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2). 2).

1). 1).

4). 4).

5). 5).

6). 6).
3). 3).

Cold compress ∎ Sprain ∎ Bruise ∎ Fracture ∎ Relieve

Pain ∎ Dislocation ∎ Cramp ∎ Injury ∎ Disease ∎
Test 2. IDENTIFICATION Osteoporosis ∎ Arthritis ∎ Swelling ∎ Rickets ∎Polio
Cold compress ∎ Sprain ∎ Bruise ∎ Fracture ∎ Relieve
Pain ∎ Dislocation ∎ Cramp ∎ Injury ∎ Disease ∎ ___________ 1. Harm or damage caused by someone
Osteoporosis ∎ Arthritis ∎ Swelling ∎ Rickets ∎Polio or something.
___________ 2. A bone condition cause by a
___________ 1. Harm or damage caused by someone deficiency in vitamin D.
or something. ___________ 3. A common disorder caused by
___________ 2. A bone condition cause by a thinning and weakening of bones, usually experienced
deficiency in vitamin D. by elderly.
___________ 3. A common disorder caused by ___________ 4. A condition that prevents the body or
thinning and weakening of bones, usually experienced mind from working normally
by elderly. ___________ 5. A break in the bone.
___________ 4. A condition that prevents the body or ___________ 6. Muscle become black or blue due to
mind from working normally blood clot when you hit or bumped into something.
___________ 5. A break in the bone. ___________ 7. An injury to a ligament caused by
___________ 6. Muscle become black or blue due to excessive stretching.
blood clot when you hit or bumped into something. ___________ 8. Joint disorder; inflammation of the
___________ 7. An injury to a ligament caused by fingers and joints of the body.
excessive stretching. ___________ 9. A strong muscle contraction that can
___________ 8. Joint disorder; inflammation of the be very painful.
fingers and joints of the body. ___________ 10. An Acuteinfection caused by a virus
___________ 9. A strong muscle contraction that can that attacks the nerve cells of the brain and spinal
be very painful. cord resulting to paralysis.
___________ 10. An Acuteinfection caused by a virus ___________ 11. When a bone in the joint is
that attacks the nerve cells of the brain and spinal displaced or has moved out of its proper position
cord resulting to paralysis. 12-14. In giving first aid to a person with fracture,
___________ 11. When a bone in the joint is apply a ___________ 12. to the injured part to reduce
displaced or has moved out of its proper position ___________ 13. and ___________ 14.
12-14. In giving first aid to a person with fracture,
apply a ___________ 12. to the injured part to reduce
___________ 13. and ___________ 14. ENGLISH


Characters ∎ Protagonist ∎ Antagonist ∎ Setting ∎ Theme ∎ Characters ∎ Protagonist ∎ Antagonist ∎ Setting ∎ Theme ∎
Love ∎ Courage ∎ Tone ∎ Point of View ∎ First Person ∎ Love ∎ Courage ∎ Tone ∎ Point of View ∎ First Person ∎
Third Person ∎ Conflict ∎ Plot ∎ Coming of Age Third Person ∎ Conflict ∎ Plot ∎ Coming of Age

_________ 1. is where and when the story takes place, _________ 1. is where and when the story takes place,
the physical location and time period the physical location and time period
_________ 2. Is the main character, and they are the _________ 2. Is the main character, and they are the
primary character interacting with the plot and the primary character interacting with the plot and the
conflict. conflict.
_________ 3. This determines whether we’re seeing _________ 3. This determines whether we’re seeing
something from the narrator’s perspective or a something from the narrator’s perspective or a
character’s perspective. character’s perspective.
_________ 4. is the problem that drives a story’s plot _________ 4. is the problem that drives a story’s plot
forward. forward.
_________ 5. the “why” behind the story. _________ 5. the “why” behind the story.
_________ 6. tells the story from a character’s _________ 6. tells the story from a character’s
perspective using first person pronouns (I, me, my, perspective using first person pronouns (I, me, my,
mine, we, our, ours) mine, we, our, ours)
_________ 7. the overall feeling of the story. _________ 7. the overall feeling of the story.
_________ 8. is the series of events that occur in a _________ 8. is the series of events that occur in a
story.  story. 
_________ 9. works against the main character’s goals _________ 9. works against the main character’s goals
to create conflict. to create conflict.
_________ 10. Is limited to show the story through the _________ 10. Is limited to show the story through the
eyes of one character. eyes of one character.
_________ 12. All stories need this. _________ 12. All stories need this.
_________ 13., ___________14., and ___________15. are _________ 13., ___________14., and ___________15. are
two examples of theme. two examples of theme.
- are a pair of bean-shaped organs on either - are a pair of bean-shaped organs on either
side of your spine, below your ribs and behind side of your spine, below your ribs and behind
your belly. your belly.
- Each kidney is about 4 or 5 inches long, - Each kidney is about 4 or 5 inches long,
roughly the size of a large fist. roughly the size of a large fist.
- The kidneys' job is to filter your blood. They - The kidneys' job is to filter your blood. They
remove wastes, control the body's fluid remove wastes, control the body's fluid
balance, and keep the right levels balance, and keep the right levels
of electrolytes. All of the blood in your body of electrolytes. All of the blood in your body
passes through them about 40 times a day. passes through them about 40 times a day.
Blood comes into the kidney, waste gets removed, Blood comes into the kidney, waste gets removed,
and salt, water, and minerals are adjusted, if needed. and salt, water, and minerals are adjusted, if needed.
The filtered blood goes back into the body. Waste gets The filtered blood goes back into the body. Waste gets
turned into urine, which collects in the kidney's pelvis turned into urine, which collects in the kidney's pelvis
-- a funnel-shaped structure that drains down a -- a funnel-shaped structure that drains down a
tube called the ureter to the bladder. tube called the ureter to the bladder.


 Kidney stones (nephrolithiasis): Minerals in  Kidney stones (nephrolithiasis): Minerals in
urine form crystals (stones), which may grow urine form crystals (stones), which may grow
large enough to block urine flow. It's large enough to block urine flow. It's
considered one of the most painful considered one of the most painful
conditions. Most kidney stones pass on their conditions. Most kidney stones pass on their
own, but some are too large and need to be own, but some are too large and need to be
treated. treated.
 Nephrotic syndrome: Damage to the kidneys  Nephrotic syndrome: Damage to the kidneys
causes them to spill large amounts causes them to spill large amounts
of protein into the urine. Leg swelling (edema) of protein into the urine. Leg swelling (edema)
may be a symptom. may be a symptom.
 Polycystic kidney disease: A genetic condition  Polycystic kidney disease: A genetic condition
resulting in large cysts in both kidneys that resulting in large cysts in both kidneys that
hinder their work. hinder their work.
 Diabetic nephropathy: High blood sugar from  Diabetic nephropathy: High blood sugar from
diabetes progressively damages the kidneys, diabetes progressively damages the kidneys,
eventually causing chronic kidney disease. eventually causing chronic kidney disease.
Protein in the urine (nephrotic syndrome) Protein in the urine (nephrotic syndrome)
may also result. may also result.
 Kidney cancer: Renal cell carcinoma is the  Kidney cancer: Renal cell carcinoma is the
most common cancer affecting the kidney. most common cancer affecting the kidney.
Smoking is the most common cause of kidney Smoking is the most common cause of kidney
cancer. cancer.
Heart Heart
- is a fist-sized organ that pumps blood - is a fist-sized organ that pumps blood
throughout your body. It's the primary organ throughout your body. It's the primary organ
of your circulatory system. of your circulatory system.
- contains four main sections (chambers) made - contains four main sections (chambers) made
of muscle and powered by electrical impulses. of muscle and powered by electrical impulses.
Your brain and nervous system direct your Your brain and nervous system direct your
heart’s function. heart’s function.
Inside of the Heart Inside of the Heart

- are the major organs of the respiratory - are the major organs of the respiratory
system, which helps provide the body with a system, which helps provide the body with a
continuous supply of oxygen. continuous supply of oxygen.
- The lungs take more than 6 million - The lungs take more than 6 million
breaths per year and affect every aspect of breaths per year and affect every aspect of
our bodies and health. our bodies and health.

The heart and lungs work together to make sure the The heart and lungs work together to make sure the
body has the oxygen-rich blood it needs to function body has the oxygen-rich blood it needs to function
properly. properly.
1. The Pulmonary Loop The right side of the 3. The Pulmonary Loop The right side of the
heart picks up the oxygen-poor blood from heart picks up the oxygen-poor blood from
the body and moves it to the lungs for the body and moves it to the lungs for
cleaning and re-oxygenating. cleaning and re-oxygenating.
2. The Systemic Loop Once the blood is re- 4. The Systemic Loop Once the blood is re-
oxygenated, the left side of the heart moves oxygenated, the left side of the heart moves
the blood throughout the body so that every the blood throughout the body so that every
part receives the oxygen it needs. part receives the oxygen it needs.
Science Science
Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)
- CAD is the most common heart problem. With - CAD is the most common heart problem. With
CAD, you may get blockages in your CAD, you may get blockages in your
coronary arteries -- the vessels that coronary arteries -- the vessels that
supply blood to your heart. That can lead to a supply blood to your heart. That can lead to a
decrease in the flow of blood to your heart decrease in the flow of blood to your heart
muscle, keeping it from getting the oxygen it muscle, keeping it from getting the oxygen it
needs. needs.
- Coronary heart disease can give you pain in your - Coronary heart disease can give you pain in your
chest, called angina, or lead to a heart attack. chest, called angina, or lead to a heart attack.
Some things that may put you at a higher risk Some things that may put you at a higher risk
of coronary artery disease are: of coronary artery disease are:
 Age (For men, the risk of heart disease goes up  Age (For men, the risk of heart disease goes up
after age 55; for women, the risk rises sharply after age 55; for women, the risk rises sharply
after menopause.) after menopause.)
 Being inactive  Being inactive
 Having diabetes or metabolic syndrome  Having diabetes or metabolic syndrome
 Family history of coronary heart disease  Family history of coronary heart disease
 Genetics  Genetics
 High blood pressure  High blood pressure
 High levels of LDL "bad" cholesterol or low levels  High levels of LDL "bad" cholesterol or low levels
of HDL "good" cholesterol of HDL "good" cholesterol
 Obesity  Obesity
 Smoking  Smoking
 Stress  Stress
Heart Arrhythmias Heart Arrhythmias
- When you have an arrhythmia, your heart has - When you have an arrhythmia, your heart has
an irregular beating pattern. Serious an irregular beating pattern. Serious
arrhythmias often develop from other heart arrhythmias often develop from other heart
problems but may also happen on their own. problems but may also happen on their own.
Heart Failure Heart Failure
- With heart failure, your heart doesn't - With heart failure, your heart doesn't
pump blood as well as it should to meet your pump blood as well as it should to meet your
body's needs. body's needs.
- It is usually caused by coronary artery disease, - It is usually caused by coronary artery disease,
but it can also happen because you but it can also happen because you
have thyroid disease, high blood pressure, heart have thyroid disease, high blood pressure, heart
muscle disease (cardiomyopathy), or certain muscle disease (cardiomyopathy), or certain
other conditions. other conditions.
Congenital Heart Disease Congenital Heart Disease
- happens when something goes wrong while the - happens when something goes wrong while the
heart is forming in a baby that's still in the heart is forming in a baby that's still in the
womb. The heart abnormality sometimes leads womb. The heart abnormality sometimes leads
to problems right after birth, but other times to problems right after birth, but other times
there aren't any symptoms until you become an there aren't any symptoms until you become an
adult. adult.
Heart Arrhythmias Heart Arrhythmias

- When you have an arrhythmia, your heart has - When you have an arrhythmia, your heart has
an irregular beating pattern. Serious an irregular beating pattern. Serious
arrhythmias often develop from other heart arrhythmias often develop from other heart
problems but may also happen on their own. problems but may also happen on their own.
Science Science
- is an amazing three-pound organ that controls all - is an amazing three-pound organ that controls all
functions of the body, interprets information from functions of the body, interprets information from
the outside world. the outside world.
- Intelligence, creativity, emotion, and memory are a - Intelligence, creativity, emotion, and memory are a
few of the many things governed by the brain. few of the many things governed by the brain.
- The brain receives information through our five - The brain receives information through our five
senses: sight, smell, touch, taste, and hearing - senses: sight, smell, touch, taste, and hearing -
often many at one time. often many at one time.
- Protected within the skull, the brain is composed - Protected within the skull, the brain is composed
of the cerebrum, cerebellum, and brainstem. of the cerebrum, cerebellum, and brainstem.

1. Cerebrum 4. Cerebrum
- is the largest part of the brain and is composed of - is the largest part of the brain and is composed of
right and left hemispheres. It performs higher right and left hemispheres. It performs higher
functions like interpreting touch, vision and functions like interpreting touch, vision and
hearing, as well as speech, reasoning, emotions, hearing, as well as speech, reasoning, emotions,
learning, and fine control of movement. learning, and fine control of movement.
2. Cerebellum: 5. Cerebellum:
- located under the cerebrum. Its function is to - located under the cerebrum. Its function is to
coordinate muscle movements, maintain posture, coordinate muscle movements, maintain posture,
and balance. and balance.
3. Brainstem 6. Brainstem
- acts as a relay center connecting the cerebrum and - acts as a relay center connecting the cerebrum and
cerebellum to the spinal cord. It performs many cerebellum to the spinal cord. It performs many
automatic functions such as breathing, heart rate, automatic functions such as breathing, heart rate,
body temperature, wake and sleep cycles, body temperature, wake and sleep cycles,
digestion, sneezing, coughing, vomiting, and digestion, sneezing, coughing, vomiting, and
swallowing. swallowing.

Epilepsy Epilepsy

- is a tendency to have seizures. - is a tendency to have seizures.

- A seizure is an electrical storm in your brain, - A seizure is an electrical storm in your brain,
typically interfering with consciousness and typically interfering with consciousness and
causing convulsions. causing convulsions.

Strokes  Strokes 

- occur when a blood vessel supplying your brain - occur when a blood vessel supplying your brain
with the nutrients it needs gets blocked or, less with the nutrients it needs gets blocked or, less
often, bursts. often, bursts.
- damages part of your brain. - damages part of your brain.
- can lead to problems with speech, understanding, - can lead to problems with speech, understanding,
vision, strength, sensation or coordination. vision, strength, sensation or coordination.

Brain tumors  Brain tumors 

- develop when cancer spreads from other parts of - develop when cancer spreads from other parts of
your body, such as your lung, breast or colon. Or your body, such as your lung, breast or colon. Or
they can form in your brain tissue itself or its they can form in your brain tissue itself or its
coverings. coverings.
Ano ang Pang-uri? Kahulugan ng Pang-uri Ang panunurang pamilang ay nagsasaad ng posisyon ng pangngalan sa
Ang pang-uri o (adjective) sa ingles ay isang bahagi ng pananalita na pagkasunod-sunod ng mga tao o bagay. Isinasabi ng mga ito kung pang-ilan
nagbibigay kahulugan o turing sa ngalan ng bagay, tao, lugar, pangyayari, ang tao o bagay.
at marami pang iba. Mga Halimbawa ng Panunuran Pamilang: (kulay pula ang pangngalan
Ang pang-uri ay kadalasan ginagamit para bigyan linaw ang isang uri ng na inilalarawan ng pang-uri at bughaw naman ang pang-uri)
pangngalan (noun) o panghalip (pronoun). -Ako ang ika-apat na mag-aaral na napiling lumahok sa paligsahan.
-Nakamit ni John ay unang gantimpala sa paligsahan sa pagkanta.
-Ito ang pang apat na pagkakataon na ibibigay sa iyo ng hukom.
Si Rodrigo Duterte ang ika-labing anim na pangulo ng Pilipinas.
Pang-uri -Nasungkit ni Khyle ay unang gantimpala sa paligsahan sa paggawa
Mabait ng robot.
Masipag -Gawin mo ang pagsasanay sa ika-anim na pahina ng aklat.
Matalino Pamahagi o Pamahaging Pamilang
Masunurin Ito ay nagsasaad ng bahagi ng kabuuan ng pangngalan. Ang unlaping tig-
Magalang ay nagsasaad ng pantay na pamamahagi (equal distribution). Ginagamit ito
kapag ang bilang ng bagay na ibinigay o natanggap ay pare-pareho.
Maaari rin na may anyong bahagimbilang o hating-bilang (fraction sa
Mga Uri ng Pang-uri Ingles) ang pamahaging pamilang. Ginagamit din ang
May tatlong uri ng pang-uri. Ito ay ang pang- salitang bahagdan, persentahe, o porsiyento pagkatapos ng bilang para sa
uring panlarawan, pantangi at pamilang. bahagi ng isang daan.
Pang-uring Panlarawan (Descriptive Adjective) Ang mga sumusunod ay mga salita para sa mga bahagimbilang o hating-
Ang pang-uring panlarawan ay nagsasaad ng laki, hugis, kulay ng tao, bilang:
bagay, hayop at iba pang pangalan. Sa pang-uring ito, maaaring gamitin ang kalahati (half, 1⁄2)
anyo, amoy, tunog, yari at lasa sa paglalarawan. katlo (one-third, 1⁄3)
Ang mga pang-uring panlarawan ay karaniwang nagsasaad ng katangian na kapat (one-fourth, 1/4)
napupuna gamit ang ating limang pandama (five senses). Maaari ring kalima (one-fifth, 1/5)
ilarawan nang pang-uri na ito ang mga katangian ng ugali, asal, or kanim (one-sixth, 1/6)
pakiramdam ng tao o hayop. kapito (one-seventh, 1/7)
Mga Halimbawa ng Pang-uring Panlarawan kawalo (one-eighth, 1/8)
Masipag kasiyam (one-ninth, 1/9)
Maganda kasampu (one-tenth, 1/10)
Asul sangkapat (1/4)
Mahiyain sangkalima (1/5)
Masunurin dalawang-katlo (2/3)
Kalbo apat na kalima (4/5)
Mga Halimbawa ng Pangungusap na may Pang-uring Panlarawan limang-kawalo (5/8)
Makikita mo sa ibaba ang mga halimbawa ng mga pangungusap na pitong-kasiyam (7/9)
ginagamit ang mga pang-uring panlarawan. Kulay bughaw ang pang- tatlo at kalahati (3 1/2)
uri at pula naman pangalang inilalarawan nito. lima at sangkapat (5 1/4)
 Pinagmasdan ni Mavy ang kanyang sarili sa salamin na bilog. Mga halimbawa ng pamahaging pamilang (kulay pula ang pangngalan
na inilalarawan ng pang-uri at bughaw naman ang pang-uri):
 Binigyan ni Antonio ng munting regalo ang bata.
 Tiglilimang kendi ang ibibigay sa mga bata.
 Si Tania ang babaeng nakasuot ng dilaw na bestida.
 Ang mga mag-aaral ay kumuha ng sangkapat na papel.
 Kailangan ko nang umiwas sa mga pagkain na
masyadong matamis.  Kalahating mangkok ng kanin lang ang kinain ni Christian.
 Hinahabol ako ng isang nakakatakot na aso sa aking panaginip.  Gumamit ako ng kalahating tasa ng mantika sa pagluto.
 Ipinagmamalaki ni aling Nene ang kanyang mabuting anak.  Lima at dalawang-katlong sako ng asukal ang natira sa
 Malubha ang kalagayan ng kanyang ama.
Pang-uring Pantangi (Proper Adjective)  Upang maipasa ang panukala, kailangan ang boto ng dalawang-
Ang pang-uring pangtangi ay binubuo ng isang pangngalang pambalana katlong konsehal.
(common noun) at isang pangngalang pantangi (proper noun). Ang Pahalaga o Pahalagang Pamilang
pangtangi ay naglalarawan o tumutukoy sa uri ng pangngalang pambalana. Ito ay nagsasaad ng halaga (katumbas na pera) ng bagay o anumang binili o
Mga halimbawa ng pang-uring Pantangi bibilhin.
Mga halimbawa ng pahalagang pamilang (kulay pula ang pangngalan na
 Ang pasalubong ni inay sa atin ay masarap inilalarawan ng pang-uri at bughaw naman ang pang-uri):
na longganisang Manok.
 Ibinigay ng batang pulubi ang pisong kendi sa kanyang pinsan.
 Nagsaliksik kami tungkol sa mga katangian ng katutubong
Ifugao.  Nabenta na ang limang milyong pisong bahay at lupa sa Cebu.
 Si Maria ay mahusay magsalita ng wikang Espanyol.  Nakatanggap ako ng sandaang pisong load kagabi.
 Mahilig si Sarah sa kimchi at iba pang pagkaing Koreano.  Nakakita ako ng sampung tutubi sa kagubatan.
 Paborito ni ate Steph ang pansit Malabon.  Bibilhin mo ba ang walong libong pisong hikaw?
Pang-uring Pamilang (Numeral Adjective) Palansak o Palansak na Pamilang
Ang pang-uring pamilang ay nagsasaad sa dami, bilang, o posisyon sa Ito ay nagsasaad ng pagpapang-pangkat ng mga tao o bagay. Itinutukoy
pagkakasunod-sunod ng pangalan. May Ilang uri ng mga pang-uring nito ang bilang na bumubuo ng isang pangkat ng tao o bagay na pinagsama-
pamilang. sama. Halimbawa, ang palansak na pamilang na dala-dalawa ay may
Mga Uri ng Pang-uring Pamilang kahulugan sa Ingles na “by twos”, “in pairs” o “in groups of two.”
Ang pang-uring pamilang ay may iba’t ibang uri. Ito ay patakarang Mga halimbawa ng palansak na pamilang (kulay pula ang pangngalan na
pamilang, inilalarawan ng pang-uri at bughaw naman ang pang-uri):
Patakaran o Patakarang Pamilang  Sampu-sampu ang tao na nagsisidagsaan sa mga evacuation
Ito ay nagsasaad ng aktuwal na bilang ng tao o bagay. Ito ay mga basal na center.
bilang o numeral. Basal – Mga pangngalang pangkaraniwang di nakikita o  Tatlo–tatlong pakete ng gatas ang ibinebenta sa tindahan.
nahahawakan pero nadarama, naiisip, nagugunita o napapangarap.
Mga Halimbawa ng Patakarang Pamilang: (kulay pula ang  Dalawahan ang mga upuan sa jeep na ito.
pangngalan na inilalarawan ng pang-uri bughaw naman ang pang-uri)  Animan ang mga estudyante sa bawat kuwarto ng paaralan.
 Mayroong isang lalaki na kumakatok sa pinto. Patakda o Patakdang Pamilang
Ito ay nagsasaad ng tiyak na bilang ng pangngalan. Ang bilang na ito ay
 Sina Jam at Khyle ay may dalawang anak. hindi na madadagdagan o mababawasan pa.
 Bumili ako ng limang itlog sa tindahan. Mga halimbawa ng patakdang pamilang (may salungguhit ang pangngalan
 Higit sa apat na libong tao ang nasa mga evacuation center. na inilalarawan ng pang-uri at bughaw naman ang pang-uri):
Panunuran o Panunurang Pamilang  Iisa ang pangarap ni Aika at ito ay maging isang tanyag na
 Dadalawang isda lamang ang nahuli ni Kuya Rey. Di-gasino – tulad ng ginagamit sa paghahambing ng uri o katangian ng
mga tao. Sinusundan ito ng alinman sa mga katagang naghahambing,
 Sasampung miyembro pa lamang ang nagbabayad ng kanilang kabilang ang gaya, tulad, para o paris na sinusundan ng panandang ni.
utang. Di-gaano – ginagamit ito sa hambingang bagay lamang.
 Lilimang mag-aaral lamang ang pinayagan na pumunta sa Di-totoo – nangangahulugan ng pagtawad o pagbabawas sa karaniwang uri.
park. Nagagamit itong pamalit sa di-gasino at di-gaano.
Kaantasan ng Pang-uri  Hambingang Palamang
Sa bahagi na ito, sabay nating alamin kung ano ang kahulugan, mga tatlong May mahigit na katangian ang inihahambing sa bagay na
kaantasan ng pang-uri at mga halimbawa nito. Ang kaantasan ng Pang-uri pinaghahambingan. Naipapakikita ito sa tulong ng sumusunod:
ay may tatlong (3) antas o kaantasan. Ito ang lantay, pahambing at Lalo – Ang diwa ng paghahambing ay magiging kalamangan at di
pasukdol. kasahulan kung ang sinasamahang pang-uri ay nagpapahayag ng kalakihan,
Lantay na Pang-uri kataasan, kalabisan o kahigtan. Katuwang nito ang kaysa, kaysa sa at kay.
Ang lantay na pang-uri ay nagpapakita o nagsasaad ng isa o payak na Halimbawa: Lalong maunlad ang bansa natin kaysa sa isa.
pangngalan o panghalip na walang pinaghahambingan. Higit/ mas – Ito ay nagsasaad ng kalamangan kung ginagamit ito sa
Mga halimbawa ng Lantay na pang-uri (kulay pula ang pangngalan na paghahambing.
inilalarawan ng pang-uri at bughaw naman ang pang-uri): Halimbawa: Higit na malinis ang kwarto ko kaysa sa kanya.
Maganda ang bungad sa akin ng umaga. Labis – tulad din ng higit o mas.
Mabait na kaibigan si Mary. Halimbawa: Labis ang pagmamahal ng president sa bayan.
Masipag magluto ng pagkain si Mysie. Di-hamak – ginagamit ito karaniwan sa isinusunod ng pang-uri.
Malakas ang kidlat kagabi. Halimbawa: Di-hamak na mayayaman ang mga  Amerikano sa mga
Maiksi na ang buhok ni Mysie. Hapon.
Tamad gumawa ng Takdang aralin si Mary. Pasukdol na Pang-uri
Matipid gumamit ng sabon si Berto. Ang pasukdol na pang-uri ay nagsasaad ng katangiang namumukod o
Maingay ang manok ni Pedro. nangingibabaw sa lahat ng pinaghahambingan. Ito ay maaaring negatibo o
Si Precious ay maaruga. positibo.
Kahit ano man ang sakuna, si Mysie ay maaasahan mo sa ano mang Ang paglalarawan dito ay sadyang masidhi kaya ginagamit ang mga
oras. salitang sobra, ubod, pinaka, tunay, talaga, saksakan at kung minsan ay
Matangkad si Kian. inuulit ang pang-uri.
Maliit ang baywang ni Jam. Halimbawa ng pasukdol na pang-uri:
Maasim ang manggang binili ni Arnel.
Pahambing na Pang-uri  Si Athena ang pinakamatalino sa buong klase.
Ang pahambing ay ang ikalawang kaantasan ng pang – uri. Ang kaantasang  Sobrang bibo kung maglaro si Alexis.
ito ay naghahambing ng dalawa o higit pang pangngalan.  Ang laki–laki ng isdang binili ko.
Ang pahiwatig na paghahambing ay metaphor, isang uri ng panghahambing
ng dalawang bagay na magkaiba, ngunit tinutukoy kung ano ang katangiang  Si Troy ang pinakamalakas kumain sa aming magbabarkada.
pinag-uusapan. Tinatawag din itong pagwawangis sa Tagalog.  Ubod ng ganda ang dalagang si Maikha.
Mga halimbawa ng Pahambing na pang-uri (kulay pula ang pangngalan na  Pinakamabait sa magkakapatid si Christian.
inilalarawan ng pang-uri at bughaw naman ang pang-uri):
 Ang di ko makakalimutangpangyayari sa aking buhay ay yung
 Si Mary ay mas maliit kaysa kay Mysie. pumanaw ang aking pinakamamahal na alaga.
 Mas malaki ang bilang ng mga lalaki sa aming klase kaysa sa  Saksakan nang tamad si clark.
bilang ng mga kababaihan.
 Hindi ko inaasahan na napakalaki ang utang ko sa bangko
 Mas maraming pagkain ang mabibili mo sa halagang isang central.
libong piso sa Divisoria kaysa sa supermarket.
Dalawang Uri ng Paghahambing  Dahil sa ininom na bitamina ni romella kaya siya ay payat–
Ang dalawang uri ng paghahambing ay paghahambing na magkatulad at payat na.
di-magkatulad. Kayarian ng Pang-uri
Paghahambing na Magkatulad Ang panghuling bahagi ng araling ito ay tungkol sa Kayarian ng Pang-
Ginagamit ito kung ang dalawang ihinahambing ay antas na katangian ng uri. Mayroong apat 4 na kayarian ng pang-uri: ang
isang bagay o anuman. Ginagamitan ito ng mga panlaping ka, magka, ga, payak, maylapi, inuulit, at tambalan.
sing, kasing, magsing, magkasing, at mga salitang paris, wangis/kawangis, Payak
gaya, tulad, hawig, kahawig, mistula, mukha/ kamukha. Ito ang pinakasimpleng anyo ng pang-uri. Binubuo ito ng salitang-ugat
ka – nangangahulugan ng kaisa o katulad lamang.
Halimbawa: Ang Pilipinas ay kabilang sa pangkat ng Asia. Mga Halimbawa ng Payak na Pang-uri sa Pangungusap:
magka – nangangahulugan din ng kaisahan o pagkakatulad. Ang bunga ng mangga ay hinog na.
Halimbawa: Magkamukha ang kanyang kulay sa paa at baywang. Kunin mo ang basang pamunas sa ibaba.
sing – (sin / sim) gaya rin ng ka-, nagagamit rin ito sa lahat ng uri ng Ang taas ng paraalang ito.
pagtutulad. Ganda ng damit niya.
Halimbawa: Magkasingganda sina Mysie at Mary. Ang tigas ng ulo ni Kim.
Tandaan: Ang maramihang sing- ay nagpapakita sa pag-uulit ng unang Maylapi
pantig ng salitang-ugat. Ang mga pang-uri ay binubuo ng salitang ugat at panlapi.
kasing – (kasin / kasim) ang paggamit at kahulugan ay katulad din ng sing- Mga Halimbawa ng Maylapi na Pang-uri sa Pangungusap:
(sin / sim). Ang Carlo ay mataba.
Halimbawa: Kasimbilis ng cheetah ang pagtakbo ni Khyle sa Si Julie ay masunurin.
paligsahan. Kasingkinis ng balat ni Shaina ang nasa litrato. Siya ay may malaking pamilya.
magsing – (magkasing / magkasim) ang pinagtutad ay napipisan sa paksa Masarap ang puto na niluto ni Lola.
ng pangungusap. Ang damit ni Rita ay mabango.
Halimbawa: Ang Japan at South Korea ay magkasinglakas. Matigas ang ulo ni Rafols.
Paghahambing na Di-Magkatulad Makulit si Baste.
Itong uri na paghahambing ay nagbibigay ng diwa ng pagkakait, pagtanggi Inuulit
o pagsalungat sa pinatutuyang pangungusap. Ito ay may dalawang uri: Binubuo ito sa pamamagitan ng pag-ulit ng buong salita o bahagi ng salita.
hambingang pasahol at hambingang palamang. Mga Halimbawa ng Inuulit na Pang-uri sa Pangungusap;
Ang liliit ng pusa na bigay ni Clark.
 Hambingang Pasahol Malaking–malaki ang bahay na gusto ko.
May mahigit na katangian ang pinaghahambingan sa bagay na Ang puti-puti ng ngipin ni Cheska.
inihahambing. Ginagamit ang mga sumusunod upang maipakita ang Kaakit-akit ang lugar sa Cebu.
ganiton uri ng paghahambing. Araw-araw kami maligo sa dagat.
Lalo – nangangahulugan ng pagdaragdag o pagpapahigit sa kulang na Tambalan
katangian. Sinusundan ito ng katuwang na panghambing Binubuo ito ng dalawang magkaibang salitang pinagsama o pinagtambal na
na kaysa kay kung ngalang tao ang pinaghahambing, kaysa sa kung maaaring magkaroon ng pangalawang kahulugan.
ngalang bagay o pangyayari. Mga Halimbawa ng Tambalan na Pang-uri sa Pangungusap
Mas naging matulingin lalo si Alfred kaysa kay Jherico.  Si Nida ay kapit-tuko sa kanyang nanay.
 Lakad-pagong naman ‘yang si Sonya.
 Si Nile ay boses-ipis. _________10. The number of breaths the lungs take
 Ang kapatid ko ay balat-sibuyas. per year.
 Si Dalisay ay parang utak-matsing.

