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Date 7th August 2021

Question 1: Describe each of the following cookery methods and how they impact different types of


Baking This method includes applying of dry convention warmth to the food in an
environment that is enclosed or encased. It typically has long cooking time and
exposure to high temperature for that long duration due to which some of the
nutrients such as B may decrease by as low as 40%. Except B nutrients, it does not
impact other types.
Blanching The process of burning the food, very usually a vegetable, in bubbling water, then
taking it out from bubbling water, after a short calculated stretched, and finally put
under cool running water or dove into frozen water is called blanching. This process
preserves the original flavors found in vegetables, especially leafy ones as it
inactivates the chemicals responsible for ff flavouring of food. Such a chemical
responsible for off flavouring is typically is lipoxygenase of (LOX)2.
Boiling This is the process of having the food submerged in liquid that is not fat at 100’C. The
nutrient that wearies off due to this is Nutrient C. Foods like spinach, lettuce and
broccoli may lose up to 50% of its nutrient C with this process of bubbling. Because
this nutrient C is water soluble it easily drains out in boiling process.
Braising It is stewing meat and vegetables in modest quantity of fluid in a covered pot. This
improved the fluid’s flavouring and makes the meat softer making it easily liqufy in
the mouth when eaten.
Deep Frying This dry-heat cooking strategy is done by using fat or oil and generally used to
prepare bit-sized food. The food is completely lowered in hot fluid and the cycle is
dependent on high temperatures that can completely change the design of the
supplements of the food in some cases e.g. those of protein, cancer prevention
agents, etc. Other than that, some water soluble atoms e.g. ascorbic corrosive may
also be lost during the water vanishing that happens in deep frying.
Grilling Over a warm source, the food is prepared by putting a rack. This warm source
generally is charcoal fire or ceramic briquettes warmed by gas flames/fire. The direct
warmth received leaves the food charred and heavy roasted some times but also
creates a crust on the food that is pleasant in the process. Grilling makes the 40% of
B nutrients being lost in this process, as it takes out the juices from the food.
Poaching The soggy warmth strategy of cooking Is done by lowering the food in liquid/fluid at
lower warming temperature, used generally to cook fragile proteins such as fish,
eggs, chicken, and some leafy veges. The process permits food not to lose the
dampness of the food while separating the protein.
Roasting This is yet again dry warmth strategy of cooking where the food is covered by hot air
and then cooking it equitably on all the sides with temperatures of 150’C in an open
fire, broiler or other sources. The long cooking time and high temperature reduces
nutrient B to up to 40%. The other nutrients, except B, are not impacted much.

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Shallow Frying The cycle of skillful consideration wherein a fresh item is delicately cooked with little
proof of fat. Nutrients C and B are impacted and it may also cause or create fiber in
certain foods like potato by changing their starch to safe starch.
Steaming The sodden warmth technique that included bubbling of water that disintegrates
into steam, which further conveys warmth to the food being cooked. The food is kept
separate or different from the bubbling water and not inside, thus making it different
from boiling. Food does not come in contact with the bubbling water, however, it
comes in contact with the warm steams created by the bubbling water. Vegetable
steaming reduces supplements by 15%
Stewing This is a mix cooking technique. It includes little pieces of meat that are completely
submerged in fluid and stewed gradually. For this, the fluid and food are served
together. Upto 60% of thiamine, niacin, and other B nutrients are lost when meat is
stewed and its juices run off. It also impacts nutrient C which could get filtered out
from vegetables.
Microwaving This technique is very popular for thawing and warming precooked meat. The
technique used transformation of electromagnetic energy into nuclear power inside
the meat, it used atoms of water inside the food to vibrate and thus preparing the
food. Food with high water content can be easily cooked with this technique
including vegetables.

Question 2: Gather recipes that include the following food types (the number of recipes you gather is up
to you, but you must make sure you have addressed all food types): dairy products  dry goods  fruit 
vegetables  meat  poultry  seafood.

