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Advances in Clinical Neurophysiology

(Supplements to Clinical Neurophysiology, Vol. 57)

Editors: M. Hallett, L.H. Phillips, II, D.L. Schomer, J.M. Massey
© 2004 Elsevier B.Y. All rights reserved 173

Chapter 19

Traumatic injury to peripheral nerves**

Lawrence R. Robinson *
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 (USA)

Abstract from penetrating trauma, i.e. falls and industrial

accidents. Out of all patients admitted to Level I
This chapter reviews the epidemiology and classifi- trauma centers, an estimated 2-3% have peripheral
cation of traumatic peripheral nerve injuries, the nerve injuries (Selecki et aI., 1977; Noble et al.,
effects of these injuries on nerve and muscle, and 1998). If plexus and root injuries are also included,
how electrodiagnosis is used to help classify the the incidence is about 5% (Noble et aI., 1998).
injury. Mechanisms of recovery are also reviewed. In the upper limb, the nerve injured most com-
Motor and sensory nerve conduction studies, needle monly is the radial nerve, followed by the ulnar and
EMG, and other electrophysiologic methods are median nerves (Selecki et aI., 1977; Noble et al.,
particularly useful for localization of peripheral
1998). Lower limb peripheral nerve injuries are less
nerve injuries. They are used to detect and quantify
common. The sciatic nerve is injured most fre-
the degree of axon loss. Data from electrophysio-
quently, followed by the peroneal and rarely the
logic studies can guide treatment decisions and assist
tibial or femoral nerves. Fractures of bones and
in the assessment of prognosis.
adjacent nerve injuries aften occur together. An
1. Epidemiology of peripheral nerve trauma example is humeral fracture with associated radial
Traumatic injury to peripheral nerves results in In wartime, peripheral nerve trauma is much more
considerable disability across the world. In peace- common, and much of our knowledge about periph-
time, peripheral nerve injuries result commonly from eral nerve injury, repair and recovery comes from the
motor vehicle accident trauma, and less commonly medical experience in World Wars I and II, and
subsequent conflicts (Haymaker and Woodhall,
* Correspondence to: Professor Lawrence R. Robinson, 1953; Seddon, 1975; Sunderland, 1978).
Box 359740, Rehabilitation Medicine, Harborview Medi-
cal Center, 325 Ninth Avenue, Seattle, WA 98104, USA. Peripheral nerve injuries may be seen in isolation,
Tel: +12067313167; Fax: +12067316554; but they also often accompany CNS trauma. This not
E-mail: only compounds the disability, but recognition of the
** Used by permission, copyright 2000 AAEM. This peripheral nerve lesion is often problematic. Sixty
chapter is based on the monograph "Traumatic Injury to
Peripheral Nerves" published by the AAEM in Muscle and
percent of patients with peripheral nerve injuries
Nerve, 2000, 23: 863-873. The monograph can be have a traumatic brain injury (Noble et aI., 1998).
purchased from AAEM at + 1(507)-288-0100. Conversely, 10-34% of patients with traumatic brain

injury admitted to rehabilitation units have asso- 2. Classification of nerve injuries

ciated peripheral nerve injuries (Garland, 1981;
Stone and Keenan, 1988; Cosgrove et al., 1989). It is The classifications of Seddon (1975) and Sunderland
often easy to miss peripheral nerve injuries in the (1978) are the most commonly used schemes for
setting of CNS trauma. Since the neurologic history description (Table 1). The former is more commonly
and examination is limited, early hints to a super- used in the literature. The terms neurapraxia,
imposed peripheral nerve lesion might be only axonotmesis, and neurotmesis are used to describe
flaccidity, areflexia, and reduced limb movement. peripheral nerve injuries (Seddon, 1975). Neu-
Peripheral nerve injuries have significant impact, rapraxia is a comparatively mild injury. There is
as they impede recovery of function and return to motor and sensory loss but no Wallerian degenera-
work. There is also a risk of secondary disability tion. The distal nerve conducts normally. Focal
from falls, fractures, or other injuries. An under- demyelination and/or ischemia are thought to be the
standing of the classification, pathophysiology and etiologies for conduction block. Recovery may occur
electrodiagnosis of these lesions is critical for within hours, days, weeks, or a few months.
appropriate diagnosis, localization and management Axonotmesis occurs commonly in crush injuries. The
of peripheral nerve trauma. axons and their myelin sheaths are broken, yet the