Test I. Identify the parts of the kidney
Test I. Identify the parts of the kidney
Right Kidney ∎ Bladder ∎ Inferior Vena Cava ∎ Adrenal
Right Kidney ∎ Bladder ∎ Inferior Vena Cava ∎ Adrenal
Gland ∎ Descending Aorta ∎ Renal Arteries ∎ Ureters ∎ Left
Gland ∎ Descending Aorta ∎ Renal Arteries ∎ Ureters ∎ Left
Kidney ∎ Veins ∎ Pelvis of Kidney
Kidney ∎ Veins ∎ Pelvis of Kidney

6. 2.
6. 2.

4. 9.
3. 5.
10. 3.

Kidney ∎ Heart ∎ Pulmonary Loop ∎ Systemic Loop ∎
Kidney ∎ Heart ∎ Pulmonary Loop ∎ Systemic Loop ∎
Lungs ∎ Blood ∎ Brain ∎ 6 Million ∎ Cerebrum ∎
Lungs ∎ Blood ∎ Brain ∎ 6 Million ∎ Cerebrum ∎

_________1. is a fist-sized organ that pumps blood

_________1. is a fist-sized organ that pumps blood
throughout your body.
throughout your body.
_________2. are the major organs of the respiratory
_________2. are the major organs of the respiratory
system, which helps provide the body with a
system, which helps provide the body with a
continuous supply of oxygen.
continuous supply of oxygen.
_________3. Once the blood is re-oxygenated, the left
_________3. Once the blood is re-oxygenated, the left
side of the heart moves the blood throughout the
side of the heart moves the blood throughout the
body so that every part receives the oxygen it needs.
body so that every part receives the oxygen it needs.
_________4. are a pair of bean-shaped organs on
_________4. are a pair of bean-shaped organs on
either side of your spine, below your ribs and behind
either side of your spine, below your ribs and behind
your belly.
your belly.
_________5. This is what the kidney filters
_________5. This is what the kidney filters
_________6. is an amazing three-pound organ that
controls all functions of the body, interprets information
_________6. is an amazing three-pound organ that
from the outside world controls all functions of the body, interprets information
from the outside world
_________7. The right side of the heart picks up the
_________7. The right side of the heart picks up the
oxygen-poor blood from the body and moves it to the
oxygen-poor blood from the body and moves it to the
lungs for cleaning and re-oxygenating.
lungs for cleaning and re-oxygenating.
_________8. is the largest part of the brain and is
_________8. is the largest part of the brain and is
composed of right and left hemispheres. It performs
composed of right and left hemispheres. It performs
higher functions like interpreting touch, vision and
higher functions like interpreting touch, vision and
hearing, as well as speech, reasoning, emotions,
hearing, as well as speech, reasoning, emotions,
learning, and fine control of movement.
learning, and fine control of movement.
_________9. - located under the cerebrum. Its
_________9. - located under the cerebrum. Its
function is to coordinate muscle movements,
function is to coordinate muscle movements,
maintain posture, and balance.
maintain posture, and balance.
_________10. The number of breaths the lungs take ______8. Isang sa tatlong uri ng mineral na nahuhukay sa
per year. lupa
______9. Likas na yaman ng Pilipinas tulad ng bagay o
hayop na matatagpuan sa kagubatan.
______10. Kabilang sa sector na ito ang mga nagtatrabaho
sa pampubliko at pribadong institusyon gaya ng mga taga-
I.MATCHING TYPE. Isulat ang letra ng kayamanan sa patlang
transportasyon, komunikasyon, at marami pang iba.
ng mga rehiyon kung saan maraming matatagpuan ang
naturing na yaman.
I.MATCHING TYPE. Isulat ang letra ng kayamanan sa patlang
__1. Quezon a. Asinan ng mga rehiyon kung saan maraming matatagpuan ang
__2. Laguna b. Pastulan naturing na yaman.
__3. Bikol c. Abakahan
__1. Quezon a. Asinan
__ 4. Batangas d. Asukalan
__2. Laguna b. Pastulan
__ 5. Rizal e. Niyugan
__3. Bikol c. Abakahan
__ 4. Batangas d. Asukalan
II.Lagyan ng tsek (/) ang bilang kung ang paggamit sa likas __ 5. Rizal e. Niyugan
na yaman ay may kaugnayan sap ag-unlad ng bansa at ekis
(x) kung hindi.
II.Lagyan ng tsek (/) ang bilang kung ang paggamit sa likas
___1. Paggamit ng mga organikong pataba sa pananim. na yaman ay may kaugnayan sap ag-unlad ng bansa at ekis
___2. Pagputol sa malalaking puno, at hindi pinapalitan ng (x) kung hindi.
pagtatanim ng bagong punla. Ang mga naputol na puno ay
___1. Paggamit ng mga organikong pataba sa pananim.
gagamitin sa mga imprastraktura at gusali.
___2. Pagputol sa malalaking puno, at hindi pinapalitan ng
___3. Pagbawas sa paggamit ng plastic.
pagtatanim ng bagong punla. Ang mga naputol na puno ay
___4. Pagkakaroon ng mga fish sanctuary at pangangalaga
gagamitin sa mga imprastraktura at gusali.
sa mga bahay ng mga isda.
___3. Pagbawas sa paggamit ng plastic.
___5. Pagpapanatili sa kalinisan sa paligid lalo na sa mga
___4. Pagkakaroon ng mga fish sanctuary at pangangalaga
lugar na dinarayo ng mga turista.
sa mga bahay ng mga isda.
___6. Pagpahintulot sa pagpapatayo ng malalaking
___5. Pagpapanatili sa kalinisan sa paligid lalo na sa mga
kompanya ng minahan.
lugar na dinarayo ng mga turista.
___7. Pagtipid sa enerhiya tulad ng elektrisidad, tubig, at
___6. Pagpahintulot sa pagpapatayo ng malalaking
langis o krudo.
kompanya ng minahan.
___8. Pagsali sa mga larong pampalakasan.
___7. Pagtipid sa enerhiya tulad ng elektrisidad, tubig, at
___9. Pagtatanim ng mga punong kahoy bilang kapalit sa
langis o krudo.
mga pinutol.
___8. Pagsali sa mga larong pampalakasan.
___10. Pagluluwas ng mga de-kalidad na prutas at gulay sa
___9. Pagtatanim ng mga punong kahoy bilang kapalit sa
ibang bansa.
mga pinutol.
___10. Pagluluwas ng mga de-kalidad na prutas at gulay sa
III.PAGTUTUKOY ibang bansa.

Agrikultura ∎ Yamang Lupa ∎ Palay ∎ Yamang tao∎

Panggatong∎ Serbisyo ∎ Industriya ∎Yamang tubig ∎ III.PAGTUTUKOY
Yamang Mineral ∎ Yamang gubat
Agrikultura ∎ Yamang Lupa ∎ Palay ∎ Yamang tao∎
______1. Ay mga likas na yaman ng Pilipinas na tumutukoy Panggatong∎ Serbisyo ∎ Industriya ∎Yamang tubig ∎
sa mga bagay o pagkain na karaniwang makikita sa anyong Yamang Mineral ∎ Yamang gubat
______1. Ay mga likas na yaman ng Pilipinas na tumutukoy
______2. Ang yaman ng Pilipinas na tinuturing na
sa mga bagay o pagkain na karaniwang makikita sa anyong
______3. Ang sector na ito ay may responsibilidad na
______2. Ang yaman ng Pilipinas na tinuturing na
gumawa ta mag produce ng mga pagkain mula sa likas
yaman ng Pilipinas. Kabilang ditto ang mga magsasaka at
______3. Ang sector na ito ay may responsibilidad na
gumawa ta mag produce ng mga pagkain mula sa likas
______4.Likas na yaman ng Pilipinas na namimina o
yaman ng Pilipinas. Kabilang ditto ang mga magsasaka at
nahuhukay sa ilalim ng lupa.
______5. Ay mga likas na yaman ng Pilipinas na tumutukoy
______4.Likas na yaman ng Pilipinas na namimina o
mga makukuha sa anyong tubig tulad ng lawa, ilog, talon, at
nahuhukay sa ilalim ng lupa.
iba pa.
______5. Ay mga likas na yaman ng Pilipinas na tumutukoy
______6. Isang halimbawa ng yamang lupa.
mga makukuha sa anyong tubig tulad ng lawa, ilog, talon, at
______7. Kabilang sa sector na ito ang mga minero, nasa
iba pa.
konstruksiyon, manupaktura, at pabrika
______6. Isang halimbawa ng yamang lupa.
______7. Kabilang sa sector na ito ang mga minero, nasa
konstruksiyon, manupaktura, at pabrika
______8. Isang sa tatlong uri ng mineral na nahuhukay sa
______9. Likas na yaman ng Pilipinas tulad ng bagay o
hayop na matatagpuan sa kagubatan.
______10. Kabilang sa sector na ito ang mga nagtatrabaho
sa pampubliko at pribadong institusyon gaya ng mga taga-
transportasyon, komunikasyon, at marami pang iba.
cubes, spheres, cones, squares, rectangles, and triangles. Organic
shapes: are found in nature and can be irregular like blobs and


Line is a continuous mark with a greater length than width. Actual Line is a continuous mark with a greater length than width. Actual
lines can define the edge of a form. Implied lines can lead your eye lines can define the edge of a form. Implied lines can lead your eye
into and through the composition and provide information about into and through the composition and provide information about
character and action. Possible characteristics: horizontal, vertical, character and action. Possible characteristics: horizontal, vertical,
diagonal, zigzag, curvy, thick, thin, straight, curved, directional, diagonal, zigzag, curvy, thick, thin, straight, curved, directional,
one-dimensional, pathfinding, suggesting movement, broken, one-dimensional, pathfinding, suggesting movement, broken,
angular, loopy. Horizontal lines: allude to repose. Vertical lines: angular, loopy. Horizontal lines: allude to repose. Vertical lines:
allude to strength and power. Diagonal lines: allude to dynamic allude to strength and power. Diagonal lines: allude to dynamic
movement. movement.

Color is perceived as the light reflected off of objects and has Color is perceived as the light reflected off of objects and has
three main characteristics—hue, value, and intensity. Possible three main characteristics—hue, value, and intensity. Possible
characteristics: warm/cool palette, subdued, brilliant, dazzling, characteristics: warm/cool palette, subdued, brilliant, dazzling,
sizzling, vibrant, dull, chilly, refracted, pure, soft, muddy, sizzling, vibrant, dull, chilly, refracted, pure, soft, muddy,
coordinated, tertiary, intensity, pigment, color wheel, spectrum, coordinated, tertiary, intensity, pigment, color wheel, spectrum,
monochromatic, diluted, natural, chemical, pastel, contrasting. monochromatic, diluted, natural, chemical, pastel, contrasting.
Primary colors: yellow, red, and blue. Secondary colors: orange, Primary colors: yellow, red, and blue. Secondary colors: orange,
purple, and green. Complementary colors: are opposite each purple, and green. Complementary colors: are opposite each
other on the color wheel: yellow/purple; red/green; blue/orange. other on the color wheel: yellow/purple; red/green; blue/orange.
Space is the area between and around an object; real space is Space is the area between and around an object; real space is
three-dimensional. three-dimensional.

Space can also refer to the two-dimensional illusion of depth. Space can also refer to the two-dimensional illusion of depth.
Possible characteristics: perspective, foreground, middle ground, Possible characteristics: perspective, foreground, middle ground,
background, shallow, deep, wide, realistic, abstract, primary, background, shallow, deep, wide, realistic, abstract, primary,
inner, outer, deep, white space, picture plane. Positive space: the inner, outer, deep, white space, picture plane. Positive space: the
space the object occupies. Negative space: space between the space the object occupies. Negative space: space between the
edge of the positive space and the frame. edge of the positive space and the frame.

Light often describes the light source or light reflected within the Light often describes the light source or light reflected within the
composition. In realistic compositions, if there is light, there is composition. In realistic compositions, if there is light, there is
shadow. Possible characteristics: chiaroscuro, brilliant, bright, shadow. Possible characteristics: chiaroscuro, brilliant, bright,
dark, shadows, shade, holy light, night light, moonlight, sunlight, dark, shadows, shade, holy light, night light, moonlight, sunlight,
bulbs, morning light, dusk, diffused, dim, filtered, illuminated, bulbs, morning light, dusk, diffused, dim, filtered, illuminated,
clear, highlights, foggy, mystical, realistic, imaginary. Reflecting clear, highlights, foggy, mystical, realistic, imaginary. Reflecting
light: light that bounces off of objects. Glowing light: the source of light: light that bounces off of objects. Glowing light: the source of
light. light.

Shape defines objects in space. Shapes have two dimensions— Shape defines objects in space. Shapes have two dimensions—
width and height—and are often defined by lines. Possible width and height—and are often defined by lines. Possible
characteristics: solid, boomerang, contour, symmetrical, characteristics: solid, boomerang, contour, symmetrical,
asymmetrical, dimensional, abstract, free-form, oval, heavy, light, asymmetrical, dimensional, abstract, free-form, oval, heavy, light,
outline, perimeter, transparent, whimsical, imaginary, childlike, outline, perimeter, transparent, whimsical, imaginary, childlike,
realistic. Geometric shapes: mathematical shapes such as circles, realistic. Geometric shapes: mathematical shapes such as circles,
cubes, spheres, cones, squares, rectangles, and triangles. Organic 4. Flexibility
shapes: are found in nature and can be irregular like blobs and Flexibility is one of the most important, yet often overlooked,
puddles components of physical fitness. Without flexibility, the muscles
and joints would grow stiff and movement would be limited.
Flexibility training ensures that your body can move through its
entire range of motion without pain or stiffness. To test your
flexibility, lean forward and try to touch your toes. Those with
good flexibility will usually be able to touch their toes, while those
with limited flexibility will not. The sit and reach test (sitting on
the floor and reaching toward your toes) is another good way to
assess your flexibility. The more flexible you are, the closer you
will come to touching your toes and beyond.
5. Body Fat Composition
Body fat composition refers to the amount of fat on your body.
For example, a 100-pound person with a 25% body fat
composition will have a lean body mass of 75 pounds.

To qualify as fit:
Men must have a body fat composition lower than 17 percent
Women must have a body fat composition lower than 24 percent
The average man tends to have about 18 to 24 percent body fat,
while the average woman has 25 to 31 percent body fat.


A: The five components of physical fitness are cardiovascular A: The five components of physical fitness are cardiovascular
endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility and endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility and
body composition, according to Fit Day. There is unanimous body composition, according to Fit Day. There is unanimous
agreement in the fitness community that these are the five agreement in the fitness community that these are the five
components of physical fitness, though the definition of what level components of physical fitness, though the definition of what level
of fitness needs to be achieved is a personal one. of fitness needs to be achieved is a personal one.


A: Quick Answer – physical health is essential to the complete A: Quick Answer – physical health is essential to the complete
health of an individual; this includes everything from overall well- health of an individual; this includes everything from overall well-
being to physical fitness. It can also be defined as a state of being to physical fitness. It can also be defined as a state of
physical well-being in which the individual is able to perform daily physical well-being in which the individual is able to perform daily
activities without problems. activities without problems.

