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Inventory Policies and Safety Stock Optimization for Supply Chain

Braulio Brunaud
Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, 15213
José M. Laínez-Aguirre and Jose M. Pinto
Praxair Inc., Danbury, CT, 06810
Ignacio E. Grossmann*
Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, 15213

DOI 10.1002/aic.16421
Published online October 22, 2018 in Wiley Online Library (

In this article, traditional supply chain planning models are extended to simultaneously optimize inventory policies. The
inventory policies considered are the (r,Q) and (s,S) policies. In the (r,Q) inventory policy an order for Q units is placed
every time the inventory level reaches level r, while in the s,S policy the inventory is reviewed in predefined intervals. If the
inventory is found to be below level s, an order is placed to bring the level back to level S. Additionally, to address demand
uncertainty four safety stock formulations are presented: (1) proportional to throughput, (2) proportional to throughput
with risk-pooling effect, (3) explicit risk-pooling, and (4) guaranteed service time. The models proposed allow simultaneous
optimization of safety stock, reserve, and base stock levels in tandem with material flows in supply chain planning. The
formulations are evaluated using simulation. © 2018 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 65:
99–112, 2019
Keywords: supply chain optimization, production planning, inventory control, mixedinteger, programming

Introduction determined, because multiperiod planning models include

inventory balance constraints.4 This indicates that given a
Supply chain management can be viewed as a demand
demand forecast it is possible to determine the exact timing
propagation problem. The last stage in the chain is the distri-
and amount of inventory replenishments. However, in practice
bution of finished goods to end customers. Most operations
warehouses are actually managed in terms of policies, which
upstream from that stage are driven by an action taken by the
are simple rules that dictate when to replenish an inventory
customer, either walking into a store to purchase a product or
and the corresponding replenishment amount. The definition
placing an order to have the product delivered. As the of the policy parameters is typically done using average
expected service time is normally much smaller than the pro- demand and lead time as input, using defined mathematical
duction lead time, the demand of a customer must be antici- expressions, historical data, or using simulation.19 In this arti-
pated through a forecast. This is the origin of most decisions cle, we resolve the discrepancy between the inventory curves
involved in a supply chain. The optimization of a supply obtained from a planning model and the implementation of
chain plan becomes the estimation of the optimal decisions inventory policies by proposing mixed-integer programming
to respond to a given demand forecast. The main difficulty is models capable of simultaneously determining the optimal
that a forecast is estimated, as demands are uncertain. Fur- flows and the inventory policy parameters. García-Herreros
thermore, to address the mismatch between lead times and et al.15 propose logic formulations to implement inventory pol-
required service times, inventory is held at different stages of icies in production systems with arrangements of inventories
the process. in series and in parallel. They optimize the inventory policy
An optimal supply chain plan defines the amount of mate- parameters using stochastic programming. The policy consid-
rial transported between facilities at any given time period ered is a simple basestock policy to approximate multistage-
within the planning horizon. When determining these flows, stochastic programming formulations. In this article, we con-
the inventory levels at the storage facilities are simultaneously sider a general derivation for traditional inventory policies
commonly used in practice, using deterministic models that
This contribution was identified by Dr. Chrysanthos Gounaris (Carnegie Mellon consider the expected value of demands.
University) as the Best Presentation in the session Supply Chain Logistics and Opti-
mization of the 2017 AIChE Annual Meeting in Minneapolis.
The first policy considered in this article is the continuous
review (r,Q).14 When the inventory reaches level r, a replen-
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to I. E. Grossmann at ishment order for Q units is placed. Methods proposed to
determine the (r,Q) policy parameters include heuristics,22 and
© 2018 American Institute of Chemical Engineers unconstrained optimization.12 The second policy considered is

AIChE Journal January 2019 Vol. 65, No. 1 99

the periodic review (s,S). The inventory is reviewed in defined satisfy the demand forecast. The objective is to minimize the
periods. If the level is below s, an order to bring back the transportation and inventory costs.
inventory position to S is placed. To determine the policy To address this problem, a multiperiod linear programming
parameters several methods including heuristics,29 and model (LP) is formulated as defined by Eqs. 1–7.
simulation-based optimization2 have been proposed. For both
policies, previous works based on constrained optimization Max TCij xijt + TCjk xjkt + TCkc xkct
have found it difficult to solve the resulting models. In this i j t j k t k c t
work, we propose a mixed-integer linear programming model, XX XX
+ HCj invjt + HCk invkt ð1Þ
which provides feasible alternatives for practical applications. t t
j k
The uncertainty in the demand must also be addressed to X
prevent stockouts. Uncertainty can be considered either using s:t: xkct ¼ Dct 8k, t ð2Þ
a stochastic programming model or considering safety stocks. k
Stochastic optimization problems are still very challenging to X X X
invjt ¼ invjt −1 + xijt − xjkt − xjct 8j, t ð3Þ
solve. Thus, the problem size they can address is limited. On i k c
the other hand, safety stock9 is an old and intuitive concept, X X
although its incorporation in supply chain planning models is invkt ¼ invkt − 1 + xjkt − xkct 8i, t ð4Þ
quite recent.7 In this article, we present and analyze four alter- j c

