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A successful mentee/mentor/coach partnership requires a commitment on the part of both

parties. The following agreement is designed to formalise and provide a framework for the
mentorship/coaching partnership. The agreement is to be discussed and signed by the mentee,
the mentor/Coach and returned to the HEART representative. Each party should keep a copy of
this agreement and make every effort to fulfil the terms of the agreement.


1.1 The HEART Mentorship/Coaching initiative targets two main outcomes:

• the development of a time-bound association between the Mentor/Coach who is
trained and committed to impart knowledge and experience.
• the Mentee who will be the beneficiary of this knowledge and experience, through
this process of support, for his/her advancement.
1.2 The Mentor/Coach agrees to:
✓ make a six month commitment to the mentoring/coaching process;
✓ set boundaries and communication procedures
✓ set goals for improvement in specific areas we decided on together with the
✓ provide direction and career assistance or exploration to the Mentee;
✓ engage in dialogue and positive activities which inspires him/her to exercise
control and good judgement.
✓ take responsibility for honouring appointments with Mentee on a regular basis to
review action plans and development goals
✓ set meeting times and dates
✓ maintain a meeting log to record each engagement and provide feedback about
the progress to HEART NSTA Trust through the designated staff.
✓ engage in the partnership with an open mind;
✓ provide inspiration by challenging mentee to discover and capitalize on what
motivates him or her positively;
✓ provide encouragement and support to the mentee;
✓ be honest with and provide constructive feedback to the mentee
✓ Keep discussions with my mentee confidential, unless his/her safety or well-being
is at risk
1.3 The Mentee agrees to:
✓ Engage in the partnership with an open mind;
✓ set goals for improvement in specific areas decided on together with
✓ take responsibility for honouring appointments with Mentor/Coach on a regular
basis to review action plans and development goals
✓ be respectful of the Mentor/Coach’s time, values and personal property
✓ work to improve myself;
✓ treat others with respect.
✓ be open to the feedback
✓ keep the content of these meetings confidential
✓ maintain a Mentee Journal to record each experience

1.4 The Mentor/Coach and Mentee acknowledges and understands the objectives of the
The Mentor/Coach and Mentee agrees to participate in the programme in a conscientious,
diligent, and professional manner, with the utmost good faith towards and in the best interest of
both parties and on the terms of this Agreement.

1.5 Mentoring/Coaching relationship will commence as and from the date of matching and will
continue for the period specified unless terminated due to programme breach by either party
with fourteen (14) days’ notice in writing. Either party should understand that they may withdraw
from the partnership at any time completing a termination form and by contacting their HEART

1.6.The Mentor/Coach and Mentee agrees that they will not, both during and after the initiative,
for whatever reason, make improper use of the confidential information acquired by virtue of
the programme to gain directly or indirectly an advantage for themselves or for any other person
or to cause detriment to the other party.

The mentor/coach /mentee partnership is made official by this agreement to which both the
mentor/coach and the mentee sign as a statement of commitment to the process.

As a mentee in HEART Mentor/Coach initiative, I, ________________________, agree to the

terms outlined above.

________________________________ ______________________________
Mentee Signature Date

As a mentor in the HEART Mentor/Coach initiative, I, ________________________, agree to
the terms outlined above.

________________________________ ________________________________
Mentor Signature Date

Signed by:

________________________________ ________________________________
HEART NSTA Representative Date

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