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Half Yearly Examinations-(2020-2021)

Class: X
Subject: Biology

Time: 2 Hours M.M.80

Attempt all questions from Section I and any four questions from Section II.

The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ].

SECTION I (40 Marks)

Attempt all questions from this Section

Question 1 [5]

(a) Name the following:

(i) The repeating components of each DNA strand length wise.

(ii) The complex structure consisting of DNA strand and core of histones.

(iii) The type of bond which join the complementary nitrogenous bases.

(iv) The three component of a nucleotide.

(v) A membrane that disappears during late prophase.

(b) Choose the correct answer from each of the four options given below: [5]

(i) What is responsible for guttation?

A. Osmotic pressure

B. Root pressure

C. Suction pressure

D. Capillarity
(ii) Most of the transpiration in tall trees occurs through

A. Stomata

B. Lenticels

C. Cuticle

D. Bark

(iii)During photosynthesis, the oxygen in glucose comes from:

A. CO2

B. Water

C. Both CO2 and water

D. Oxygen

(iv) Absorption of water by the plant cells by surface attraction is called:

A. Diffusion

B. Osmosis

C. Imbibition

D. Endosmosis

(v) A plant cell placed in a certain solution got plasmolysed. What was the kind of

A. Isotonic sugar solution

B. Hypotonic sugar solution

C. Hypertonic sugar solution

D. Isotonic salt solution

(c) Complete the following paragraph by filling in the blanks (i) to (v) with
appropriate words: [5]

To test a leaf for starch, the leaf is boiled in water to (i)__________. It is then

boiled in Methylated spirit to (ii)__________. The leaf is dipped in warm water

to soften it. It is placed in a petri dish, and (iii)__________ solution is added.

The region of the leaf which contains starch, turns (iv)__________ and the

region which does not contain starch, turns (v)__________.

(d) Match the items given in Column A with the most appropriate ones in Column

B and rewrite the correct matching pairs. [5]

Column A

(i) SA node

(ii) Cardiac -cycle

(iii) Defective haemoglobin in RBC

(iv) Muscle –fibres located in heart

(v) Liquid part of the blood without corpuscles

Column B

(a) Plasma

(b) Purkinje fiber

(c) Sickle cell anemia

(d) Pase maker

(e) 0.85 sec

(e) Correct the following statements if there is any mistake. [5]

(i) The four nitrogenous base in the DNA are Guanine, Thiamine, Adrenaline and

(ii) Genes are specific sequences of base on a chromosome.

(iii)A nucleotide is composed of a sulphate, a sugar (pentose) and a nitrogenous


(iv) Nucleosomes are groups of cytosine molecules surrounded by DNA strands.

(v) If there are 30 chromosomes in a cell there will be 23 chromatin fibres inside
the nucleus during interphase.

(f)Answer the following in ‘Yes’ or ‘No’:- [5]

(i) The blood flows through glomerulus under great pressure.

(ii) Glomerular filtrate consists of many substances such as water, salt, glucose

and white blood corpuscles.

(iii) Sodium chloride contained in glomerular filtrate is fully reabsorbed in the

renal tubule.

(iv) Besides the normal constituents, the urine may pass out excess vitamins but
not the antibiotics.

(v) Excessive uric acid and urine may produce kidney stones.

Study the picture and answer the questions: [5]

(i)Fill up the gaps in blank spaces (1-4), by writing the name of the correct items.

(ii) What phenomenon do the thick arrow A and B indicate?

(h) In each of the following sets of body parts or substances or processes, pick
out the one item which overall includes the remaining four: [5]

(i) Glomerular filtrate, Bowman’s capsule, ultra filtration, glomerulus, blood


(ii) Skin, liver, lungs, kidneys, excretion.

(iii)chlorophyll, water, chloroplast, diffusion, leaf.

(iv) Co2, bile pigments, water, excretion, urea.

(v) Papilla, medulla, hilum, kidney, pyramid

SECTION II (40 Marks)

Attempt any four questions from this Section

Question 2 [5]
(a) The diagram given below represents a stage during mitotic cell division.