natives to estimate the optimal amount of safety stock in a sup- invj0 ¼ InitInvj 8j ð5Þ
ply chain planning context. The safety stock formulations
invjT ¼ InitInvj 8j ð6Þ
considered are: (1) proportional to throughput, (2) proportional
to throughput with risk-pooling effect, (3) explicit risk-pooling, xijt , xjkt ,xkct ≥ 0,invjt ≤ MaxInvj , invkt ≤ MaxInvk ð7Þ
and (4) guaranteed service time.
The literature on inventory models is extensive, from the In the model, index i is a supplier, j is a distribution center,
work of Arrow, Karlin, and Scarf1 to the study of optimal k is a retailer, c is a customer, and t is the time period. The
inventory management in a variety of situations. However, the parameter TC is the transportation cost, HC is the inventory
inclusion of inventory models for safety stock and inventory holding cost, MaxInv is the warehouse capacity, and D is the
policies in a mathematical programming framework has been demand. The variables inv and x represent inventory and flow,
limited. In previous approaches, the safety stock is considered respectively. To reduce the impact of the initial inventory,
as a fixed parameter that acts as a lower bound for the inven- both initial and final inventories (period 0 and period T) have
tory.23,26 Jackson and Grossmann18 and Lim and Karimi20 been set equal to the initial inventory parameter InitInv (Eqs. 5
also consider the safety stock as fixed lower bound for inven- and 6). It is possible to hold inventory at the distribution cen-
tory, but they also include a penalty term in the objective func- ters (DC) and also at the retailers. Although it is possible to
tion to penalize the violation of this bound. consider a single type of warehouse, we consider DCs sepa-
Shen et al.24 propose a mixed-integer nonlinear program- rated from retailers to explicitly illustrate the effects of safety
ming (MINLP) formulation for the location of facilities that stock in multi-echelon systems.
explicitly includes the risk-pooling effect.10 The model was The replenishment decisions are encoded in the flow vari-
used by Miranda and Garrido21 and extended by You and ables, xijt and xjkt. When the demand forecast is accurate, these
Grossmann27 to incorporate variable coefficient of variation variables will match the decision that needs to be implemen-
(variance to mean ratio) between customers. Because of the ted. However, if the error in the forecast is larger the imple-
nonlinearities, these models are difficult to solve, and the size mented decisions will deviate from the optimized variables.
of problem they can address is limited. Diabat and Theodorou8 We assume that this deviation, if present, is moderate. There-
proposed a general linearization for the model to formulate a fore, the decisions implemented in practice are similar to those
mixed-integer linear programming model (MILP). Recently, prescribed by the optimization model. To handle potential
Brunaud et al.5 proposed a piecewise-linear formulation for deviations, it is assumed that for each DC and retailer, there is
the problem and showed that the approximation yields similar a preferred replenishment route that needs to be determined by
results to the MINLP formulation. You and Grossmann28 inte- solving the model. Thus, the model also provides a list of
grated the guaranteed service level concept proposed by16 in sourcing priorities for each warehouse, determined by sorting
MINLP models. the sources by amount of volume assigned during the optimi-
The formulations proposed in this article provide a wide zation. For example, if Retailer 2 received a total of 1200 units
array of options to model a wide range of applications. The from DC 1, and 300 units from DC 2, DC 1 will be the pre-
problem is described in section Problem Description; the for- ferred source. The replenishment variables, together with the
mulations for inventory policies are presented in section priority list and optimized policies guide the inventory man-
Modeling of Inventory Policies. Safety stock is considered in ager in deciding the timing, amount, and source of inventory
section Safety Stock Modeling. A case study with optimiza- replenishments. This is implemented in the simulation from
tion and simulation results is presented in sections Case Study section Simulation of the Supply Chain. If DC 1 is not able to
and Simulation of the Supply Chain, respectively. meet the replenishment order, then the order is fulfilled by the
secondary source, DC 2.
Provided there is enough production capacity and the total
lead time is less than the delivery time required by the cus-
Problem Description tomer, the above model yields a solution with zero inventory.
A supply-chain network structure is given, including sup- This would be the situation of a just-in-time operation. Every
pliers, warehouses, retailers, and a number of customers order would need to be moved throughout the supply chain in a
(Figure 1). It is required to determine the optimal material flows single day. For most supply chains, this is neither feasible nor
and inventory levels in the distribution centers and retailers to practical. Itwould require frequent replenishment orders to the

100 DOI 10.1002/aic Published on behalf of the AIChE January 2019 Vol. 65, No. 1 AIChE Journal
Figure 1. Supply chain network structure.

