Irene Portfolio 2

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“Success is a result of education. You will succeed if you enjoy what you are doing.”

I want to start by expressing my sincere gratitude to everyone who contributed to the success of work
immersion (also known as on-the-job experience, or OJE). This work immersion would not have been
possible without them.I also want to express my profound gratitude to Sir Salvador Penas, our helpful
advisor, for his help and direction throughout the work immersion experience.
For their kind welcome to,

their classroom and for sharing their expertise, time, and perspectives on what it takes to be a teacher,
to Ma'am Angel Lanon, who serves as my work immersion class's advisor.

Congratulations to grade 3 for always acting respectfully

Ondok Gawan Elementary School's principal, Sir Danly S. Villanueva, thanks you for coming and
welcomed us to the institution for our site immersion in addition to assisting and directing us there
during the orientation.

thanking my guardians, dad, mother, and sibling for their unwavering love, tolerance, and support in
helping me realize my life's goals. I also thank my classmates for their time and assistance. Above all, I
thank our tremendous god for his unwavering love and supreme might, who is the source of all
knowledge and wisdom, for giving me the fortitude to complete this assignment even though it is a very
difficult one.

Work immersion is a key component of the K-12 curriculum in many countries, including the
Philippines. It is a program that allows students to gain practical experience in a real-world work setting
related to their chosen career or field of study. In the Philippines, work immersion is mandatory for all
Grade 12 students as part of the Senior High School (SHS) program. The program aims to provide
students with opportunities to apply the knowledge and skills they have learned in the classroom to real-
world situations, develop their work-related competencies, and prepare them for the transition from
school to work or higher education.
Work immersion can have several important applications or impacts on Grade 12 students. Firstly, it can
help students to explore their interests and career options, as they get to experience first-hand the work
environment and tasks related to their field of study. This can help them make more informed decisions
about their future education and career paths.

Secondly, work immersion can help students develop important soft skills such as communication,
teamwork, problem-solving, and adaptability. These skills are highly valued by employers and can help
students become more competitive in the job market.
Finally, work immersion can also provide students with networking opportunities and connections that
can be valuable for their future careers. By working alongside professionals in their chosen fields,
students can gain insights into the industry and make important contacts that can help them land jobs or
receive recommendations for further education.

Overall, work immersion is an important program that can provide Grade 12 students with valuable
experiences and skills that can help them succeed in their future careers or education.




 to instruct senior high school students on the rules of work immersion.

 to inform the senior high students of the challenges they would face with their job in the future.

 to educate seniors about the significance of work immersion.

 to increase their expertise and help SHS students acquire knowledge and abilities that are relevant
to their needs.

 to expose SHS students to real-world job environments and provide them with relevant learning


To protect and promote the right of every Filipino to quality, equitable , culture based, and complete basic
education where:

student learn in a child-friendly gender-sensitive ,safe, and motivation environment.

The teacher facilitates learning and constantly nurture every learning .

Administrators and staff , as steward of the institution , ensure an enabling and supportive environment
for effective learning to happen.

Family , community and other stake holder are actively engaged and share responsibility for developing
life-long learners.

We dream of Filipino who

Who passionately love their country

and whose competencies and values

enable them to realize their full potential

and contribute meaningfully to building the nation

We are learner-centered public institution,

the department of education

continuously improves itself

to better serve its stake holder.



Today, our work immersion has started. I am assigned in Ondok Gawan Elementary

School located at Purok Ondok Gawan, Brgy.San Jose, General Santos City. Mr. Danly Villanueva,the
school principal of the said school, warmly welcomes all of us(The immersion students of Fatima
High School).

He showed us the whole school area and introduced each one of us to our designated school
teacher/grade level and section where we will be assisting for this 10- day work immersion. As for
me, I will be with Ma’am Angel Lanon, a grade 3 teacher, for this whole duration of this work

So far today, I did not have so much to do because Ma’am Lanon did not ask me to do anything
thus; I was only observing her as how she conducted her lessons on her class advisory and how
she managed them. By the way, she handles 42 pupils on her class

The second day of our immersion is today.