Study it carefully and answer the questions that follow:

(i) Identify whether it is a plant cell or an animal cell.

(ii) Name the stage depicted in the diagram.

(iii) Name the stage that follows the one shown here. How is that stage

(iv)How will you differentiate between mitosis and meiosis on the basis of the
chromosome number in the daughter cells?

(v) Draw a neat, labelled diagram of duplicated chromosome.

(b) Write the functional activity against each of the following: [5]

(i) Chloroplast and............

(ii) Hydathodes and..........

(iii) Leaf spines and..........

(iv) Lenticels and..........

(v) Xylem and .............................................................

Question 3 [5]

(a) Study the diagram given below and answer the questions that follow:

(i) Name the process being studied in the above experiment.

(ii) Explain the process mentioned in (a) above.

(iii) Why is oil placed over water?

(iv) Mention any one adaptation found in the roots of plant which enable them to
carry out the process mentioned in (a).

(v) what do we observe with regard to the level of water when this set up is
placed in bright sunlight.
(b) A potted plant with variegated leaves was taken in order to prove a factor

necessary for photosynthesis. The potted plant was kept in the dark for 24 hours

and then placed in bright sunlight for a few hours. Observe the diagrams and

answer the questions. [5]

(i) What aspect of photosynthesis is being tested in the above diagram?

(ii) Represent the process of photosynthesis in the form of a balanced equation.

(iii) Why was the plant kept in the dark before beginning the experiment?

(iv) Draw a neat labelled diagram of a chloroplast.

(v) Define chlorophyll.

Question 4 [5]

(a)An apparatus as shown below was set up to investigate a physiological process

in plants. The setup was kept in sunlight for two hours. Droplets of water were
then seen inside the bell jar. Answer the questions that follow:
(i) Name the process being studied.

(ii) Explain the process named above in (a)

(iii) Why was the pot covered with a plastic sheet?

(iv) Mention one way in which this process is beneficial to plants.

(V) Suggest a suitable control for this experiment

(b) Define the following terms: [5]

(i)S phase (ii)Mitosis (iii)Active transport (iv) Transpiration pull (v) Potometers

Question 5 [5]

(a) (i) Explain the term osmoregulation.

(ii) Briefly describe the formation of glomerular filtrate.

(iii) Draw a labelled diagram of the longitudinal section of the human kidney.

(b) Differentiate between the following pairs: [5]

(i) Plasmolysis and deplasmolysis

(ii) Guttation and bleeding

(iii) Flaccidity and turgidity

(iv) Photosynthesis and respiration

(v) Turgor pressure and wall pressure

Question 6 [5]

(a) Given below is a diagram of a human blood smear.

Study the diagram and answer the questions that follow:

(i) Name the components numbered ‘1’ to ‘4’.

(ii) What is the average lifespan of the component numbered ‘1’?

(iii) Name the soluble protein found in part ‘4’ which forms insoluble threads

during clotting of blood.

(iv) Mention two structural differences between the parts ‘1’ and ‘2’.

(V) What is the other name of Red blood cells.

(b) Give reason for the following: [5]

(i) Green leaves are thin and broad.

(ii) Animals owe their existence to chlorophyll.

(iii)A higher rate of transpiration is recorded on a windy day rather on a calm day.
(iv)Excessive transpiration results in the wilting of the leaves.

(v)Water transpired as the water absorbed.

Question 7 [5]

(a) Given below is the diagram of an apparatus used to study a particular

phenomenon in plants.

Answer the following questions:

(i)Name the apparatus.

(ii)What is it used for?

(iii) What is the role played by the air –bubble in this experiment?

(iv)What is the use of the reservoir?

(v)What happens to the movement of the air bubble if the apparatus is kept in the

(b) Answer the following questions: [5]

(i) Potato cubes when placed in water become firm and increase in size. Give

(ii) Why are the stomata in most plants more numerous on the lower surface of a
leaf instead of being on the upper surface?

(iii) Glucose produced during photosynthesis is soon polymerized into starch.

What does polymerization mean?

(iv)Define carbon cycle.

(v)Give one example of food chain.

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