warehouses, which would not be accepted by inventory man- knowledge, the main inventory policies have not been incor-
agers. A partial solution would be to incorporate the cost of porated in supply chain planning models despite being used in
placing an order. This cost does not depend on the amount practice. Garcia-Herreros et al.15 incorporated a basestock
ordered. Binary variables yijt and yjkt are added to the model inventory policy and optimized its parameters using stochastic
(LP) to indicate when an order is placed to replenish the inven- programming.
tory. For now, we assume there is no replenishment lead time. In the following sections, the base MILP model will be
To consider ordering cost Eqs. 8–10 are added to the model. extended by including blocks of constraints to model inventory
policies (sectio Modeling of Inventory Policies) and to handle
xijt ≤ MaxInvj yijt 8i, j, t ð8Þ safety stock (section Safety Stock Modeling). Figure 3 summa-
xjkt ≤ MaxInvk yjkt 8j, k, t ð9Þ rizes the formulations that are developed. A complete model is
generated by the combination of the base model with an inven-
yijt , yjkt 2 f0, 1g ð10Þ
tory policy and a safety stock formulation. It is also possible to
In addition, the order cost is added to the objective not consider inventory policies or safety stock. The combination
! of these elements yields 15 possible models, using one inven-
X XX XX tory policy option from the set P = {None, (r, Q), (s, S)}, and
OrderCost ¼ COij yijt + COjk yjkt ð11Þ one safety stock option from the set S = {None, Proportional,
t i j j k
Piecewise, Explicit, Guaranteed}. For example, a model can be
generated using the base model (Eqs. 1–7) with an (r,Q) policy,
where CO is the fixed ordering cost for placing a replenish-
and explicit risk-pooling safety stock.
ment order. For a small-sized problem like the one from
Figure 1, the model MILP is solved in under a second. The
inventory curves obtained are presented in Figure 2. The Modeling of Inventory Policies
model solved to obtain the curves from Figure 2 is formulated Traditionally, the decision parameters for an inventory pol-
with Eqs. 2–10. The objective function is the summation of icy are obtained from historical data or calculations based on
Eqs. 1 and 11. average demand and lead times. Here, we present formulations
The curves from Figure 2 resemble the inventories observed for planning models that explicitly optimize the parameters of
in practice. However, they are obtained for a specific, usually inventory policies. The development from this section is gen-
average, demand forecast. Deviations from the demand fore- eral enough to accommodate other policies tailored to a spe-
cast are likely to occur in practice. The output of the model cific application.
does not indicate how to react if this happens. Because of the
dynamic behavior of demand, inventory is usually managed in
terms of policies, which are simple rules that dictate when to
replenish an inventory and the replenishment amount. To our Base Model
Inventory Policy

800 Supply
Safety Stock

600 r,Q


200 Guaranteed
5 10 15 20 25 30

Period Figure 3. Schematics of the different options to formu-

Figure 2. Inventory curves for model including fixed late supply chain planning models with inven-
ordering cost. tory policies and safety stock.
[Color figure can be viewed at] [Color figure can be viewed at]

AIChE Journal January 2019 Vol. 65, No. 1 Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/aic 101
xijt − Qj ≤ MaxInvj 1− yjt 8j, t ð17Þ
− xijt + Qj ≤ MaxInvj 1 − yjt 8j, t ð18Þ
xijt ≤ MaxInvj yjt 8j,t ð19Þ

wjt , yjt 2 f0, 1g 8j, t ð20Þ
rj , Qj ≥ 0 8j ð21Þ
where ϵ is a small positive tolerance (e.g., ϵ = 0.0001).

Periodic-review (s,S) policy

Period In many applications, continuously checking the inventory
Figure 4. (r,Q) policy example. level might not be practical or even possible. In others, stocks
[Color figure can be viewed at] are replenished on certain days of the week. In these cases, the
inventory is reviewed over defined intervals. The decision of
placing a replenishment order or not, and the amount of the
Continuous-review (r,Q) policy order depend on the inventory level at the moment the inven-
tory is reviewed. When the inventory is below a threshold level,
Under the (r, Q) policy the inventory level is continuously
an order to replenish the inventory position to a specified base
reviewed. When the on-hand inventory reaches the level r, an
stock level is placed. For example, the inventory level can be
order with lead time L is placed for Q units of product. An
reviewed every p days. Let us call the inventory level at this
example of an inventory curve using this policy is presented
period invt. If the on-hand inventory is below a defined level s,
in Figure 4.
an order is placed to restore the inventory position to level S,
As the (r,Q) policy requires continuous review of the inven-
that is, S − invt units are ordered. An example of an inventory
tory level, it is best suited for continuous time models. For
curve using this policy is presented in Figure 5.
discrete-time planning models, considered in this article, the
We now derive a formulation to obtain the review fre-
condition of having the inventory level at r to place an order
quency, starting day, and levels s and S as outputs of a supply
must be relaxed to place an order when the inventory is lower
chain planning model. The derivation is presented for a distri-
than or equal to r. For simplicity with the nomenclature, when
bution center j. However, the steps are analogous for a
we refer to (r,Q) policy in this article it is assumed that an
retailer k.
order is placed when the inventory is lower or equal to r.
First, we define a replenishment pattern matrix that indicates
From the modeling standpoint, the policy can be formulated
the days on which replenishment is allowed (Table 1). The
using the following logic: if the inventory is less than or equal
review frequency and the starting day identify each pattern.
to level r at a given period a replenishment order is placed,
The reader may notice that any custom review pattern can be
unless an order had been already placed, which is represented
by Eqs. 12 and 13
Next, a binary variable, rpjn, associated with the use of a
t pattern is defined. The variable takes a value of 1 if review
invjt − L ≤ rj , _ yjτ 8j, t > 1 + L ð12Þ pattern n is chosen at distribution center j. The selection of a
τ¼t −L + 1
X given pattern dictates if a replenishment is allowed in a given
yjt ) xijt ¼ Qj 8j, t ð13Þ period. A new variable, rajt, is used to indicate a replenish-
ment is allowed at distribution center j in period t. The two
variables are linked by the constraint from Eq. 22. As a higher
where the _ operator from Eq. 12 represents an exclusive OR
frequency of review indirectly increases the operational costs,
operator. The formulation allows for a replenishment to come
from multiple sources. However, this is unlikely to happen in
the optimal solutions because of the ordering cost. In a deter-
ministic scenario, the variable xijt encodes all replenishment
flows, for a realistic scenario, like the simulation from
section Simulation of the Supply Chain, the replenishment is
placed according to the sourcing priorities obtained from the