So, in order to avoid being late on my second immersion day, I arrived at school early..And
then I went to the main office to check my attendance before going to the room I was given. I was
greeted by a G3 pupil, who then unexpectedly gave me a hug. After we had cleaned the outside of
the room with Ma'am Angel student, she began giving me the task of teaching the student to read.
Additionally, Ma'am Angel assigned me to review the final taste paper. of her pupil.


Today is the third day of my immersion.

On my third day of immersion, I didn't have much to do other than wander around her
classroom and participate in the activity that Ma'am Angel had prepared. We all found the activity
to be fun, and I was impressed by how many students contributed to it.

Fourth day of my immersion,

For the fourth day of immersion, I check the students' activity notebook  and record their
scores. Then, I assist Ma'am Angel in decorating the reading area. After lunch, I decide to play
outside, so I ask Ma'am Angel if it's okay if we do. So, all of Ma'am Angel's students and I play
"labay tunga" and "bagoungay" outside the classroom.


Fifth day of my immersion.

Day 5 of immersion is a lock session , meaning there is no class for any students in the
afternoon. However, Sir Danly said we were not permitted to leave, so Ma'am Angel assigned us to
the students who hadn't left yet to teach them how to read.


The day 6 of immersion I don’t have so much to do so I’m just join the student make a activity
in art subject we just make a hand paint and after that i checking the assignment notebook in math.

I don't have much to do on the seventh day of the immersion, so I just hang around with the
students and listen to Ma'am angel instruction. After that, I check the activity notebook in with
Ma'am Angel and begin helping her cut out all of the reading-related designs once more.


Eighth day of immersion,

On the eighth day of the immersion, I found it difficult to focus on the students due to the
numerous tasks ma'am Angel assigned me. when ordering me to cut her prints and check the
activity notebook when I had finished doing so, ma'am Angel added that I should also print.
Day 9

Day 9 of my Immersion

This day I have much to do so I just checking the activity notebook of the kids. After that ,I just
walked inside their room ,after we ate ,I just visited my immersion partner to see her if she’s okay.

Day 10

My day 10 of immersion

Have a lot happened on my day 10 ,so in my day 10 I go to ONDOK GAWAN ELEMENTARY

SCHOOL so early, because I have a lot to do, because I want to give ma’am angel even a small things
and her student ,so after recess time I did not expect that a student came to me and hummed his
thanks and give me a letter and after that one by one of ma’am angel student came to me and they
thanks me , after that I did not expect that the 5 student starting crying and quickly hugged me,
after that moment I give them each a litter or message and thank you for their acceptance of me.

Growing economy and job, creation of farm to market roads and infrastructure, up skilled the rapid
population growth of the newly born Purok Ondok Gawan at Barangay San Jose. Subsequently, the call for
educational institution pared the way in the creation of an elementary school that would cater the
scholastic needs of the thriving community. More so, the generosity and magnanimous hearts of the
GAWAN Clan as pioneers of the area heard the clamor and without hesitation, they provided a one-
hectare lot as school site to address the latter. In honor of the historical contribution of the family, the
school was lasting legacy of the family's significant role in which it is situated are well as the DIVISION of
General Santos City that it represents. In 2012, the birth of the school commenced. It started as an
extension school of Blagan Elementary School, serving 71 pupils in the primary level. This was under the
truncheon of the former schools Division Superintendent, Ma'am Estralla C. Lariosa. The school was first
led by Sir. Johnny G. Leysa, Jr. having one-time teachers, Ma'am Tita Marie Dele Fuerta and Ma'am Rida
Rojas, the kinder adviser compensated through Deped subsidized salaryHis management and leadership,
under the guidance of the top management, provided opportunities for the constitution of a single
classroom, thanks to the support of Hon. Abdulrahim Paidumama, the then Barangay captain of San Jose
at the time of his appointment. Ma'am Arlyn T. Alboroto, took over the management of the school in 2014.
As the demand for increasing learner's population, establishment of RD Foundation and Lions Club, 2
door classrooms as well as yolanda 3 door classrooms were made possible. This time , 5 teachers served
as the school's strong academic front liners, with 339 students enrolled in a complete elementary
program offered by the school. Moving forward, in 2017, Sir Mamerto M. Orquiza Jr. , the third head of
school saw the need to provide additional classrooms serving as cobblestone in the construction of three
2 storey building. At the time , 20 teachers maneuvered the delivery of instructions catering 768 diverse
learners. After his biennial tenure in the school, Ma'am Melanie V. Daan, captained the school of 790
pupils of 20 mentors. During her term, the school was able to separate from its own school identification
number, 137112. One of the most significant episode that happened in the course of OGES journey.