There are five components of physical fitness that you need to There are five components of physical fitness that you need to
consider: consider:

1. Muscular Strength 1. Muscular Strength

This is the “power” that helps you to lift and carry heavy objects. This is the “power” that helps you to lift and carry heavy objects.
Without muscular strength, your body would be weak and unable Without muscular strength, your body would be weak and unable
to keep up with the demands placed upon it. The way to increase to keep up with the demands placed upon it. The way to increase
strength is to train with heavy weights, working in the 4 – 6 or 12 strength is to train with heavy weights, working in the 4 – 6 or 12
– 15 rep ranges. The heavier the weight, the fewer reps you – 15 rep ranges. The heavier the weight, the fewer reps you
should perform! should perform!
2. Muscular Endurance 2. Muscular Endurance
Endurance is the ability of your muscles to perform contractions Endurance is the ability of your muscles to perform contractions
for extended periods of time. Rather than just lifting or carrying for extended periods of time. Rather than just lifting or carrying
something for a few seconds, the muscles are used for minutes. something for a few seconds, the muscles are used for minutes.
The way to increase strength is to train with light weights, working The way to increase strength is to train with light weights, working
in the 20 – 25 rep range. Working with lighter weight will train the in the 20 – 25 rep range. Working with lighter weight will train the
muscle fibers needed for muscular endurance, and the higher rep muscle fibers needed for muscular endurance, and the higher rep
range leads to a longer period of exercise. range leads to a longer period of exercise.
3. Cardiovascular Endurance 3. Cardiovascular Endurance
Cardiovascular endurance is your body’s ability to keep up with Cardiovascular endurance is your body’s ability to keep up with
exercise like running, jogging, swimming, cycling, and anything exercise like running, jogging, swimming, cycling, and anything
that forces your cardiovascular system (lungs, heart, blood that forces your cardiovascular system (lungs, heart, blood
vessels) to work for extended periods of time. Together, the heart vessels) to work for extended periods of time. Together, the heart
and lungs fuel your body with the oxygen needed by your muscles, and lungs fuel your body with the oxygen needed by your muscles,
ensuring that they have the oxygen needed for the work they are ensuring that they have the oxygen needed for the work they are
doing. The Cooper Run (running as far as possible in 12 minutes) is doing. The Cooper Run (running as far as possible in 12 minutes) is
a test commonly used to assess cardiovascular endurance, but a test commonly used to assess cardiovascular endurance, but
many trainers use the Step Test (stepping onto a platform for 5 many trainers use the Step Test (stepping onto a platform for 5
minutes). Both are accurate measures of a subject’s minutes). Both are accurate measures of a subject’s
cardiovascular endurance. cardiovascular endurance.
4. Flexibility
Flexibility is one of the most important, yet often overlooked, Aquatic species have the following characteristics: 
components of physical fitness. Without flexibility, the muscles  The majority of their species live in water, although some do live
and joints would grow stiff and movement would be limited. on land as well.
Flexibility training ensures that your body can move through its
 They have paired and unpaired fins that aid in swimming. 
entire range of motion without pain or stiffness. To test your
flexibility, lean forward and try to touch your toes. Those with  Their limbs are either webbed or transformed into paddles for
good flexibility will usually be able to touch their toes, while those swimming. 
with limited flexibility will not. The sit and reach test (sitting on  Their bones are light and spongy, and their body structure is
the floor and reaching toward your toes) is another good way to streamlined. 
assess your flexibility. The more flexible you are, the closer you  A thin snout is formed by modifying the skull.
will come to touching your toes and beyond.  The neck is slimmer, and the external ears have vanished.
5. Body Fat Composition Saltwater fish excrete a small amount of salt. Freshwater fish have
Body fat composition refers to the amount of fat on your body. higher salt concentrations in their bodily fluids than those in the
For example, a 100-pound person with a 25% body fat surrounding water. Fish have gills instead of lungs. Capillaries
composition will have a lean body mass of 75 pounds. were found in the gills, which absorbed dissolved oxygen and
released carbon dioxide. A fish's lateral line is a network of
To qualify as fit:
neurons that detects water vibrations and motion and aids in
Men must have a body fat composition lower than 17 percent
keeping the fish moving. Barbels are specialised structures found
Women must have a body fat composition lower than 24 percent
on fish, such as catfish that increase the creature's sensation of
The average man tends to have about 18 to 24 percent body fat,
while the average woman has 25 to 31 percent body fat. touch. Aquatic animals such as fishes have streamlined bodies
Aquatic Animals: An Introduction that help them swim in the water flow. Fins help in the
Aquatic animals are those that live in or around water. Freshwater locomotion of fishes. 
animals are aquatic organisms that populate ponds, rivers, and
lakes. Marine or saltwater animals are aquatic species that inhabit Type of Aquatic Animals
oceans. Aquatic animals include both vertebrates and Plankton, nekton, and benthos are types of aquatic animals. The
invertebrates. aquatic life zone is dominated by plankton, with feeble swimming
Do you know how you fantasise about the soft, white sand of and free swimming. Plankton refers to microscopic organisms that
tropical islands when you're planning your winter vacation? It's swim and float in ocean waters. Fish, turtles, and whales are
the poop that parrotfish produce after eating coral. examples of nekton, which are strong swimming organisms.
As the largest animal on the planet, a full-grown blue whale's Benthos are underside decomposers that degrade organic
tongue can weigh more than an entire elephant, which means it substances found in the dead bodies and waste of aquatic species
can weigh more than 7,000 kilograms. Also, shark teeth are such as barnacles, oysters, and lobsters.
actually scales rather than teeth. As a result, if they ever lose a
Aquatic Animals’ List
tooth, it will simply regrow. The world inside the water is very
Dinoflagellates, diatoms, brown algae, red algae, green algae, and
interesting. Let's dive deep into their world, and get to know
seaweed are aquatic species. All aquatic animals include fish,
about their habitat and the different characteristics of these
lobsters, dolphins, jellyfish, sharks, sea turtles, starfish, crabs,
octopus, whales, seahorses, squid, swordfish, shrimp, killer
What are Aquatic Animals? whales, manta rays, otters, and oysters.
Organisms that live in water and fully depend on water for
nutrition are known as aquatic animals. Water contains dissolved
oxygen that is used by these animals in the respiration process.
Aquatic animals depend on water and cannot survive on land. The
salinity of water affects the types of animals that live there. Water
has special features, such as: 
 Temperature variations lower the chance of dryness out instead
of getting too hot or cold.
 Nutrients are easily dissolved and accessible.
 Aquatic organisms' hazardous metabolic wastes are neutralised
and diffused. Aquaculture is the practice of producing freshwater
and marine fish in ponds and underwater cages.
Water temperature, photosynthetic access, available oxygen level,
and nutrient availability are all characteristics that limit life at
various depths in aquatic life zones. As one goes deeper, the
temperature drops. Slight variations in temperature can have a
big impact on aquatic animals' stability and efficiency.

Aquatic Animals’ Features

Aquatic animals live in water and adapt to their surroundings in
order to survive. Adaptation increases the chances of an
organism's survival. In various fish, the swim bladder is an air-filled List of Aquatic Animals
pouch beneath the vertebral column that aids in floating.
Ectothermic organisms are those that modify their body Aquatic Fauna
temperature in response to variations in water temperature.
Blubber aids in the thermal regulation of aquatic species.
“Fauna” is a word for animal life, while “aquatic” denotes water.
Aquatic fauna means the animals that are living in water as their
habitats. Fish, octopuses, crabs, whales etcare aquatic fauna. 

Interesting Facts about Aquatic Animals

Here are some interesting facts about these animals:
 Crabs taste food with their feet.
 Some shrimp species live in symbiotic relationships with fish and
corals. In exchange for food, they clean parasites from fish's
mouths and protect corals
 Dolphins sleep with only half of their brain and one eye closed at a
 Angelfish choose their partners for life. If one of them dies, the
other will not breed with any other mate for the rest of their lives.
 Seahorses are the only animals in which the male gives birth and
cares for the young.

Water has many features that help in sustainability for animals.
Any animal, whether invertebrate or vertebrate, that spends the
majority or all of its life in water is considered an aquatic animal.
Aquatic animals include benthos, nekton, and plankton. Plankton,
which has poor swimming abilities and free swimming, dominates
the aquatic life zone. This article gives insight into the life and
various adaptations of aquatic animals. 

Possessive pronouns help you be more concise and use fewer
words when explaining the same idea. Look at the examples below,
and see if you can understand one sentence better than the other:
 Those are my Converse sneakers. They are not your
Converse sneakers.

 Those are my Converse sneakers. They are not yours.

 I didn't have my textbook for English class, so Brian lent

me his textbook.

 I didn't have my textbook for English class, so Brian lent

me his.

 Your travel plans sound just as exciting as my travel


 Your travel plans sound just as exciting as mine!

Possessive Pronoun Quiz

Can you find the possessive pronouns in the sentences below?
What Is a Possessive Pronoun?
Possessive pronouns replace possessive nouns to show ownership 1. His paintings were very colorful, but I liked hers better.
in a sentence. The possessive pronouns in English are mine, yours, 2. My eyes are the color blue.
3. I like listening to Bruno Mars more than Michael
his, hers, its, theirs,  and ours.
Jackson, but his dance moves are more iconic.
 Please don’t move that car. It’s mine. (Mine replaces my 4. You can’t take that sandwich; it’s not yours.
car) 5. Is that new car ours?
 That jacket belongs to Ed. It’s his. (His replaces his What Is a Possessive Pronoun?
jacket) Possessive pronouns replace possessive nouns to show ownership
 Have you seen a brown dog? He’s ours. in a sentence. The possessive pronouns in English are mine, yours,
(Ours replaces our dog) his, hers, its, theirs,  and ours.
 Give this ball back to Melody and Pam. It’s theirs.  Please don’t move that car. It’s mine. (Mine replaces my
(Theirs replaces their ball) car)
Possessive Pronouns vs. Possessive Adjectives  That jacket belongs to Ed. It’s his. (His replaces his
Like all pronouns, possessive pronouns replace nouns. But many jacket)
writers mistake them for possessive adjectives (or determiners) —  Have you seen a brown dog? He’s ours.
words that describe nouns. (Ours replaces our dog)
Possessive pronouns, also called “absolute” or “strong” possessive  Give this ball back to Melody and Pam. It’s theirs.
pronouns, replace nouns to avoid repetition. They can stand alone (Theirs replaces their ball)
in a sentence. Possessive Pronouns vs. Possessive Adjectives
Possessive adjectives, also called “weak” possessive pronouns, Like all pronouns, possessive pronouns replace nouns. But many
are my, your, his, her, its, our, your, and their. They function writers mistake them for possessive adjectives (or determiners) —
as determiners in front of a noun to describe who something words that describe nouns.
belongs to. They can’t stand alone in a sentence. Possessive pronouns, also called “absolute” or “strong” possessive
Possessive Pronouns List pronouns, replace nouns to avoid repetition. They can stand alone
Try using some of these possessive pronouns in your own in a sentence.
sentences. Notice that some possessive pronouns and possessive Possessive adjectives, also called “weak” possessive pronouns,
adjectives are the same, such as with his and its. However, in most are my, your, his, her, its, our, your, and their. They function
cases, the word you choose depends on how you're using it. as determiners in front of a noun to describe who something
belongs to. They can’t stand alone in a sentence.
Possessive Pronouns List
Try using some of these possessive pronouns in your own
sentences. Notice that some possessive pronouns and possessive
adjectives are the same, such as with his and its. However, in most
cases, the word you choose depends on how you're using it.
Luksong Lubid
Ang larong ito na binubuo ng tatlo o higit pang manlalaro ay
simple lamang na kahit pinagdugtong dugtong na goma ay
maaari nang gamitin. Sa larong ito lumulukso ang bawat
manlalaro habang pabilis nang pabilis ang ikot ng tali o ng
pinagdugtong na mga goma. Kapag tumama ang tali sa paa ng
lumulukso, dahilan upang matigil ang pagikot nito ay siyang
papalit naman ang ibang manlalaro. Isa pang uri ng luksong
lubid ay tinatawag na Chinese Garter. Sa larong ito, tatlo o
Possessive pronouns help you be more concise and use fewer higit pang manlalaro ang maaaring sumali. Gamit ang garter,
words when explaining the same idea. Look at the examples below, lulukso lamang ang bawat manlalaro ngunit hindi tulad ng sa
and see if you can understand one sentence better than the other: naunang uri, ang garter ay pataas ng pataas: mula sa bukong
 Those are my Converse sneakers. They are not your bukong hanggang sa itaas ng ulo. Kapag matatangkad naman
Converse sneakers. ang iyong mga kalaban at may mahaba kang binti ay malaki
ang tsansa ng pagkapanalo. Madalas itong makitang nilalaro
ng mga bata sa makikipot na kalye ng Tondo, Manila.
 Those are my Converse sneakers. They are not yours.
 I didn't have my textbook for English class, so Brian lent Tinatawag na Tepak Sakraw sa Indonesia at Sepak Raga sa
me his textbook. Malaysia, ang larong ito ay madaling makikita sa lansangan
sapagkat mga punit punit at makukulay na plastik at isang
 I didn't have my textbook for English class, so Brian lent takip ng bote o tansan lang ang kailangan. Nilalaro ito sa
me his. pamamagitan ng paghahagis at pagsipa pataas gamit ang paa,
siko o iba pang parte ng katawan. Kapag sumayad na sa lupa
ang tansan, ibig sabihin ay tapos na ang laro. Madalas kang
 Your travel plans sound just as exciting as my travel
makakakita ng mga batang naglalaro ng sipa sa mga
pampublikong paaralan ng Bulacan, pagkatapos ng kanilang
mga klase.
 Your travel plans sound just as exciting as mine!
Luksong Baka
Possessive Pronoun Quiz Sa larong ito, ang isang manlalaro ay tutuwad ng bahagya
Can you find the possessive pronouns in the sentences below? habang nakasuporta ang kamay nito sa kanyang tuhod. Ang
mga kalaro ay lulukso sa itaas ng taya gamit lamang ang mga
6. His paintings were very colorful, but I liked hers better. kamay. Kapag sumayad ang mga binti ng lumukso sa ibang
7. My eyes are the color blue. parte ng katawan ng taya, siya ang papalit dito. Sa mga
8. I like listening to Bruno Mars more than Michael bukirin ng Pangasinan sikat ang larong pinoy na ito.
Jackson, but his dance moves are more iconic.
9. You can’t take that sandwich; it’s not yours. Palo Sebo
10. Is that new car ours? Hindi makukumpleto ang pistang Pilipino kung walang Palo
MAPEH:PE Sebo. Ito ay nilalaro sa pamamagitan ng pag akyat sa
MGA LARONG PINOY NA SANGKAP SA PHYSICAL mahabang kawayan na nilagyan ng grasa na magsisilbing
FITNESS pampadumulas. Kinakailangan ang malakas at makapit na
Laro ng Lahi paghawak sa kawayan upang makaabot sa tuktok at makuha
Kilala rin ang larong Pilipino sa bansag na “Laro ng Lahi” ang premyo. Sa mga lalawigan sa Luzon tanyag ang larong ito
dahil sinasagisag nito ang kulturang tunay na sapagkat maraming puno ng niyog (madalas gamitin sa larong
maipagmamalaki ng mga Pilipino. Unang inilunsad ang ito) ang matatagpuan dito.
palarong ito noong Pebrero 10, 1984 sa Laoag, Ilocos Norte sa MAPEH:PE
pangunguna ng Ministry of Education, Culture, and Sports MGA LARONG PINOY NA SANGKAP SA PHYSICAL
(ngayo’y Department of Education), Office of the Provincial FITNESS
Governor at Office of the Municipal Mayor. Di naglaon ay Laro ng Lahi
ibinilang na rin ito sa ilalim ng araling Physical Education ng Kilala rin ang larong Pilipino sa bansag na “Laro ng Lahi”
Bureau of Physical Education and School Sports. dahil sinasagisag nito ang kulturang tunay na
maipagmamalaki ng mga Pilipino. Unang inilunsad ang
Patintero palarong ito noong Pebrero 10, 1984 sa Laoag, Ilocos Norte sa
Ang larong ito ay masasabing pinakakilalang laro ng mga pangunguna ng Ministry of Education, Culture, and Sports
Pilipino. Patuloy na kumakalat ang popularidad nito sa iba’t (ngayo’y Department of Education), Office of the Provincial
ibang lalawigan bagamat mas kilala ito sa Bulacan. Bilis, liksi, Governor at Office of the Municipal Mayor. Di naglaon ay
at galing sa pagtaya ng kalaban ang pangunahing dapat na ibinilang na rin ito sa ilalim ng araling Physical Education ng
isinasaalang alang ng bawat manlalaro. Ang basehan ng Bureau of Physical Education and School Sports.
pagkapanalo sa larong ito ay ang bilang ng mga manlalarong
nakalampas sa bawat guhit nang hindi natataya ng kalaban. Patintero
Ang isang grupo ay kinabibilangan ng hindi bababa sa 10 Ang larong ito ay masasabing pinakakilalang laro ng mga
miyembro. Maaaring maglaro ng patintero sa kahit anong Pilipino. Patuloy na kumakalat ang popularidad nito sa iba’t
lugar basta’t nasusulatan ang sahig ng yeso na nagsisilbing ibang lalawigan bagamat mas kilala ito sa Bulacan. Bilis, liksi,
hangganan o kaya naman ay mga linyang dapat malampasan at galing sa pagtaya ng kalaban ang pangunahing dapat na
ng bawat manlalaro. Bilang pasimula ng laro, maghahagis ang isinasaalang alang ng bawat manlalaro. Ang basehan ng
isa ng barya upang malaman kung aling grupo ang mauunang pagkapanalo sa larong ito ay ang bilang ng mga manlalarong
maglaro at kung sinong grupo ang taya. nakalampas sa bawat guhit nang hindi natataya ng kalaban.
Ang isang grupo ay kinabibilangan ng hindi bababa sa 10 -These are very important and can vary in great numbers from one
miyembro. Maaaring maglaro ng patintero sa kahit anong animal to another. Animals like dogs, zebras, lions etc., have 4 legs
lugar basta’t nasusulatan ang sahig ng yeso na nagsisilbing whereas spiders have 8 and some insects have 6. 
hangganan o kaya naman ay mga linyang dapat malampasan -The leg strength varies a lot among various animals. Cheetahs use
ng bawat manlalaro. Bilang pasimula ng laro, maghahagis ang their legs to run very fast at about 80-128 km/h. Whereas, the legs
isa ng barya upang malaman kung aling grupo ang mauunang of elephants are extremely heavy and are used to crush branches
maglaro at kung sinong grupo ang taya. and stems as they eat them. 
-The insect legs often have small hairy structures which allow them
Luksong Lubid to walk upright on walls or any vertical surface. You must have
Ang larong ito na binubuo ng tatlo o higit pang manlalaro ay seen spiders on ceilings and ants walking in a line on walls.
simple lamang na kahit pinagdugtong dugtong na goma ay
maaari nang gamitin. Sa larong ito lumulukso ang bawat Tails
manlalaro habang pabilis nang pabilis ang ikot ng tali o ng -These are long muscular parts in many animals that arise from the
pinagdugtong na mga goma. Kapag tumama ang tali sa paa ng rear part of the body, mostly the lower back. 
lumulukso, dahilan upang matigil ang pagikot nito ay siyang -Tails are used by land animals for balance while walking and
papalit naman ang ibang manlalaro. Isa pang uri ng luksong running.
lubid ay tinatawag na Chinese Garter. Sa larong ito, tatlo o -They also use it to brush off flies or insects that bite them. Tails in
higit pang manlalaro ang maaaring sumali. Gamit ang garter, monkeys are used to move from one tree to another and also
lulukso lamang ang bawat manlalaro ngunit hindi tulad ng sa maintain balance while jumping. 
naunang uri, ang garter ay pataas ng pataas: mula sa bukong -In many cases, animals have detaching tails such as lizards. It
bukong hanggang sa itaas ng ulo. Kapag matatangkad naman helps them to escape from the predators, when the predator gets
ang iyong mga kalaban at may mahaba kang binti ay malaki hold of them, their tails break and allows them to escape the grasp
ang tsansa ng pagkapanalo. Madalas itong makitang nilalaro of their predators.
ng mga bata sa makikipot na kalye ng Tondo, Manila. -Some animals have sharp quills that can cause serious injury to
their predators and thus can save themselves.
Sipa -Some animals like rattlesnakes have tails that can make a distinct
Tinatawag na Tepak Sakraw sa Indonesia at Sepak Raga sa sound and keep their predators away or distract them while they
Malaysia, ang larong ito ay madaling makikita sa lansangan escape.
sapagkat mga punit punit at makukulay na plastik at isang
takip ng bote o tansan lang ang kailangan. Nilalaro ito sa
pamamagitan ng paghahagis at pagsipa pataas gamit ang paa, Animal Claws
-Claws in animals are of immense variety among various animals.
siko o iba pang parte ng katawan. Kapag sumayad na sa lupa
ang tansan, ibig sabihin ay tapos na ang laro. Madalas kang They have many uses depending on animals such as catching prey,
climbing, and self-defense. 
makakakita ng mga batang naglalaro ng sipa sa mga
pampublikong paaralan ng Bulacan, pagkatapos ng kanilang -Carnivorous animals use their claws to injure their prey and slow
them down to bite and kill for them to consume. They have a
mga klase.
special type of claw that has retractable nails, i.e. the nails hide
under their paws when not needed and that allows them to stay
Luksong Baka
Sa larong ito, ang isang manlalaro ay tutuwad ng bahagya sharp and strong and not get damaged unnecessarily. 
-Animals like monkeys and lizards use claws to grip the surfaces
habang nakasuporta ang kamay nito sa kanyang tuhod. Ang
mga kalaro ay lulukso sa itaas ng taya gamit lamang ang mga they are climbing on.
-These claws are just like the nails that we humans have but a lot
kamay. Kapag sumayad ang mga binti ng lumukso sa ibang
parte ng katawan ng taya, siya ang papalit dito. Sa mga sharper and pointed allowing them to attach to tree trunks or
bukirin ng Pangasinan sikat ang larong pinoy na ito.
-Claws can be a useful tool for digging soil. Animals like
Armadillo dig soil to find insects and fruits inside the soil. Various
Palo Sebo
Hindi makukumpleto ang pistang Pilipino kung walang Palo reptiles dig up soil to lay eggs and incubate them for them to
Sebo. Ito ay nilalaro sa pamamagitan ng pag akyat sa hatch. 
mahabang kawayan na nilagyan ng grasa na magsisilbing -The right claws as seen in other animals are absent among humans
pampadumulas. Kinakailangan ang malakas at makapit na as they are not needed for movement. The presence of hands that
paghawak sa kawayan upang makaabot sa tuktok at makuha can grip anything and legs that can firmly place them on the ground
ang premyo. Sa mga lalawigan sa Luzon tanyag ang larong ito allows them to move freely.
sapagkat maraming puno ng niyog (madalas gamitin sa larong
ito) ang matatagpuan dito. Beaks
-are a special mouth adaptation mostly in birds. These are of many
Do you know some interesting facts about animals? Hummingbirds
types based on the needs of that bird. Eagles, Hawks, and Owls
are the only birds that fly backwards. Another one is the coconut
generally have a hook-shaped beak that allows them to tear flesh as
crab which has the strongest gripping claws and the last one is
they are meat-eating birds. The hook acts like the canines in
Platypus turtles also have beaks but are not birds.
carnivorous animals. Birds like canaries and sparrows have cone-
shaped beaks that are useful in breaking seeds and nuts and eating
Animals are living organisms just like us and a part of our planet.
their contents. Then there are short and curved beaks which are
The body parts of animals include beaks, claws, tails, legs, etc.
commonly seen among parrots and macaws as they allow them to
Animals use these parts to perform multiple actions. They can use
rip apart hard fruits and nuts. Long and narrow beaks are also seen
these body parts for catching prey, eating food or just for
among some birds that drink nectar from flowers and juices from
fruits, it also allows them to eat insects from the gaps and holes in
Animal Body Parts and Functions
tree trunks and flowers. e.g. Hummingbird, Robin.There are also
birds with large and heavy beaks such as pelicans and seagulls that
eat fish from the sea. Their wide and strong beaks allow them to
capture fish in them and not let them escape. 
Animals with a Tail and Horns
-Most of the animals have a tail on their bodies. Some animals also
have horns along with their tails. The animals use their horns to
break tree branches and fight their enemies.
-Many animals have hard structures, called horns, growing from
their heads. Most horned animals also have hooves. Sheep, cattle,
goats, and antelopes are some of the most common horned animals.

Animals with Wings

-Some animals have wings that enable them to fly. A wing is part
of an animal that allows it to fly. By moving its wings, the animal
can produce lift and get off the ground.

External Parts of the Body

-The external body parts of animals include the eyes, nose, mouth,
legs, and tail. These parts of the body are used as sense organs by
the animals and thus are of high importance. Most animals have a
very wide vision to look out for predators in the wild. They also
showcase a very keen sense of smell allowing them to find food. 

 Animals have different body parts. Each body part has its own
unique functions.
 Their body parts enable them to move, eat, breathe, and even
defend themselves.
 Many animals we know have eyes, noses, mouths, ears, and
 There are other animals with beaks, feathers, scales, tails, and
 The animals use their horns to break tree branches and fight
their enemies.
 The tails help animals keep away insects and flies.
 Birds use their wings to fly.
The blood vessels which carry blood away from the heart are
called arteries. Blood returns to the heart in veins. Joining the
arteries and veins is a fine network of small tubes called
capillaries. The capillaries pass through every part of the body.

