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Eka Sena Malikal Mahdi


Fiction Writing K

Writing Games 2
Night Terror at Toy Factory

It was a dark and stormy night and Freddy was felt boring. Freddy walked around the
factory as usual, observing if something was wrong. It turns out that there is a big green furry
monster walking around the factory looking for something and Freddy observes that monster.
The monster that appears in the doll factory comes from outside the factory. It is a creature that
has no home and is looking for a safe place to hide from the outside world. The monster finds
the doll factory to be a good place to shelter and enters it through an unlocked door. The monster
then undergoes a behavioral change due to the new environment, becoming aggressive and
dangerous to the creatures around it. Freddy was hiding behind the big storage. He was
wondering what did the monster looking for. Freddy knew that it was not a friendly creature, and
it was not supposed to be in the factory. He watched as the monster prowled around, looking for
something. Freddy had to figure out what the monster was looking for before it was too late. He
decided to follow the monster to see what it was doing. Freddy carefully followed the monster,
staying in the shadows and out of sight. As he trailed the monster, he saw that it was heading
towards Aleena's room. Freddy knew he had to act fast, and so he ran towards Aleena's room as
quickly as he could.

(Aleena is Freddy's little sister, and she is the reason why he felt that he had to protect
the toys in the factory. She is a sweet and kind little girl, with a heart full of love and compassion.
Despite being frightened by the monster that had entered the factory, she remained strong and
resilient, huddling under her bed until Freddy came to her rescue. Aleena is also very perceptive
and intuitive, sensing the danger that the monster posed to her and the other toys. She trusted
Freddy and knew that he would keep her safe, and she showed great courage in the face of
danger. Despite her young age, Aleena is wise beyond her years, and she has a deep
understanding of the world around her. Above all, Aleena is a loving and caring sister to Freddy,
and she means the world to him. He will do anything to protect her and keep her safe, and she
knows that she can always count on him. With Aleena by his side, Freddy feels like he has a
purpose in life, and he will stop at nothing to ensure her happiness and well-being).
Once he reached the room, he found Aleena huddled under her bed, trembling with fear.
Freddy knew that he had to protect his little sister from the monster, and so he picked up his two
knives and prepared for a fight. Suddenly, he heard a strange noise from outside the door. Freddy
peered through the keyhole, and to his surprise, he saw a small penguin doll standing outside the

"Who are you?" Freddy asked.

"My name is Alex," the penguin replied. "I was sent here by the other toys to help you."
Alex is a penguin doll that looks like an ordinary doll in the factory. However, in reality, he
has special abilities to move and speak like a human. Alex was created by one of the factory
workers who wanted to create a doll that could function as a security guard for the factory.
Freddy was skeptical but desperate for help. He opened the door, and Alex waddled into the

"Okay, Alex," Freddy said. "Let's work together to defeat this monster."

The two dolls crept out of the room, quietly making their way towards the monster. As
they got closer, they saw that the monster was holding Aleena tightly in its grip. Freddy and Alex
knew that they had to act fast.

"Freddy, distract the monster," Alex whispered. "I'll grab Aleena and run to safety."

Freddy nodded, and without hesitation, he charged towards the monster, brandishing his
knives. The monster turned towards Freddy, and the two dolls engaged in a fierce battle.
Meanwhile, Alex carefully slipped Aleena out of the monster's grasp and carried her to safety. As
the battle raged on, Freddy and the monster fought tooth and nail. Freddy's sharp teeth and
knives were no match for the monster's strength, but he refused to give up. Just when it seemed
like all was lost, the monster let out a deafening roar and collapsed to the ground. Freddy had
won. Freddy rushed to Aleena's side, and they hugged each other tightly. Alex waddled up to
them, beaming with pride.

"Thank you so much, Alex," Aleena said, tears streaming down her face. "You saved my life."

"It was nothing," Alex replied modestly. "I was just doing my duty."

Freddy couldn't help but feel grateful to Alex. Without him, he might not have been able
to save his little sister.

"Alex, thank you," Freddy said, his voice cracking with emotion. "We couldn't have done it
without you."

The three dolls stood there, huddled together, relieved and grateful for each other's
company. Freddy knew that he had to keep protecting his little sister and that he had found a
true friend in Alex. From that day on, they worked together, fighting off any threats that came
their way. Freddy was no longer bored, and he found purpose in protecting his sister and the
other toys in the factory. As the storm outside continued to rage, the dolls sat together,
discussing their next move. They knew that they needed to be prepared for any other dangers
that might come their way.

"We need to set up traps," Freddy said. "That way, we can be ready for any other monsters that
might come."
"Good idea," Alex replied. "I'll help you set them up."

The dolls worked together to set up traps all around the factory, using their unique
abilities and resources to create a defense system that would keep them safe from any other
monsters that might come their way. Alex used his agility and speed to climb up to high places
and plant traps, while Freddy used his sharp knives to carve intricate designs into the walls and
floors. Together, they covered every inch of the factory with traps, making sure that no monster
would be able to get through without being caught.
As they worked, they talked about what had happened, and how they could prevent
anything like it from happening again. They knew that they couldn't always rely on luck and the
kindness of strangers to save them. They needed to be prepared for anything, and that meant
being vigilant and ready for danger at all times. After a long night of hard work, the dolls finally
finished setting up all the traps. They sat down together, exhausted but proud of what they had
accomplished. They knew that they had done everything in their power to protect the factory
and the toys within it.
As the storm outside started to die down, the dolls looked out of the windows and saw
that the sun was starting to rise. They knew that it was time for them to rest and recharge, so
they all headed back to their respective rooms to get some sleep. Freddy tucked his little sister
Aleena into bed, making sure that she was safe and sound. He sat down next to her and watched
her sleep, feeling a sense of peace wash over him. He knew that he would always be there for
her, no matter what happened. He also knew that he had a true friend in Alex, and that together
they could face anything that came their way. As Freddy drifted off to sleep, he smiled to himself,
feeling grateful for the adventure that had brought him and his friends closer together. He knew
that there were still challenges ahead, but he was ready to face them head-on, with his sister and
his friend by his side.

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