optimization output. The logical propositions can be reformu-

lated with the following mixed-integer constraints:
invjt − L − rj ≤ MaxInvj 1− wjt 8j,t > 1 + L ð14Þ s

yjτ ¼ wjt 8j, t > 1 + L ð15Þ
τ¼t − L + 1
− MaxInvj yjτ + ϵ ≤ invjt −L − rj 8j,t > 1 + L ð16Þ L L Period
τ¼t − L + 1 Review Review

Figure 5. s,S inventory policy example.

[Color figure can be viewed at]

102 DOI 10.1002/aic Published on behalf of the AIChE January 2019 Vol. 65, No. 1 AIChE Journal
Table 1. Replenishment Policy Matrix
Pattern Mo Tu We Th Fr Mo Tu We Th Fr Mo Tu We Th Fr
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
3 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
4 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
5 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0
6 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
7 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
8 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0
9 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
10 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
11 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
12 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
13 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
14 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0
15 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1

a penalty term associated to the pattern chosen is included. Finally, once a replenishment has been decided, the replen-
For example, in the case of supply contracts, the ability of ishment amount must bring back the inventory position to S.
receiving frequent replenishments is a premium. This is represented by the disjunction in Eq. 35, and reformu-
X lated using Big-M in Eqs. 36–39.
rpjn ¼ rajt 8j,t ð22Þ 2 3 2 3
X Yjt X¬Yjt
4 xijt ¼ Sj − invjt − L 5 _ 4 xijt ≤ 0 5 8j, t > 1 + L ð35Þ
rpjn , rajt 2 f0, 1g ð23Þ
j j
where Nt is the set of patterns that allow a replenishment on xijt − Sj + invjt − L ≤ M 1 − yr jt 8j, t > 1 + L ð36Þ
period t. Flow into the distribution center j is only allowed if i
rajt is 1 (Eq. 24). X  
X − xijt + Sj − invjt −L ≤ M 1− yr jt 8j, t > 1 + L ð37Þ
xijt ≤ Mrajt 8j, t ð24Þ i
i xijt ≤ Myr jt 8j, t ð38Þ
Clearly, only one replenishment pattern must be chosen.
X Sj ≥ 0 ð39Þ
rpjn ¼ 1 8j ð25Þ
n where Yjt is the Boolean variable associated with yrjt. Note that
Having defined the constraints to ensure the replenishment in introduction of Eq. 38 makes Eq. 24 redundant, our experi-
the days allowed by the selected replenishment pattern, one has ments indicate that removing the constraint does not have an
to enforce that the replenishment is done when the on-hand effect in the LP relaxation of the problem. The inventory curve
inventory is below s. For this purpose, a new variable, rrjt, is for the example using this formulation is presented in
defined to indicate when a replenishment is required at distribu- Figure 6.
tion center j in period t. With the new variable, the logical con-
dition that represents the inventory requirement is given as
Eq. 26, and formulated as the constraints in Eqs. 27–29. Safety Stock Modeling
To handle the uncertainty on the demand and prevent stock-
invjt − L ≤ sj , rr jt 8j, t > 1 + L ð26Þ outs, a safety stock must be included. In this section, we ana-
− M rr jt + ϵ ≤ invjt − L − sj 8j, t > 1 + L ð27Þ lyze four alternatives to incorporate safety stock in supply
  chain models.
invjt − L − sj ≤ M 1− rrjt 8j,t > 1 + L ð28Þ
sj ≥ 0,rr jt 2 f0,1g ð29Þ Safety stock under normally distributed demand
where, ϵ represents a small tolerance. A replenishment will When the demand is normally distributed with mean μ and
happen when it is required and allowed. The variable yrjt indi- variance σ 2, a safety stock must be kept to hedge against the
cates if replenishment is actually performed at period t. The variation of the demand during the replenishment lead time
corresponding logical condition is given by Eq. 30, and repre- (L). When combined with an (s,S) policy, the safety stock
sented as constraints by Eqs. 31–34. must hedge against the variation during L + P periods, where
P is the review frequency defined by the replenishment policy
rajt ^ rrjt , yr jt 8j,t ð30Þ selected from Table 1. When demands are assumed indepen-
dent and identically distributed (iid), the safety stock is pro-
rajt + rr jt ≤ yr jt + 1 8j,t ð31Þ
portional to the number of standard deviations that must be
yr jt ≤ rajt 8j, t ð32Þ kept in inventory.11 For the rest of the article, all demands are
assumed to be identical?
yr jt ≤ rr jt 8j, t ð33Þ
yr jt 2 f0, 1g ð34Þ ss ¼ z Lσ ð40Þ