The organs of the Animals’ body


System of the Organs in the Body Job or function

Musculo- muscle (meat) bones Support and move the
skeletal body
Digestive stomach, liver, Digest and absorb feed
intestine, pancreas
Circulatory heart, blood vessels The brood carries
substances around the
Respiratory muzzle, windpipe, lungs Breathing
Urinary kidneys, bladder Get rid of poisons and
waste (urine)
Nervous brain, nerves spinal Pass messages around
cord the body, control the
Sensory eyes, ears, nose skin Sense and detect things
outside the body
Reproductive testes, penis ovaries, To produce and feed
uterus, vagina, vulva, young
Lympho- lymph nodes, spleen Protect against
reticular infectious diseases,
produce blood

The musculo-skeletal system

This system consists of the bones and the muscles (meat).The
bones form the skeleton which is the framework within the body.
It carries weight and supports the body.
Bones are connected together so they can move. The places
where this happens are called joints. The bones are held together
at the joints by elastic strands called ligaments. Between the
bones is a softer material called cartilage (gristle) which cushions
the bones at the joints when the body moves. Bones are very hard
and contain minerals. Each bone has a name such as the scapula
(shoulder blade) and skull (head). There are about 200 bones in
the body.
Muscles are joined at both ends to the bones. The muscles are the
meat of the body and when they contract (shorten) or relax
(lengthen) they make the bones move.
If you bend your arm you can see and feel the muscles in your arm
The digestive system
The digestive system consists of the teeth, mouth, gullet
(oesophagus), stomach, liver, intestine, pancreas, and rectum.
Digestion begins in the mouth where feed is broken down into
small pieces by the teeth and mixed with saliva before being
In the stomach feed is mixed with the juices to form a soft paste.
This then passes into the intestine where bile from the liver and
juices from the pancreas are added. The action of these juices is to
break down the feed and allow the nourishment it contains to be
absorbed by the blood in the walls of the intestine. Waste matter
collects in the rectum and passes out of the body through the
anus (or cloaca in birds).
The circulatory system and blood
The organs of the circulatory system are the heart and the blood
vessels (tubes). The heart is found in the chest cavity. It is a
muscular pump which sends blood around the body.
MARANAO Nakatira sila sa paligid ng lawa ng Lanao. Ang kahulugan ng
“ranao” ay lawa kung saan hinango ang kanilang pangalan. Ang Marawi ang
tinaguriang lungsod ng mga dugong bughaw ng Maranao. Buo pa rin at hindi
nai-impluwensiyahan ang kanilang kultura katulad ng disenyo ng damit, banig at
sa kanilang mga kagamitang tanso.
T’BOLI Sa Cotabato nakatira ang mga T’Boli. Gumagawa sila ng tela para sa
mga damit mula sa T’Nalak na hinabi mula sa hibla ng abaka. Maaaring
magasawa ng marami ang mga lalaki, nagpapalagay ng tatu o hakang ang mga
babae. Ang kanilang ikinabubuhay ay pangangaso, pangingisda, at pangunguha
ng mga prutas sa kagubatan.
TAUSUG Ang mga Tausug na nakatira malapit sa dagat ay mga mangingisda, at
magsasaka naman ang mga nasa loobang bahagi. Naninisid ng perlas na kanilang
ipinangpapalit ng tanso at bakal sa mga taga Borneo at ng pagkain sa mga
magsasaka. Ang kalakalang ito ang nagdala ng Islam sa Sulu.
BADJAO Naninirahan sa Sulu. Samal ang kanilang wika. Nakaira sila sa
bangkang-bahay na may iisang pamilya na binubuo ng dalawa hanggang
tatlongpu. Pangingisda ang pangunahin nilang hanapbuhay. Gumagawa din sila
ng mga Vinta at mga gamit sa pangingisda tulad ng lambat at bitag. Karamihan
sa mga Badjao ay mga Muslim.
SUBANEN Matatagpuan sa kabundukan ng Zamboanga del Norte at
Zamboanga del Sur. Kayumanggi ang kanilang kulay at may makapal at maitim
na buhok. Naniniwala sila na sa iisang ninuno lang sila nagmula.
BAGOBO Matatagpuan sa mga baybaying golpo ng Davao. Maputi ang kutis at
kulay mais ang kanilang buhok na may natural na kulot. Napapangkat sa tatlo
ang tradisyunal na lipunan ng mga Bagobo. Ang Bayani, ang Mandirigma, at ang
pinuno ng mga ito ang Datu na tumatayong huwes, nag-aayos ng gulo at
tagapagtanggol ng tribo.
YAKAN Sila lamang ang tanging pangkat na kapwa nagsusuot ng malong ang
lalaki at babae. isinusuot ng lalaking Yakan ang malong sa kaniyang ulo
samantalang nakapulupot naman ito sa baywang ng mga babae. Patriarka ang uri
ng lupaing Yakan. Maaari ding magpakasal ng higit sa apat ang lalaki kung may
kakayahang magbigay ng sapat na kabuhayan.
MANGYAN Nakatira sila sa liblib na pook ng Mindoro. Kumukuha sila ng
ikinabubuhay sa kagubatan, pangisdaan at kalakal sa Mindoro. Sinaunang
alpabeto ang gamit sa pagsulat ng mga pagpapantig. Ang ambahan ang kanilang
panitikan na napanatili sa pamamagitan ng pag-ukit nito ng kutsilyo, mga
kagamitan at sa mga lalagyan ng nganga.
TAGBANUA Nakatira sa baybaying dagat sa gitnang Palawan. Pangingisda,
paghahalaman at pangangaso ang kanilang kabuhayan. Makasampu ang kanilang
tawag sa pinuno ng pangkat. Blusang mahahaba ang manggas at makukulay na
paldang patadyong ang kasuotan ng mga babae, samantalang bahag naman ang
kasuotan sa mga lalaki.
Ang karamihan sa populasyon ng pangkat at pawang Austranesyano mula sa
relihiyong Animismo, Hunduismo, Budismo o Islam na naglipat ng relihiyong
Ang karamihan sa populasyon ng pangkat at pawang Austranesyano mula sa
Kristyanismo sa panahon ng pagsakop ng mga Kastila.
relihiyong Animismo, Hunduismo, Budismo o Islam na naglipat ng relihiyong
Narito ang mga iba’t ibang mga pangkat etniko sa islang pangkat ng Luzon: Kristyanismo sa panahon ng pagsakop ng mga Kastila.
Mangyan Ang mga Mangyan ay nakatira sa mga liblib na pook ng Mindoro.
Narito ang mga iba’t ibang mga pangkat etniko sa islang pangkat ng Luzon:
Sila ay mahiyain, kulay kayumanggi, itim ang buhok, maamong mata, at may
Mangyan Ang mga Mangyan ay nakatira sa mga liblib na pook ng Mindoro.
katamtaman ang tangkad.
Sila ay mahiyain, kulay kayumanggi, itim ang buhok, maamong mata, at may
Ifugao Ang pangkat etniko na ito ay naninirahan sa gitnang bahagi ng hilagang
katamtaman ang tangkad.
Luzon. Ang salitang Ifugao ay galing sa salitang ipugo na ibig sabihi ay “mula sa
Ifugao Ang pangkat etniko na ito ay naninirahan sa gitnang bahagi ng hilagang
mga burol”.
Luzon. Ang salitang Ifugao ay galing sa salitang ipugo na ibig sabihi ay “mula sa
Kalinga Sila ay naninirahan sa pinakahilagang bahagi ng Luzon. Sila ay mahilig
mga burol”.
sa makukulay na pananamit at pampaganda.
Kalinga Sila ay naninirahan sa pinakahilagang bahagi ng Luzon. Sila ay mahilig
Tawis Matatagpuan ang pangkat etniko sa timog kanlurang bahagi ng Cagayan.
sa makukulay na pananamit at pampaganda.
Galing sa salitang I at Tawid ang pangalan nila na ibig sabihin ay “mga tao sa
Tawis Matatagpuan ang pangkat etniko sa timog kanlurang bahagi ng Cagayan.
kabila ng ilog”.
Galing sa salitang I at Tawid ang pangalan nila na ibig sabihin ay “mga tao sa
Kankana-ey Sila ay pangatlo sa pinakamalaking pangkat na naninirahan sa
kabila ng ilog”.
Mountain Province ng hilagang Luzon.
Kankana-ey Sila ay pangatlo sa pinakamalaking pangkat na naninirahan sa
Ilongot Ang ibig sabihin ng pangalang ito ay “mula sa gubat”. Matatagpuan sila
Mountain Province ng hilagang Luzon.
sa mga kagubatan ng Isabela at Nueva Vizcaya.
Ilongot Ang ibig sabihin ng pangalang ito ay “mula sa gubat”. Matatagpuan sila
Ibaloy Matatagpuan sila sa mga bayan ng Kabayan, Bokod, Sablan, Tublay, La
sa mga kagubatan ng Isabela at Nueva Vizcaya.
Trinidad, Itogon, Benguet at Tuba na nasa timog silangang bahagi ng Benguet.
Ibaloy Matatagpuan sila sa mga bayan ng Kabayan, Bokod, Sablan, Tublay, La
Isneg Kilala rin bilang Apayao o Ina-gang, matatagpuan sila sa Kalinga at
Trinidad, Itogon, Benguet at Tuba na nasa timog silangang bahagi ng Benguet.
Apayao. Sila ay karaniwang nasa matatarik na dalisdis at mabababang burol na
Isneg Kilala rin bilang Apayao o Ina-gang, matatagpuan sila sa Kalinga at
malapit sa mga ilog.
Apayao. Sila ay karaniwang nasa matatarik na dalisdis at mabababang burol na
Ivatan Ang pangkat etniko na ito ay mga mamamayan ng Batanes. Sila ay
malapit sa mga ilog.
relihiyoso, masisipag, matitiyaga, magagalang at mapagkakatiwalaan.
Ivatan Ang pangkat etniko na ito ay mga mamamayan ng Batanes. Sila ay
relihiyoso, masisipag, matitiyaga, magagalang at mapagkakatiwalaan.
Narito ang mga iba’t ibang mga pangkat etniko sa islang pangkat ng Visayas:
Ilonggo | Hilagaynon Ang mga Hiligaynon ay nakatira sa isla ng Panay,
Narito ang mga iba’t ibang mga pangkat etniko sa islang pangkat ng Visayas:
Guimaras, kanlurang bahagi ng Islang Negros, Hilaga at Timugang Cotabato at
Ilonggo | Hilagaynon Ang mga Hiligaynon ay nakatira sa isla ng Panay,
Sultan Kudarat.
Guimaras, kanlurang bahagi ng Islang Negros, Hilaga at Timugang Cotabato at
Waray | Lineyte-Samarnon Kilala rin bilang Leyte-Samarnon, ang mga Waray
Sultan Kudarat.
ay nakatira sa mga isla na Samar, Leyte at ang islang lalawigan ng Biliran
Waray | Lineyte-Samarnon Kilala rin bilang Leyte-Samarnon, ang mga Waray
Cebuano | Bisaya Kilala rin bilang Bisaya sa madla, ang pangkat na ito ay
ay nakatira sa mga isla na Samar, Leyte at ang islang lalawigan ng Biliran
nakatira sa isla ng Cebu, silangang bahagi ng Islang Negros, Bohol, Siquijor at
Cebuano | Bisaya Kilala rin bilang Bisaya sa madla, ang pangkat na ito ay
bahagi ng Leyte
nakatira sa isla ng Cebu, silangang bahagi ng Islang Negros, Bohol, Siquijor at
Karay-a | Kinaray-a Ang Karay-a ay isang pangkat na nasa isla ng Panay at
bahagi ng Leyte
Palawan. May isang pangkat ng Karay-a na tinatawag na Hamtikanon na
Karay-a | Kinaray-a Ang Karay-a ay isang pangkat na nasa isla ng Panay at
nakatira sa lalawigan ng Antique
Palawan. May isang pangkat ng Karay-a na tinatawag na Hamtikanon na
Masbateño | Minasbate Ang Masbateño ay isang pangkat na galing sa
nakatira sa lalawigan ng Antique
lalawigan ng Masbate sa Luzon na mayroong mga napadpad sa isla ng Panay
Masbateño | Minasbate Ang Masbateño ay isang pangkat na galing sa
Aklanon Ang mga Aklanon ay nakatira sa lalawigan ng Aklan sa isla ng Panay.
lalawigan ng Masbate sa Luzon na mayroong mga napadpad sa isla ng Panay
Aklanon Ang mga Aklanon ay nakatira sa lalawigan ng Aklan sa isla ng Panay.
PANGKAT ETNIKO SA MINDANAO change their stems into flattened (Opuntia) or fleshy cylindrical (Euphorbia)
MARANAO Nakatira sila sa paligid ng lawa ng Lanao. Ang kahulugan ng forms. They have chlorophyll and are capable of photosynthesis.
“ranao” ay lawa kung saan hinango ang kanilang pangalan. Ang Marawi ang Some plants, such as grass and strawberry, stretch underground stems to new
tinaguriang lungsod ng mga dugong bughaw ng Maranao. Buo pa rin at hindi niches, and when older sections die, new plants emerge.
nai-impluwensiyahan ang kanilang kultura katulad ng disenyo ng damit, banig at
sa kanilang mga kagamitang tanso. Leaves
T’BOLI Sa Cotabato nakatira ang mga T’Boli. Gumagawa sila ng tela para sa Leaves are a fundamental part of a plant as all the necessary food for the plants
mga damit mula sa T’Nalak na hinabi mula sa hibla ng abaka. Maaaring is stored in the leaves. A special part about leaves is that they are designed for
magasawa ng marami ang mga lalaki, nagpapalagay ng tatu o hakang ang mga the process of photosynthesis which contributes to the process of making food in
babae. Ang kanilang ikinabubuhay ay pangangaso, pangingisda, at pangunguha the leaves. Shoot apical meristems give rise to leaves. At the node, the leaf
ng mga prutas sa kagubatan. develops and bears a bud in its axil. Later on, the axillary bud develops into a
TAUSUG Ang mga Tausug na nakatira malapit sa dagat ay mga mangingisda, at branch. The leaf base, petiole, and lamina are the three primary sections of a
magsasaka naman ang mga nasa loobang bahagi. Naninisid ng perlas na kanilang normal leaf. The petiole aids in keeping the blade lit. Leaf-blades flap in the
ipinangpapalit ng tanso at bakal sa mga taga Borneo at ng pagkain sa mga breeze, cooling the leaf and delivering fresh air to the surface, thanks to long thin
magsasaka. Ang kalakalang ito ang nagdala ng Islam sa Sulu. flexible petioles. The leaf blade, or lamina, is the extended green section of the
BADJAO Naninirahan sa Sulu. Samal ang kanilang wika. Nakaira sila sa leaf with veins and veinlets.
bangkang-bahay na may iisang pamilya na binubuo ng dalawa hanggang
tatlongpu. Pangingisda ang pangunahin nilang hanapbuhay. Gumagawa din sila Flowers
ng mga Vinta at mga gamit sa pangingisda tulad ng lambat at bitag. Karamihan Flowers are known as the reproductive products of plants. They are mostly
sa mga Badjao ay mga Muslim. responsible for producing fruits. The process is like this- the ovules present in
SUBANEN Matatagpuan sa kabundukan ng Zamboanga del Norte at the flowers get fertilized and produce fruit. They also contain pollen which helps
Zamboanga del Sur. Kayumanggi ang kanilang kulay at may makapal at maitim in the pollination of the flower. After the combined process of fertilization and
na buhok. Naniniwala sila na sa iisang ninuno lang sila nagmula. pollination, the ovules get transformed into fruit. Flowers offer an almost infinite
BAGOBO Matatagpuan sa mga baybaying golpo ng Davao. Maputi ang kutis at variety of combinations in terms of colour, size, form, and anatomical
kulay mais ang kanilang buhok na may natural na kulot. Napapangkat sa tatlo arrangement. The essential organs of reproduction (stamens and pistils) and
ang tradisyunal na lipunan ng mga Bagobo. Ang Bayani, ang Mandirigma, at ang usually ancillary organs (sepals and petals) are carried on the floral axis of each
pinuno ng mga ito ang Datu na tumatayong huwes, nag-aayos ng gulo at flower. The latter would function to both attract pollination insects and preserve
tagapagtanggol ng tribo. the vital organs.
YAKAN Sila lamang ang tanging pangkat na kapwa nagsusuot ng malong ang
lalaki at babae. isinusuot ng lalaking Yakan ang malong sa kaniyang ulo Fruits
samantalang nakapulupot naman ito sa baywang ng mga babae. Patriarka ang uri Fruits are the products of reproduction in plants. The most essential component
ng lupaing Yakan. Maaari ding magpakasal ng higit sa apat ang lalaki kung may from which reproduction starts, that is the seed, is present in the fruit. Therefore,
kakayahang magbigay ng sapat na kabuhayan. they act as a protective layer for seeds. A fruit's primary role is to disperse seeds
MANGYAN Nakatira sila sa liblib na pook ng Mindoro. Kumukuha sila ng and allow the plant to reproduce. As a result, regardless of whether the fruit is
ikinabubuhay sa kagubatan, pangisdaan at kalakal sa Mindoro. Sinaunang edible, sweet, or soft, all flowering plants produce fruit.
alpabeto ang gamit sa pagsulat ng mga pagpapantig. Ang ambahan ang kanilang
panitikan na napanatili sa pamamagitan ng pag-ukit nito ng kutsilyo, mga Seeds
kagamitan at sa mga lalagyan ng nganga. Seeds are the main agents for reproduction. They can be found most commonly
TAGBANUA Nakatira sa baybaying dagat sa gitnang Palawan. Pangingisda, in fruits from where they germinate and develop into new plants. Essentially, a
paghahalaman at pangangaso ang kanilang kabuhayan. Makasampu ang kanilang seed is a microscopic underdeveloped plant (the embryo) that is protected by a
tawag sa pinuno ng pangkat. Blusang mahahaba ang manggas at makukulay na protective covering for its early development following germination, either alone
paldang patadyong ang kasuotan ng mga babae, samantalang bahag naman ang or in the presence of stored food (the testa). Seeds are ideally equipped to
kasuotan sa mga lalaki. execute a wide range of functions, the relationships between which are not
always obvious: multiplication, perennation (surviving stressful seasons such as
winter), dormancy (a condition of halted development), and dissemination.
Plants form the most vital and most essential components of our environment. Plants form the most vital and most essential components of our environment.
Plants, just like human beings, are living organisms that require food, water, and Plants, just like human beings, are living organisms that require food, water, and
sunlight to live. Moreover, like human beings, they grow old and die, they are sunlight to live. Moreover, like human beings, they grow old and die, they are
made up of cells and most importantly, they are equally reactive. Just like human made up of cells and most importantly, they are equally reactive. Just like human
beings, their physical structure also consists of different parts. Each of those beings, their physical structure also consists of different parts. Each of those
parts has a separate function to fulfil. Without those parts, it would not be parts has a separate function to fulfil. Without those parts, it would not be
possible for a plant to live. possible for a plant to live.

Different Parts of a Plant Different Parts of a Plant

Before we get into the details, first we must be aware of the similarities between Before we get into the details, first we must be aware of the similarities between
plants and human beings. As we have already established, plants are composed plants and human beings. As we have already established, plants are composed
of various parts- a fact similar to human beings who are also made up of of various parts- a fact similar to human beings who are also made up of
different body parts. Just like each body part of a human being has a different different body parts. Just like each body part of a human being has a different
role to play, each part of a plant exhibits a unique role that stimulates the growth role to play, each part of a plant exhibits a unique role that stimulates the growth
of plants. Some of the most important parts of plants include roots, stems, leaves, of plants. Some of the most important parts of plants include roots, stems, leaves,
flowers, fruit, and seeds. A detailed description of each of the parts of plants is flowers, fruit, and seeds. A detailed description of each of the parts of plants is
mentioned below: mentioned below:

Roots Roots
-are the most important part of a plant as they are responsible for transferring the -are the most important part of a plant as they are responsible for transferring the
necessary nutrients to the plant. They are the agents responsible for delivering necessary nutrients to the plant. They are the agents responsible for delivering
water and minerals to the plants. Besides that, they are also the active support water and minerals to the plants. Besides that, they are also the active support
system of plants without which the plants would fail to stick to the soil. system of plants without which the plants would fail to stick to the soil.
Moreover, they are also responsible for saving up food for later use for the Moreover, they are also responsible for saving up food for later use for the
plants. plants.
-Absorption of water and nutrients from the soil, appropriate anchorage of plant -Absorption of water and nutrients from the soil, appropriate anchorage of plant
parts, storage of reserve food material, and synthesis of plant growth regulators parts, storage of reserve food material, and synthesis of plant growth regulators
are the key tasks of the root system. The root cap is a thimble-like structure that are the key tasks of the root system. The root cap is a thimble-like structure that
covers the root at its tip. It shields the root's fragile apex as it travels through the covers the root at its tip. It shields the root's fragile apex as it travels through the
soil. Carrot, turnip, and sweet potato adventitious roots are tapped, swelled, and soil. Carrot, turnip, and sweet potato adventitious roots are tapped, swelled, and
stored. Prop roots are the hanging structures that hold a banyan tree. Similarly, stored. Prop roots are the hanging structures that hold a banyan tree. Similarly,
maize and sugarcane stems have supporting roots that emerge from the lower maize and sugarcane stems have supporting roots that emerge from the lower
nodes of the stem. Stilt roots are what they're called. Many roots emerge from nodes of the stem. Stilt roots are what they're called. Many roots emerge from
the ground and grow vertically upwards in some plants, such as Rhizophora in the ground and grow vertically upwards in some plants, such as Rhizophora in
swampy environments. Pneumatophores are roots that aid in the acquisition of swampy environments. Pneumatophores are roots that aid in the acquisition of
oxygen for breathing. oxygen for breathing.

Stems Stems
-are also support systems for the plants. Their main function is to act as delivery -are also support systems for the plants. Their main function is to act as delivery
agents for the nutrients and water stored in the roots and transfer them to the agents for the nutrients and water stored in the roots and transfer them to the
other plant parts in the form of glucose. Stems also transfer food from the leaves other plant parts in the form of glucose. Stems also transfer food from the leaves
to the other parts of the plant. Potato, ginger, turmeric, zaminkand, and colocasia to the other parts of the plant. Potato, ginger, turmeric, zaminkand, and colocasia
underground stems have been engineered to store food. Arid-climate plants underground stems have been engineered to store food. Arid-climate plants
change their stems into flattened (Opuntia) or fleshy cylindrical (Euphorbia)
forms. They have chlorophyll and are capable of photosynthesis.
Some plants, such as grass and strawberry, stretch underground stems to new
niches, and when older sections die, new plants emerge.

Leaves are a fundamental part of a plant as all the necessary food for the plants
is stored in the leaves. A special part about leaves is that they are designed for
the process of photosynthesis which contributes to the process of making food in
the leaves. Shoot apical meristems give rise to leaves. At the node, the leaf
develops and bears a bud in its axil. Later on, the axillary bud develops into a
branch. The leaf base, petiole, and lamina are the three primary sections of a
normal leaf. The petiole aids in keeping the blade lit. Leaf-blades flap in the
breeze, cooling the leaf and delivering fresh air to the surface, thanks to long thin
flexible petioles. The leaf blade, or lamina, is the extended green section of the
leaf with veins and veinlets.

Flowers are known as the reproductive products of plants. They are mostly
responsible for producing fruits. The process is like this- the ovules present in
the flowers get fertilized and produce fruit. They also contain pollen which helps
in the pollination of the flower. After the combined process of fertilization and
pollination, the ovules get transformed into fruit. Flowers offer an almost infinite
variety of combinations in terms of colour, size, form, and anatomical
arrangement. The essential organs of reproduction (stamens and pistils) and
usually ancillary organs (sepals and petals) are carried on the floral axis of each
flower. The latter would function to both attract pollination insects and preserve
the vital organs.

Fruits are the products of reproduction in plants. The most essential component
from which reproduction starts, that is the seed, is present in the fruit. Therefore,
they act as a protective layer for seeds. A fruit's primary role is to disperse seeds
and allow the plant to reproduce. As a result, regardless of whether the fruit is
edible, sweet, or soft, all flowering plants produce fruit.

Seeds are the main agents for reproduction. They can be found most commonly
in fruits from where they germinate and develop into new plants. Essentially, a
seed is a microscopic underdeveloped plant (the embryo) that is protected by a
protective covering for its early development following germination, either alone
or in the presence of stored food (the testa). Seeds are ideally equipped to
execute a wide range of functions, the relationships between which are not
always obvious: multiplication, perennation (surviving stressful seasons such as
winter), dormancy (a condition of halted development), and dissemination.
Aquatic Plants
What are the characteristics of aquatic plants?

