (KWH) = 3.6 x10'J © _Joule’s law of heating: H=PRt : > According to doule’s law of heating, the heat produced in a resistor is directly proportional to the square of current for a given resistance, directly proportional to resistance for a given current, and directly Proportional to the time for which the current flows through the resistor, Important points related to heating effect of current H specified voltage V., then the device ul act damaced as t 1, = V,/R will exceed its current capacity, = V/R. (b) If applied voltage V, < the specified voltage (V), then the actual power consumption will be, P 2 which isles than the specified power W = * Applications of thermal effects of current © Electric bull he electric heating or joules heating is used in producing light in “electric bulb’ » An electric bulb consists ofa filament of a strong metal with high melting point such as ‘tungsten in» point 3380 °C) sealed in aglass bulb, Most of the power consumed by t appears as: small part of itis in the form of light yadiated. > The bulbs are usually filed with chemically inactive ‘nitrogen’ or ‘argon’ gases oxidation of filament at high temperatures, thereby, increasing the life of bulb. © Bulbs in series and parallel ¥, ) Bulbs connected in series “P}- V«R (1 constant) Ww. > In series grouping of bulbs, bulb of areater rated power dissipates less power, thus, bulb of smaller rated power dissipates more power and thus, glows brighter. x, ) Bulbs connected in parallel |P|-I «4 Au] wv = constant > Inpeal grouping of bs, the bub of gener aed pousrdspates mare power and thus os brighter and vice-versa. ? © Electric fuse and its action : Iti a safety device used to prevent the electric appliances against excessive electric cuteng. > It consists of a piece of wire made of a metal or an alloy of appropriate melting point, for ekample i i j i 3 i aluminium, copper, iron, lead etc. Usually. a metallic conducting wire (fuse wire) made of Tin (25%) and i ‘Lead (75%) having low melting point is used. The fuse wire is usually encased in a cartridge of porcelain 5 or similar material with metal ends. i > [tis put in series with the electric device in the circuit. If a current larger than the specified value current j ‘capacity flows through the circuit, the temperature of the fuse wire increases. This melts the fuse wire : and breaks the circuit and thus, the electric device inthe circuit is prevented from getting damaged > The fuses used for domestic purposes are rated as 1A, 2A, 3A, 5A, 10A. ete. The current capacity of 2 fuse is independent of its length, itis directly proportional to its radius. More the radius, more willbe the ~ “current capacity and vice-versa. eee ween 7a Send nit Coen = AL Class X , Te ale ure of Bl : T Heaton, Aroual hater consis ol aheater plate made OLS en. stead Cte scan insulating material. A pgating elements made of 20 alg ke sheers °F TERS Neh n AC as well as DC melting point and high specific resistance. works o Electric iron: isa device used for presing oF oning he clothes using heating effect of COE eg ofa sl late made of xt on whose arface is posed with chrome 9 PAT coms consists of a heating element made of nichrome wie nenucen two flat mica lavers. Heatis dist, ~ uniformly on the surface ofthe iron due to the flat nature of the element. ( © Electric toaster, Electric kettle, Electric oven et¢- CHEMICAL EFFECTS OF CURRENT eee 1 Whenanclecrc current passes through a pure metalic condustos wshether soli orliuid (8, Meru sc no change inthe chemical composition ofthe conductor but there/S thermal effect (ls0, magnetic eff to current flowing through i. P , ont passes through ionic soluti © The chemical chanaes take place when an eleetic CUTER passes through ionic sol a Electrolytes : The compounds which give ions either molten state or in solution are called ‘electrolite, —_ Electrolytes are bad conductors of electricity in solid state ‘but they become good conductors in thet state or in solut’on because ions can move freelyin molten state or