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• In 2014, Kelantan, a state located in Malaysia, experienced a devastating flood that
caused widespread destruction and affected the lives of thousands of people. The flood
was triggered by heavy monsoon rains, which caused several rivers in the region to
overflow their banks. The floodwaters submerged numerous villages and towns in
Kelantan, leading to the displacement of around 150,000 individuals. Homes,
infrastructure, and agricultural lands were severely damaged or destroyed. The
torrential downpour also disrupted transportation systems, including roads and
bridges, making it difficult for rescue teams to reach affected areas and provide aid.
The Malaysian government, along with various relief agencies and volunteers,
initiated a massive rescue and relief operation. Evacuation centers were set up to
provide temporary shelter, food, and medical assistance to the affected population. The
military and civilian authorities worked tirelessly to rescue stranded individuals and
deliver essential supplies to isolated areas . Despite the challenges, the resilience and
unity of the people of Kelantan were evident as they supported each other and worked
together to overcome the adversity. The flood in Kelantan in 2015 served as a wake-up
call for improved disaster preparedness and mitigation measures in the region to
minimize the impact of future floods.
A) Classify bylaws and standard in engineering practice
These may cover aspects such as floodplain management, flood control infrastructure design and construction,
stormwater management, and environmental impact assessments. Bylaws and standards aim to ensure the safe and
effective implementation of engineering practices in flood-prone areas.
B) Determine legal and regulatory obligations for public safety, workplace safety and protection of the
These obligations can vary depending on the jurisdiction but may include compliance with building codes, zoning
regulations, environmental protection laws, occupational health and safety regulations, and emergency management
protocols. These obligations ensure that engineering activities related to floods prioritize the well-being and safety of
the public, workers, and the environment.
C) Correlate duties of profession, employers and society
Engineers have a duty to apply their expertise to develop and implement sustainable and effective flood
management strategies. They are responsible for conducting thorough risk assessments, designing resilient
infrastructure, and implementing appropriate flood mitigation measures. Employers have a duty to provide a safe
work environment, comply with relevant regulations, and support their engineering teams in carrying out their
flood-related responsibilities. Society, as a whole , has a duty to support and adhere to flood management
initiatives, including following evacuation plans, maintaining flood control infrastructure, and adopting
sustainable land-use practices.
D) Classify professional obligations and duties
Engineers have a duty to prioritize public safety, act in the best interests of the community,
and adhere to professional codes of conduct. They should ensure that their work is based on
sound engineering principles and practices.

Duty to Duty to design

assess risks resilient

Duty to
Duty to stay Duty to
updated communicate
ntal impact
PART 2 : Professional Bodies in Engineering

Some aspects of professional conduct in this context may include:

1. Competence and Expertise
2. Public Safety
3. Environmental Considerations
4. Collaboration and Communication
5. Professional Integrity