Aquatic plants, also called hydrophytes, grow

in water or in soil permanently saturated with
water. They are well distributed around the
world. They are often found in areas called
littoral zone, which is the shallow part of the
water where the sunlight could reach the soil.
Aquatic plants can serve as food and habitat
for organisms living in different bodies of
water such as ponds, lakes, and sea. Some of
the major factors affecting the number of
aquatic plants growing in a specific body of
water include water depth, nutrient
availability, and type of soil.
One of the most important features of aquatic
plants that make them adapt to water is the
formation of aerenchyma – a parenchyma
tissue with large intracellular air spaces. This
tissue is used to store oxygen and transport it
to other plant tissues. The stored oxygen is
also used by leaves for buoyancy.
Types of Aquatic Plants
Aquatic plants can be classified as floating,
submerged, or emergent plants.
Floating Plants

Floating plants are not rooted at the water’s

bottom, and the leaves and flowers float and
move freely on the water’s surface. Some of
them are rootless. Others have roots with
hair-like structures that dangles from the
underside of the leaves. They usually grow in
areas where there is a little wave in the water.
Some of the common examples of floating
plants are water lily, water lettuce, and
In the tropical areas with heated still waters,
floating plants can completely cover the
surface within several months. Hence, they
are also called aquatic weeds. Duckweeds, for
example, can double the surface coverage
approximately every two days.
Submerged plants

A few species of emergent plants grow via

stolons or rhizomes. Stolons, also called
runners, are stems that allow the plants to
spread and reproduce. These stems enable
emergent plants to overcrowd other species
and allow them to endure periods of
Submerged plants are aquatic plants which environmental stress. On the other hand,
are rooted on the water’s bottom but do not rhizomes are modified stems, where the
extend all the way to the surface. The leaves, shoots and roots arise through the nodes. The
stems, and roots grow entirely underwater shoots and roots serve as the overwintering
although some of its leaves float. In addition, buds of the plants during cold weather.
they have flowers usually raised above the Example
water surface. They usually grow near the
shore up to the deepest part of the littoral
zone. They can tolerate fluctuating water
levels, shoreline waves, and erosion. Some
common examples of submerged plants are
pondweed, hornwort, and rice-field water-
Some species of submerged plants are known
to have antipollution mechanisms. They are
often used for phytoremediation – the use of
plants to remove, degrade, and contain
contaminants such as heavy metals.
Emergent plants
Emergent plants are rooted on the water’s
bottom and extend their leaves and stem to
the surface. The leaves of these plants have
spongy tissues and packed with air spaces.
They typically grow along the shore where the
water is low, usually less than four feet deep.
Some common examples of emergent plants
are wild rice, cattails, and pickerelweed.
 Senado – Ang mataas na kapulungan,
Seagrasses are flowering aquatic plants which ito ay binubuo ng 24 na senador at
pinamumunuan ng isang presidente
sometimes found in bays and lagoons. These ng Senado
aquatic plants are so important because they  Kapulungan ng Kinatawan – Ang
provide food for commercial and recreational mababang kapulungan. Bmubuo ng
fishes. They also add oxygen to the higit na 250 na kinatawan na
environment and fix sediments to generate pinamumunuan ng isang Speaker o
materials for the small invertebrates living in Punong Kinatawan
 Tagapagpaganap | Ehekutibo
the same area.
 Ito naman ang nagpapatupad ng batas na
Explore! ginawa sa Kongreso. Ito ay nasa pangulo
Water lilies provide food and habitat to other na siyang pinakamataas na pinuno ng
aquatic organisms. Research about other uses pansa at ang pangunahing tagapatupad
of water lilies. What are the companies that ng batas.
use water lilies as source material for their  Ang Pangulo ay may katulong ng
mga gabinete at ng Bise Presidente
products? What part of the water lilies are
 Gabinete – pinamumunuan ng mga
used? kalihim upang mamuno sa mga
What do you think? kagawaran.
What do you think will happen if aquatic  Panghuhukom | Hudisyal
plants will overpopulate in an aquatic  Sila naman ang nagdidisiplina sa mga
environment? huwes ng mababang hukuman
Key Points  Ito naman ay nakasalalay sa Kataas-
taasang Hukuman o Korte Suprema at
 Aquatic plants, also called hydrophytes, grow binubuo ito ng Punong Hukom o Chief
in water or in soil permanently saturated with Justice at labing-apat na Kagawad na
water. Hukom
 Littoral zone is the area where most aquatic
plants are found. Mga Pangulo ng Pilipinas at ang Kanilang
Kontribusyon sa Bansa
 Aquatic plants can be classified as floating,
submerged, or emergent plants. Mula sa kasarinlan ng Pilipinas sa Espanya noong
 Floating plants are not rooted at the water’s 1898, nagkaroon na ng 16 na pangulo ang bansa.
bottom and the leaves and flowers float and Mula kay Heneral Emilio Aguinaldo hanggang sa
free to move on the water’s surface. kasalukuyang pangulo na si Rodrigo Duterte, ang
artikulong ito ay naglalaman ng mga kontribusyon at
 Submerged plants are aquatic plants which
tagumpay ng bawat pangulo habang sila ay nakaluklok
are rooted on the water’s bottom but do not sa puwesto.
extend all the way to the surface.
 Emergent plants are rooted on the water’s Emilio Aguinaldo (1899-1901)
bottom and extend their leaves and stem to
the surface.  Una (at tanging) pangulo ng Unang Republika
(Republika ng Malolos)
 The most important feature of aquatic plants  Nilagdaan ang Kasunduan sa Biak-na-Bato,
that make them adapt to water is the na nagpapahinto ng labanan sa pagitan ng
formation of aerenchyma – a parenchyma mga rebolusyonaryo ng Espanya at Pilipinas
tissue with large intracellular air spaces.  Kilala bilang Pangulo ng Pamahalaang
 Pinangunahan ang Pilipinas sa Digmaang
ARALING PANLIPUNAN Pilipino-Espanyol at sa Digmaang Pilipino-
Ang pamahalaan ay ang pangunahing institusyon na Amerikano
nagpapatupad ng mga taas at kautusan ng isang  Pinakabatang pangulo sa edad na 28
bansa.  May pinakamahabang buhay na presidente,
nasawi sa edad na 94
Ang bansa nating Pilipinas ay may pamahalaang  Makikita sa pera ng Pilipinas: 5-pisong papel
demokratikong republika at ito ay may tatlong sangay: at barya
 Tagapagbatas | Lehislatura
 Ang sangay na ito ay may kapangyarihang Manuel L. Quezon (1935-1944)
magpanukala, gumawa, at magbago ng
batas. Nakasalalay ito sa Kongreso ng  Tinaguriang “Ama ng Republika ng Pilipinas”,
Pilipinas. siya ang naging unang Pangulo ng
 Ang Kongreso ay nahati sa dalawang Commonwealth ng Pilipinas sa ilalim ng
kapulungan: pamahalaang Amerikano noong simula ng ika-
20 siglo. 
 Kilala bilang “Ama ng Wikang Filipino.” sinimulan ang buhay nang walang panuntunan
Inaprubahan ang Tagalog / Filipino bilang ng dayuhan.
pambansang wika ng Pilipinas  Sa ilalim ng kanyang termino, ang Philippine
 Unang pangulo ng Senado na naging Pangulo Rehabilitation Act  at ang Philippine Trade
ng Pilipinas Act  ay isinabatas ng Kongreso
 Unang pangulo na inihalal sa pamamagitan ng  Makikita sa pera ng Pilipinas: 100-piso
isang pambansang halalan Elpidio Quirino (1948-1953)
 Lumikha ng Pambansang Konseho ng
 Pinasimulan ang pagboto ng kababaihan sa Si Elpidio Quirino ay nagsilbing bise presidente sa
Pilipinas sa panahon ng Komonwelt ilalim ni Manuel Roxas. Nang namatay si Roxas noong
 Makikita sa pera ng Pilipinas: 20-piso 1948, naging pangulo si Quirino.
Jose P. Laurel (1943-1945)  Aktibo ang kilusang gerilya
na Hukbalahap  (Hukbong Bayan Laban sa
Hapon) sa panahon ng kanyang pagkapangulo
Kontrobersyal ang pagkapangulo ni José P. Laurel.  Sa kanyang termino, nilikha ang Social
Siya ay opisyal na tagapag-alaga ng pamahalaan sa Security Commission at ang Integrity
panahon ng pananakop ng Hapon noong Ikalawang Board upang subaybayan ang graft and
Digmaang Pandaigdig. Binansagan siyang traidor ng corruption
ilang kritiko at kinasuhan ng pagtataksil (treason) na  Ang Lungsod ng Quezon ay naging kabisera
kalaunan ay pinaliban dahil sa proklamasyon ng ng Pilipinas noong 1948
amnestiya noong 1948. Ramon Magsaysay (1953-1957)
 Mula noong unang bahagi ng 1960, tinanggap
si Laurel bilang isang lehitimong pangulo ng Si Ramon Magsaysay ang ika-pitong Pangulo ng
Pilipinas Pilipinas na kilala bilang "Presidente ng Masang
 Kasama siya sa nagtatag ng KALIBAPI Pilipino". 
(Kapisanan sa Paglilingkod sa Bagong  Bilang pangulo, binuksan niya ang pintuan sa
Pilipinas, o Association for Service to the New mga mamamayan kung saan sila ay binigyan
Philippines), isang pansamantalang gobyerno ng pagkakataong lumapit sa kanya nang
sa panahon ng pananakop ng Hapon direkta at bigyan sila ng higit na kalayaan
 Idineklara niya ang Batas Militar at giyera sa upang ipahayag ang kanilang pagdurusa.
pagitan ng Pilipinas at ng Estados Unidos / Magpahanggang ngayon, ang kanyang
Inglatera noong 1944 pamumuno at kabutihan ay ang mga
 Itinatag niya, kasama ng kanyang pamilya, katangiang hinahanap ng mga Pilipino para sa
ang Lyceum of the Philippines. isang lider. 
Sergio Osmeña (1944-1946) Mula sa kasarinlan ng Pilipinas sa Espanya noong
1898, nagkaroon na ng 16 na pangulo ang bansa.
 Si Sergio Osmeña ang ikalawang pangulo ng Mula kay Heneral Emilio Aguinaldo hanggang sa
Komonwelt.  kasalukuyang pangulo na si Rodrigo Duterte, ang
 Sa panahon ng kanyang pagkapangulo, artikulong ito ay naglalaman ng mga kontribusyon at
inayos niya ang Philippine National Bank at tagumpay ng bawat pangulo habang sila ay nakaluklok
sumali ang Pilipinas sa International Monetary sa puwesto.
Fund (IMF).
Carlos P. Garcia (1957-1961)
 Unang pangulo na galing sa Visayas.
 Sumama kay U.S. Gen. Douglas McArthur sa
Isang abugado, makata, at guro, si Carlos P. Garcia ay
Leyte noong Oktubre 20, 1944 upang simulan
nagsilbi din bilang isang pinuno ng gerilya sa panahon
ang pagpapanumbalik ng kalayaan ng
ng Digmaang Pasipiko. Ipinanganak sa Bohol, si
Pilipinas pagkatapos ng pananakop ng mga
Garcia ay nagsilbi bilang bise presidente sa ilalim ni
Ramon Magsaysay at bilang kalihim ng Ugnayang
 Ang Bell Trade Act ay naaprubahan ng Panlabas sa loob ng apat na taon. Naging pangulo
Kongreso ng Estados Unidos sa panahon ng siya nang namatay si Magsaysay noong 1957.
kanyang pagkapangulo
 Kilala sa "Filipino First Policy" na mas
 Makikita sa pera ng Pilipinas: 50-piso pinapaboran ang mga negosyong Pilipino
Manuel Roxas (1946-1948) kaysa sa mga dayuhang namumuhunan
 Si Manuel Roxas ay ang ikalimang pangulo ng  Itinatag ang Austerity Program na nakatuon sa
Pilipinas: ang pangatlo (at huling) pangulo sa kalakal at komersyo ng mga Pilipino
ilalim ng Commonwealth, at ang unang
 Kilala bilang "Prince of Visayan Poets" at
pangulo ng Ikatlong Republika ng Pilipinas.
"Bard from Bohol"
Humawak siya ng katungkulan sa loob lamang
 Ang mga sining pang-kultura ay muling
ng isang taon, 10 buwan, at 18 araw.
nabuhay sa kanyang termino
 Pinasinayaan bilang unang pangulo ng
 Kauna-unahang pangulo na inilibing ang labi
bagong Republika pagkatapos ng Ikalawang
sa Libingan ng mga Bayani
Digmaang Pandaigdig
Diosdado Macapagal (1961-1965)
 Sa panahon ng kanyang pagkapangulo,
inayos niya ang mga pinsala dulot ng giyera at
Ipinanganak sa Lubao, Pampanga, si Diosdado inayos ang istraktura ng executive branch ng
Macapagal ay isang abogado at propesor. Ang gobyerno.
kanyang anak na si Gloria Macapagal Arroyo ay ang  Pinasimulan ang mga gawaing kawanggawa
ika-14, at pangalawang babae na naging pangulo ng at panlipunan na tumutulong sa mga dukha at
Pilipinas. nangangailangan
 Itinatag sa kanyang pamumuno ang  Pinangalanang "Woman of the Year" noong
unang Land Reform Law, na pinapayagan ang 1986 ng Time Magazine
pagbili ng pribadong lupain upang  Nakatanggap ng mga parangal kabilang
maipamahagi sa mga walang lupa ang: 100 Women Who Shaped World
 Inilagay ang Philippine Peso sa currency History, 20 Most Influential Asians of the 20th
exchange market Century, 65 Great Asian Heroes
 Idineklara ang Hunyo 12, 1898 na Araw ng  Makikita sa pera ng Pilipinas: 500-piso
Kalayaan ng Pilipinas Fidel V. Ramos (1992-1998)
 Nilagdaan ang batas sa Minimum Wage Si Fidel V. Ramos ay ang chief-of-staff ng Armed
 Nilikha ang Philippine Veteran’s Bank Forces of the Philippines bago siya naging pangulo.
Ferdinand Marcos (1965-1986) Siya rin ay isang civil engineer. Bilang pangulo,
Ipinanganak sa Sarrat, Ilocos Norte, si Ferdinand naibalik niya ang paglago ng ekonomiya at katatagan
Edralin Marcos ay isang abogado at Pangulo ng sa bansa, kahit noong panahon ng Asian Financial
Senado sa loob ng tatlong taon. Naging pangulo siya Crisis noong 1997. Siya ang una, at hanggang
ng 21 taon. Nagpasiya siya na ilagay ang bansa ilalim ngayon, ang nag-iisang non-Catholic na pangulo ng
ng batas militar at ang kanyang diktadura ay kilala sa Pilipinas.
katiwalian. Si Marcos ay tinanggal mula sa  Pinangasiwaan ang paglago ng ekonomiya ng
katungkulan matapos ang People Power Pilipinas
Revolution noong 1986.  Namuno sa pagdiriwang ng Philippine
 Independence Centennial  noong 1998
 Unang pangulo na nanalo ng pangalawang  Nakatanggap ng British Knighthood mula sa
termino United Kingdom ni Queen Elizabeth II (Knight
 Idineklara ang Batas Militar noong Setyembre Grand Cross of the Order of St. Michael at St.
22, 1972 George)
 Nadagdagan ang laki ng militar at  Nag-host ng pang-apat na Asia Pacific
sandatahang lakas ng Pilipinas Economic Cooperation Leader's Summit sa
 Noong 1980 ang GNP (Gross National Pilipinas noong 1996
Product) ng Pilipinas ay apat na beses na mas  Ang Philippine Stock Exchange ay naging isa
malaki kaysa noong 1972. sa mga mga paborito sa mundo sa panahon
 Pagsapit ng 1986 ang Pilipinas ang isa sa may ng kanyang pagkapangulo
pinakamalaking utang na bansa sa buong  Ang parusang kamatayan ay naibalik habang
Asya siya ay nasa pwesto
 Nakapagpatayo ng mas maraming paaralan,  Nilagdaan ang kasunduan sa kapayapaan sa
kalsada, tulay, ospital, at iba pang rebeldeng Moro National Liberation Front
imprastraktura kaysa sa pinagsamang Joseph Estrada (1998-2001)
naipatayo ng mga dating pangulo.
Kilala bilang Erap, si Joseph Estrada ay isang sikat na
Corazon Aquino (1986-1992) artista sa pelikula bago naging pangulo ng Pilipinas.
Kontrobersyal ang kanyang pagkapangulo. Sa
Ang kauna-unahang babaeng pangulo ng Pilipinas at kanyang panahon, mabagal ang paglago ng
ang unang babaeng naging pangulo ng isang bansang ekonomiya at humarap siya sa mga paglilitis para
Asyano, si Corazon Aquino ay ipinanganak sa Paniqui, sa impeachment. Pinatalsik siya mula sa
Tarlac. Siya ay kilala sa People Power Revolution na pagkapangulo noong 2001. Nang maglaon ay
nagpabagsak sa diktadura ni Ferdinand Marcos. Ang nahatulan siya ng pagnanakaw mula sa gobyerno
kanyang asawa na si Benigno Aquino Jr., ay isang ngunit pagkalaon ay pinatawad. Hindi siya
senador noong rehimeng Marcos at ang matagumpay na tumakbo sa pagka-pangulo noong
pinakamalakas nitong kritiko. Pinaslang siya habang 2010.
nasa kapangyarihan si Marcos.  Sa panahon ng kanyang pagkapangulo,
 Unang babaeng naging pangulo ng Pilipinas o nakuha ng gobyerno ang headquarters at ang
anumang bansa sa Asya mga kampo ng Moro Islamic Liberation
 Nagbalik ng demokrasya sa bansa Front (MILF).
 Winakasan ang 1973 Marcos Constitution at  Sumali sa iba pang mga pinuno at pulitiko
nagpasimula ng bagong Konstitusyon ng upang subukang baguhin ang 1987 Philippine
Pilipinas Constitution
 Inayos muli ang istraktura ng sangay ng  Kabilang sa "Magnificent 12" na bumoto upang
ehekutibo ng pamahalaan wakasan ang kasunduan na nagpapahintulot
 Nilagdaan ang Family Code ng 1987, isang sa pagkontrol ng Estados Unidos sa Clark
pangunahing reporma sa batas sibil, at Airbase at Subic Naval Base
1191 Local Government Code, na muling Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo (2001-2010)
Si Gloria Macapagal Arroyo ay ang ika-14 na pangulo exemptions mula sa income taxes para sa
ng Pilipinas (at ang pangalawang babaeng pangulo). mga kumikita ng hindi hihigit sa P250,000
Ang Oakwood Mutiny ay naganap sa kanyang termino. kada taon); at ang Universal Health Care Act,
Pinangasiwaan ni Arroyo ang pagpapabuti sa kalsada isang sosyalistang batas na kinopya ng mga
at imprastraktura at mas mataas na paglago ng bansa tulad ng Thailand ngunit nasisira ng
ekonomiya kaysa sa mga nakaraang pangulo, ngunit malawakang katiwalian sa health insurance
mayroon ding kontrobersya. Ang tinaguriang agency ng Pilipinas, ang PhilHealth.
kontrobersya na "Hello Garci" ay may kinalaman sa  Pinasimulan ang kampanya laban sa iligal na
mga recordings na nagtuturo kay Arroyo sa mga droga 
pandaraya sa halalang naglagay sa kanya sa puwesto.  Nagbigay ng parusa at banta sa mga
Noong 2005, naharap si Arroyo abusadong korporasyon ng
sa impeachment proceedings na may kaugnayan sa tubig, telecommunications at media. Pinagsika
mga recording ngunit nabigo ang impeachment. pan niyang tanggalin ang mga
Matapos siyang umalis sa puwesto ay naharap si pangmatagalang kontrata ng dalawang
Arroyo sa karagdagang kaso ng pandaraya sa halalan pangunahing water concessionaires sa Metro
at maling paggamit ng mga pondo ng gobyerno. Manila at kalapit na mga probinsya —
 Pangalawang babaeng pangulo ng bansa ang Maynilad Water  at ang Manila Water
 Unang babaeng naging bise-pangulo ng Co. maliban kung tatanggap sila ng bagong
Pilipinas kontrata na may mas mahusay na termino
 Unang pangulo na nanumpa sa labas ng para sa gobyerno ng Pilipinas.
Luzon  Sa ilalim ni Duterte, nakamit ng Pilipinas ang
 Nangangasiwa ng mas mataas na paglago ng pinakamataas na credit rating — BBB + noong
ekonomiya kaysa sa nakaraang tatlong Abril 2020, sa kabila ng COVID-19. Noong
pangulo bago siya Hunyo 2020, na-upgrade pa ng Japan Credit
 Ang Philippine peso ay naging best- Rating Agency ang rating sa Pilipinas sa A-.
performing currency sa Asya noong 2007  Sinimulan ang Build! Build! Build!
 Ipinatupad ang Expanded Value-Added Tax Infrastructure Plan na ang makabuluhang
Law  (EVAT) sa ilalim ng kanyang termino bahagi ng patakaran ay ang pagbuo ng mga
 Kasalukuyang makikita sa 200-peso bill imprastraktura at industriya. Kasama rin sa
Benigno Aquino III (2010-2016) programa ang pagpapatuloy ng ilang mga
proyekto na sinimulan ng nakaraang
Si Benigno Aquino III ay sumali sa House of administrasyon ni Pangulong Benigno Aquino
Representatives at Senado bago naging pangulo. Siya III.
ang unang pangulo na walang asawa at walang anak.
 Nilikha ang patakaran na walang "wang-wang" MGA URI NG PAMAHALAAN
(street siren) MONARKIYA
 Hinirang si Jesse Robredo upang maglingkod Ito ay isang uri ng pamahalaan kung saan tanging
bilang Kalihim ng Panloob at Pamahalaang iisang tao lamang ang gumagamit ng kapangyarihan.
Lokal noong 2010, kung saan nagsilbi si Ang halimbawa nito ay ang kapangyarihan ng hari o
Robredo hanggang sa kanyang kamatayan reyna noon at punong ministro ng bansa. Ang mga
noong 2012. mamamayan ay walang karapatang sumalungat sa
 Pinasimulan ang K-12 na edukasyon sa pamahalaan.
Pinamumunuan ito ng ilang opisyal na nabibilang sa
 Pinalitan ang pangalan ng Office of the Press
mataas na lipunan at kayamanan o kapangyarihang
Secretary at ginawang Presidential
minana sa magulang.
Communications Operations Office at
humirang ng mga bagong opisyal
Ang pamahalaang pinamumunuan ng isang diktador o
 Sinuspinde ang mga allowance at bonus ng
isang pangkat nv mga makapangyarihang tao.Ang
mga miyembro ng Government Owed and
halimbawa ng pamahalaang ito ay ang pamahalaang
Controlled Corporation at mga miyembro ng
komunistang Russia , China at North Korea.
lupon ng Government Financial Institution.
 Pinangasiwaan ang 7.1% na paglago ng Ang pamahalaang nasa mga tao ang
ekonomiya ng Pilipinas noong 2012 kapangyarihan.Sa pamamagitan ng halalan, ang mga
Rodrigo Duterte (2016-Present) tao ang nagpapasya kung sino ang mamamahala sa
kanilang bansa.
Naging Pangulo ng Pilipinas sa edad na 71, kaya siya
ang pinakamatandang taong humawak sa KAHALAGAHAN NG PAMBANSANG PAMAHALAAN
katungkulan. Ilan sa kanyang mga nagawa: – Ano-ano ang mga mahahalagang gampanin ng
 Pagbaba ng bilang ng mahihirap mula 23.5% pamahalaan ng ating bansa.
hanggang 16.7% dahil sa tatlong pangunahing
reporma sa buwis - ang Rice Tariffication
Law (na nagtanggal sa monopolyo ng bigas at Ang konsepto ng pagkakaroon ng pamahalaan ay ang
pagpayag sa pag-aangkat dahilan upang pagiging namumunong awtoridad para pangasiwaan
mapababa ang presyo ng bigas; ang TRAIN o ang nasasakupang teritoryo. Ito may layunin
Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion na idirekta at kontrolin ang mga institusyon ng Estado,
Law ng Enero 2018 (na nagbibigay gaya ng pagsasaayos ng isang lipunang pampulitika.
At sa Pilipinas, bilang isang demokratiko at According to the Cambridge Dictionary, an adjective is defined as
republikanong Estado, ang bansa ay may “a word that describes a noun or pronoun.” The Collins Dictionary
“pampanguluhang anyo ng pamahalaan kung saan gives a more elaborate definition. According to it, “an adjective is a
pantay na nahahati ang kapangyarihan sa tatlong word such as ‘big’, ‘ dead’, or ‘ financial’ that describes a person
or thing, or gives extra information about them. Adjectives usually
sangay nito: ehekutibo, lehislatibo, at hudikatura”. come before nouns or after link verbs.”
The Oxford Learner’s Dictionary defines an adjective as “a word
that describes a person or thing, for example ‘big’, ‘red’ and
‘clever’ in a big house, red wine and a clever idea.” An adjective is
“a word belonging to one of the major form classes in any of
Ang sangay na lehistura ay ang sangay na may numerous languages and typically serving as a modifier of a noun
kapangyarihan na gumawa ng mga batas, mag- to denote a quality of the thing named, to indicate its quantity or
extent, or to specify a thing as distinct from something else”,
amyenda, at magsawalang-bisa ng mga ito. Nahahati
according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary.
ito sa Senado at Kapulungan ng mga Kinatawan. Forms of Adjectives – Degrees of Comparison
Did you know that adjectives can be used to compare similar
Ang ehekutibong sangay ay pingangatawanan ng qualities of different subjects that perform the same action. There
are three forms of adjectives or rather three degrees of comparison.
Pangulo at Pangalawang Pangulo na ibinoto at inihalal The are:
ng nakararaming mamamayan. Sila ay magsisilbi sa
 Positive or Absolute Form
loob ng anim na taon at may kapangyarihan silang
 Comparative Form
piliin ang kanilang gabinete.
 Superlative Form
Positive Degree of Comparison:
Ang hudikatura ang sangay na siyang naglulutas ng The positive form or the positive degree of comparison is the form
sigalot sa pagpapatupad ng mga karapatang of the adjective used in the original form. For example: This book
nakasaad sa batas na binubuo ng Korte Suprema at is interesting. This form of adjective is used when there is no other
subject to be compared.
mga nakabababang hukuman. 
Comparative Degree of Comparison
The comparative form of the adjective is used when two subjects
Ito ang mga tungkulin ng isang pamahalaan na performing the same action or possessing the same quality are
compared. For example: The book I read yesterday was more
nagpapakita ng kahalagahan nito:
interesting than the one I read today.
Superlative Degree of Comparison
1. Pangangasiwa ng pamumuno sa isang bansa. The superlative degree of comparison is used when comparing the
2. Nagpapatupad ng mga batas para sa ikabubuti ng same quality of two or more subjects and to represent that a subject
mga tao at ikasasaayos ng lipunan. is superior to two or more subjects in performing an action. For
3. Nagpapanatili ng kaayusan at kaligtasan ng bansa. example: This fantasy novel is the most interesting book that I
4. Para sa katiwasayan at kapayapaan ng mga tao. have ever read.
5. Pagpapatayo ng mga imprastraktura kagaya ng Types of Adjectives
mga tulay, kalsada o daanan, LRT, MRT, flyovers, Adjectives can be divided into different categories based on their
skyways, paliparan, railroads, pier o daungan at iba functions when used in a sentence. The different types of adjectives
pang proyekto na kailangan ng mga mamamayan are:
sa araw-araw.  Possessive Adjectives
6. Pagpapagawa ng mga paaralan para magbigay ng  Interrogative Adjectives
libreng edukasyon at pamilihan o mga palengke  Demonstrative Adjectives
para sa kabuhayan at pangangailangan ng mga
 Compound Adjectives
Possessive Adjectives:
7. Pagpapatupad ng mga batas at pagparusa sa mga
These adjectives, like possessive pronouns, are used to show or
suwail na ayaw sumunod dito. Sa pamamagitan
represent possession of a quality. For example: my, your, his, her,
nito, napapanatili ang maayos at ligtas na
their, its, whose, etc.
pamumuhay ng mga tao ng isang bansa. Ang mga
Interrogative Adjectives:
batas din ang gumagabay sa tao.
An adjective that is used to modify a noun or a pronoun by asking a
8. Pagpapatayo ng mga ospital, health centers,
question is called an interrogative adjective. There are only a few
programang pangkalusugan, at iba pang serbisyo
adjectives that can be termed as interrogative adjectives. They are
medikal na mahalaga sa mamamayan para
whose, what and which.
mapanatili ang kanilang magandang kalusugan lalo
Demonstrative Adjectives:
na sa mga mahihirap at sa mga tao ng komunidad
Demonstrative adjectives are mainly used to describe the position
sa liblib na lugar.
of a subject (a noun or pronoun) in space or time. This, that, these
9. Pagtulong sa mga tao sa panahon ng kalamidad
and those are the demonstrative adjectives in English.
tulad ng lindol, sunog, at mga bagyo.
Compound Adjectives:
10. Pagbigay ng patas at walang kinikilingan na
Compound adjectives consist of two or more adjectives that are
combined together to form an adjective that can be used to modify
11. Magbigay ng trabaho sa mga mamamayan.
the subject. Some examples of compound adjectives are cotton-
tailed, curly-haired, absent-minded, happy-go-lucky, etc.
How to Use Adjectives in Sentences?
What Is an Adjective?
An adjective is a part of speech that can be used to describe or
What Is an Adjective? provide more information about a noun or pronoun that acts as
An adjective is a part of speech that can be used to describe or the subject in a sentence. Adjectives are found after the verb or
provide more information about a noun or pronoun that acts as before the noun it modifies.
the subject in a sentence. Adjectives are found after the verb or Definition of an Adjective
before the noun it modifies. According to the Cambridge Dictionary, an adjective is defined as
Definition of an Adjective “a word that describes a noun or pronoun.” The Collins Dictionary
gives a more elaborate definition. According to it, “an adjective is a Any piece of writing should be clear and precise. Find out if there
word such as ‘big’, ‘ dead’, or ‘ financial’ that describes a person is a word that specifically means whatever you are trying to
or thing, or gives extra information about them. Adjectives usually convey. For example: quick, swift, hasty, fleet, etc. are all
come before nouns or after link verbs.” adjectives that mean ‘very fast’. Likewise, contented, cheerful,
The Oxford Learner’s Dictionary defines an adjective as “a word merry, joyful, ecstatic, delighted, etc. are all words that describe
that describes a person or thing, for example ‘big’, ‘red’ and different degrees of happiness. There is also another concept that
‘clever’ in a big house, red wine and a clever idea.” An adjective is you should know. There is a particular order in which you should
“a word belonging to one of the major form classes in any of place adjectives when you are using two or more adjectives to
numerous languages and typically serving as a modifier of a noun describe the same subject or object. Check out the order of
to denote a quality of the thing named, to indicate its quantity or adjectives to learn more.
extent, or to specify a thing as distinct from something else”, Examples of Adjectives
according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary. If you are wondering what part of speech a colour or a number
Forms of Adjectives – Degrees of Comparison belongs to, do not waste any more time thinking about it. All
Did you know that adjectives can be used to compare similar colours and numbers are classified as adjectives. Adjectives are
qualities of different subjects that perform the same action. There words that modify nouns but in most cases, they can be seen to be
are three forms of adjectives or rather three degrees of comparison. doing much more than that. Given below are the various ways in
The are: which adjectives can function and be used.
 Positive or Absolute Form Adjectives as Complements
 Comparative Form Adjectives can act as complements that modify nouns that act as
subjects and objects. When the adjective describes the object in a
 Superlative Form sentence, it is called an object complement and when it is used to
Positive Degree of Comparison:
describe the subject in a sentence, it is referred to as a subject
The positive form or the positive degree of comparison is the form
complement. They are seen to be used in sentences which are seen
of the adjective used in the original form. For example: This book
to use the following patterns:
is interesting. This form of adjective is used when there is no other
subject to be compared.  SVC – Aaron is good.
Comparative Degree of Comparison In the above example, the adjective is ‘good’ and it is used to
The comparative form of the adjective is used when two subjects describe the subject ‘Aaron’ and so it is called a subject
performing the same action or possessing the same quality are complement.
compared. For example: The book I read yesterday was more  SVOC – The movie made Karthik sleepy.
interesting than the one I read today. Here, the adjective ‘sleepy’ describes the object ‘Karthik’ and so
Superlative Degree of Comparison comes under the category of object complements.
The superlative degree of comparison is used when comparing the Adjectives as Coordinates
same quality of two or more subjects and to represent that a subject When two or more adjectives are used to describe the same noun in
is superior to two or more subjects in performing an action. For a sentence, they are called coordinate adjectives. Coordinate
example: This fantasy novel is the most interesting book that I adjectives are often separated by a comma or the conjunction ‘and’.
have ever read. For example:
Types of Adjectives  The mobile phone is easy to use and handy.
Adjectives can be divided into different categories based on their  My cousin is tall and thin.
functions when used in a sentence. The different types of adjectives Multifunctional Adjectives
are: Adjectives can be made to function like or take the role of nouns in
 Possessive Adjectives a sentence, and sometimes, a noun, when used to describe or
 Interrogative Adjectives provide more information about another noun, can perform the role
 Demonstrative Adjectives of an adjective.
For example:
 Compound Adjectives
Possessive Adjectives:  I like my English teacher.
These adjectives, like possessive pronouns, are used to show or In the above example, the word ‘English’ is generally considered a
represent possession of a quality. For example: my, your, his, her, noun as it represents a language and it is a proper noun. But here, it
their, its, whose, etc. is used to describe the noun ‘teacher’ which makes it an adjective.
Interrogative Adjectives:  It is our duty to tend to the poor and the oppressed.
An adjective that is used to modify a noun or a pronoun by asking a In this sentence, the words ‘the poor’ and ‘the oppressed’ pass off
question is called an interrogative adjective. There are only a few as nouns as it refers to ‘poor people’ and ‘oppressed people’. So,
adjectives that can be termed as interrogative adjectives. They are when adjectives are preceded by the article ‘the’, it often refers to a
whose, what and which. category of people which makes the adjective a noun.
Demonstrative Adjectives: In addition to these types of adjectives, there are also phrases and
Demonstrative adjectives are mainly used to describe the position clauses which act just like an adjective. To know what they are and
of a subject (a noun or pronoun) in space or time. This, that, these how they work in a sentence, check out the articles on adjective
and those are the demonstrative adjectives in English. phrases and adjective clauses.
Compound Adjectives: Check out the adjectives list for an extensive list of adjectives that
Compound adjectives consist of two or more adjectives that are you can make use of in your daily communication and work
combined together to form an adjective that can be used to modify out exercises on adjectives to brush up your knowledge of it.
the subject. Some examples of compound adjectives are cotton-
tailed, curly-haired, absent-minded, happy-go-lucky, etc.
How to Use Adjectives in Sentences?

