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Ques Your friend has not fared well in the recent examinations. Write a letter to
him/her expressing your concern. Give him/her some advice on how to score
better marks and offer to help him/her to improve his/her performance.

Ans 23, Marwari Tola


10th November 2022

Dear Name,
I have just received your letter expressing your great
dissatisfaction with your performance in the Second Terminal
Examination held in December. Your disappointment though
quite genuine, is misplaced as I am aware you had not been
keeping good health for the last few months. You were also
burdened with the responsibility of looking after your ailing
mother. Naturally, you did not have sufficient time and energy
to attend to your studies. Under the circumstance you need not
underestimate your capabilities and intelligence.

Dear, you must recall how brilliant your career had been
throughout. In other examinations you had a creditable score.
Even now you need not feel worried about the final examination.
I am confident of your stamina for work with which to make up
for the loss in studies. With your improved health and your
mother in a position to attend to herself you will be able to put
your heart and soul in your studies and do much better in the
final examination.

All is not lost. Look forward to your bright future awaiting you.
You may seek help of your close meritorious friends and seek of
your close meritorious friends and seek guidance and certain
important topics. Prepare your subjects intelligently without

Prepared by Ashish Ranjan, Englestia Classes.


resorting to cramming. Go out for a morning walk daily to keep

yourself physically fit and mentally sound. I am always ready
to render any help you may need. I would like to visit you
shortly and help you make plans for intensive preparations for
the final examination. Till then stay tension free and in high
spirits. Looking forward to seeing you soon.

Yours lovingly,

Prepared by Ashish Ranjan, Englestia Classes.

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