solution. “~ © Strong Electrolytes : Thee sed when dissolved in soi ‘water are called ‘strong electrolytes imed to be 100% ionised e.g. HNO... HCl. KOH. NaOH. K.SO.. NaCl. ete. © Waik Elecrolstes The elecroles which ae not completly ionised when dissolved in solvent ite sve cated weak electrolytes These elecostes show small electrical conductivity ie. they be poor condctors of electricity. eg. CH COOH. HPO, HBO. NH OH. ete Solutions of orgenie compounds usualy donot conduct electricity, Thus. 2 ution of aleoholin pure we a solution of glucose, or pure water, do not conduct electricity. Solution of common salt contains free ion which are almost completely Strong electrolytes are 2ssul (negative and positive ions. thus. it conducts electricity fe Nowadays, solid state clectrolyes are developed which have mobile ons in their solid states. e¢. iodide (Agi has mobile Ac fons nits slid state ‘Lithium ion (Li batteries that are used n mobi oa ‘based on solid state electrolytes Electrolytic Conduction : The electric conduction which takes placen the solutions of electrolytes duet movement of negative jons and postive fons ofthe electrolytes towards the oppositely charged electrode called ‘electrolytic conduction’ © Electrochemical Cells : An electrochemical cell consists of two electrodes in contdct ith an elt The electrolyte is an ionic conductor which may be a solution @ liquid (ora solid. ‘ © Electrochemical cells are of two types: (a) Electrolutic cell b) Galvanic cel (or voltaic cel) ey Hlectrolutic Cell: tise cell in which electrolysis takes place. that is a current is passed through clectroite from an external source (tis alo caled:Voltameter) I utlses the electric energy to Boe chemical changes. > Galvanic Cell; An galvanic cellisa device which converts chemical energy into electrical eness is, it produces an electric current by utlising chemical reactions. Thus, itis a source of emf. ta Electrolysis : The production ofa chemical reaction by passing an electri current through an elect ‘called ‘electrolysis’ (or chemical effect of current) © The process by which free elements are liberated or deposited at electrodes in an electrolytic: solution ‘an electric current is passed through itis called ‘electrolysis’. Process: Hectobsis scared out nan cectrobtc cel or wotameter. An cetrlyic cel consis or vessel called ‘electrolytic bath’, two electrodes (conducting pieces) immersed in electro electrodes are connectodto the extemal cuit consisting of battery, Te postiely chard ecto eile a and negative ions migrate to anode, The negatively charged electrode scald ‘catho#* Z isn Wh ee Mae NO eri fawtt Thee \ Senet nit Caen aM Physics wid tent a\cast Abe Hak Wo sete 0) iy hee fe "i agert gan Qe olidgion Vago scr > Atcath tive ion (cation) takes place, and at anode, oxidation of negative ion (anion) takes place. Thus in this way, a chemical change takes place by passing elech electrolytic cell, 5 current TFGigh the The term ‘oxidation’ means the loss of electrons by an alom or a molecule or an ion. The term ‘reduction’ means the gain of el by an atom or a molecule or an ion, ‘ondluctvity of electrolytes is much less than that of metals. At room temperature, itis less by afactor of about 10to 10at room temperature than that of metals. Battery Anode » Cathode solution Negative ion Positive ion An electrolytic cell S luctivit es ¥ The number of free ions in an electralute is quite smaller than the number of electrons in metas. > The viscosity of medium in which the ions move is quite large hence, they experience more difficulty to move in the medium. > Themass of ions is very large as compared to electrons, thus, their velocities are quite small as compared to that of electrons: © Effects that can be observed during electrolysis : The passage of an electric curent through a conducting solution causes chemical reactions. As @ result, bubbles of a gas may be formed on the electrodes, deposits cofmetal may be seen on electrodes, changes in colour of solutions may occur, ete. © The reactions that take place in electrolysis depend on the solution and the electrodes used in the process Hectrolysis of copper sulphate solution © Construction & Working (2) Itconsists of an electrolytic cell with two copper electrodes (plates) partly immersed in an aqueous solution, cof CuSO, (electrolyte). The electrolyte CuSO, isin the form of free Cu2+ ions (copper ion) and SO,?