Seddon Sunderland Pathology Prognosis

classification classification

Neurapraxia First degree Myelin injury or ischemia Excellent recovery in weeks to months
Axonotmesis Axons disrupted Good to poor, depending upon integrity of
Variable stromal disruption supporting structures and distance to muscle
Second degree Axons disrupted Good, depending upon distance to muscle
Endoneuria! tubes intact
Perineurium intact
Epineurium intact
Third degree Axons disrupted Poor
Endoneurial tubes disrupted Axonalmisdrrection
Perineurium intact Surgery may be required
Epineurium intact
Fourth degree Axons disrupted Poor
Endoneurial tubes disrupted Axonal misdirection
Perineurium disrupted Surgery usually required
Epineurium intact
Neurotmesis Fifth degree Axon disrupted No spontaneous recovery
Endoneurial tubes disrupted Surgery required
Perineurium disrupted Prognosis after surgery guarded
Epineurium disrupted

Adapted from Dillingham, 1998.


surrounding stroma (i.e. the endoneurium, perineu- and it requires skillful electrodiagnostic data collec-
rium, and epineurium) remains partially or fully tion and analysis to separate it from pure axon loss
intact. Wallerian degeneration occurs, but sub- lesions.
sequent axonal regrowth may proceed along the
intact endoneurial tubes. Recovery ultimately 3. Effects of neurapraxia on nerve and muscle
depends upon the degree of internal disorganization
in the nerve as well as the distance to the end organ. As noted above, neurapraxic injuries to peripheral
Sunderland's classification (below) further divides nerves may be due to ischemia or focal demyelina-
this category. Neurotmesis describes a nerve that has tion. When ischemia for a brief period (i.e. up to
been either completely severed or is so markedly 6 h) is the underlying cause, there is usually no
disorganized by scar tissue that axonal regrowth is structural change in the nerve (Gilliatt, 1980),
impossible. Examples are sharp injury, some traction though there may be edema in other nearby tissues.
injuries or injection of toxic drugs. Prognosis for On the other hand, in neurapraxic lesions due to
spontaneous recovery is extremely poor without focal demyelination, there are anatomic changes of
surgical intervention. the myelin sheath that spare the axon. Tourniquet
The Sunderland classification (Sunderland, 1978) paralysis has been used to produce an animal model
is a more subdivided scheme for description of of a neurapraxic lesion (Ochoa et aI., 1972), though
peripheral nerve injuries. There are five groups it is recognized that acute crush injuries may differ
instead of three. In first degree injury, conduction in mechanism from tourniquet injury. In this model,
block occurs, but the stroma is completely intact. It anatomic changes along the nerve are most marked
corresponds to Seddon's classification of neura- at the edge of the tourniquet, where a significant
praxia, and the prognosis is good. In second degree pressure gradient exists between the tourniquet and
injury, the axon is transected, but stroma is intact. non-tourniquet areas. The pressure gradient essen-
Recovery can occur by axonal regrowth along tially "squeezes" out the myelin. This produces
endoneurial tubes. In third degree injury, the axon invagination of one paranodal region into the next.
and endoneurial tubes are transected, but the sur- As a result, there is an area of focal demyelination at
rounding perineurium is intact. Recovery depends the edge of the tourniquet (Ochoa et aI., 1972).
upon how well the axons can cross the site of the Larger fibers are more severely affected than smaller
lesion to find endoneurial tubes. In fourth degree fibers.
injury, there is loss of continuity ofaxons, endo- In the area of focal demyelination, impulse
neurial tubes and perineurium. Individual nerve conduction from one node of Ranvier to the next is
fascicles are transected, and the continuity of the slowed, as current leakage occurs. This prolongs the
nerve trunk is maintained only by the surrounding time for impulses to reach threshold at successive
epineurium. Traction injuries commonly produce nodes of Ranvier. Slowing of conduction velocity
this type of lesion. The prognosis is usually poor along this nerve segment ensues. More severe
without surgical intervention, due to the marked demyelination results in complete conduction block.
internal disorganization of guiding connective tissue This has been reported to occur when internodal
elements and associated scarring. In fifth degree conduction times exceed 500-600!J..s (Rasminsky
injury, the entire nerve trunk is transected, and it and and Sears, 1972). Since there are very few sodium
is similar to Seddon's neurotmesis. channels in internodal segments of myelinated
Some authors have described another "degree" of nerves, conduction in demyelinated nerves cannot
injury, known as 6th degree injury (Mackinnon and simply proceed slowly as it would for normally
Dellon, 1988). This is a mixed lesion, since both unmyelinated nerves. Thus sufficient demyelination
axon loss and conduction block occur in different will produce conduction block rather than more
fibers. This type lesion is probably quite common, severe slowing.

