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Hailey College of Commerce,

University of the Punjab,


Principles of Management

Assignment 2

Submitted by:
Qamar Sial BSAF-21-628
Muhammad Abdullah BSAF-21-650

Submitted to:
Prof. Dr. Faisal Qadeer

1.1) Vision and Mission:

Fastech’s vision is to be a leading provider of innovative solutions for tomorrow's
challenges, while its mission is to deliver innovative and sustainable solutions for the growth of
communities and businesses.

1.2) Brief History

FASTECH is a private limited company in PAKISTAN. It specializes in Desktop Application
Development and marketing of business entities. We help clients to plan and create strategies
that will enhance their competitiveness and produce measurable results.

1.3) Line of Business:

It is a software company specializes in web development and marketing of business


2.1) Organizational Chart:

FASTECH's organizational structure is hierarchical with a board of directors at the top,
followed by the CEO, executive committee, and various business divisions.

2.2) Specialization, Span of Management, Line and Staff Authority:

The organization has a highly specialized workforce in each of its business divisions. The
span of management is narrow with a clear hierarchy of authority. There is a clear distinction
between line and staff authority with the first being responsible for decision-making and the
other for providing advice and support.

2.3) Departmentalization (basis of grouping, strengths, and weaknesses):

The organization is departmentalized based on function, with separate departments for
finance, marketing, human resources, and operations. This allows for better specialization and
more efficient use of resources. However, it can also lead to a lack of coordination between

2.4) Coordination Mechanism:

The organization has a well-defined system of coordination with regular meetings
between department heads to ensure that all departments are working towards the same goals.


3.1) Strategy and Structure:

The organization's strategy is to diversify its portfolio and expand into new markets. The
organization's structure is designed to support this strategy by allowing easy creation of new
business units and effective resource allocation.

3.2) Technology (production activities) and Structure:

The organization uses advanced technology in its production activities, particularly in its
web development businesses. The organization's structure is designed to support the
development and implementation of innovative technologies.


Overall, FASTECH has a well-designed organizational structure that supports its
strategic goals. However, one area for improvement could be to increase coordination between
departments to avoid duplication of efforts and ensure that all departments are working towards
the same goals. Additionally, the organization could consider introducing more cross-functional
teams to encourage collaboration between different departments.

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