-ions (oulphate ions). CusOo, —> Cu? +80,2- (b) A steady current is passed in the circuit with help ofa Battery. The electrons flow from the negative terminal ofthe battery to the cathode via connecting wire. (©) Since the cathode is negatively charged, the positively charged Cu? ions move towardsit. At catode, the Cu?* ions get reduced by incoming electrons from the external circuit. — Cu? +2e” ——> Cu (Reduction of Cu ‘The Cuatoms so produced get deposited on the cathode, (d) Since the anode is positively charged, the negatively charged sulphate ions move towards it. At anode, these iors react with copper plate to give Cu2+ ions and release electrons. +t i (e} The copper ions get into the solution, while released electrons flow. back to the positive terminalof the battery via the connecting wire vi 19 Send with Coen Cu— Ou? + 20" © The overall process results in deg anode, The concentration of CuSO, in solution re —oeopper. Cu cathode -+ Copper sulphate solution $0, jon Cui fon Electrolysis of copper sulphate solution Electrolysis of water: Tis process scared out inn electoiticce which eee two. btu | these beng chosen becausp Platinum does not dssole into electro 3h" FT ra en Prod electrolysis (ee fig), The electrodes are immersed in water (electrolyte). A smal Fy woke aac 1 Core Pee iy by increasing the muir of re ons the soluion. The eveNSNGASSS area "minverted tubes surrounding the electrodes. of lu Po ~ am cathode Pt Aciditied we j Electrolysis of water “The chemical reaction involved in electrolysis of water is given by, 2H,0 —Hectrolsis_, a4, 0, Here, hydrogen is liberated at cathode 67 Fediction while oxygen is liberated at anode by oxidation. Important points related to electrolysis @ It takes place using DC current, not AC current. 'e During electrolysis, electrical energy is converted to chemical energy, while i al en converted into electrical energy. energy, while in a cell, chemic @ In electrolysis, current inside the electrolytic solut somsiitrat it =), not the Though both ions have equal and opposite charges and they move in, s{+ or -). ni ents ‘opposite direction, but the cu" to +ve and -ve ions are not equal as they have different masses and iffere ts ResutingCurrent. T= 1, + 1 hence have different spee4 | is, ions get discharged atthe electrodes with reduction in cathode and oxidation at 30 HK In electrolysis. 3 with teduction in cathode and oxidation B12° The, conductivity of an electrolte i the increase in in ter Fee ihe viscosity Of iquid end increases theionisaion- emperature because Toe! ! eg Send nit Coen Physics LN ncn ener coment alu aN ons of electrolysis @ Electroplating : The process of depositing a thin and unifor ete, on any conducting surface is Called electroplating’ {a) Inthis process. the conducting material to be electroplated is made ‘cathode’ and the metal whose coating js required on the cathode materials tised as ‘anode’. m layer of a metal like nickel, silver, gold, zinc (b) A soluble-salt which contains ions of anode material is taken as electrolyte, When the current is passed through the circuit, following reactions take place. Atanode: _M——sM" spe (oxidation) ___[p = valency] () The metal gets deposited an cathade.while anode material decreases gradually. @ Extraction of metals from ores : Many metals are extracted from their ores using electrolysis. e.g. Aluminium is extracted by electrolysis of molten bauxite (AO,) and cryolite (Na, AIF,). @ Manufacture of compounds : NaOH is manufactured wang TETOSS s fn ed tom KCI solution using electrobsss. © Purification of metals (refining of metals) : In this process, impure metals is used as anode and pure rip is used as cathode. A soluble salt of pure metals taken as electrolyte. On passing current, the pure metal anode dissolves but only the pure metal deposits on the cathode. e.g. Cu, Al. Ag. Pb.etc. are refined by using electrohsis. 