Recipe 1: Vegetable Chicken Soup


 Chicken 250g
 Capsicum 2/3
 Cabbage 1 cup
 Peas 1 copy
 Carrots 2/3
 Green chili 3
 Eggs 2
 Cornflour 3 tbsp.
 Salt and black pepper- as per taste
 Soy sauce 3 tbsp.
 Chili Cause 3 tbsp.
 Vinegar3 tbsp.

Method: take 2 liters of water in a pan and add chicken and make it boil for up to 10 minutes to get
the chicken stock. Now take the chicken out. In the boiling chicken stock add the vegetables one by
one. First add carrots and peas as they take longer to cook. After that add capsicum, cabbage and
chicken and other veges. The add green chili and the spices- salt, black pepper, soy sauce, vinegar

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and chili sauce. In the end, beat 2 eggs and pour it into the soup. For thickness, add cornflour in half
cup of water and then add in the soup. Mix all well.

Recipe 2: Fruit custard

 4 Cups milk, full fat- dairy product

 5 tbsp. sugar- dry product
 4 tbsp. Custard power
 Fruits- 1 apple, 1 pomegranate, 1 banana and 1 bowl of grapes

Method: Boil 3 cups of full fat milk and add 5 tbsp of sugar to it. To be able to fully mix sugar with the
milk, keep stirring it. Add custard power in a bowl with milk and mix it well. Then mix this solution to the
boiling milk. Keep stirring well as the milk thickens. Let is cook for another 2 minutes. The add fruits to it
after 10 minutes and refrigerate it. Add pomegranate for garnishing.

Recipe 3: Shrimp Popcorn


 1 lb shrimps
 1 cup flour
 Cajun seasoning 1 tbsp.
 Salt and black pepper to taste
 Half cup milk
 2 eggs

Method: In one cup of flour add 1 tbsp of Cajun seasoning, salt and black pepper and mix it well. Put
half mixture aside. Add shrimps to this mixture so it can make a good coating. Take 2 eggs and mix it
well, add species to bring some taste to it. Take the half mixture that was left side, then coat all the
shrimps with egg coating and then the half mixture accordingly. Then deep fry the coated shrimps and
serve it with a sauce.

Now answer the following. Your answers should refer to all recipes:

Dairy Products
 What dairy products are used in the recipe Milk
you found
 What are the cookery method used for Boiling of milk was used
dairy products
Dry Goods
 What dry goods are used in the recipes Sugar
you found?

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 What were the cookery methods used for Sugar was boiling. Answer- boiling.
the dry goods?
 What fruit is in the recipes you found? Grapes, apples, bananas and pomegranate to
What were the cookery methods used for Chopping only. Answer- chopped
the fruit?
 What vegetables are used in the recipes Cabbage, capsicum, carrots and peas
you found?
 What were the cookery methods used for Boiling and sauté
the vegetables?
 What meat is used in the recipes you Chicken
 What were the cookery methods used for Boiling
the meat?
 What poultry is used in the recipes you Eggs
 What were the cookery methods used for boiling
the poultry?
 What seafood is used in the recipes you Shrimps
 What were the cookery methods used for Frying
the seafood?

Question 3: Explain when you might use the following.

Oils Oil is used for frying for example in the recipe identified it is used for frying the
Sauces It is used to enhance taste for example in vegetable chicken soup, soy sauce and
chili sauce is used
Condiments and They are also used for taste enhancements for example salt and black pepper
Garnishes To give a final look/flavor to the dish example the pomegranate used in fruit
Batters and Coating To add a coat to the food, example the shrimps were coated in flour misture

Question 4: Identify five food types you might cook that have been frozen.

Answer: Meat, fish, shrimps, vegetables such as frozen peas

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Question 5: Describe the meaning and role of mise en place in relation to preparing, cooking and
presenting food.

Answer: This phrase is actually a French expression of having the preparation of your food in advance
before preparing the meal that is – all the ingredients are estimated, cut, stripped, ground, and etc. The
ingredients are bunched together to make the cooking process go in a flow while the actual process is
happening of cooking. It is planning the entire meal and coordinating it in advance.

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