Adjectives are known to give your writing and speech a very Adjectives are known to give your writing and speech a very
flowery look. It aids in making it descriptive and also in giving flowery look. It aids in making it descriptive and also in giving
your readers and listeners a visual treat. However, stuffing it with your readers and listeners a visual treat. However, stuffing it with
too many adjectives can make it look or sound vague and unclear. too many adjectives can make it look or sound vague and unclear.
This would only lead to misunderstanding of your content. This would only lead to misunderstanding of your content.
Knowing when, where and how to use adjectives is a skill that you Knowing when, where and how to use adjectives is a skill that you
should master. should master.
Any piece of writing should be clear and precise. Find out if there isang pandiwa, pang-uri o isa pang pang-abay na bumubuo ng
is a word that specifically means whatever you are trying to parirala.
convey. For example: quick, swift, hasty, fleet, etc. are all Narito ang mga kaunting halimbawa na gumagamit ng mga
adjectives that mean ‘very fast’. Likewise, contented, cheerful, salitang Pang-abay:
merry, joyful, ecstatic, delighted, etc. are all words that describe  Malakas ang ulan kagabi.
different degrees of happiness. There is also another concept that  Araw-araw akong naglalakad pauwi.
you should know. There is a particular order in which you should
place adjectives when you are using two or more adjectives to
 Mabilis tumakbo si Joseph.
describe the same subject or object. Check out the order of  Bukas nalang ako aalis ng bahay.
adjectives to learn more.  Alam ni Khyle na hindi siya makakaalis habang gising
Examples of Adjectives ang ina kaya nagplano siya kung paano ito dahan-dahang
If you are wondering what part of speech a colour or a number patutulugin ng mahimbing.
belongs to, do not waste any more time thinking about it. All Uri ng Pang-abay at Mga Halimbawa
colours and numbers are classified as adjectives. Adjectives are Pang-abay na Pamaraan
words that modify nouns but in most cases, they can be seen to be Ang pang-abay na pamaraan ay naglalarawan kung paano naganap,
doing much more than that. Given below are the various ways in nagaganap, o magaganap ang kilos na ipinahahayag ng pandiwa.
which adjectives can function and be used. Ginagamit ang panandang nang o na/ng. Ito ay sumasagot satanong
Adjectives as Complements na PAANO.
Adjectives can act as complements that modify nouns that act as Mga Halimbawa ng Pang-abay na Pamaraan
subjects and objects. When the adjective describes the object in a  Natulog si Anna nang patagilid.
sentence, it is called an object complement and when it is used to  Umalis si Mary na umiiyak.
describe the subject in a sentence, it is referred to as a subject
 Naluluha si Mysie nang magpasalamat siya sa akin.
complement. They are seen to be used in sentences which are seen
to use the following patterns:  Ang kakaba-kabang dibdib ni Inay ay
napanatag nang kaunti.
 SVC – Aaron is good.
In the above example, the adjective is ‘good’ and it is used to  Sinagot ni Berto ang kanyang ama nang pagalit.
describe the subject ‘Aaron’ and so it is called a subject Pang-abay na Pamanahon
complement. Ang pang-abay na pamanahon ay nagsasaad kung kailan naganap o
magaganap ang kilos na taglay ng pandiwa. Mayroon itong tatlong
 SVOC – The movie made Karthik sleepy.
uri: may pananda, walang pananda, at nagsasaad ng dalas.
Here, the adjective ‘sleepy’ describes the object ‘Karthik’ and so
Pamanahong may Pananda
comes under the category of object complements.
Ito ay ginagamitan ng mga panandang nang, sa, noon, kung, kapag,
Adjectives as Coordinates
tuwing, buhat, mula, umpisa, o hanggang.
When two or more adjectives are used to describe the same noun in
Mga Halimbawa na may Pananda:
a sentence, they are called coordinate adjectives. Coordinate
adjectives are often separated by a comma or the conjunction ‘and’.  Ako ay magtitinda umpisa bukas.
For example:  Tuwing bakasyon ay namamasyal kaming magkakapatid.
 The mobile phone is easy to use and handy.  Buhat ng ako’y magkaisip ay nagtatrabaho na ako
 My cousin is tall and thin. habang nag-aaral.
Multifunctional Adjectives  Kapag sabado ay naglilinis ako ng bakuran.
Adjectives can be made to function like or take the role of nouns in  Kung iba ang panahon ngayon.
a sentence, and sometimes, a noun, when used to describe or  Mula noon hindi na ako kumakain ng matatamis.
provide more information about another noun, can perform the role  Hanggang ngayon mahal ko parin siya.
of an adjective.
For example:
 Bibili ako sa palengke bukas.
Pamanahong walang Pananda
 I like my English teacher. Ito ay ginagamitan ng mga panandang kahapon, kanina, ngayon,
In the above example, the word ‘English’ is generally considered a mamaya, bukas, sandali, at marami pang iba.
noun as it represents a language and it is a proper noun. But here, it Mga Halimbawa na Walang Pananda:
is used to describe the noun ‘teacher’ which makes it an adjective.
 Mamaya ay mag-iikot sila.
 It is our duty to tend to the poor and the oppressed.
In this sentence, the words ‘the poor’ and ‘the oppressed’ pass off
 Kahapon ay pumunta kame sa mall ni Mysie.
as nouns as it refers to ‘poor people’ and ‘oppressed people’. So,  Bukas ay mamamasyal kame ni Khyle sa Parke.
when adjectives are preceded by the article ‘the’, it often refers to a  Si Anastasia ay kanina pa naghihintay kay Jherico.
category of people which makes the adjective a noun.  Ngayon ang laban ni Lysa Valdez.
In addition to these types of adjectives, there are also phrases and  Kailangan mo bang pumasok nang araw- araw?
clauses which act just like an adjective. To know what they are and
 Tuwing pasko ay nagtitipon silang magkakapatid.
how they work in a sentence, check out the articles on adjective
phrases and adjective clauses.  Umpisa bukas ay dito ka na matutulog.
Check out the adjectives list for an extensive list of adjectives that Pamanahong Nagsasaad ng Dalas
you can make use of in your daily communication and work Ito ay ginagamitan ng mga salitang nagsasaad ng dalas. Halimbawa
out exercises on adjectives to brush up your knowledge of it. nito ay ang mga salitang araw-araw, taun-taon, tuwing, oras-oras,
linggo-linggo, at marami pang iba.
Mga Halimbawa:
 Tuwing mayo ay nagdaraos kami sa aming barangay ng
 Kumakain ng gulay araw-araw upang mapanatili ang
ating kalusugan.

Ano ang Pang-abay?  Ano ang Pang-abay? 

Ang pang-abay ay bahagi ng pananalita na nabibigay turing sa Ang pang-abay ay bahagi ng pananalita na nabibigay turing sa
pandiwa, pang-uri o sa iba pang pang-abay. Ang pang-abay o pandiwa, pang-uri o sa iba pang pang-abay. Ang pang-abay o
tinatawag na (adverb) sa ingles ay makikilala dahil kasama ito ng tinatawag na (adverb) sa ingles ay makikilala dahil kasama ito ng
isang pandiwa, pang-uri o isa pang pang-abay na bumubuo ng  Oras-oras niya tinitingnan ang kanyang relo.
parirala.  Tuwing linggo ay pumupunta siya sa simbahan.
Narito ang mga kaunting halimbawa na gumagamit ng mga Pang-abay na Panlunan
salitang Pang-abay: Ang pang-abay na panlunan ay isang uri ng pang abay kung saan
 Malakas ang ulan kagabi. ito ay naglalarawan kung saan naganap o magaganap o gaganapin
 Araw-araw akong naglalakad pauwi. ang kilos ng pandiwa. Ilan sa mga panandang ginagamit dito ay
 Mabilis tumakbo si Joseph. ang mga salitang sa, kina, o kay. Sa pamamagitan ng pang-abay na
 Bukas nalang ako aalis ng bahay. panlunan, ating masasakot ang katanungan na “saan”.
Sa – ginagamit kapag ang kasunod ay isang pangngalang
 Alam ni Khyle na hindi siya makakaalis habang gising pambalana o isang panghalip.
ang ina kaya nagplano siya kung paano ito dahan-dahang
Kay o Kina – ginagamit kapag ang kasunod ay pangngalang
patutulugin ng mahimbing.
pantangi na pangalan ng isang tao.
Uri ng Pang-abay at Mga Halimbawa
Mga Halimbawa:
Pang-abay na Pamaraan
Ang pang-abay na pamaraan ay naglalarawan kung paano naganap,  Sa mainit na kabundukan naninirahan ang kaibigan kong
nagaganap, o magaganap ang kilos na ipinahahayag ng pandiwa. si Clark.
Ginagamit ang panandang nang o na/ng. Ito ay sumasagot satanong  Sa isang mayamang lupain ay nakatira ang isang
na PAANO. dalagang kanyang iniirog.
Mga Halimbawa ng Pang-abay na Pamaraan  Tuwing bakasyon sa eskwelahan ay umaakyat ang
 Natulog si Anna nang patagilid. magkakaibigan sa bukid.
 Umalis si Mary na umiiyak.  Sa Baguio ang paborito kong pasyalan tuwing summer.
 Naluluha si Mysie nang magpasalamat siya sa akin.  Sa Lungsod ng Cebu mo matatagpuan ang magaganda at
 Ang kakaba-kabang dibdib ni Inay ay ibat-ibang klase ng pagkain.
napanatag nang kaunti.  Makikipagkita ako kay Stella sa Parke.
 Sinagot ni Berto ang kanyang ama nang pagalit.  Dinala namin ang mga masasarap na pagkain kina
Pang-abay na Pamanahon Raevir.
Ang pang-abay na pamanahon ay nagsasaad kung kailan naganap o  May nakita akong magandang damit sa mall.
magaganap ang kilos na taglay ng pandiwa. Mayroon itong tatlong  Bibisita kame kina Christian bukas.
uri: may pananda, walang pananda, at nagsasaad ng dalas. Pang-abay na Pang-agam
Pamanahong may Pananda Ito ang mga salita na naghahayag ng walang kasiguraduhang
Ito ay ginagamitan ng mga panandang nang, sa, noon, kung, kapag, kasagutan, di-katiyakan sa kilos, o pag-aalinlangan. Ginagamitan
tuwing, buhat, mula, umpisa, o hanggang. ito ng mga pariralang marahil, siguro, tila, baka, wari, o parang.
Mga Halimbawa na may Pananda: Mga Halimbawa:
 Ako ay magtitinda umpisa bukas.  Parang nagbago ang takbo ng hangin.
 Tuwing bakasyon ay namamasyal kaming magkakapatid.  Siguro ay pupunta kame sa mall bukas.
 Buhat ng ako’y magkaisip ay nagtatrabaho na ako  Marami na marahil ang nascam ni Arcer.
habang nag-aaral.  Baka sa susunod na linggo kame mamamasyal.
 Kapag sabado ay naglilinis ako ng bakuran.  Marahil ay marami na ang nakakaalam ng aking iniibig.
 Kung iba ang panahon ngayon.  Bukas na siguro tayo umalis dahil mainit pa sa labas.
 Mula noon hindi na ako kumakain ng matatamis.  Tila ako’y nakaluntang na sa langit.
 Hanggang ngayon mahal ko parin siya.  Siguro ay huwag na nating ituloy ito dahil hindi naman
 Bibili ako sa palengke bukas. tayo nagkakasundo.
Pamanahong walang Pananda  Masama ang aking pakiramdaman kaya hindi yata ako
Ito ay ginagamitan ng mga panandang kahapon, kanina, ngayon, makagalaw ng maayos.
mamaya, bukas, sandali, at marami pang iba.
Mga Halimbawa na Walang Pananda:
 Bukas pa siguro ang datingn iya mula sa Cebu.
 Mamaya ay mag-iikot sila.  Baka sa susunod na linggo ay makapagbayad na ako ng
 Kahapon ay pumunta kame sa mall ni Mysie. Pang-abay na Ingklitik o Kataga
 Bukas ay mamamasyal kame ni Khyle sa Parke. Ang ingklitik ay ang mga salita o kataga pagkatapos ng unang
 Si Anastasia ay kanina pa naghihintay kay Jherico. salita sa pangungusap. Kung mawala man ito sa isang
 Ngayon ang laban ni Lysa Valdez. pangungusap, hindi nito maapektuhan o mababago ang mensahe o
 Kailangan mo bang pumasok nang araw- araw? ideya ng pangungusap. Ito rin ang mga salita sa pagitan ng isang
pangungusap na makakapag-bigay ng mas malinaw na kahulugan
 Tuwing pasko ay nagtitipon silang magkakapatid. nito.
 Umpisa bukas ay dito ka na matutulog. Ang mga halibawa nito
Pamanahong Nagsasaad ng Dalas ay pa, kaya, naman, man, ay, aba, naku, rin, din, hala, hoy, ara
Ito ay ginagamitan ng mga salitang nagsasaad ng dalas. Halimbawa y, na, ala, sana, ha, na, ba, yata, pala, tuloy, nang, lamang, lang
nito ay ang mga salitang araw-araw, taun-taon, tuwing, oras-oras, , muna, daw, at raw.
linggo-linggo, at marami pang iba. Mga Halimbawa:
Mga Halimbawa:  May klase ako mamaya kaya hindi ako makakapunta sa
 Tuwing mayo ay nagdaraos kami sa aming barangay ng iyong karaawan.
santakrusan.  Magpapahinga muna ako sandali sapagkat ako’y pagod
 Kumakain ng gulay araw-araw upang mapanatili ang sa kakatrabaho.
ating kalusugan.  Wala na pala siyang kapatid.
 Siya ay masaya tuwing buwan ng Disyembre sapagkat  Siya ay masaya tuwing buwan ng Disyembre sapagkat
may bonus siyang matatanggap.
may bonus siyang matatanggap.
 Ang guro ay araw-araw na nagtuturo para sa  Ang guro ay araw-araw na nagtuturo para sa
kinabukasan ng mga kabataan.
kinabukasan ng mga kabataan.
 Binibisita namin ang puntod ng aking kaibigan taun-  Binibisita namin ang puntod ng aking kaibigan taun-
 Oras-oras niya tinitingnan ang kanyang relo. Definition of Coda
Coda comes from the Latin word cauda, which means “tail”.
 Tuwing linggo ay pumupunta siya sa simbahan. A coda is a passage at the end of a piece of music that brings the music to a
Pang-abay na Panlunan close.
Ang pang-abay na panlunan ay isang uri ng pang abay kung saan It can technically be considered a longer cadence.
ito ay naglalarawan kung saan naganap o magaganap o gaganapin Whereas a cadence is usually less than a bar – about one or two beats – a
ang kilos ng pandiwa. Ilan sa mga panandang ginagamit dito ay coda can be a few bars or it could be an entire extra section. 
ang mga salitang sa, kina, o kay. Sa pamamagitan ng pang-abay na There are also codettas, which mean “little tail”.
panlunan, ating masasakot ang katanungan na “saan”. These are short codas, and can easily be mistaken for a cadence.
Whereas a coda might end an entire piece or movement, a codetta is usually
Sa – ginagamit kapag ang kasunod ay isang pangngalang only at the end of a passage or
pambalana o isang panghalip. In the song “Hey Jude” by The Beatles, the final “nana na na” part is
Kay o Kina – ginagamit kapag ang kasunod ay pangngalang considered a coda, and it is almost four minutes long.
pantangi na pangalan ng isang tao.
Mga Halimbawa: History of the Coda in Music
 Sa mainit na kabundukan naninirahan ang kaibigan kong The coda was first commonly used in the 12th and 13th centuries at the end
of Latin sacred vocal songs called “Conducti”.
si Clark.
The coda part was when the singers would end with singing one syllable
 Sa isang mayamang lupain ay nakatira ang isang over a long string of different notes. 
dalagang kanyang iniirog. Eventually it came to be used in the Classical era as we know it today.
 Tuwing bakasyon sa eskwelahan ay umaakyat ang The coda here in the Sonata is very typical – it just adds a few extra bars
magkakaibigan sa bukid. based around the tonic note, ending with a group of extended cadential
 Sa Baguio ang paborito kong pasyalan tuwing summer. It serves to add a more emphatic ending to a piece, to let the audience know
 Sa Lungsod ng Cebu mo matatagpuan ang magaganda at that it is really ending. 
ibat-ibang klase ng pagkain. In comparison, this coda from the first movement of Beethoven’s 8th
Symphony lasts for dozens of measures, and is about 0:50 seconds long.
 Makikipagkita ako kay Stella sa Parke. Beethoven was especially known for his long and expanded codas. 
 Dinala namin ang mga masasarap na pagkain kina The Musical Symbol For Coda
Raevir. You might have seen the symbol for coda written on sheet music of a piece
 May nakita akong magandang damit sa mall. you were playing.
It looks like this:
 Bibisita kame kina Christian bukas.
Pang-abay na Pang-agam
Ito ang mga salita na naghahayag ng walang kasiguraduhang
kasagutan, di-katiyakan sa kilos, o pag-aalinlangan. Ginagamitan
ito ng mga pariralang marahil, siguro, tila, baka, wari, o parang.
Mga Halimbawa: The coda symbol is used whenever there’s a need to exit from a repeated
 Parang nagbago ang takbo ng hangin. section (a section between two repeat signs) that’s not at the end of the
 Siguro ay pupunta kame sa mall bukas. section, where it normally is.
There will be text above the bar line saying al coda, which means “go to
 Marami na marahil ang nascam ni Arcer. coda.”
 Baka sa susunod na linggo kame mamamasyal. Below is an example.
 Marahil ay marami na ang nakakaalam ng aking iniibig.
 Bukas na siguro tayo umalis dahil mainit pa sa labas.
 Tila ako’y nakaluntang na sa langit.
 Siguro ay huwag na nating ituloy ito dahil hindi naman Ext
tayo nagkakasundo. ract of music using a coda
 Masama ang aking pakiramdaman kaya hindi yata ako So, in this example, the repeat is two bars long, but the second time through
makagalaw ng maayos. you only play until the al coda sign, and then you jump straight to the coda.
 Bukas pa siguro ang datingn iya mula sa Cebu. Without repeat signs and coda markings, this melody would look like: 
 Baka sa susunod na linggo ay makapagbayad na ako ng
Pang-abay na Ingklitik o Kataga
Ang ingklitik ay ang mga salita o kataga pagkatapos ng unang E
salita sa pangungusap. Kung mawala man ito sa isang xtract of music without a coda
pangungusap, hindi nito maapektuhan o mababago ang mensahe o
ideya ng pangungusap. Ito rin ang mga salita sa pagitan ng isang
pangungusap na makakapag-bigay ng mas malinaw na kahulugan The coda symbol is used to mark the very end of a piece.
nito. You go immediately from the al coda text to the coda symbol only
Ang mga halibawa nito the second time you are playing through the repeated music. 
ay pa, kaya, naman, man, ay, aba, naku, rin, din, hala, hoy, ara
y, na, ala, sana, ha, na, ba, yata, pala, tuloy, nang, lamang, lang Codas in Summary
, muna, daw, at raw.
Mga Halimbawa: Codas are always found at the end of a section or whole piece of music, and
 May klase ako mamaya kaya hindi ako makakapunta sa they bring a sense of closure and a way to wrap up all of the musical
iyong karaawan. melodies and themes that have been played in the music up to that point.
They’re mostly found in classical music, but some rock and pop songs have
 Magpapahinga muna ako sandali sapagkat ako’y pagod added them in as well.
sa kakatrabaho.
 Wala na pala siyang kapatid.