4 . Voltaic cell {or galvanic cell) : It is an electrochemical cell in which chemical energy is used,to produce electrical energy Primary cell: An electrochemical cell which cannot be recharged once it gets discharged is called “primary celle ¢, Dasicl cell Leclanche cell, dry cell, button cell Secondary cell: An electrochemical cell that can be recharged after it gets discharged is called ‘secondary x cell’. e.g, Lead - Acid battery (Lead accumulators).,Edison cell (alkali cell), iron nickel cell nda calls electric current is passed through it in reverse direction fo rechargeit, Then. the chemical reactions that occur during discharging of cell are reversed. The cell recovers its original state, but some yn and KOH is energy is lost during every charge discharge cyele. B Dry Cell : Iris a portable version of Leclanche cell Construction : (a) It cons ts of a Zn case surrounding a paste made of water. ZnCl, and NH,CI, (ZnCl, being hygroscopic is adéed to keep the paste moistened). Zn case acts as anode (-) (on the middle of Zn vessel, a gerbon Tod covered uth metal cap is placed. A layer of MnO, and charcoal THiNtu Seuss He carbon rod ath The charcoal powder conducts the current while MIU, Is poor conductor of electricity. MnO, prevents H, from collecting on the electrodes. (d The chal guar wate Par teae ies rotdivan Towers asmall hole is provided near the carbon cathode so that the gas formed may escape. Atanode: _Zn+2NH,Cl——»2ZnCl, +2NH, + 2H’ + 2e" (oxidation) Mtanode : Zn + 2NHCl——> ZnCl, + 2NHy + 2H" + 2e"_ (oxidation) At cathode : 2H’ +2MnO, +2e"—>Mn,O, +H,O (reduction) Metal cap [ P0S0, +20" (oxidation) The released electrons flow to cathode via the external circuit. AtPbO, cathode: PbO, +H,SO, +2H" +2e°——>PbSO, +2H.O (reduction) A Pe! PSO, 2H. (reduction) ‘© During the reaction, lead sulphate is formed at both electrode and Pb and PbO, are depleted. Also, the concentration of H,SO, is diminished. This called ‘discharging of coll” iH © The accumulators ‘recharged by passing electric curent in reverse direction which reverses the eacion that took place at both the electrodes. This restores the celltoits original state © Lead acid batteries can be recharged large no of times without much deterioration in properties Situ not work indefinitely. After its prolonged use, H,SO, decomposes, thus, it has to be replaced. Also the Plates themselves change their structure. Eventually, the battery becomes muich less efficient and it has tote = replaced. 1 © Features of lead accumulator | > Is emf is hiah and internal resistance is low, ths, it can provide large current to a circuit > ts emf is quite stable, thus steady (constant) current can be obtained from it Leady (constant) current, Chemical reactions in this cellare reversible, thus it can be recharged to reuse, > These cells are used in inverters, trucks, cars, motorbikes, © Factors affecting internal resistance of the cell ‘The surface aea of the electrodes in contact withthe electrolyte, Larger the surtace area (A, smalt® the internal resistance (r) of the cell and vice-versa, age De Sifoce areal se internal resistance (7) ‘The distance between the electrodes. Larger the di Stance between them, greater isthe internal resin $ between them and vice-versa. — ——— ; The, temperature of the electrolyte, Higher the temperature, smaller is the internal resistance #f vice-versa. rs in railway coaches, ete. I i Send nit Cotes ALLEN ELECTRIC! Y AND CHEMICAL EFFECTS OF CURRENT 1. A neutral body has (1) equal vahtes of posttive and neg, ive charge (2} only positive change (3) only negative charge (4) no charge at all 2, Ha glass rod is rubbed with silk, it acquires a positive charge because (1) Protons are added to it (2) Electrons are added to it (3) Protons are removed from it (4) Electrons are removed from it 3. Wa charged body attracts another body, the charge on the other body (1) must be negative (2) must be positive (3) must be zero (4) may be negative or positive or zer0 4, Aconductor has a positive charge of 3.2 «10-7 coulombs, (1) The conductor has 3.2 * 107 electrons in excess (2) The conductor has 2 x 10!? electrons in excess. (3) The conductor is deficient with 3.2 x 107 electrons. (4) The conductor is deficient with 2 x 1012 electrons. 