There are relatively few changes in muscle as a the site of the lesion (Fig. 1). When one records from
result of neurapraxic lesions. Disuse atrophy can distal muscles and stimulates distal to the site of the
occur when neurapraxia is more than transient. lesion, the CMAP should always be normal, since
There remains debate as to whether muscle fibril- axonal loss and Wallerian degeneration have not
lates after a purely neurapraxic lesion (see below). occurred. Stimulation proximal to the lesion will
produce a smaller or absent CMAP, as conduction in
4. Effects ofaxonotmesis on nerve and muscle some or all fibers is blocked. It should be remem-
bered that amplitudes normally fall with increasing
Soon after an axonal lesion, the process of Wallerian distance between stimulation and recording sites;
degeneration begins in nerve fibers. This process is hence there is some debate about how much of a
described well elsewhere (Miller, 1987; Dumitru, drop in amplitude is sufficient to demonstrate
1995), and it will be reviewed only briefly here. conduction block. Amplitude drops exceeding 20%
There are changes in both the axon and the nerve cell over a 25 em distance or less are clearly abnormal.
body. In the axon, a number of changes occur in the Smaller changes over shorter distances may also
first 2 days, including leakage of axoplasm from the suggest conduction block. In addition to conduction
severed nerve, swelling of the distal nerve segment, block, there may also be conduction slowing across
and subsequent disappearance of neurofibrils in the the site of a partial lesion. This slowing may be due
distal segment. By day 3, there is fragmentation of to either loss of faster conducting fibers or demyeli-
both axon and myelin beginning digestion of myelin nation of surviving fibers. All these changes in the
components. By day 8, the axon has been digested, CMAP will generally persist until recovery takes
and Schwann cells are attempting to bridge the gap place, typically by no more than a few months post
between the two nerve segments. Nerve fibers may injury. Most importantly, the distal CMAP will never
also degenerate for a variable distance proximally; drop in amplitude in purely neurapraxic injuries,
depending upon the severity of the lesion, this since no axon loss or Wallerian degeneration occur,
retrograde degeneration may extend for several and the distal nerve segment remains normally
centimeters. excitable.
If the lesion is sufficiently proximal, there are also
a number of changes that occur in the nerve cell
5.1.2. Axonotmesis and neurotmesis
body after nerve trauma. Within the first 48 h, the
Electrodiagnostically, complete axonotmesis (equiv-
Nissl bodies (the cell's rough endoplasmic retic-
alent to Sunderland grades 2, 3 and 4) and complete
ulum) break apart into fine particles. By 2-3 weeks
neurotmesis look the same, since the difference
after injury, the cell nucleus becomes displaced
between these types of lesions is the integrity of the
eccentrically, and the nucleolus is becomes eccen-
supporting structures that lack electrophysiologic
trically placed within the nucleus. These changes
function. These lesions can be grouped together as
may reverse during recovery.
axonotmesis for the purpose of this discussion.
Immediately after axonotmesis and for a "few
5. Electrodiagnosis: timing of changes and
days" thereafter, the CMAP and motor conduction
determining degree of injury
studies look the same as those of a neurapraxic
5.1. The compound muscle action potential lesion. Nerve segments distal to the lesion remain
(eMAP) excitable. They demonstrate normal conduction,
while proximal stimulation results in an absent or
5.1.1. Neurapraxia small response from distal muscles. Early on, this
In purely neurapraxic lesions, the compound muscle picture looks the same as conduction block, and it
action potential will change immediately after injury, can be confused with neurapraxia. Hence neu-
assuming one can stimulate both above and below rapraxia and axontomeis cannot be distinguished

Fig. 1. Diagrammatic representation of changes in the compound muscle action potential (CMAP) after (A) neurapraxia,
(B) axonotmesis or neurotmesis, and (C) mixed lesions.