My school is ONDOK GAWAN ELEMTARY SCHOOL. We all want to succeed as students, therefore I'm
both anxious and excited. eventually, or a teacher someday, thus for our immersion day I decided to join
the group of instructors from ONDOK GAWAN ELEMTARY SCHOOL in order to learn more information
that I can apply in the near future if I continue my studies. I learned a lot during my time at ONDOK
GAWAN ELEMNTARY SCHOOL. such as the significance and obligations of being a teacher, our limitations
and how to control our emotions, and always remaining silent if you are present. and to always smile, as
well as how to handle pupils that have various issues that require attention. During the two weeks that
we were enrolled in ONDOK GAWAN ELEMTARY SCHOOL, a lot of things occurred. Getting along with the
teacher and some of the pupils on the first day. I need to use my confidence in such situation so I can get
to know them better. to engage them in conversation and get to know them well. We bond over our little
time together through laughter, conversation, and other activities. The difficulties we face in ONDOK
GAWAN ELEMTARY SCHOOL are largely due to our mentality. because we are loud, erratic with our
emotions, play with the pupils, and attend to their needs. When that moment arrives, we appreciate our
time at ONDOK GAWAN ELEMTERY SCHOOL, therefore on the final day of our immersion, we try to create
not just memories but also lasting impressions. not to mention the knowledge we acquired, which is the

Student Portfolio

Submitted to the Senior High School Department

Fatima National High School

Fatima, General Santos City

In partial fulfilment of the requirement for

Work immersion , Academic track

Humanities and social sciences


MAY , 2023

Tittle page Page

Acknowledgement……………………………………………………………………………………………. 1

Table of Content……………………………………………………………………………………………...…2

Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………………………...…3

Objective of the work Immersion… …………………………………………………………………………………..….….4

Duration and place of Work Immersion………………………………………………………………………………...…5

TRAINING AREA………………………………………………………………………………………………...……..……6


Mission …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…..8


Organizational Structure …………………………………………………………………………………………………......10

THE TRAINING EXPERIENCE………………………………………………………….....11

Journal ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……..12

Photo Documentation……………………………………………………………………………………………………….…13

Overall Reflection and Self-Appraisal……………………………………………………………………………….…..14

APPENDICES …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…….15

Resume ..……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..16

Daily Time Record…………………………………………………………………………………………………..……….……17

Evaluation Sheet ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…….….18

Certificate of Completion……………………………………………………………………………………………..……....19

Parent’s Consent and Waiver…………………………………………………………………………………………..…...20

Purok Clearance ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…...21

Brgy. Clearance ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…….22

Cedula …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….….23
MARCH 13 , 2023

MARCH 14 ,2023

MARCH 15 ,2023

MARCH 16, 2023

MARCH 17 , 2023

MARCH 20, 2023

MARCH 21, 2023

MARCH 22 ,2023

MARCH 23 , 2023

MARCH 24 , 2023
First picture with Sir Dantly S. Villanueva principal




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