5. Cana body have a charge of 14.4 x10" C? (1) Yes (2)No (3)Data insufficient (4) Can't say 6. The lawthat governs the force between electric charges is called (1) Ampere’s law (2) Coulomb's law (3) Joule’s law (4) Ohm's law 7. Two charges of equal magnitudes and ata distance rrexert a force F on each other. Ifthe charges are halved and distance between them isdoubled, then the new force acting on each charge is F we as F @4F Oa 4. 9 10. 1. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 7. Physics EXERCISE The dielectric constant of a metal ae 0 m1 (ay-1 In Coulombs law, the constant of k has the (uN 2) Ni (3) NCZ/mn? aN The ratio of the forces bet with constant charge of dielectric cor 1K @Kod Among ider 16¢ as-5C and (1) 5 Cisat higher potential (2)~ 16 C isat higher pote (3) Both are at equal potential (4) It cannot be said 1 volt equals (1) 1 joule (2) 1 joule per coulomb, (3) 1 coulomb per metre yulomb (4) 1 newton per A charge 16 jC flows from poin done on charge is 16 x10 "J. what is of Aif potential of Bis V,, = 1100 volt? 0)50V (2) 100 (3) 150V (4) 2000 15 joule of work has to be done against an existing electric field to take a charge of 0.01 C from A to B, Then the potential difference (V, - V,) is (1) 1500 volt (2) 150 volt (3) 0.15 volt (4) 0.0015 volt Ariipere-second stands for the unit of (1) Power (2) Charge (Bem. (4) Energy A 60:-wat light bulb carries a current of 0.5 A. The total charge passing through it in one hour is, (1) 1800. ¢ (2) 3600 C (3)3000C (a)2400C How many electrons constitute a current of one microampere? (2) 6.25 x 1012 (4) 6.25 x 1018 (1) 6.25 x 106 (3) 6.25 x 109 a ccmemene 23 Send it Coen |e i Class X ALLEM table below current | 18. Current in a conductor is due to 21h a ear eos aaa (1) motion of fee electrons int Feeder voles of potential dilference (VA (2) motion of postive ionsin it doer nansine a he sae epee (3) motion of negative ions: (4) motion of protons 19. Direction of flow of conventional current is takers from (1) negative to positive potential (2) positive to negative: potential any of the above to ta cone a ne Which arnong A and Bis an ohmic conductor? 20. Andecon gun emits4 10"elecrons per second. ‘sate essence of hat eons . To ee of electric current does this (1) A, 1.429 (2)B, 2.259 comespond? (3)A,0.72 (aB, 0.442 (1)640 mA (2)64mA 25. For a metallic conductor, current versus voltage 40mA 40m graph is drawn at two different temperatures T; and Tp, From the graph it follows 21. Fora conductor following Ohm's law, resistance is the constant of proportionality for 7 (1) potential difference and length T (2) current and length Ny t (3) current and cross-sectional area t (4) current and potential difference —S* 22. If the potential difference across @ resistor is doubled, (1) T) = Te (2)T, > Te (1) only the current is doubled 3) Ty < Te (4) None of these (2) only the current is halved onl the resances doubled 26. Of the following, the copper conductor that has the (4) only the resistance is. halved Le eae (1)thin,long and hot (2) thick, short and cool 23. Which of the folowing graphs best represents the (3)thick,longandhot (4) thin, short and cool esetantage eboshiforededcethatobes | 27, A nicrome wires 1 rg and 1x 10% m? in ee cross-sectional area. When connected to a potential difference of 2 V, a current of 4 A exists in the 1 1 wire. The resstty ofthis nichrome is (1)1072m (2)2%1072m (3)471072m (4) 5x 107m 28. There are two wires ofthe same length and of the av vv same material and radivs r and 2x. The ratio of their specific resistance is a (1:2 (2) (31:4 (4) 29, Theunitof resistivity is ; * (ohm (2) ohrm-meter 3) (4) (B)ohm/meter (4) ohen/meter® 24 Send nit Coen | | | ALLEN 30. 