until sufficient time for Wallerian degeneration in all blocked (neurapraxic) at the lesion site. As men-
motor fibers has occurred. This is typically about 9 tioned above, this analysis is most useful only in the
days post injury (Chaudry and Comblath, 1992). acute phase, before reinnervation by axonal sprout-
As Wallerian degeneration occurs, the amplitude ing occurs.
of the CMAP elicited with distal stimulation will
fall. It starts at about day 3 and is complete by about 5.2. F-waves
day 9 (Chaudry and Comblath, 1992). Neuromus-
F-waves may change immediately after the onset of
cular transmission fails before nerve excitability
a neurapraxic lesion. In complete block, F-waves
does (Gilliatt and Taylor, 1959; Gilliatt and Hjorth,
will be absent. In partial lesions, changes can be
1972). Thus, in complete axonotmesis at day 9, one
more subtle, since F-waves are elicited from only
has a very different picture from neurapraxia. There
3-5% of the axon population at one time (Fisher,
are absent responses from stimulation above and
1992). Partial lesions may have normal miminal and
below the lesion. Partial axon loss lesions will
mean F-wave latencies, with reduced or possibly
produce small amplitude motor responses, and the
normal penetrance. While F-waves are conceptually
amplitude of the CMAP is roughly proportional to
appealing for detection of proximal lesions (e.g.
the number of surviving axons. One can compare
brachial plexopathies) they provide useful additional
side-to-side CMAP amplitudes to estimate the
degree of axon loss, though inherent side-to-side or unique information in only a few instances. They
are sometimes useful in very early proximal lesions
variability of up to 30-50% limits the accuracy of
when conventional studies are normal since stimula-
the estimate. The use of the CMAP amplitude to
tion does not occur proximal to the lesion. They are
estimate the degree of surviving axons is only
reliable early after injury, before axonal sprouting not very good at distinguishing axon loss lesions
from conduction block.
has occurred. Use of this technique at a later time
after injury will lead to underestimation of the
5.3. Compound or sensory nerve action potentials
degree of axon loss.
5.3.1. Neurapraxia
5.1.3. Mixed lesions The sensory nerve action potential (SNAP) and
Lesions which have a mixture of axon loss and compound nerve action potential (CNAP) will show
conduction block provide a unique challenge. These changes similar to the CMAP after focal nerve
can usually be sorted out by carefully examining injury. In the setting of neurapraxia, there is a focal
amplitudes of the CMAP elicited from stimulation conduction block at the site of the lesion, and
above and below the lesion and by comparison of the amplitude with distal stimulation is preserved. The
amplitude with distal stimulation to that obtained criteria for establishing conduction block in sensory
from the other side. The percentage of axon loss is nerve fibers are substantially different than that for
best estimated by comparing the CMAP amplitude the CMAP. When one records nerve action poten-
from distal stimulation with that obtained con- tials, there is normally a greater drop in amplitude
tralaterally. The percentage conduction block in the over increasing distance between stimulating and
remaining axons is best estimated by comparing recording electrodes due to temporal dispersion and
amplitudes or areas obtained with stimulation distal phase cancellation (Kimura et aI., 1986). Amplitude
and proximal to the lesion. Thus, if a LrnV response drops of 50-70% over a 25 em distance are not
is obtained with proximal stimulation, a 2 mV unexpected, and it is less clear just what change in
response is obtained distally, and a 10 mV response amplitude is abnormal. A large focal change over a
is obtained with distal stimulation contralaterally, small distance is probably significant. Slowing may
one can deduce that probably about 80% of the also accompany partial conduction blocks, as it does
axons are lost. Of the remaining 20%, half are for the CMAP. Responses elicited with stimulation