AIChE Journal January 2019 Vol. 65, No. 1 Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/aic 103
Figure 6. Inventory curve for retailer 2 using the (s,S) policy.
[Color figure can be viewed at]

where ss is the safety stock, and z is the inverse cumulative Equation 43 is included in all models with safety stock. The
normal distribution coefficient for a given service level following sections explore different options to optimize the
required. For example, to obtain a service level of 95%, the safety stock variable, ssk.
value of z is 1.65.
Piecewise linear with risk-pooling
Proportional to throughput Eppen10 showed that when more customers are served by
the same warehouse, unexpected increases in the demand of
Analyzing Eq. 40, it can be observed that the safety stock is one customer are offset by the decrease in the demand of
proportional to the service level, the standard deviation of the another customer. Thus, the joint standard deviation decreases.
demand, and the square root of the lead time. Considering that This is known as the “risk-pooling effect.”
the service level is given, the lead time is constant and that the Brunaud et al.5 proposed a piecewise linear formulation to
standard deviation is proportional to the throughput, we estab- capture this effect. It is based on recognizing that the higher
lish the following relationship for the safety stock the throughput, the likelihood to be serving more customers
increases, and thus the standard deviation is reduced. Mathe-
β LXX matically, the idea is to decrease the β parameter from Eq. 41
ssk ¼ xkct 8k ð41Þ with the increase in the throughput. This leads to a piecewise
jT j c t
linear representation of the safety stock, using Special Ordered
ssk ≥ 0 ð42Þ Sets of Type II (SOS2).3 Besides being ordered, the variables
in these kinds of set meet an additional adjacency condition:
The proportionality of the standard deviation with the no more than two variables can be nonzero at a time. The non-
throughput is explained by two factors: zero variables must be adjacent. Variables of these kind are set
1. The magnitude of the variability in the demand of a to each of the breakpoints of the piecewise-linear function,
given customer is characterized by its coefficient of variation and are used to interpolate and obtain the safety stock. The
σ=μ. When serving a single customer an increase in demand is piecewise-linear approximation, which is computationally
also reflected with an increase in the mean demand, and the more efficient than the logarithmic approximation proposed by
standard deviation. Cafaro and Grossmann,6 is given by the following constraints,
2. An increase in the throughput is also an indirect indica- XX X
tor of an increase of the number of customers that are being xkct ¼ λkn SSxn 8k ð44Þ
served by a given warehouse, which also increases the stan- c t n
dard deviation at the warehouse (see section Piecewise linear X
with risk-pooling). ssk ¼ λkn SSyn 8k ð45Þ
This relationship indicates that a retailer serving a larger X
volume is more at risk of being affected by steep demand vari- λkn ¼ 1 8k ð46Þ
abilities. Therefore, it should hold a higher safety stock. The n
parameter β indicates the level of stockout risk defined, for λkn 2 ½0, 1, SOS2 8k, n ð47Þ
example, we can consider β to be 20%. In this case, the safety
stock would be 20% of the daily throughput at the retailer where (SSx, SSy) are the breaking points of the piecewise lin-
multiplied by the square root of the replenishment lead time. ear function (Figure 7).
Equation 41 provides a method to optimize the safety stock The key assumption made is that the throughput level
based on the throughput through the retailer. In previous relates to the number of customers served, and thus to the
works, the safety stock was not a variable but a given parame- level of risk-pooling employed. To illustrate the validity of
ter.18,20,26 In the proposed formulation, the safety stock is used this assumption consider an example with a single warehouse
as a lower bound for the inventory (Eq. 43). serving up to six customers. Each customer has a given
demand with variance σ 2c , and let yc be a binary variable indi-
invkt ≥ ssk 8k,t ð43Þ
cating that the warehouse is serving customer c. y is a vector