31. 32. 34. 36. ‘The resistance wires are made of the material having (2) Low specific resistance and low temperature coefficient of resistance, (2) High specific resistance and low temperature coefficient of resistance (3) Low specific resistance and high temperature coefficient of resistance. (4) High specific resistance and high temperature coefficient of resistance Resistance of a metallic conductor (1) Increases with increase in temperature (2) Increases with decrease in temperature (3) Decreases with increase in temperature (4)Remains constant ‘The slope of current () versus voltage (V) is called y v V4 rs AyGsisance gf consctance (3) resistivity (4) conductivity The potential difference across a conductor is 14. V. It caries a current of 3.5 A. Calculate the conductance of the conductor. (1) 0.25 97 (2)0.5 07 (3) 0.75 + (1% ‘The resistance of some substances become zero at very low temperature, then these substances are called (1)Good conductors (2) Super conductors (B)Bad conductors (4) Semiconductors, The colour code of a resistor is brown, black and brown, Then the value of resistanceis__. (100 (2) 100 ma G1 ka = 20% (4) 100 0 5% ‘K carbon resistor has coloured strips inthe order Green, blue, brown and gold. What isis resistance ? (1) 5609 + 10% (2)670.0+5% (316702 10% (4)560.0+5% A carbon resistors marked in colour bands of red, black, orange and silver. What is the value of its resistance? (1) 20 ka + 10% (3 20k0+ 5% (2)10ka + 5% (4) 30 ka + 10% 38, 39. 40. 41. 42, 43, 44, Physics Choose the cortect order of coloured bands to represent a resistance of 3700 2 + 10%, (1) Yellow, volt, red and gold (2)Red, blue, brown, and slver (3) Orange, violet, red and silver (4) Orange, blue, red and gold A cylindrical copper rod has resistance R. It is reformed fo twice its original length with no change of volume. Iisnew resistance is (QR ()2R (3)4R_ (ABR A.12 Qrresistance wire is doubled on itsel Calculate the value of the new resistance offered by the wire. (39 (49 (60 (a) 24.0 ‘The resistance of an ideal ammeter should be (1) Zero (2) Very low (3) Very high (@) infinite Inthe circuit shown below, the ammeter A reads 5 A and the voltmeter V reads 20 V (Fig.). The correct value of resistance R is R 8 (1) exactly 40 (2) slightly greater than 40. (3) slightly less than 40 (4) zero In series combination, resistance increases due to increase in (1) Temperature (2) Humidity (3) Length (4) Area of cross-section In a circuit containing two unequal resistances connected in series, (1) the potential difference across both the resistances is same (2) a large current flows through the larger resistance {3} potential difference across larger resistance is more (4) potential difference across smaller resistance ismore 25 Send nit Caeser Clas. 45, AW B 46. 47. 48. eS o B83 9 s X Find the equivalent resistance of the circuit. a 150 10 (1) 10Q 162 (3). 220 (4) 28.0 Three resistances of magnitude 2, 3 and 5 ohm are connected in paralel to a battery of 10 volts and of negligible resistance. The potential difference across 3 0 resistance will be M2v sv sy (4) 10V Three resistances r,, ry, r5, are in parallel combination and r, > r,> r. Then which relation is correct for the equivalent resistance R ? Q)R>r QR>r ()R>ry (Ren, The resultant resistance between P and Q as per the figure shown is, 102° sQ [ ee aftiel 60, luckier edge om 6a (4) 18.9 ls, 49. A 24 V potential difference is applied acr&85a parallel combination of four 6-ohm resistors. The current in each resistor is G1A 4A 6A (4) 36A 50. Inthe following figure, thé reading ofthe ammeter will be (the value of each resistor is 2200 ) REE: 2 a A 55. 7. TA (2)0.6A 73) 0.4 A (O2a 51, In our houses, all electrical devices operate on 220 Y. It implies that they = 7 Zre connected in parallel 7 (2) are connected in series s {G)all have currents of equal values (4) all have same resistance 26 Canal 4 53. cone! 54. ‘which of the following ne uy Meetive resistance Between A any 4 2 20 he fin 20. 