and recording distal to the lesion are normal in pure Independent of whether or not the needle EMG
neurapraxic injuries. demonstrates fibrillation potentials in neurapraxia,
the most apparent change on needle EMG will be a
5.3.2. Axonotmesis and neurotmesis change in recruitment. These occur immediately
Immediately after axonotmesis, the SNAP looks the after injury. In complete lesions (i.e. complete
same as it does in a neurapraxic lesion. Nerve conduction block) there will be no motor unit action
segments distal to the lesion remain excitable and potentials (MUAPs). In incomplete neurapraxic
demonstrate normal conduction, while proximal lesions, there will be reduced numbers of MUAPs
stimulation results in an absent or small response. that firie more rapidly than normal (i.e. reduced or
Hence neurapraxia and axontomeis cannot be distin- discrete recruitment). Recruitment changes alone are
guished until Wallerian degeneration has occurred in not specific for neurapraxia or axon loss.
all sensory fibers, typically about 11 days post injury Since no axon loss occurs in neurapraxic injuries,
(Chaudry and Cornblath, 1992). It takes slightly there will be no axonal sprouting and no changes in
longer for sensory nerve studies to demonstrate loss MUAP morphology (e.g. duration, amplitude or
of amplitude than for motor studies, i.e. 11 days vs. phases) anytime after injury.
9 days, due to the earlier failure of neuromuscular
transmission compared to nerve conduction.
5.4.2. Axonotmesis and neurotmesis
A number of days after an axon loss lesion, the
5.4. Needle electromyography needle EMG will demonstrate fibrillation potentials
and positive sharp waves. The time between injury
5.4.1. Neurapraxia and onset of fibrillation potentials will depend in part
The needle EMG examination in purely neurapraxic upon the length of the distal nerve stump. When the
lesions will show neurogenic changes in recruitment, lesion is distal and the distal stump is short, it takes
but there is debatable about abnormalities in sponta- only 10-14 days for fibrillation potentials to
neous activity. As mentioned earlier, opinions differ develop. With a proximal lesion and a longer distal
as to whether fibrillation potentials are recorded after stump (e.g. ulnar innervated hand muscles in a
a purely neurapraxic lesion. One study of peripheral brachial plexopathy), fibrillation potentials and pos-
nerve lesions in baboons did not demonstrate itive sharp waves develop fully in 21-30 days
fibrillation potentials in purely neurapraxic lesions (Thesleff, 1974). The electromyographer must be
(Gilliatt et aI., 1978). On the other hand, in a study acutely aware of the time since injury to avoid
of purely neurapraxic lesions in rats (Cangiano and underestimation of severity when a study is per-
Lutzemberger, 1977), fibrillation potentials were formed early after injury. This is also important to
said to occur in blocked, but not denervated, muscle prevent minsinterpretation of increasing fibrillation
fibers. There are limited reports of fibrillation potentials over time as a sign of worsening nerve
potentials in humans with apparent predominantly injury.
neurapraxic nerve lesions (Trojaborg, 1978; Yuska Fibrillation potential and positive sharp wave
and Wilbourn, 1998), but it is impossible to know density are usually graded on a 1--4 scale. This is an
whether or not any axon loss had occurred in these ordinal scale that indicates greater severity with
patients. Needle EMG is more sensitive for detecting higher numbers. It is not an interval or ratio scale,
motor axon loss than nerve conduction studies, i.e. 4+ is not twice as bad as 2+ or 4 times as bad
and hence it is easy to imagine situations in which as 1 +. Moreover, a grade of 4 + fibrillation poten-
nerve conduction studies are within normal limits, tials does not reflect complete axon loss. In fact, it
but needle EMG detects minimal or mild axon may occur when only a minority ofaxons have been
loss. lost (Buchthal, 1982; Dorfman, 1990). Evaluation of

recruitment and the distally elicited CMAP ampli- increase in fiber density 3 weeks after nerve injury
tude are necessary before one can decide whether or (Massey and Sanders, 1991).
not complete axon loss has occurred. In complete lesions, the only possible mechanism
Fibrillation potential size decreases with time of recovery is axonal regrowth. The earliest needle
following injury. Kraft (1990) has demonstrated that EMG finding in this case is small, polyphasic, often
fibrillation potentials amplitudes are several hundred unstable, MUAPs. These have been previously
microvolts in the first few months after injury. described as "nascent potentials". Observation of
However, when lesions are more than 1 year old, these potentials is dependent upon the establishment
fibrillation potential amplitudes are unlikely to of axon regrowth as well as new neuromuscular
exceed 100 I.L V. Fibrillation potentials will also junctions. This observation represents the earliest
decrease in number as reinnervation occurs, but this evidence of reinnervation, and it usually precedes
finding is not usually useful clinically for two the onset of clinically evident voluntary movement
reasons. First, since a qualitative or ordinal scale of (Dorfman, 1990). These potentials represent the
fibrillation density is used typically in the absences earliest definitive evidence of axonal reinnervation in
of an accurate quantitative measurement of fibrilla- complete lesions. When one performs the examina-
tion density, comparison of fibrillation potential tion in a search for new motor unit potentials, it is
numbers from one examination to the other is not important to accept only "crisp", nearby motor unit
reliable (Dorfman, 1990). Second, even in complete potentials with a short rise-time, since distant
lesions, fibrillation density will eventually reduce, potentials recorded from other muscles can be
since the muscle becomes fibrotic and the number of mistaken for evidence of intact innervation.
viable muscle fibers falls. In this case, a reduction in
fibrillation potential numbers does not predict recov- 5.4.3. Mixed lesions
ery, but rather muscle fibrosis. When there is a lesion with axon loss and conduction
Fibrillation potentials may also occur after direct block, needle EMG examination can be potentially
muscle injury. Partanen and Danner (1982) have misleading if it is interpreted in isolation. If, for
demonstrated that patients who undergo muscle example, a lesion results in destruction of 50% of the
biopsy have persistent fibrillation potentials that original axons and conduction block of the other
begin after 6-7 days and continue for up to 11 50%, needle EMG will demonstrate abundant (e.g.
months. In patients who have undergone multiple 4+) fibrillation potentials and no voluntary MUAPs.
trauma, coexisting direct muscle injury is common, The electromyographer should not then conclude
and it can be potentially misleading when one that there is a complete axonal lesion, but should
attempts to localize a lesion. instead carefully evaluate the motor nerve conduc-
When there are surviving axons after an incom- tion studies to determine whether there is neuro-
plete axonal injury, the remaining MUAPs are praxia, axonotmesis, or both. The important point
initially normal in morphology, but they demonstrate here is to not take the presence of abundant
reduced or discrete recruitment. Axonal sprouting fibrillation potentials and absent voluntary MUAPs
will be manifested by changes in the morphology of as evidence of complete denervation.
existing MUAPs. The amplitude, duration, and the
percentage of polyphasic MUAPs will increase as
the motor unit territory increases (Erminio et al., 6. Localization of traumatic nerve injuries
1959; Dorfman, 1990). This process begins soon
after injury. Microscopic studies demonstrate out- The localization of peripheral nerve injuries is
growth of nerve sprouts that begins 4 days after sometimes straightforward, but it is potentially
partial denervation (Hoffman, 1950; Miller, 1987). complicated by a variety of pitfalls. Localization is
Single fiber EMG studies have demonstrated an usually performed by two methods: (1) detection of