104 DOI 10.1002/aic Published on behalf of the AIChE January 2019 Vol. 65, No. 1 AIChE Journal
Figure 7. Safety stock piecewise linear function. Figure 9. Piecewise-linear approximation of the safety
stock as a function of throughput.
containing each yc as its components. For example, a value [Color figure can be viewed at]
y = (1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0) indicates that the warehouse serves the
first and third customers. For each of the 64 possible values of where k represents the retailer and Ck is the set of all cus-
the vector y it is possible to compute the safety stock with the tomers served by retailer k. In order to correctly allocate the
following expression27. portion of the standard deviation affecting each retailer, the
X fraction of demand served must be defined (wkc), a continuous
ss ¼ z L σ 2c yc ð48Þ variable between 0 and 1. This is an extension of the work of
c You and Grossmann,27 which considered the case of wkc being
The value of the safety stock for each value of the vector binary variables.
y is presented in Figure 8. The shape of the points represents X X
the number of customers being served by the warehouse. xkct ¼ wkc Dckt ð50Þ
t t
The values from Figure 8 can be approximated by a
piecewise-linear function relating the throughput to the safety wkc 2 ½0,1 ð51Þ
stock (see Figure 9). Then, the safety stock can be explicitly expressed
by Eq. 52,
Explicit risk pooling pffiffiffirffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
X ffi
ssk ¼ z L wkc σ 2c ð52Þ
Daskin et al.7 incorporate safety stock with risk-pooling c
effect in an MINLP formulation, and solved it using Lagran-
gean relaxation.13 You and Grossmann27 and Miranda and The inclusion of Eq. 52 leads to a nonconvex MINLP for-
Garrido21 also used a similar formulation. mulation, which requires for its solution global optimization
In this formulation, the standard deviation at a retailer is the methods that are limited in problem size.
geometric sum of the standard deviations of the customers
served, Guaranteed service time
X ffi In the previous formulation, the replenishment lead time
σk ¼ σ 2c ð49Þ was considered constant. The guaranteed service time
c2Ck approach16 allows to explicitly include the quoted service time
in the Net Lead Time (NLT). For a retailer k quoting a service
time STkc to its customers, it is the committed time to have an
order ready to be shipped. The NLT is given by Eq. 53.
NLT kc ¼ ST jk + Ljk − ST kc 8j,k ð53Þ
The NLT for a given distribution center depends on the
offered service time, the upstream service time, and the lead
time. In the extreme case, when NLT = 0, there is no need to
hold inventory. The system operates in a just-in-time mode.
This term can be included in the safety stock computa-
tion (Eq. 54).
ssk ¼ z wkc NLT kc σ 2c 8k ð54Þ

In the case direct shipments from distribution centers to cus-

tomers are allowed, the safety stock expression at the distribu-
Figure 8. Safety stock value for each possible value of tion center must also include a term to account for this
the vector y. demand (Eq. 55). The demand fraction of a distribution center
[Color figure can be viewed at] servicing a retailer is defined by Eq. 56.

AIChE Journal January 2019 Vol. 65, No. 1 Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/aic 105
Figure 10. Supply chain planning topology for the case study.

The service time for a customer STkc, STjc and the service
Table 2. Model Equations Summary time offered by the supplier STij are normally exogenous
parameters. However, the internal service time STjk can be
Feature Equations considered as a parameter or as an optimization variable.
Base model (1)–(7)
Inventory policy
(r,Q) (14)–(21)
(s,S) (24)–(39) Case Study
Safety stock The proposed models are designed to achieve better coor-
Proportional (41)–(43)
Piecewise (43)–(47) dination between tactical planning and inventory manage-
Explicit (50)–(52), (43) ment. To analyze the applicability of these formulations, a
Guaranteed (53)–(57), (43) case study is optimized with each of the policies and pro-
posed safety stock models. The case study includes a single
supplier, two distribution centers, two retailers, and four
rX X ffi customers, as seen in Figure 10. Two of them are served
ssj ¼ z wjc NLT jc σ 2c + wjk NLT jk σ 2k 8j ð55Þ exclusively by retailers while the other two can be served
c k by either a retailer or a distribution center. The planning
wjk xkct ¼ xjkt 8j, k ð56Þ horizon is 30 days. Data for the case study is included in
c t t Appendix A. A single inventory policy must be established
for the entire period. The problems are modeled using
where σ k is calculated with a weighted average of the variance Pyomo17 on an Intel i7 quad-core computer with 16 Gb
of the customers being served by the retailer k. RAM. Gurobi 7.5 is used to solve the mixed-integer pro-
X gramming models (MILP), and Baron 17.1025 is used to
σ 2k ¼ wkc σ 2c ð57Þ solve the MINLP models.
x The models solved are defined by the type of inventory pol-
icy selected, and the type of safety stock. Table 2 indicates the
equations included in the model for both features.

Figure 11. Inventory curve for retailer 1 without inventory policy.

[Color figure can be viewed at]

106 DOI 10.1002/aic Published on behalf of the AIChE January 2019 Vol. 65, No. 1 AIChE Journal
Figure 12. Inventory curve for retailer 2 without inventory policy.
[Color figure can be viewed at]

Figure 13. Inventory curve for retailer 1 with (r,Q) policy.

[Color figure can be viewed at]

For example, a model with an (r,Q) policy and piecewise Inventory policies
safety stock is defined by Eqs. 1–7, 14–21, and 43–47. When no inventory policy is employed, the inventory curve
from Figure 11 is obtained for retailer 1, and Figure 12 for
retailer 2.

Figure 14. Inventory curve for retailer 1 with (s,S) policy.