Engineers should maintain high ethical standards, honesty, and integrity in their work.
They should avoid conflicts of interest, maintain confidentiality when required , and act
in the best interest of the public and the environment.
B) Identify the code of Professional conduct for related engineering field in Malaysia (BEM)
• The Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM) is Malaysia's regulatory authority in charge of professional
engineers' registration and regulation. All engineers working in Malaysia are bound by the BEM's Code
of Professional Conduct and Ethics, including those working in flood management. There might not be
a special flood management code; rather, it would be governed by the standard code of professional
behaviour for all engineers. The BEM Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics emphasizes the
following principles, which are relevant to flood management:
1. Competence
2. Integrity
3. Professional Responsibility
4. Continuing Professional Development
PART 3-Sustainability and Green Engineering
a. Illustrate model of sustainable development
• I n the context of the flood in Kelantan in 2015, a model of sustainable development would
involve addressing the three pillars of sustainability: economic development, social
development, and environmental protection.
Economic Development: The model would focus on rebuilding and revitalizing the affected
areas by promoting sustainable economic activities. This could include investing in resilient
infrastructure, supporting local businesses and industries, and encouraging the use of green
technologies and practices.
Social Development: The model would prioritize the well-being of the affected communities. It
would involve providing adequate housing and infrastructure to ensure the safety and comfort of
the residents. Additionally, it would emphasize access to healthcare, education, and social
services to restore and improve the quality of life for the affected population.
Environmental Protection: The model would incorporate measures to mitigate the impact of
future floods and protect the environment. This could involve implementing sustainable land and
water management practices, restoring ecosystems, promoting reforestation efforts, and
integrating flood-resistant infrastructure designs. It would also involve raising awareness about
climate change and encouraging sustainable behaviors among the population.
b. Structure Malaysian Green Technology Master Plan
• Malaysian Green Technology Master Plan:
The Malaysian Green Technology Master Plan, in relation to the flood in
Kelantan, would aim to enhance the region's resilience and reduce the risk of
future flooding. The plan could include the following elements:
1. Flood Management Infrastructure
2. Green Infrastructure
3. Climate Resilient Buildings
4. Early Warning Systems
5. Community Engagement and Education
c. Discover invention and innovation towards sustainability and green
technology related to the case
• Discovering Inventions and Innovations : In the context of the flood in
Kelantan, there are several inventions and innovations related to sustainability
and green technology that can contribute to flood management and resilience:
1. Flood-Resistant Materials
2. Rainwater Harvesting Systems
3. Smart Water Management Systems
4. Drone Technology
5. Green Infrastructure Solutions
These inventions and innovations demonstrate the potential for sustainable
solutions that can enhance flood management, reduce the impact of floods, and
contribute to the overall resilience of communities in Kelantan.
d. Determine the needs for sustainable and green engineering toward
providing the solutions in related case.
• Needs for Sustainable and Green Engineering in the 2015 Kelantan Flood:
The 2014 flood in Kelantan highlighted the importance of sustainable and green
engineering practices in mitigating and managing the impacts of such disasters.
Some key needs for sustainable and green engineering solutions in this case
1. Flood Risk Assessment
2. Infrastructure Design and Resilience
3. Natural Resource Management
4. Flood Warning Systems
5. Community Engagement and Education
e. Illustrate the selected issue/engineering problem for sustainability, methods and
implementation of the integrated management concept of resources and related
• Integrated Management Concept for Flood Management:
The selected issue/engineering problem for sustainability in the context of the 2014
Kelantan flood is the integrated management of resources and related ecosystems for
effective flood management. The methods and implementation of this concept can
1. Watershed Management
2. Ecosystem-based Approaches
3. Floodplain Zoning and Land Use Planning
4. Multi-stakeholder Collaboration
5. Climate Change Adaptation
Implementing the integrated management concept of resources and related ecosystems
for flood management requires a combination of policy measures, technical expertise,
community engagement, and long-term commitment. It emphasizes the
interconnectedness of various components of the ecosystem and the importance of
sustainable practices in reducing flood risks and building resilient communities.
• Engineers, employers, and society have a duty to prioritize public safety, workplace safety,
and protection of the environment in managing flood-related issues. Engineers have a duty to
prioritize public safety, assess risks, design resilient infrastructure, communicate risks, stay
updated, and consider environmental impact when designing flood management strategie .
Engineers should adhere to ethical standards and behaviors related to managing flood-related
challenges, such as Competence, Expertise, Public Safety, Environmental Considerations,
Collaboration, Communication, Professional Integrity, and Professional Responsibility. BEM
has a Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics for flood management . The model of
sustainable development would address the three pillars of sustainability: economic
development, social development, and environmental protection. The Malaysian Green
Technology Master Plan would include flood management infrastructure, green
infrastructure, climate-resilient buildings, early warning systems, and community engagement
and education. Inventions and innovations related to sustainability and green technology can
contribute to flood management and resilience in Kelantan. Sustainable and green
engineering practices are needed to mitigate and manage the impacts of disasters, such as
flood risk assessment, infrastructure design, natural resource management, flood warning
systems, and community engagement and education. The integrated management concept of
resources and related ecosystems for flood management requires policy measures, technical
expertise, community engagement, and long-term commitment to reduce flood risks and build
resilient communities.
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• Baharuddin, K. A., Wahab, S. F. A., Ab Rahman, N. H. N., Mohamad, N. A. N., Kamauzaman, T. H. T., Noh, A. Y. M., & Majod, M. R. A. (2015).
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medical campus stood dry. The Malaysian journal of medical sciences: MJMS, 22(2), 1.
• Alias, N. E., Mohamad, H., Chin, W. Y., & Yusop, Z. (2016). Rainfall analysis of the Kelantan big yellow flood 2014. Jurnal Teknologi, 78(9-4).
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effective flood dissemination warnings—A case study of the December 2014 Kelantan Flood, Malaysia. Journal of flood risk management, 13,
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