focal slowing or conduction block on nerve conduc- prognostic sign, since it indicates possible root
tion studies; and (2) assessment of a pattern of avulsion. On the other hand, lesions that occur distal
denervation on needle EMG. to the dorsal root ganglion have small or absent
Localization of peripheral nerve lesions by nerve SNAPs (when these are recorded in the appropriate
conduction studies usually requires focal slowing or distribution). Thus, SNAPs may be useful to differ-
conduction block as one stimulates above and below entiate root vs. plexus or other pre- vs. post-
the lesion. To see such a change there must either be ganglionic locations. A limitation, particularly in
focal demyelination or ischemia, or the lesion should partial lesions, is the wide variability in SNAP
be so acute that degeneration of the distal stump amplitudes in normal individuals. Mixed pre- and
has not yet occurred. Thus, lesions with partial post-ganglionic lesions are also potentially difficult
or complete neurapraxia (due to either demyelina- to interpret.
tion or ischemia) can be well localized with motor The other major electrodiagnostic method for
nerve conduction studies, as can very acute axonal determining the site of nerve injury is the needle
injuries. EMG. Conceptually, if one knows the branching
In pure axonotmetic or neurotmetic lesions, it is order to various muscles under study, one can
more difficult, if not impossible, to localize the determine that the nerve injury is between the
lesion using nerve conduction studies. In such a branches to the most distal normal muscle and the
case, there will be mild and diffuse slowing in the most proximal abnormal muscle. There are, how-
entire nerve due to loss of the fastest fibers, or there ever, a number of potential problems with this
will be no response at all. Conduction across the approach. First, the branching and innervation
lesion site will be no slower than in other nerve pattern for muscles is not necessarily consistent from
segments. In addition, if enough time for Wallerian one person to the next. Sunderland (1978) has
degeneration has elapsed (i.e. at least 9 days for demonstrated the great deal variability in branching
motor fibers or 11 days for sensory fibers), there will order to muscles in the limbs, as well as the the
be no change in amplitude as one traverses the site number of branches going to each muscle and the
of the lesion. Thus, pure axon loss lesions are not order in which nerve or nerves supply each muscle.
well localized along a nerve by nerve conduction Thus, the typical branching scheme may not apply to
studies. the patient being studied, and consequently the
There are some cases in which indirect inferences lesion site can be misidentified.
can be made about the location of purely axonal Second, the problem of muscle trauma and
lesions. For instance, if the ulnar motor response is associated needle EMG findings can be misleading.
very small or absent and the median motor response As mentioned earlier, direct muscle trauma can
is normal, this implies an ulnar neuropathy rather produce positive sharp waves and fibrillation poten-
than a lower brachial plexus lesion. However, in such tials that persist for months after injury (Partanen
an instance, the site of pathology along the ulnar and Danner, 1982). Practically speaking, this can
nerve may not be well defined. result in erroneous localization or misdiagnosis of
Another indirect inference that can be made from more than one lesion. For example, in the setting of
sensory nerve conduction studies is the placement of humeral fracture with associated radial neuropathy,
the lesion at a pre- versus post-ganglionic location. the triceps muscle often demonstrates fibrillation
Lesions that are proximal to the dorsal root ganglion, potentials due to direct muscle trauma. However,
i.e, at the pre-ganglionic level (proximal root, cauda one could be misled to localize the radial nerve
equina, spinal cord) tend to have normal sensory lesion to the axilla or higher rather than spiral
nerve action potential amplitudes, even in the setting groove, if the triceps findings are not recognized to
of reduced or absent sensation (Brandstater, 1983; be the result of direct muscle trauma rather than
Tackman and Radu, 1983). This is a particularly bad nerve injury.