[Color figure can be viewed at]

AIChE Journal January 2019 Vol. 65, No. 1 Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/aic 107
Table 3. Policy Parameters for All the Facilities
(r,Q) policy (s,S) policy
r Q s S Frequency
DC 1 925 1243 852 1134 2
DC 2 0 3089 345 1304 2
Retailer 1 109 590 246 718 3
Retailer 2 170 500 330 839 3

Table 4. Computational Statistics of the Models for Inventory Table 5. Safety Stock Values Obtained for All Facilities with
Policies Each Formulation
None (r,Q) (s,S) Proportional Piecewise Explicit Guaranteed
Constraints 767 1347 1935 DC 1 462.3 147.1 337.3 345.7
Variables 1106 1238 1546 DC 2 240.7 121.8 427.2 436.0
Binaries 155 279 583 Retailer 1 21.8 36.3 165.4 165.4
Objective (k$) 4559 4542 4620 Retailer 2 33.9 56.3 237.9 237.2
Solution time (s) 0.1 71.4 65.4

The supply operation for retailer 1 is uneven in amount and replenish again with three orders in a row in periods 28, 29,
frequency. In periods 3 and 5, two replenishments are made, and 30. Furthermore, the orders for periods 28 and 29 are
then there is no replenishment for a long part of the month, to very small. It is unlikely that an inventory manager can

Figure 15. Inventory curves using MILP formulations for safety stock, (“None” indicates the base case).
[Color figure can be viewed at]

Figure 16. Inventory curves using MINLP formulations for safety stock.
[Color figure can be viewed at]

108 DOI 10.1002/aic Published on behalf of the AIChE January 2019 Vol. 65, No. 1 AIChE Journal
Table 6. Computational Statistics of the Models for Safety Stock to Reach 0.5% Gap
None Proportional Piecewise Explicit Guaranteed
Constraints 767 771 1351 785 785
Variables 1106 1110 1242 1120 1126
Binaries 155 155 155 155 155
Objective (k$) 4517 4511 4499 4526 4531
Solution time (s) 0.1 s 0.1 s 0.1 s 1.8 s 2.5 s
Solver Gurobi Gurobi Gurobi Baron Baron

execute that plan in practice. Coincidentally, the plan The policy obtained indicates that the inventory must be
obtained for retailer 2 is reasonable (see Figure 12), but the reviewed every 3 days. If the inventory is found to be under
result does not provide any directive on how to proceed if 245 units, a replenishment order to bring the inventory back to
the demand changes. 718 units is placed. In the example, the first replenishment
To improve the inventory management operations a policy order is for 580 units, and the second for 545 units, because
can be used. The inventory curve obtained by applying the the inventory level at period 9 was lower than the inventory
(r,Q) policy to retailer 1 is shown in Figure 13. The replenish- level at period 24.
ment orders are now the same size and correctly spaced. A The policy parameters obtained for all facilities are pre-
replenishment order for 590 units is placed every time the sented in Table 3. For the DC 2, the value of r obtained using
inventory reaches or goes under 109 units. the (r,Q) policy is close to 0, because only one replenishment
If the replenishment frequency is constrained, an (s,S) pol- is done during the entire horizon.
icy is more appropriate. The inventory curve obtained for The model statistics and results are shown in Table 4. All
retailer 1 using this policy is shown in Figure 14. models are MILPs, solved with Gurobi 7.5 with a 0.5% gap.

Figure 17. Inventory curve for retailer 1 with (s,S) policy with piecewise safety stock.
[Color figure can be viewed at]

Figure 18. Inventory curve for retailer 2 with (s,S) policy with piecewise safety stock.
[Color figure can be viewed at]

AIChE Journal January 2019 Vol. 65, No. 1 Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/aic 109
Table 7. Solution Times for Combinations of Piecewise Safety MINLP counterparts (explicit and guaranteed). However, as
Stock and (s,S) Inventory Policy mentioned before, the risk level at the MILP policies can be
easily adjusted. Furthermore, the proportional policy gives
Policy Safety stock Solution time (s)
similar result to the piecewise safety stock formulation for the
None None 0.1 retailers and very different for the DCs. The consideration of
None Piecewise 0.1
the risk-pooling effect makes the facilities with higher
(s,S) None 65
(s,S) Piecewise 73 throughput hold a lower safety stock than the proportional
case. This indicates that the proportional formulation can be
sufficient for single-echelon systems, but for multi-echelon
Safety stock systems a piecewise formulation might be more appropriate.
The explicit and guaranteed formulations gave very similar
In several of the examples shown in the previous results for the example. The effect of considering the net lead
section the planned inventory reached a zero or close to zero time is more important in systems with larger lead times,
level. Because the demand is uncertain allowing such low which is not the case of the case study.
inventories can lead to stockouts. To prevent stockouts from As the safety stocks obtained using the MINLP formula-
happening a safety stock is considered. The inventory curves tions were significantly larger than the MILP formulations,
obtained with proportional and piecewise safety stock without the objective value (cost) is also larger. They also have an
inventory policy are shown in Figure 15. Figure 16 features important impact in the solution time. Even for a small
the inventory curves using explicit and guaranteed safety stock example, the MINLP formulations take longer to solve,
formulations, also without inventory policy. although the times are actually quite reasonable. On the
As it can be seen in the curves, the results of the MINLP other hand, the proportional and piecewise formulations take
formulations in Figure 16 give similar results in the safety less time to solve and might be better suited for larger
stock level, and are more conservative than the result obtained problems.
with MILP formulations. The piecewise-linear formulation in
Figure 15 gives a higher safety stock for the retailers than the
proportional formulation. The opposite is true for the distribu- Models with safety stock and inventory policies
tion centers. Both models have adjustable parameters to Inventory policies can be combined with safety stock for-
change the risk level. The safety stocks obtained for all facili- mulations to yield optimal supply chain plans with clear
ties are presented in Table 5, and the computational statistics inventory management policies that hedge against stockouts.
in Table 6. The inventory curves obtained from using (s,S) policy together
As seen in Table 5, the MILP models yield low safety stock with a piecewise safety stock formulation are shown in
values for the retailers and larger for the distribution centers. Figure 17 for retailer 1, and in Figure 18 for retailer 2.
As these models relate safety stock to throughput, DCs require The consideration of safety stock increases the computational
a larger safety stock. The MILP formulations (proportional burden of the model. However, the inclusion of an inventory pol-
and piecewise), yield lower values of safety stock than their icy does not have the same impact. The combination of a safety