In music, a coda is a term you would hear a lot, especially when talking In music, a coda is a term you would hear a lot, especially when talking
about classical music like sonatas or symphonies. about classical music like sonatas or symphonies.
Definition of Coda rin itong magresulta sa pagkaantala sa paggaling ng sakit. Maaari rin itong
Coda comes from the Latin word cauda, which means “tail”. maging
A coda is a passage at the end of a piece of music that brings the music to a sanhi ng pagkalason kung magkaroon ng overdose. Kung gayon,
close. mangyaring tandaan
It can technically be considered a longer cadence. ang mga sumusunod para sa ligtas na paggamit ng gamot:
Whereas a cadence is usually less than a bar – about one or two beats – a Sundin ang utos ng iyong doctor
coda can be a few bars or it could be an entire extra section.  1. Gamitin ang eksaktong dami ng gamot ayon sa utos ng iyong doktor
There are also codettas, which mean “little tail”. dahil maaaring magresulta sa pagkakalason at hindi mabisang gamutan
These are short codas, and can easily be mistaken for a cadence. mula sa hindi sapat na
Whereas a coda might end an entire piece or movement, a codetta is usually dosis.
only at the end of a passage or 2. Kung ikaw ay gumagamit ng mga antibiotiko, dapat mong tapusin ang
In the song “Hey Jude” by The Beatles, the final “nana na na” part is panahon ng paggamot para gumaling sa sakit. Kung hindi mo matapos ang
considered a coda, and it is almost four minutes long. kurso, halimbawa ay huminto kang gumamit ng gamot simula mawala ang
mga sintomas, ang mga bakterya sa iyong katawan ay maaaring magkaroon
History of the Coda in Music paglaban sa mga antibiotiko
The coda was first commonly used in the 12th and 13th centuries at the end bab susunod na gagamit.
of Latin sacred vocal songs called “Conducti”. 3. Magpatuloy sa iyong gamutan. May ilang mga gamot na dapat na
The coda part was when the singers would end with singing one syllable gamitin para sa isang ispesipikong panahon bago mapansin ang mga epekto
over a long string of different notes.  nito.
Eventually it came to be used in the Classical era as we know it today. 4. Sa mga kaso ng malalalang sakit tulad ng diabete at altapresyon,
The coda here in the Sonata is very typical – it just adds a few extra bars napakahalaga na sindin ang instruksyon ng iyong doktor, ang gamot ayon
based around the tonic note, ending with a group of extended cadential sa inireseta at magkaroon ng regular na pagpapakonsulta. Hindi ka dapat
movements. magpalit ng iyong dosis o huminto
It serves to add a more emphatic ending to a piece, to let the audience know sa paggamit ng iyong gamit nang walang utos ng iyong doktor. Kung hindi,
that it is really ending.  ang resulta nito ay malala.
In comparison, this coda from the first movement of Beethoven’s 8th 5. Kung nakaligtaan mo ang iyong gamot, huwag uminom ng extrang dosis
Symphony lasts for dozens of measures, and is about 0:50 seconds long. sa susunod na oras ng pag-inom. Maaari itong magdulot sa pagiging
Beethoven was especially known for his long and expanded codas.  overdose at pagkalason.
The Musical Symbol For Coda Huwag subukan na maging iyong sariling doctor
You might have seen the symbol for coda written on sheet music of a piece 1. Kung ikaw ay may sakit, ang pinakamahusay na paraan ay ang
you were playing. magpakonsulta sa
It looks like this: iyong doktor. Gayumpaman, kung ikaw ay bumili ng over-the-counter na
gamot, siguraduhin na basahin ang pabalat at instruksyon nang mabuti.
Dapat mong tandaan na ang ibang tao ay may reaksyon sa ilang mga gamot,
tulad ng antibiotiko kagaya ng penicillin.
2. Huwag gamitin ang gamit ng ibang tao. Ang parehong sintomas ay hindi
nangangahukugan na parehong sakit. Mapanaganib na gamitin ang gamot
ng ibang tao o gamot na tira mula sa dating sakit.
The coda symbol is used whenever there’s a need to exit from a repeated
Ligtas na pag-iimbak ang iyong mga gamut
section (a section between two repeat signs) that’s not at the end of the
1. Palaging itago ang mga gamot sa isang nakatalagang kabinet na may
section, where it normally is.
There will be text above the bar line saying al coda, which means “go to
2. Huwag magtago ng gamot sa mga boteng para sa pagkain. Dapat itago
ang gamut malayo na hindi naaabot ng bata.
Below is an example.
3. Ang mga gamot ay dapat na itago sa malamig at tuyong lugar, ngunit ang
ilan rito, tulad ng mga produktong insulin at ilang mga likido na
antibiotiko, ay dapat na itago sa refrigerator ngunit hindi sa freezer.
4. Tingnan ang petsa ng expiration ng mga gamot at itinapon ang mga
expired o sirang mga gamot.
Ext 5. Huwag ilagay ang gamot sa lalagyan na nakatalaga para sa ibang gamot.
ract of music using a coda Huwag maglagay ng iba’t ibang mga gamot sa iisang bote.
Tandaan ang mga sumusunod kapag ikaw ay umiinom ng gamot:
So, in this example, the repeat is two bars long, but the second time through
1. Siguraduhin na alam mo kung paano gamitin ang gamot. Halimbawa,
you only play until the al coda sign, and then you jump straight to the coda.
tandaan kung kailangan mo na lunukin ito, ilalagay sa ilalim ng iyong dila,
Without repeat signs and coda markings, this melody would look like: 
ngunguyain, lalanghapin, ipapahid, o ipapasok bilang isang suppository.
Mahalaga na gamtin nang tama ang gamot.
2. Basahing mabuti ang pabalat at instruksyon ng gamot. Tandaan ang
dosis, mga sangkap, indikasyon, babala, at side effect, upang maiwasan ang
hindi kanais-nais na resulta. Halimbawa, may ilang mga gamot na nagiging
E nakakalason kung naisama sa alkohol.
xtract of music without a coda 3. Huwag gumamit ng mga gamot sa dilim para hindi makagawa ng
4. Huwag gumamit ng higit sa isang gamot nang magkasabay maliban kung
The coda symbol is used to mark the very end of a piece. inutos ng doktor. Kung hindi maaari kang makaranas ng masamang
You go immediately from the al coda text to the coda symbol only interaskyon ng mga gamot.
the second time you are playing through the repeated music.  5. Kung ikaw ay may pantal, masakit ang sikmura, masakit ang tiyan, o iba
pang mga reaksyon pagkatapos gamitin ang gamot, ihinto kaagad ang
paggamit nito at magpakonsulta sa iyong doktor.
Codas in Summary 6. Kapag nagbibigay ng gamot sa mga bata, huwag itong sabihin na isang
Codas are always found at the end of a section or whole piece of music, and 7. Ang mga bata ay dapat na bantayan kapag gumagamit ng anumang
they bring a sense of closure and a way to wrap up all of the musical gamot, at may dagdag na pag-iingat kapag gumagamit ng mga gamot na
melodies and themes that have been played in the music up to that point. nasa porma na kapsulang soft gel. Ang mga magulang at tagapangalaga ay
They’re mostly found in classical music, but some rock and pop songs have dapat sundin ang mga instruksyon sa paggamit para sa lahat ng mga gamot
added them in as well. na binibigay sa mga bata.
8. Ang mga nagbubuntis at nagpapasusong babae ay hindi dapat gumamit
ng mga gamot maliban kung inutos ng isang doktor, dagil may ilang gamot
na maaaring dumaang sa sinapupunan o gatas at maaaring magdulot ng
masamang epekto sa fetus o sa sanggol.
Kaligtasan sa Gamot – Ligtas na Paghawak sa mga Gamot HEALTH: TAMANG PAGGAMIT NG GAMOT
Ang hindi wastong paggamit ng gamot ay hindi lamang aksaya sa pera, Kaligtasan sa Gamot – Ligtas na Paghawak sa mga Gamot
ngunit maaari Ang hindi wastong paggamit ng gamot ay hindi lamang aksaya sa pera,
ngunit maaari
rin itong magresulta sa pagkaantala sa paggaling ng sakit. Maaari rin itong A magnet is defined as
maging An object which is capable of producing magnetic field and attracting
sanhi ng pagkalason kung magkaroon ng overdose. Kung gayon, unlike poles and repelling like poles.
mangyaring tandaan
ang mga sumusunod para sa ligtas na paggamit ng gamot:
Sundin ang utos ng iyong doctor Properties of Magnet
1. Gamitin ang eksaktong dami ng gamot ayon sa utos ng iyong doktor
The following are the basic properties of a magnet:
dahil maaaring magresulta sa pagkakalason at hindi mabisang gamutan
mula sa hindi sapat na
dosis.  When a magnet is dipped in iron filings, we can observe that the
2. Kung ikaw ay gumagamit ng mga antibiotiko, dapat mong tapusin ang iron filings cling to the end of the magnet as the attraction is
panahon ng paggamot para gumaling sa sakit. Kung hindi mo matapos ang maximum at the ends of the magnet. These ends are known
kurso, halimbawa ay huminto kang gumamit ng gamot simula mawala ang as poles of the magnets.
mga sintomas, ang mga bakterya sa iyong katawan ay maaaring magkaroon
paglaban sa mga antibiotiko  Magnetic poles always exist in pairs.
bab susunod na gagamit.  Whenever a magnet is suspended freely in mid-air, it always
3. Magpatuloy sa iyong gamutan. May ilang mga gamot na dapat na points towards the north-south direction. Pole pointing towards
gamitin para sa isang ispesipikong panahon bago mapansin ang mga epekto geographic north is known as the North Pole, and the pole
nito. pointing towards geographic south is known as the South Pole.
4. Sa mga kaso ng malalalang sakit tulad ng diabete at altapresyon,  Like poles repel while unlike poles attract.
napakahalaga na sindin ang instruksyon ng iyong doktor, ang gamot ayon
sa inireseta at magkaroon ng regular na pagpapakonsulta. Hindi ka dapat  The magnetic force between the two magnets is greater when the
magpalit ng iyong dosis o huminto distance between these magnets is lesser.
sa paggamit ng iyong gamit nang walang utos ng iyong doktor. Kung hindi, Types of Magnets
ang resulta nito ay malala. There are three types of magnets, and they are as follows:
5. Kung nakaligtaan mo ang iyong gamot, huwag uminom ng extrang dosis 1. Permanent magnet
sa susunod na oras ng pag-inom. Maaari itong magdulot sa pagiging 2. Temporary magnet
overdose at pagkalason. 3. Electromagnets
Huwag subukan na maging iyong sariling doctor Permanent Magnet
1. Kung ikaw ay may sakit, ang pinakamahusay na paraan ay ang Permanent magnets are those magnets that are commonly used. They are
magpakonsulta sa known as permanent magnets because they do not lose their magnetic
iyong doktor. Gayumpaman, kung ikaw ay bumili ng over-the-counter na property once they are magnetized.
gamot, siguraduhin na basahin ang pabalat at instruksyon nang mabuti. Following are the ways to demagnetize the permanent magnets:
Dapat mong tandaan na ang ibang tao ay may reaksyon sa ilang mga gamot,
tulad ng antibiotiko kagaya ng penicillin.
2. Huwag gamitin ang gamit ng ibang tao. Ang parehong sintomas ay hindi  Exposing magnets to extreme temperatures.
nangangahukugan na parehong sakit. Mapanaganib na gamitin ang gamot  The magnetic attraction between the magnet’s atoms gets
ng ibang tao o gamot na tira mula sa dating sakit. loosened when they are hammered.
Ligtas na pag-iimbak ang iyong mga gamut
1. Palaging itago ang mga gamot sa isang nakatalagang kabinet na may  Stroking one magnet with another will reduce the magnetic
kandado. strength.
2. Huwag magtago ng gamot sa mga boteng para sa pagkain. Dapat itago There are four types of permanent magnets:
ang gamut malayo na hindi naaabot ng bata.
3. Ang mga gamot ay dapat na itago sa malamig at tuyong lugar, ngunit ang
ilan rito, tulad ng mga produktong insulin at ilang mga likido na  Ceramic or ferrite
antibiotiko, ay dapat na itago sa refrigerator ngunit hindi sa freezer.  Alnico
4. Tingnan ang petsa ng expiration ng mga gamot at itinapon ang mga
expired o sirang mga gamot.
 Samarium Cobalt (SmCo)
5. Huwag ilagay ang gamot sa lalagyan na nakatalaga para sa ibang gamot.  Neodymium Iron Boron (NIB)
Huwag maglagay ng iba’t ibang mga gamot sa iisang bote.
Tandaan ang mga sumusunod kapag ikaw ay umiinom ng gamot:
Temporary Magnet
1. Siguraduhin na alam mo kung paano gamitin ang gamot. Halimbawa,
tandaan kung kailangan mo na lunukin ito, ilalagay sa ilalim ng iyong dila, Temporary magnets can be magnetized in the presence of a magnetic
ngunguyain, lalanghapin, ipapahid, o ipapasok bilang isang suppository. field. When the magnetic field is removed, these materials lose their
Mahalaga na gamtin nang tama ang gamot. magnetic property. Iron nails and paper clips are examples of the
2. Basahing mabuti ang pabalat at instruksyon ng gamot. Tandaan ang temporary magnet.
dosis, mga sangkap, indikasyon, babala, at side effect, upang maiwasan ang
hindi kanais-nais na resulta. Halimbawa, may ilang mga gamot na nagiging What are electromagnets?
nakakalason kung naisama sa alkohol. Electromagnets consist of a coil of wire wrapped around a metal core made
3. Huwag gumamit ng mga gamot sa dilim para hindi makagawa ng from iron. When this material is exposed to an electric current, a magnetic
pagkakamali. field is generated, making the material behave like a magnet. The strength
4. Huwag gumamit ng higit sa isang gamot nang magkasabay maliban kung of the magnetic field can be controlled by controlling the electric current.
inutos ng doktor. Kung hindi maaari kang makaranas ng masamang What are the magnetic Properties of a bar magnet?
interaskyon ng mga gamot. Following are the basic properties of a magnet:
5. Kung ikaw ay may pantal, masakit ang sikmura, masakit ang tiyan, o iba
pang mga reaksyon pagkatapos gamitin ang gamot, ihinto kaagad ang 1. Magnetic poles always exist in pairs.
paggamit nito at magpakonsulta sa iyong doktor. 2. Like poles repel while unlike poles attract.
6. Kapag nagbibigay ng gamot sa mga bata, huwag itong sabihin na isang
7. Ang mga bata ay dapat na bantayan kapag gumagamit ng anumang What are the uses of magnets?
gamot, at may dagdag na pag-iingat kapag gumagamit ng mga gamot na Following are the uses of magnets:
nasa porma na kapsulang soft gel. Ang mga magulang at tagapangalaga ay
dapat sundin ang mga instruksyon sa paggamit para sa lahat ng mga gamot
na binibigay sa mga bata. 1. Magnets are used for constructing magnetic needles and
8. Ang mga nagbubuntis at nagpapasusong babae ay hindi dapat gumamit mariner’s compasses.
ng mga gamot maliban kung inutos ng isang doktor, dagil may ilang gamot 2. Permanent magnets find applications in generators, electric
na maaaring dumaang sa sinapupunan o gatas at maaaring magdulot ng accelerators, and electric motors.
masamang epekto sa fetus o sa sanggol. 3. Electromagnets find application in speakers, electric bells, and
electric cranes.
4. Magnets are used to separate iron filling from other solid
What is a Magnet?
(4) Pratim is a humble and honest person.
(5) February is the shortest month in a year.
(6) He is a strong and healthy boy.
(7) Souvik is a professional singer.
(8) Sita has long straight hair.
(9) He gifted a branded t-shirt to me.
(10) The flowers smell sweet.


(I) Underline the adjectives in the following sentences:
(I) Underline the adjectives in the following sentences:
(1) This is a historical place.
(1) This is a historical place.
(2) She has made a delicious food.
(2) She has made a delicious food.
(3) Buy a red umbrella for me.
(3) Buy a red umbrella for me.
(4) Pratim is a humble and honest person.
(5) February is the shortest month in a year.
(6) He is a strong and healthy boy.
(7) Souvik is a professional singer.
(8) Sita has long straight hair.
(9) He gifted a branded t-shirt to me.
(10) The flowers smell sweet.




Corazon Aquino ∎ Demokrasya ∎ Hudisyal ∎Totalitaryan ∎

Rodrigo Duterte ∎ Aristokrasya∎ Benigno Aquino III ∎
Ehekutibo ∎ Rodrigo Duterte ∎ Senado ∎ Emilio Aguinaldo
∎Manuel L. Quezon ∎ Monarkiya ∎ Joseph Estrada ∎ Gloria
Macapagal Arroyo ∎ Lehislatura ∎ Jose P. Laurel ∎
Ferdinand Marcos ∎ Ramon Magsaysay ∎ Gabinete ∎
Carlos P. Garcia

_________1. Ang sangay na ito ay may kapangyarihang

magpanukala, gumawa, at magbago ng batas.
_________2. Ito ay isang uri ng pamahalaan kung saan
tanging iisang tao lamang ang gumagamit ng kapangyarihan.
_________3. Sila naman ang nagdidisiplina sa mga huwes
ng mababang hukuman
_________4. Pangulo na pinasimulan ang K-12 na
edukasyon sa Pilipinas
_________5. Ang mataas na kapulungan, ito ay binubuo ng
24 na senador at pinamumunuan ng isang presidente ng
_________6. Pinamumunuan ito ng ilang opisyal na
nabibilang sa mataas na lipunan at kayamanan o
kapangyarihang minana sa magulang.
_________7. Si ay ang ika-14 na pangulo ng Pilipinas (at
ang pangalawang babaeng pangulo). Ang Oakwood
Mutiny ay naganap sa kanyang termino.
_________8. Ito naman ang nagpapatupad ng batas na
ginawa sa Kongreso.
_________9. Ang kauna-unahang babaeng pangulo ng
Pilipinas at ang unang babaeng naging pangulo ng isang
bansang Asyano.
_________10. Ang pamahalaang nasa mga tao ang
kapangyarihan.Sa pamamagitan ng halalan, ang mga tao ang
nagpapasya kung sino ang mamamahala sa kanilang bansa.
_________11. Binansagan siyang traidor ng ilang kritiko at
kinasuhan ng pagtataksil (treason) na kalaunan ay pinaliban
dahil sa proklamasyon ng amnestiya noong 1948.
_________12. Ay isang abogado at Pangulo ng Senado sa
loob ng tatlong taon. Naging pangulo siya ng 21 taon.
Nagpasiya siya na ilagay ang bansa ilalim ng batas military.
_________13. Ang pamahalaang pinamumunuan ng isang
diktador o isang pangkat nv mga makapangyarihang tao.
_________14. pinamumunuan ng mga kalihim upang
mamuno sa mga kagawaran.
_________15. ay isang sikat na artista sa pelikula bago
naging pangulo ng Pilipinas.
_________16. Tinaguriang “Ama ng Republika ng
Pilipinas”, siya ang naging unang Pangulo ng
Commonwealth ng Pilipinas sa ilalim ng pamahalaang
Amerikano noong simula ng ika-20 siglo.
_________17. Naging Pangulo ng Pilipinas sa edad na 71,
kaya siya ang pinakamatandang taong humawak sa
_________18. Isang abugado, makata, at guro, siya ay
nagsilbi din bilang isang pinuno ng gerilya sa panahon ng
Digmaang Pasipiko.
_________19. Siya ang ika-pitong Pangulo ng Pilipinas na
kilala bilang "Presidente ng Masang Pilipino". 
_________20. Una (at tanging) pangulo ng Unang
Republika (Republika ng Malolos)



Corazon Aquino ∎ Demokrasya ∎ Hudisyal ∎Totalitaryan ∎

Rodrigo Duterte ∎ Aristokrasya∎ Benigno Aquino III ∎
Ehekutibo ∎ Rodrigo Duterte ∎ Senado ∎ Emilio Aguinaldo
∎Manuel L. Quezon ∎ Monarkiya ∎ Joseph Estrada ∎ Gloria
Macapagal Arroyo ∎ Lehislatura ∎ Jose P. Laurel ∎
Ferdinand Marcos ∎ Ramon Magsaysay ∎ Gabinete ∎
Carlos P. Garcia

_________1. Ang sangay na ito ay may kapangyarihang

magpanukala, gumawa, at magbago ng batas.
_________2. Ito ay isang uri ng pamahalaan kung saan
tanging iisang tao lamang ang gumagamit ng kapangyarihan.
_________3. Sila naman ang nagdidisiplina sa mga huwes
ng mababang hukuman
_________4. Pangulo na pinasimulan ang K-12 na
edukasyon sa Pilipinas
_________5. Ang mataas na kapulungan, ito ay binubuo ng
24 na senador at pinamumunuan ng isang presidente ng
_________6. Pinamumunuan ito ng ilang opisyal na
nabibilang sa mataas na lipunan at kayamanan o
kapangyarihang minana sa magulang.
_________7. Si ay ang ika-14 na pangulo ng Pilipinas (at
ang pangalawang babaeng pangulo). Ang Oakwood
Mutiny ay naganap sa kanyang termino.
_________8. Ito naman ang nagpapatupad ng batas na
ginawa sa Kongreso.
_________9. Ang kauna-unahang babaeng pangulo ng
Pilipinas at ang unang babaeng naging pangulo ng isang
bansang Asyano.
_________10. Ang pamahalaang nasa mga tao ang
kapangyarihan.Sa pamamagitan ng halalan, ang mga tao ang
nagpapasya kung sino ang mamamahala sa kanilang bansa.
_________11. Binansagan siyang traidor ng ilang kritiko at
kinasuhan ng pagtataksil (treason) na kalaunan ay pinaliban
dahil sa proklamasyon ng amnestiya noong 1948.
_________12. Ay isang abogado at Pangulo ng Senado sa
loob ng tatlong taon. Naging pangulo siya ng 21 taon.
Nagpasiya siya na ilagay ang bansa ilalim ng batas military.
_________13. Ang pamahalaang pinamumunuan ng isang
diktador o isang pangkat nv mga makapangyarihang tao.
_________14. pinamumunuan ng mga kalihim upang
mamuno sa mga kagawaran.
_________15. ay isang sikat na artista sa pelikula bago
naging pangulo ng Pilipinas.
_________16. Tinaguriang “Ama ng Republika ng
Pilipinas”, siya ang naging unang Pangulo ng
Commonwealth ng Pilipinas sa ilalim ng pamahalaang
Amerikano noong simula ng ika-20 siglo.
_________17. Naging Pangulo ng Pilipinas sa edad na 71,
kaya siya ang pinakamatandang taong humawak sa
_________18. Isang abugado, makata, at guro, siya ay
nagsilbi din bilang isang pinuno ng gerilya sa panahon ng
Digmaang Pasipiko.
_________19. Siya ang ika-pitong Pangulo ng Pilipinas na
kilala bilang "Presidente ng Masang Pilipino". 
_________20. Una (at tanging) pangulo ng Unang
Republika (Republika ng Malolos)
The metric system of measurement is the standard way of
measuring distance, calculating height, and most of the other day-to-
day items. For instance, let's consider a jar of milk. We use liters to
find the volume of milk and meters (or centimeters) to find the height
of the jar. This is because these metric units are followed in most
places worldwide and are called SI units (International System of
Units). Let's begin and learn more about the metric system.
What is Metric System?
Everything around us, right from the amount of sugar you add to a
cake to the length of a football field, has a value of the
measurement. We measure each object according to
its length, weight, volume, or time in a different manner. The concept
of "Metric System" is introduced with these measurements. By
definition, the metric system of measurement in mathematics is the
set of standard units defined to measure length, weight, area, and
capacity. It is based on the decimal system as it includes numbers in
powers of 10.
There are various places where we use metric units in our daily life.
This metric system is implemented and followed in various fields like
science, medicine, governance, defense, and so on. Some of the
metric system examples can be listed as given below:
 John and Lisa run a kilometer.
 This watermelon weighs 4 kilograms.
 Ashley takes 10 milliliters of tonic.
Origin of Metric System
The metric system is an easy-to-use measurement system as it has
units in terms of powers of 10. At the time of the French revolution,
in around 1790, it was realized that the existing systems of
measurement had become impractical and of less usage for trade
purposes, so a system based on the decimal values of grams and
meter came into use for practical purposes which was originally the
idea of John Wilkins and Gabriel Mouton. It was easier to compute
the metric values as compared to the other systems of measures.
Gabriel Mouton was considered the founding father of the metric
system of measurement. In 1668, John Wilkins, an English
clergyman, came up with a proposed system of measuring length,
mass, area, and volume. These standard units were based on real-
life discoveries. The standard unit of length was derived from the
length of a pendulum that had a half-beat of one second, the unit of
mass was based on the mass of 1 liter of water, etc. Then two years
later, in 1670, Gabriel Mouton, the vicar of St. Paul’s Church in
France, proposed a unit of length based on the dimensions of the
earth. He also proposed the usage of decimal multiples for the unit
of length.
Metric Units
There are various metric units used for measuring length, mass,
area, and capacity. For example, millimeters, centimeters, meters,
and kilometers are the metric units of the measurement of length.
Grams and kilograms are the units for measuring weight. Look at the
table given below to understand all the metric system units used for
different purposes.
Let us learn conversions in each area one by one. The
metric units for length are explained in the next section. In
this section, we will be focussing on the metric system units
of weights and capacity.
The standard unit for measurement of weight is a kilogram.
The standard tool we use to measure weight is the beam
balance or the weighing scale. These are some examples
that show where the weight measurements are typically
 The weight of two bread slices is about 100 grams.
 The weight of a loaf of bread is about one kilogram (kg).
 An elephant weighs approx. 5 tonnes.
Look at the chart showing conversions of metric units of

Metric System Chart

The metric system chart contains the formulas of conversion of
various metric units. It will help you to quickly convert one unit to
another by looking at its multiplying factor. For example, by Capacity
observing the metric system chart, you will find that 1 meter = 100 The term capacity is used for measuring the volume or
cms. By using this conversion formula, you can convert 5 meters to
cms by multiplying 5 with 100. Let us observe the metric system the space occupied by an object. The standard unit for
chart given below: measurement of capacity is the liter. The standard tool
we use to measure capacity is the measuring cup. For
 A liter of milk.
 500 ml of oil.
 2 kg of crude oil.
Look at the chart showing conversions of metric units
of measuring capacity.