Third, the problem of partial lesions can make for motor unit firing (Milner-Brown et aI., 1975;
misdiagnosis at more distal sites. In partial ulnar Moritani and De Vries, 1979), and they result in
nerve lesions at the elbow, for example, the forearm increased efficiency (defined as muscle force per unit
ulnar-innervated muscles are often spared (Campbell of electrical activity) in the absence of muscle fiber
et al., 1989). This is thought to be due at least changes. After several weeks, muscle fiber hyper-
partially to sparing of the fascicles in the nerve that trophy begins, and it results in further increases in
are preparing to branch to the flexor digitorum strength. In patients with partial nerve lesions, it is
profundus and the flexor carpi ulnaris. They may be unclear to what extent neural changes alone (i.e,
in a relatively protected position. This finding could increased efficiency of firing) can contribute to
lead one to inadvertently localize the lesion to the increased strength, since there is loss of nerve fibers.
distal forearm or wrist. Similarly, a lesion involving However, it is likely that working the existing
the median nerve in the arm (above the elbow) has muscle fibers to fatigue in the setting of partial nerve
been reported to cause findings only in the anterior injuries produces enlargement of muscle fibers and
interosseous nerve distribution (Wertsch et aI., consequent increases in force production.
1985). Intraneural topography must be considered Partial axonotmesis of motor nerves also produces
when one makes a diagnosis based on nerve distal sprouting of motor fibers from intact axons. It
branching (Wertsch et aI., 1994). has been observed that, within 4 days after nerve
injury, sprouts start to form from intact axons,
7. Mechanisms of recovery typically from distal nodes of Ranvier (nodal
sprouts) or from nerve terminals (terminal sprouts)
There are several possible mechanisms of recovery near denervated muscle fibers (Hoffman, 1950).
after traumatic nerve injury. Knowledge of these Partial recovery in twitch tension has been reported
mechanisms and the type of nerve injury will allow as early as 7-10 days post injury (Brown et al.,
estimation of the probable course of recovery. 1981), though electrophysiologic correlates (e.g.
For motor fibers, resolution of conduction block polyphasic, long duration MUAPs) usually take
(in neurapraxic lesions), muscle fiber hypertrophy longer. Sometimes, when axonal regeneration
(in partial lesions), distal sprouting of spared axons, occurs, those muscle fibers reinnervated by distal
and axonal regeneration from the site of injury, may sprouting become dually innervated, i.e. by both the
contribute to the recovery of strength. sprout and the newly regenerated fiber (Hoffman,
Resolution of conduction block, whether due 1950; Guth, 1962). It is not well understood how
to ischemia or demyelination, is the earliest mecha- multiple synapses are reduced.
nism for recovery of strength after nerve injury. Axonal regeneration contributes to recovery in
Improvement after a solely ischemic lesion is both partial and complete axonotmesis and, with
relatively quick. Demyelinating injuries take longer, surgical approximation, neurotmesis. In complete
as remyelination over an injured segment may axon loss lesions, this is the only mechanism for
take as long as several months (Fowler et aI., 1972). muscle recovery. It is noted that in the 24--36 h after
The rate of recovery depends upon the severity of injury, the proximal nerve stump begins to sprout
demyelination and the length of the demyelinated regenerating axons, and they begin to penetrate the
segment. area of injury. The recovery that results from this
In normal adults who perform strengthening process depends upon the degree of injury, presence
exercises, there are generally two mechanisms for an of scar formation, approximation of the two nerve
increase in force production. The initial neural ends, and the age of the subject.
mechanisms are followed by later muscle fiber In relatively minor axonotmetic lesions, in which
hypertrophy. The initial neural mechanisms are the endoneurial tubes are preserved (i.e, Sunderland
thought to involve improved synchronization of 2nd degree injuries), the axons can traverse the