Figure 19. Simulation flowchart.

110 DOI 10.1002/aic Published on behalf of the AIChE January 2019 Vol. 65, No. 1 AIChE Journal
Table 8. Results of the Supply Chain Simulation with and models has been improved with the inclusion of inventory pol-
Without Safety Stocks. Average Service Level (SL) and icies to make them usable in real-world applications. Models
Standard Deviation (σ) for two of the main inventory policies were proposed. The
(r,Q), a continuous review policy, was adapted to a discrete
(r,Q) (s,S)
time formulation relaxing the requirement of having the inven-
SL σ SL σ tory level exactly at r to trigger a replenishment. The deriva-
None 94.8% 0.027 93.8% 0.035 tion of the (s,S) policy is general enough to accommodate
Proportional 95.2% 0.027 95.1% 0.032 other custom policies. The computational efficiency of models
Piecewise 95.5% 0.027 96.9% 0.025 including the (s,S) or the (r,Q) policy are similar. As expected,
Explicit 98.1% 0.018 98.8% 0.016
Guaranteed 98.4% 0.017 99.0% 0.015 the simulation results favor the (r,Q) policy because continu-
ously reviewing the inventory allows to react faster against
increases in the demand. Both inventory policies bring a sig-
nificant computational burden to the base model. However,
they also combine two decision levels: tactical and opera-
stock formulation with an inventory policy verifies the same tional. The combination of inventory planning with inventory
observation. The models combining a MINLP safety stock for- policies achieves the integration of tactical with operational
mulation with an inventory policy could not be solved in under decisions for distribution centers, warehouses, and retailers.
1 h, which limits their scope of application. Table 7 summarizes The models presented yield optimal planning solutions with
the solution times for the combination of (s,S) policy with piece- clear management policies to manage the warehouse inven-
wise safety stock. tory. They were put in practice with the simulation case study
with results meeting the target service levels.
Simulation of the Supply Chain Additionally, the different options to address uncertainty
The inventory curves of the model are meant to be used as through safety stock have been considered and extended. From
a guideline for the monthly plan. At the same time, the poli- the simulation results it is possible to conclude that the propor-
cies provide specific instructions on how to actually manage tional formulation yields good results for single-echelon sys-
the warehouse. To assess the quality of the models proposed, tems, and that the piecewise-linear formulation yields good
the process was simulated in Python using each of the policies results for both single and multiple echelon systems. The
and safety stock formulations. For each simulation, 1000 runs MINLP formulations, explicit risk-pooling and guaranteed ser-
were executed with demands randomly generated from the vice time, give conservative solutions and take a long time to
probability distribution of demand of the example. Inventory solve. Because of the significant computational burden added
policy parameters and a set of prioritized suppliers are by MINLP formulations, either a proportional or a piecewise-
obtained from the planning model. When inventory is not linear-formulation are recommended. The piecewise-linear is
available at the primary location for replenishment the second- preferred when the risk-pooling effect is specified.
ary supplier is used. The service level is measured as the per- This research takes an important step into bringing inven-
centage of customer orders that can be fulfilled on time. tory management theory closer to mathematical programming.
Figure 19 shows a flowchart of the simulation. Several additional concepts from inventory management could
The results of the simulation are presented in Table 8. The be considered in the future to develop richer supply chain
target service level at the time of optimizing the system planning models.
was 95%.
When no safety stock is considered, the plan does not reach
the target service level. With proportional and piecewise safety
stock formulations the target service level is reached, and sur- The authors acknowledge the financial support from Praxair
passed in the case of the piecewise formulation with (s,S) pol- Inc., the Center for Advanced Process Decision-making
icy. However, the standard deviation for that case is also (CAPD) from Carnegie Mellon University, and the Govern-
lower than the proportional formulation, making it more con- ment of Chile through its Becas Chile program.
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112 DOI 10.1002/aic Published on behalf of the AIChE January 2019 Vol. 65, No. 1 AIChE Journal

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