20 (2) 5 S 20 20 (3) . ‘ 20 2a iB 20 (4) Ae— 5 LH “The equivalent resistance between poi ofthe circuit shown is 19 aj3a (240 5a The effective resistance between the A and B in the figure is D M59 (720 GHBa (mae In the network of resistors shown in the ad figure, the equivalent resistance between 4 Bis () 54.9 (218Q (3) 362 Send nit Cater le. BNC Ans Madde AMAON Myce NOL ey & Cail Hl Come ch % Physics RB een 56. There are § equal resistances R. Two are connected in parallel, such four groups are connected in series. The total resistance is (1) R/2 (2) 2R (3) 4R (4) 8R 57. Calculate the effective resistance between Aand B, B 5.69 (4) 140, (2)650 Each of the resistors in the diagram has a resistance of 12.0. The resistance of the entire circuit is (3) 120 rt tt he (5.76. gia (3/482 (41200 Find the equivalent resistance between A and B. 20 ia 59. 60 40 Law 30 xa 8 3 M72 EO FO Moo Calculate the effective resistance between A and B. 40 49, 80 (1240 (2)100 (3)80 62 What isthe resistance between the poinis A and B? . 20 61. 20 a Boy 20, 4% 62. 63. 64. Three resistors in parallel have an effective resistance of 1 ohm. When they are connected in series, their resistance is 9 ohm, The resistance of each resistor is (1) 4,4, 1 ohm (2) 6, 2, 1 ohm (3) 3, 3, 3 ohm (4) 2, 3, 4 ohm ‘A technician has two resistance coils. Byusing them separately, in series or in parallel, he is able to obtain resistances of 3, 4, 12 and 16 (not in the ‘same order). Whatis the resistance of the two coils ? (140,120 (272,90 (59,119 (469.100 Five identical resistance coils are connected in the network as shown in fig. and the resistance measured between A and B is 1 9. Then the individual coils must have a resistance of wi 1 (2) 7a 4 (4) 5a 65. The current in the arm PQ will be (+1, Qi+l, (+l (4)1,-+, 66. What is the current in the circuit shown (Fig.) ? 20 Il 20 je wv (2)0.5A (4) None of these od Send nit Coen Class xX Fe ee elle 67. Five resistors are connected as shown in the | 72. Time rate of work done or electrical cnt 68. diagram. The equivalent resistance between A and B is 100 (62 99 @i20 «isa In the circuit shown, five resistances are connected, The equivalent resistance between the two points X and Y will be toa. crude 69, 70. 71. 28 i Yf109 200 (20 «son For the network shown in the figure, the value of ‘the current is wv Os 5V 5V as am The terminal vokage of a cellin open circuit condition 8 (1) Less than its emf (2) More than its ernf (3) Equal to its emf (4) Depends on its intemal resistance Which of the following isnot trueabout emf. of a cell ? (1) Itis maximum voltage obtainable from the cel. (2) Itis responsible for the flow of steady current in the cell (3) Work calculated from it is not the maximum work obtainable from the cell. (4) It is the potential difference between two electrodes when no current is flowing in circuit. 73. 74, 15. 76. 71. 78. 79. consumed by @ generator oF appliance, i a electrical (1) current (2) power (3) potential (4) energy A certain resistor dissipates 0.5 W when conn, 10.43 V potential diference. When connected 1V potential diference, this tesistor will dsp Wwosw (2)0.167W (@)1L5W (4) 0.055 w A bulb rated 240 V, 100 W is connected toy 120 V supply. What can be inferred ? (1) The bulb fuses (2) The bulb lights up but itis dim (3) The bulb lights up to normal brightness (4) The bulb lights up initially and then it fuses. ‘Accurrent in a circuit having constant resistances tripled. Now the power dissipation (1) increases 3 times (2) increases 9 times (3) decreases 3 times (4) decreases 9 times Aresistor of resistance R is connected to an ideal battery. If the value of R is decreased, the power dissipated in the resistor will (1) Decrease (2) Increase (3) Remain unchanged (4) Cannot say ‘You wish to triple the rate of energy dissipation ina heating device. To do this, you can triple (1) the potential difference keeping the