segment of injury in 8-15 days. They then regenerate The mechanisms of axonal regeneration are similar
along the distal nerve segment at a rate of 1-5 mm/ to those mentioned above for motor axons. An
day (Sunderland, 1978). The rate is slightly faster for important difference, however, is that one does not
crush injuries than for sharp laceration. It is also have end organs that may degenerate after 18-24
slightly faster for proximal injuries, and it is faster in months as muscle does; hence sensory recovery may
younger individuals. continue for a longer period of time than motor
In more severe axonotmetic lesions in which there recovery does.
is distortion of endoneurial tubes with or without
perineurial disruption (Sunderland 3rd and 4th 8. Electrodiagnostic evaluation of prognosis
degrees), the prognosis for spontaneous regrowth is
worse. Extensive scarring reduces the speed at which Determination of the pathophysiology of a periph-
regenerating axons can traverse the lesion. More eral nerve traumatic injury can help with the
importantly, it reduces the likelihood that they will estimation of prognosis. Those injuries that are
ever reach their end organs. When regrowth occurs, completely or largely neurapraxic have a good
it may also be misdirected to the wrong end organ. In prognosis for recovery within a few months (usually
some cases, particularly when a large neuroma is up to three months post injury). Resolution of
present, surgical intervention is required. ischemia and remyelination should be complete by
In complete neurotmesis (Sunderland 5th degree), this time.
axonal regrowth will not occur unless the nerve ends Mixed injuries typically have two or more phases
are freed from scar and surgically re-approximated. of recovery (Fig. 2). The neurapraxic component
After surgical intervention, using either direct resolves quickly, and muscle fiber hypertrophy can
approximation or cable grafting, nerve growth will provide additional recovery. The axonal component
often occur along the endoneurial tubes of the distal is slower, since it depends upon distal axonal
segments. The use of cable grafts (e.g. sural nerve sprouting and axonal regeneration from the site of
graft) does not provide axons directly since, they die the lesion. Thus patients usually experience a
after harvesting. The graft simply provides a path- relatively rapid partial, but incomplete, recovery
way for axonal regrowth (Seddon, 1963; Wood, followed by a slower phase of additional recovery.
1998). Sensory recovery may proceed for a longer time than
In complete lesions, recovery of motor function motor (Fig. 3).
will also depend upon integrity of the muscle when Partial axon loss lesions usually represent axo-
the axon reaches it. Muscles remain viable for notmesis, though a partial neurotmesis (e.g. a
reinnervation for 18-24 months post-injury. Past this laceration through part of the nerve) cannot always
time, motor axon regrowth makes little difference, be excluded in such cases. In axonotmesis, recovery
since muscle fibers are no longer viable due to will depend upon axonal sprouting and regeneration.
fibrosis and atrophy. For example, in complete lower Thus there will be some early recovery followed by
trunk brachial plexus lesions, recovery of hand a later phase of recovery if or when regenerating
function is usually not expected, no matter how good axons reach their end organs. The amplitude of the
the surgical grafting might be; it simply takes too CMAP provides some guide to prognosis. In facial
long for axons to reach the muscle. nerve lesions, it has been demonstrated that patients
Recovery of sensory function depends upon with CMAP amplitudes 30% or more of the normal
different mechanisms than motor recovery. There side have an excellent outcome. Those whose
may be redistribution of sensory territory after an amplitudes are 10-30% of the normal side have good
axonal injury. Intact fibers often provide cutaneous but not always complete recovery, and those with
sensation to a larger area than they did prior to the amplitudes less than 10% of the normal side have a
injury (Weddell and Glees, 1941; Speidel, 1942). poor outcome (Sillman et al., 1992).

Conceptual Model of Strength Increases After a Mixed Lesion

normal IE
to- Axonal Regeneration
+- MuscleFiber Hypertrophy
+-Olstal Axon Sprouting

+- Resolution or Conduction Block

time 18 months

Fig. 2. Conceptual representation of mechanisms for increases in strength after a mixed lesion of a peripheral nerve.
The processes represented are not temporally distinct, but they may merge. Maximal recovery is usually achieved by
18-24 months.

Complete axonotmesis and neurotmesis have the site of the lesion (Kline, 1990; Wood, 1998). Those
worst prognosis. Recovery depends solely upon lesions that have some spontaneous recovery are
axonal regeneration which mayor may not occur, usually treated conservatively, since operative repair
depending upon the degree of injury to the nerve. In is unlikely to improve upon natural recovery. Those
many cases of complete axon loss it is not possible with no evidence of axonal regrowth usually have
to know the degree of nerve injury except by surgical operative exploration with possible nerve grafting.
exploration. The only alternative is to look for
evidence of early reinnervation after the lesion. As a Acknowledgment
consequence, it is often recommended to wait 2-4
months and look for evidence of reinnervation in Paula Micklesen is thanked for production of figures
previously completely denervated muscles near the for this chapter.

Conceptual Model of Sensory Improvement After a Mixed Lesion

normal - It'
"Axonal Regeneration

+- Redistribution of SensofY Function

+- Resolution of Conduction Block
time 18 months
Fig. 3. Conceptual representation of mechanisms for improvement in sensation after a mixed lesion of a peripheral nerve.
The processes represented are not necessarily temporally distinct, but they may merge. Recovery may continue for longer
than 18 months since it is not dependent upon muscle viability.

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