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Inna Thalleiah A.

Armada BEED 1 A
NSCI 110

UNIT 1: Introduction to Science, Technology and Society

Lesson 1: Nature of Science

Think about the questions:

1. Yes, it contributes to the growth of the economy. Unless you are
flat eater then Science is useless.

Assess you Knowledge!

Multiple Choices
1. C 6. C 11. C 16. A
2. C 7. B 12. C 17. B
3. C 8. B 13. D 18. A
4. C 9. D 14. C 19. D
5. C 10. B 15. B 20. B

Answer the question below!

- Science is viewed as a branch of knowledge or study dealing with
a body of facts or truths systematically arranged and showing the
operation of general laws. It may also be defined to include
systematic knowledge of the physical or material word
systematized knowledge in general knowledge of facts and
physical principles and knowledge gained by systematic study.
Lesson 2: Nature of Mathematics
Activity 1.2.1

1. Mathematics in the Science that deals with the logic of shape,

quantity and arrangement for example. If 1 cup water added to 3
cups of water and the abstract Mathematical operation 1+3= 4 is
used to calculate the total, the correct answer is 4 cups of water.
However if 1 cups of sugar are added to 3 cups of hot tea and the
same operations is used is an incorrect answer.
2. Often a single round of Mathematical reasoning does not produce
satisfactory conclusions and changes are tried in how the
presentation is made or in the operations themselves.

Assess your knowledge

1. English
2. Abstract
3. Theoretical Mathematics
4. Symbol
5. Consistent

Briefly Explain the Nature of Mathematics

-As a Science of abstract objects Mathematics relies on logic rather
than on observation as its standard of truth, yet employs observation
simulation and even experimentation as means of discovering truth.
Lesson 3: Nature of Technology
Assess your knowledge

1. In the picture above shows that the family is having their

own business using their phones. They have no time for
each other..
2. Technology is now necessity in Terms of everyday lives,
from education to navigating around a City. We heavily
rely on Technology for basic task, such as internet to
connect people from an area of the world business and
social reasons.
3. Some of the most divisive set of moral decorum wrought
by ethics involve what is situation where the interplay of
technology and humanity. What are the dilemma’s we
face because of technology advancement?
4. The best way to reconcile the need for technology and
dilemma’s it faces right now particularly in ethical is
intensive literacy of education.
5. Yes, there should be ethics even in technology. Ethics
refers to all the regulations and rules of decorum or
manners based on ideas about what is morally good and
bad. Ethics should exist in technology to prevent
unnecessary words, cyber bullying and several activities.
Unit 2: General Concepts in Science Technology and

Activity 2.1.1
1. The toothbrush, the microprocess and the torsio
1306 1517 1527 1543
2. ∟ Mona Liza ∟ Marthin ∟Sack of Rome ∟ Theory of
Luther’s as Heliocentrism
1558 1564
1582 1590

Queen Elizabeth Birth of Shakespear Gregovian Lalendor Compound


Think about these questions!

1. Technology has completely changed the way human live and
therefore has shaped human history, telephone, the internet ,
and engines allow people and goods to move place much quicker,
and we can communicated around the word constantly.

Lesson 2: Intellectual Revolutions:

Activity 2.2.1
1. Galileo was ordered turn into the holy office to begin the trial for
holding the belief that the earth revolves around the sun, which
was deemed heretical by the catholic church standard practice
demanded around accused be imprisoned and schedule during
2. It was during his Paduan Period that Galileo worked at much of
his. In 1611 he became a member of what is perhaps the first
Scientific. His major claim to fame probably comes from his trial
by the Catholic Inquisition and his purposed role.
3. >He was Catholic by the Inquisition to deny his views
>His life was a continuous struggle to defend Science from the
influenced of religious presodice
>He was condemned to home arrest for the rest of his life.

Activity 2.2.2
1. Human zoos
2. Human zoos also called ethnological or Negro villages, were 19 th
and 20th century public exhibits being usually in their natural or
primitive state.
3. The Monkey Boy, half ape and Giant Human zoos

Think about these questions!

1. They were very controversial because they defined the most
common and widely-accepted beliefs during the time. A perfect
example is when people used to believe that the Earth is the
center of the universe and that all stars, planet, and the sun
revolved around the Earth.
2. The intellectual revolution transformed societies by operating the
eyes and minds of the people. Before they lived within the
boundaries of controlling systems like religion, monarchies, cults
and others. Many societies before the revolution were unable to
think critically and were in way subject to being manipulated.

Lesson 3: Science. Technology and Nation Building

Activity 2.3.1
1. Corazon Aquino was the most prominent figure of the 986
people power Revolution while ended the 20 years rule of
President Marcus and led to the establishment of the current
democratic fifth Philippine Republic.

Think about these Questions!

1. The major contribution of Science and Technology to
Philippines national building are linked to its socio-economic
progress and it’s industrialization moving forward all the
discoveries and development of tools lead to more knowledge
and advancements in the field of Science.
2. The Scientific government policy that I like the most is Republic
Act. No. 2067 Act to promor Scientific, engineering and
technology Research, invention and development because this
policy encourage our scientist of innovation in Technological
advancement for the purpose of the public.

Unit 3
Lesson 1: Human Flourishing in Science and Technology
Think about these questions!
1. Technology brought changes in our modern, generation
everything else is revealed with the use of technology. Aside from
its function Technology make sense on what was the current living
when there is Technology.
2. So far, yes, so far we have been successful in developing
Technologies to serve human flourishing. The nation of flourishing
in this case labon saving invention to create more leisure time for
literature Scieince and arts are another significant invention was
washing machine.

Lesson 2: Human flourishing as Reflected in Progress and

1. United Nations renegotiated the New sustainable Development
Goals in which its main objective is to eradicate poverty in the
year 2030.
2. And the hard truth is that this global crisis is due almost entirely
to overconsumption in rich countries. Right now, our planet only
have enough resources for each for us consume 1.8 global
3. The Earth has a threshold of 1.9 hectares in order for its to
adequately sustaining life.
4. According to recent consumer research 70% of people in middle
and high income countries believe our consumption is putting our
planet and society at risk. A similar majority also believe we
should strive to buy and own tress and hat doing so would not
compromise our happiness.
5. We should be thinking of ways to get rich countries to catch down
to more appropriate levels of development.
6. One way to make sure you get the most of everything is to ensure
that you reduce your consumption be it of good service or even
the internet so that you can focus on things that really matters.
When you only get what you need what you consume, you leave
reason available for other people.

Think about these questions!

1. We need to change our paradigm of growth and consumption to
that of development for us to have a sustainable economy
worldwide. It is idea of glaring each country’s economy towards
equality and not quantity.
2. One way to make sure you get the most of everything is to ensure
that you reduce your consumption, be it of good, service or even
the interest so that you can focus on things that really matter.
Lesson 3: The Good Life
Activity 3.3.1
Think about these questions:
1. Good life is related to Science it Science that provides good life for
everyone and at the same time. It is the quest for good life that
focus Science. In this vast world where number of inventions are
rapidly growing. Science made the lines of many convenient.
2. Technology leads to a good life as it is responsible for
advancement in all sectors of the economy. It is because it
provide us a means to achieve something faster and in easier
manner. Modern Technology has led to evolution of several
devices such as the smartphones, computer abd etc.

Assess your knowledge

1. B 6. B
2. C 7. A
3. C 8. D
4. B 9. B
5. B 10. D

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