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Sure, I can help you create a plan to become a full stack web developer in 5

months. Here is a possible breakdown of the plan:

Month 1:

Learn HTML and CSS to build basic web pages and understand how to style them.
Learn JavaScript fundamentals, including variables, functions, and control flow.
Build some simple projects using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Month 2:

Dive deeper into JavaScript by learning about DOM manipulation, events, and
asynchronous programming.
Learn a popular JavaScript framework/library like React, Vue, or Angular.
Build more complex projects using the knowledge you've gained so far.
Month 3:

Learn a backend language like Python, Ruby, or Node.js.

Learn how to interact with databases using SQL or NoSQL.
Build a simple backend application that interacts with a database.
Month 4:

Learn a web framework for the backend like Django, Flask, Ruby on Rails, or
Build a more complex full-stack application that incorporates both frontend and
backend technologies.
Month 5:

Learn about web security and best practices.

Learn about deployment and hosting options for web applications.
Deploy and launch your full-stack application.
Of course, this plan is just a rough guide and you can adjust it based on your
learning speed and interests. It's important to also continuously practice and
build projects throughout the process. Good luck on your journey to becoming a full
stack web developer!

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