resistance the same (2) the current keeping the resistance the same (3) the resistance keeping the potential difference the same (4) the resistance keeping the current the same In series combination of electrical appliances, total electrical power (1) increases (2) decreases (3) may increase or decrease according to the situation (4) no definite observation Two lamps X and Y are connected in series. The lamp X glows less bright than Y. Then (1) the resistance of X is greater than the resistance of Y. (2) the resistance of X is less than the resistance of Y. (3) the resistance of X is equal to the resistance of Y. (4) there is no relation between the resistance of X and ¥. este ensesssceaeeseeapasnenctieeensecimeaces Send nit Coen j j 81. 82. 83. s of rating 220 V, 50 W and 220 V, e put in series across 220 V mains. Then ted the combined power is (a) 2000 W (2) 1000, (3) 500 W (4) 4000 w Two electric s ces ere in the ratio of 1 : 3 are cont voltage. The pone: ratio (a2 2:1 Three identical b aber closed (1)R lous brightly, but Qand P glow dim (2)P. Qand R all glow equally brightly (3)Q and R immediately bum out (4)P glows brightly. but Q and R glow dim The cost of electricity is about 30 paise per unit for household use. This unit isthe same as. (1) ohm (2) ampere (3) volt (4) kilowatt-hour A torch bulb is rated 5 V and 500 mA. Colculate the energy consumed when ita lighted for 4 hours. (1) 254d (2) 3643 (3) 10% (4) 15% A heater coil is cut into two equal parts and only ‘one part is now used in the heater. The heat generated will now be (1) doubled ()one fourth (2) four times (4) halved 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. Physics A.uniform wire when connected directly across @ 220 V line produces heat H per seoond. If the wire is divided into n parts and all parts are connected in parallel across # 220 Vline, the heat produced per second wall be (QH/ (2)H/ce (nt (ayn Given below are the characteristics of wires made of different materials. re (i): lowes ty and high melting point re (i): low resistivity and low melting point ‘wire (ii): high resistivity and low melting point ‘wire (iv): high resistivity and high melting point Which of the wires can be used as 2 conducting ‘wire, fuse wire, heating element respectively ? (1). 6) Gv) (2) i. i.) (3) 0, (i, Go) (4) Gs), (a, ‘The long distance power transmission of electrical energy is done at (1) high potential and low current (2)low potential and high current (3) high potential and high current (4)!ow potential and low current Which suitch in the given circuit. when closed, will produce short-circuiting ? Oy Lamp ry ( c (A (2B gc (4) None of the above A circuit has a fuse of 5 A. What is the maximum ‘number of 100 W (220 V) bulbs that can be safely used in the circuit ? a7 (gun An electrolyte is (Qacell (2) a metal (3)a liquid that conducts electricity (4) sugar (29 (4)20 —— * Sent nit Coen Class x nesses Al 93. Distiled water is 97. During the electrolysis process, (1) good conductor of electricity (1) Mass of anode decreases (2) poor conductor of electricity (2) Mass of cathode decreases 8) a res {3} Amount of the electrolyte increases (4) none oe Ee eee 94. Which one of the following will not conduct | 98: In theclectrolyss of NaCl, electricity ? (1) Chis oxidised at anode (1) Sold Nac (2) CuSO, solution (2) Chis reduced at anode (3) Graphite (4) Aciified water (3) Chis reduced at eathode 95. Which ofthe folowing aqueous solutions will ondut (4) Cl isneither reduced nor oxidised an electric current quite well ? 99. The process of electrolysis is used in (1) Sugar (2)HCl (1Jextraction of metals (2) electroplating (3) Pure water (4) Alcohol (3)refining of metals (4)all of the abowe 96. During electrolysis, llions move 100. Electrolyte in the lead accumulator is (1) in the same direction (1) Dilute sulphuric acid 'ely charged electrodes (2) Dilute nitric acid (3) Dilte hydrochloric acid (4) Solution of copper sulphate ANSWER KEY Send nit Cater

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