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MAY 24,2022


Technology affects everyone! Whether positive or negative, we are all

affected, how it manifests itself into problems for youth will be studied and
debated for years. Balancing technology throughout the educational process and
keeping with current trends and uses of technology will affect everyone.
Technology has transformed our youth’s daily and social lives. Socializing is not
just talking face to face, it’s our ability to interact, learn, and create original
thought. Technology hindering today’s youth and their ability to socialize is
affecting their capacity to read, write, and communicate. Today’s youth depends
on careful considerations for the implementation of technologies. Our youth do
not have the capability to convey their emotions through the use of technology,
understand sadness, happiness or joy through simple text or emails.
Communicating through the use of text, chat, and social network sites is lost using
abbreviations and slang, inhibiting the use of the Standard English language.
Using computers and handheld devices for relationships, reading, writing, and
entertainment, turning them into introverted and socially inept individuals.
Since technology is integrated into young people’s lives, it is vital to
discuss how technology affects them positively and negatively. First, it has helped
youths to accomplish what was formerly not achievable. They are able to make
communication efficiently and effectively. Additionally, in education, it has help in
research and students share their learning ideas through active participation in
online discussions. On the other hand, it has negatively affected the youths. This
is because it has induced attention deficit and created digital divides as well as
complicated life of youths. It has hurt education because of changed educational
values and shared behaviors of young people. This is because student spend to
much of time in watching pornographies. Moreover, it has changed their writing
style. This is because students have developed vague acronyms and abbreviations
thus resulting to poor performance in learning institutions.


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