We will be using this metric system chart to understand the Metric System Length
metric conversions explained below.
Length can be measured in different units like inches,
Metric System Conversion
Metric system conversion means converting one metric unit centimeters, feet, kilometers, etc. But out of these
to another. For example, if Emma has measured the height units, millimeters, centimeters, meters, and kilometers
of a pillar as 89 meters, but she wants to know the value in are the metric system units for length measurement.
kilometers, so she can convert m to km by applying the The metric system length can be measured using a
appropriate conversion formula. Some of the most commonly ruler or a measuring tape where units are written in
used metric system conversion formulas are given below: centimeters. The metric system chart for length
 To convert m to cm, multiply by 100. conversion is given below that will help you to
 To convert cm to mm, multiply by 10. understand the relationship between various units.
 To convert km to m, multiply by 1000.
 To convert kg to grams, multiply by 1000.
 To convert grams to mg, multiply by 1000.
 To convert liters to kiloliters, divide by 1000.
 To convert ml to liters, divide by 1000.
Example 1: Convert 84 inches to feet.
A proportion can be set up using the appropriate conversion
ratio. In a proportion the product of the means equals the
product of the extremes. Use this “cross multipy” concept to
find the answer.
It shows that millimeters (mm) can be converted to
centimeters (cm) by dividing the given value by 10, cm
can be converted to m by dividing the given value by
100, and so on. Just observe the direction of arrows
and look for the multiplying factor in each of the cases. Example 2: Find the number of cups in two gallons.
While going from larger units to the smaller units (for There is no stated conversion for cups to gallons, so we
example, km to m, m to cm, and so on), have to be a bit more creative. Since there are 4 cups in 1
we multiply the value by an appropriate power of 10. quart, and 4 quarts in 1 gallon, we can set up the conversion
On the other hand, while moving from smaller units to ratio based on “quarts”. Two gallons is 8 quarts.
larger units (for example, mm to cm, cm to m, and m to
km), divide the value by an appropriate power of 10.
Important Notes on Metric System:
Given below are a few important notes on the metric
system in math.
 The standard unit for measurement of length is a Example 3: Convert 16 tons to pounds.
meter. Set up the conversion ratio and solve for the missing value.
 The standard unit for measurement of weight is a
 The standard unit for measurement of capacity is
the liter.
 Time is measured using hours, minutes, and
The English System of Measurement
Want to express your opinion on something?
The English system of measurement grew out of the You are wondering how to convince the world to think as you do?
creative way that people measured for themselves. Then you must learn how to write an editorial and convince your
Familiar objects and parts of the body were used as readers to agree with you. These editorials are a part of both
measuring devices. For example, people measured government and school newspapers.
shorter distances on the ground with their feet. An editorial expresses your opinion about any current topic with the
aim to persuade the reader to see things from your perspective.
They measured longer distances by their paces (a
In this blog, we have presented a step by step formula for writing an
“mile” was a thousand paces). They measured editorial worthy of the reader’s appreciation.
capacities with common household items such as What is an Editorial?
cups, pails, and baskets. The word gallon comes from An editorial is a newspaper article that contains and explains the
an old name for a pail. author’s ideas. This piece of writing can be on any topic, but usually, it
Unfortunately, these creative measuring devices covers social issues. You have to provide enough evidence from
credible sources, just like you do in your research papers.
allowed for different measurements to be obtained A well-written editorial must contain the problems’ description and
when different people measured the same items. their possible solutions to the problem. When writing about a specific
Eventually, a standard was set so that all issue, don’t forget to give recommendations.
measurements represented the same amount for You should create a message for the people who are suffering from that
everyone. issue and what it takes to improve the situation. Besides, in your
writing, you get a chance to speak to the government and request them
to take measures to solve the problem.
Generally, there are four types of editorials:
1. Interpret and explain
2. Persuade
3. Criticize
4. Praise
Each type is written for a different purpose and, before writing any of
it, you must know the difference between them.
How to Write an Editorial Article?
Conversions An editorial is an article that presents an opinion of a group, like a
writer. Editorial writing is quite similar to research paper writing.
Sometimes you need to convert from one unit of measure to Editorials are fun and exciting to write once you get all the required
another similar unit. How many inches are in 3 feet? How research material and understand the essential steps to succeed in this
many ounces in 5 pounds? type of writing.
Proportions will help you make conversions when working The following steps will help you make up your mind about writing an
with measurements. editorial piece that can persuade readers to agree with your opinion.
Create a unit conversion ratio, which is always equal to 1:
1. Choose a Topic issue.
Editorials aim to promote critical thinking and sometimes to cause
people to change their minds on a topic by influencing their opinion.
Make sure to choose an interesting topic, controversial subject, or
something that has a purpose.
Controversial topics are a great way to stir debate and get the readers
engaged right from the start. With opinion pieces, you have to focus on
recent stories that people are talking about.
2. Research Thoroughly
Take time and research all aspects of your topic and find all the reasons
behind the issue. Look for relevant evidence and examples to support
your opinion. Gather all the latest facts and information from credible
3. Pick a Side
Make sure to pick a side and create a valid opinion to know what you
are talking about. For a valid opinion, you must come up with logical
reasoning. Pay careful attention to this step and provide clear reasons
to show why your side is the right one.
4. Writing Editorial
After coming up with a valid opinion and supportive arguments, it is
time to start the actual writing process. Make sure this writing is short
and clear so that the readers do not get bored and easily understand
Elements of a newspaper
your point of view. 1. Name of the newspaper
Start your editorial with a thesis-like statement to catch the reader’s 2. Section
attention right from the start. You can also start your editorial with a 3. Headline
question, quote, or summary of what the editorial is all about. It sums up the story or article. It’s usually in a larger font and often in
The body of your work should objectively explain the issue and why bold.
the situation is important to handle. Try to cover all the bases and 4. Drophead
include facts and quotations from credible sources. It’s a secondary headline that provides additional information about
Conclude your editorial with a noteworthy statement. In this section, the story.
you can again include quotations or a question to make the ending 5. Byline
worth remembering. It's the author of the article. It appears at the beginning of the article.
5. Edit and Proofread 6. Dateline
It is important to go through your writing multiple times and make sure It has two elements: the name of the place from where  a story
it's free from grammar, punctuation, and spelling mistakes. If you are originated and the date on which it was written. It usually appears in
unable to do this on your own then ask someone else for feedback so bold letters.
that no errors slip by. 7. Lead
It briefly gives the most important information.
How to Write an Editorial for a Journal?
8. Body
Though an editorial has the same parts and sections, some editorials are
It supplies additional information. It’s divided into small paragraphs.
different and have different conventions for their different types. In 9. Photo
addition, journals have different rules and criteria that the article and They are used to make a text easier to understand or more
editorial writers have to follow. interesting.
For a journal editorial, follow the below guidelines: 10. Caption
o Choose a Thought-Provoking Topic It used to describe a photograph. It is known as cutline in the US.
Since an editorial is a thoughtful piece of writing, you must choose a
significant topic and strike a thought in the readers. The topic should be
as per the nature and topic of the journal as if it is a medical journal; SCIENCE: HEAT TRANSFER
you must choose a topic belonging to the medical field.
o Add the Introduction and Thesis of the Chosen Issue Throughout the universe, it’s natural for energy to flow from one
Introduce the issue or topic of your editorial and add a thesis statement place to another. And unless people interfere, thermal energy — or
about the issue and the topic you will discuss in the editorial. An heat — naturally flows in one direction only: from hot toward cold.
editorial uncovers and presents an issue, its significance, effects, and
ways to tackle and control it. Heat moves naturally by any of three means. The processes are
o Explain the Background of the Problem known as conduction, convection and radiation. Sometimes more
Every problem has a background, and the problem you are writing than one may occur at the same time.
about also has one. In this section of the editorial, mention and explain
the background of the said issue.
First, a little background. All matter is made from atoms — either
Also, answer the following questions:
single ones or those bonded in groups known as molecules. These
 How did it occur? atoms and molecules are always in motion. If they have the same
 What are its consequences and effects? mass, hot atoms and molecules move, on average, faster than cold
 What is its impact on the larger public? ones. Even if atoms are locked in a solid, they still vibrate back and
These are some of the questions that you will need to address and forth around some average position.
answer in this section
o Present the Main Argument with Evidence In a liquid, atoms and molecules are free to flow from place to place.
What are the main points that you want to talk about? Present the main Within a gas, they are even more free to move and will completely
points in this section and add relevant evidence also. Relevant evidence spread out within the volume in which they are trapped.
will add weightage and credibility to your editorial. Look for previous
newspapers and online results to collect the proof and discuss the Some of the most easily understood examples of heat flow occur in
points you have added to the editorial. your kitchen.  
o Write the Conclusion of your Editorial
The conclusion is the last section of the editorial, and this is you will
conclude your editorial. Finally, wind it up by adding a call to action
and personal viewpoint by proposing ways to manage the discussed
Put a pan on a stovetop and turn on the heat. The metal sitting over
the burner will be the first part of the pan to get hot. Atoms in the
pan’s bottom will start to vibrate faster as they warm. They also
vibrate farther back and forth from their average position. As they
bump into their neighbors, they share with that neighbor some of
their energy. (Think of this as a very tiny version of a cue ball
slamming into other balls during a game of billiards. The target balls,
previously sitting still, gain some of the cue ball’s energy and move.)

As a result of collisions with their warmer neighbors, atoms start

moving faster. In other words, they are now warming. These atoms,
in turn, transfer some of their increased energy to neighbors even
farther from the original source of heat. This conduction of heat
through a solid metal is how the handle of a pan gets hot even
though it may be nowhere near the source of heat.

Convection occurs when a material is free to move, such as a liquid

or a gas. Again, consider a pan on the stove. Put water in the pan,
then turn on the heat. As the pan gets hot, some of that heat
transfers to the molecules of water sitting on the bottom of the pan
via conduction. That speeds up the motion of those water molecules
— they are warming.

tion, such as the electromagnetic energy spewing from the sun (seen here at
two ultraviolet wavelengths) is the only type of energy transfer that works
across empty space.N A S A

Consider visible light, a form of radiation. It passes through some

types of glass and plastic. X-rays, another form of radiation, readily
pass through flesh but are largely blocked by bone. Radio waves
pass through the walls of your home to reach the antenna on your
stereo. Infrared radiation, or heat, passes through the air from
fireplaces and light bulbs. But unlike conduction and convection,
radiation doesn’t require a material to transfer its energy. Light, X-
rays, infrared waves and radio waves all travel to Earth from the far
Lava reaches of the universe. Those forms of radiation will pass through
lamps illustrate heat transfer via convection: Waxy blobs get warmed at the plenty of empty space along the way.
base and expand. This makes them less dense, so they rise to the top. There, X-rays, visible light, infrared radiation, radio waves are all different
they give off their heat, cool and then sink to complete the forms of electromagnetic radiation. Each type of radiation falls into a
circulation.B E R N A R D O J B P / I S T O C K P H O T O particular band of wavelengths. Those types differ in the amount of
energy they have. In general, the longer the wavelength, the lower
As the water warms, it now begins to expand. That makes it less
the frequency of a particular type of radiation and the less energy it
dense. It rises above denser water, carrying  away heat from the
will carry.
bottom of the pan. Cooler water flows down to take its place next to
To complicate things, it’s important to note that more than one form
the hot bottom of the pan. As this water warms, it expands and rises,
of heat transfer may occur at the same time. A stove’s burner not
ferrying its newly-gained energy with it. In short order, a circular flow
only heats a pan but also the nearby air and makes it less dense.
of rising warm water and falling cooler water sets up. This circular
That carries warmth upward via convection. But the burner also
pattern of heat transfer is known as convection.
radiates heat as infrared waves, making things nearby warm up. And
if you’re using a cast-iron skillet to cook a tasty meal, be sure to grab
It’s also what largely warms food in an oven. Air that’s warmed by a the handle with a potholder: It’s gonna be hot, thanks to conduction!
heating element or gas flames at the top or bottom of the oven
carries that heat to the central zone where the food sits.

Air that’s warmed at Earth’s surface expands and rises just like the PAGSASANAY SA FILIPINO
water in the pan on the stove. Large birds such as frigate birds (and
human flyers riding engineless gliders) often ride these thermals
— rising blobs of air — to gain altitude without using any energy of
their own. In the ocean, convection caused by heating and cooling
helps to drive ocean currents. These currents move water around
the globe.

The third type of energy transfer is in some ways the most unusual.
It can move through materials — or in the absence of them. This is
What is light?
Light is electromagnetic radiation that has properties of
waves.  The electromagnetic spectrum can be divided into
several bands based on the wavelength. Visible light
represents a narrow band of wavelengths that range
between about 380 - 730 nm.These wavelengths are
interpreted by our eyes as different colors.  If a single
wavelength or limited range of wavelengths are observed,
they are interpreted as a definite color.  A single wavelength
is defined as a monochromatic light. All wavelengths of
visible light together are interpreted as white light by our
eyes. Dark is interpreted when no wavelengths in the visible
range are present.Light electromagnetic radiation is within a
certain range of the electromagnetic spectrum. Visible light is
usually defined as having wavelengths in the range of 400–
700 nanometres (nm), between the the longer wavelengths
infrared and the shorter wavelengths ultraviolet.
Properties of light
1. Velocity of Light and Refractive Index
The relation between light energy, the frequency and velocity
is defined as follows:E = hν = hC/λwhere E = energy h =
Planck's constant, 6.62517 x 10-27 erg.sec ν = frequency C =
velocity of light = 2.99793 x 1010  cm/sec λ= wavelengthThe
velocity of light in vacuum is 2.99793 x 1010cm/sec.  Light
cannot reach faster speed, and its velocity will decrease
when travelling through matter.SinceC = The frequency of
vibration,ν, stays constant when the light is passing through
a substance.  Thus, if the velocity of light, C, is reduced
when passing through any substance, the wavelength, λ,
must also decrease.Thus refractive index, n, of a material is
defined as the ratio of the speed of light in vacuum, C, to
the speed of light in a material through which it passes, Cm.n
= C/CmThe refractive index value will always be > 1, since
Cm can never exceed C.  Generally,  Cm depends on the
density the material, and  Cm decreases with increasing
density.  Therefore, the higher density materials will have
greater refractive indices.Refractive index changes linearly
with wavelength.  The refractive index the material relies on
the light’s wavelength, as different wavelengths are inhibited
to different extents by the atomic structure of the material.
2. Reflection and Refraction of Light
When light falls on an interface between two substances with
different refractive indices, two things occur. The incident ray
of light striking the interface at an angle - measured between
a line perpendicular to the interface and the propagation
direction of the incident ray- will be reflected off the interface
at the same angle and another portion can be refracted by
passing through the other medium - if also transparent- but
with a changed direction.
3. Dispersion of Light
Dispersion is produced by the fact that refractive indices vary
for each wavelength of light.  This is observed by shining a
beam of white light onto a triangular prism made of glass.
White light incident on the prism will be refracted through the
prism by different angles which depend on the wavelength of
the light
4. Absorption of Light
When light passes through a transparent material  a part of
its energy is dissipated as heat energy, thus losing some of
its intensity.  When this absorption of energy selectively
occurs for some wavelengths of light, the light that is
transmitted through the material will be composed only of the
wavelengths of light that are not absorbed.  The wavelengths
transmitted will then resemble a color, called the absorption
color of the material.
5. Polarization of Light
Normal light equally vibrates in all direction perpendicular to
its path of propagation. Light is called plane polarized if the
light is allowed to vibrate in only one plane with the vibration
direction being the direction that the light vibrates
Polarization of Light
Light has different properties that need to be studied, but first
Light has different properties that need to be studied, but first we need to understand:
we need to understand: What is light?
Light is electromagnetic radiation that has properties of
waves.  The electromagnetic spectrum can be divided into
several bands based on the wavelength. Visible light
represents a narrow band of wavelengths that range
between about 380 - 730 nm.These wavelengths are
interpreted by our eyes as different colors.  If a single
wavelength or limited range of wavelengths are observed,
they are interpreted as a definite color.  A single wavelength
is defined as a monochromatic light. All wavelengths of
visible light together are interpreted as white light by our
eyes. Dark is interpreted when no wavelengths in the visible
range are present.Light electromagnetic radiation is within a
certain range of the electromagnetic spectrum. Visible light is
usually defined as having wavelengths in the range of 400–
700 nanometres (nm), between the the longer wavelengths
infrared and the shorter wavelengths ultraviolet.
Properties of light
2. Velocity of Light and Refractive Index
The relation between light energy, the frequency and velocity
is defined as follows:E = hν = hC/λwhere E = energy h =
Planck's constant, 6.62517 x 10-27 erg.sec ν = frequency C =
velocity of light = 2.99793 x 1010  cm/sec λ= wavelengthThe
velocity of light in vacuum is 2.99793 x 1010cm/sec.  Light
cannot reach faster speed, and its velocity will decrease
when travelling through matter.SinceC = The frequency of
vibration,ν, stays constant when the light is passing through
a substance.  Thus, if the velocity of light, C, is reduced
when passing through any substance, the wavelength, λ,
must also decrease.Thus refractive index, n, of a material is
defined as the ratio of the speed of light in vacuum, C, to
the speed of light in a material through which it passes, Cm.n
= C/CmThe refractive index value will always be > 1, since
Cm can never exceed C.  Generally,  Cm depends on the
density the material, and  Cm decreases with increasing
density.  Therefore, the higher density materials will have
greater refractive indices.Refractive index changes linearly
with wavelength.  The refractive index the material relies on
the light’s wavelength, as different wavelengths are inhibited
to different extents by the atomic structure of the material.
3. Reflection and Refraction of Light
When light falls on an interface between two substances with
different refractive indices, two things occur. The incident ray
of light striking the interface at an angle - measured between
a line perpendicular to the interface and the propagation
direction of the incident ray- will be reflected off the interface
at the same angle and another portion can be refracted by
passing through the other medium - if also transparent- but
with a changed direction.
4. Dispersion of Light
Dispersion is produced by the fact that refractive indices vary
for each wavelength of light.  This is observed by shining a
beam of white light onto a triangular prism made of glass.
White light incident on the prism will be refracted through the
prism by different angles which depend on the wavelength of
the light
5. Absorption of Light
When light passes through a transparent material  a part of
its energy is dissipated as heat energy, thus losing some of
its intensity.  When this absorption of energy selectively
occurs for some wavelengths of light, the light that is
transmitted through the material will be composed only of the
wavelengths of light that are not absorbed.  The wavelengths
transmitted will then resemble a color, called the absorption
color of the material.
6. Polarization of Light
Normal light equally vibrates in all direction perpendicular to
its path of propagation. Light is called plane polarized if the
light is allowed to vibrate in only one plane with the vibration
direction being the direction that the light vibrates
Polarization of Light
1. Ang dating mamahaling gamot ay ____________________________ na ngayon. 1. Ang dating mamahaling gamot ay ____________________________ na ngayon.
2. _________________________na ang uwi si Ron mula sa kanyang trabaho sa call center kaya matulog ka na. 2. _________________________na ang uwi si Ron mula sa kanyang trabaho sa call center kaya matulog ka na.
3. May ginataan na _____________________________ sa kusina kaya magmerienda muna tayo. 3. May ginataan na _____________________________ sa kusina kaya magmerienda muna tayo.
4. Natapos mo ba ang ating ____________________________ sa Sibika at Kultura? 4. Natapos mo ba ang ating ____________________________ sa Sibika at Kultura?
5. Huwag kang maniwala sa tsismis dahil mga ____________________________ ang maririnig mo. 5. Huwag kang maniwala sa tsismis dahil mga ____________________________ ang maririnig mo.
6. Ano ang ___________________________ ng tatay mo sa Saudi Arabia? 6. Ano ang ___________________________ ng tatay mo sa Saudi Arabia?
7. __________________________________ si Rina kaya madali siyang umiyak kapag nanonood ng drama. 7. __________________________________ si Rina kaya madali siyang umiyak kapag nanonood ng drama.
8. Kailangan mo ng ________________________________ kung sasabihin mo sa kanya ang katotohanan. 8. Kailangan mo ng ________________________________ kung sasabihin mo sa kanya ang katotohanan.
9. Si Maria ang nagsulat ng liham na ito dahil alam ko ang kanyang _____________________________ . 9. Si Maria ang nagsulat ng liham na ito dahil alam ko ang kanyang _____________________________ .
10. Apat ang anak ni Aling Nena at si Pedring ang kanyang ________________________ . 10. Apat ang anak ni Aling Nena at si Pedring ang kanyang ________________________ .
11. _______________________ ang pasasalamat ng biktima ng krimen sa mga taong tumulong upang maligtas 11. _______________________ ang pasasalamat ng biktima ng krimen sa mga taong tumulong upang maligtas
siya. siya.
12. Bawal ang ________________________ ng silid-aralan habang hindi pa natatapos ang pagsusulit. 12. Bawal ang ________________________ ng silid-aralan habang hindi pa natatapos ang pagsusulit.
13. Naku, ______________________ ang mag-anak ni Tess dahil nanalo siya sa Lotto! 13. Naku, ______________________ ang mag-anak ni Tess dahil nanalo siya sa Lotto!
14. _________________________ ang bata sa kanyang tatay habang nakasakay sila sa motorsiklo. 14. _________________________ ang bata sa kanyang tatay habang nakasakay sila sa motorsiklo.
15. Dahil hindi mo sinusunod ang sinasabi ng nanay mo, para tuloy siyang _________________ kapag 15. Dahil hindi mo sinusunod ang sinasabi ng nanay mo, para tuloy siyang _________________ kapag
pinagsasabihan ka. pinagsasabihan ka.
16. __________________________ ang Bundok Isarog mula sa aming bahay sa bayan ng San Mateo. 16. __________________________ ang Bundok Isarog mula sa aming bahay sa bayan ng San Mateo.
17. Mukhang uulan na kaya kunin mo na ang mga ________________ _____mo sa labas. 17. Mukhang uulan na kaya kunin mo na ang mga ________________ _____mo sa labas.
18. Nanalo sila sa paligsahan dahil _________________ ______ang kanilang pag-awit. 18. Nanalo sila sa paligsahan dahil _________________ ______ang kanilang pag-awit.
19. Huwag kang sumali sa ____________________ ng mga lasing sa labas ng tindahan. 19. Huwag kang sumali sa ____________________ ng mga lasing sa labas ng tindahan.
20. Tungkulin natin ang tulungan ang mga _________________________ sa ating pamayanan. 20. Tungkulin natin ang tulungan ang mga _________________________ sa ating pamayanan.
21. Malusog si Andres ngunit dahil sa matinding sakit, malaki ang pinagbago ng katawan niya at 21. Malusog si Andres ngunit dahil sa matinding sakit, malaki ang pinagbago ng katawan niya at
_______________________ na lang siya ngayon. _______________________ na lang siya ngayon.
22. Ibinalita sa telebisyon na _________________________ sa isang libong tao ang sumali sa nakaraang Earth 22. Ibinalita sa telebisyon na _________________________ sa isang libong tao ang sumali sa nakaraang Earth
Day Run. Day Run.
23. Malungkot isipin na walang magulang o kamag-anak na kasama si Crispin tuwing Pasko dahil siya ay 23. Malungkot isipin na walang magulang o kamag-anak na kasama si Crispin tuwing Pasko dahil siya ay
___________________________________ . ___________________________________ .
24. Hinihintay ka na ng tatay mo sa ____________________ at tuturuan ka raw niya kung paano humuli ng 24. Hinihintay ka na ng tatay mo sa ____________________ at tuturuan ka raw niya kung paano humuli ng
isda. isda.
25. Magaling magsalita ng Inggles si Jose subali’t Tagalog ang kanyang _____________________________. 25. Magaling magsalita ng Inggles si Jose subali’t Tagalog ang kanyang _____________________________.

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