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1. Based on the electromagnetic spectrum, which EM wave has the shortest wavelength? The largest

Gamma Rays

2. Compare the energies emitted by long frequency EM waves with those carried by short frequency
EM waves?

Compared to short-frequency EM waves, long-frequency EM waves generate more energy.

The energy of electromagnetic waves increases with frequency, with gamma rays having the
maximum energy among all.

2. How does the energy of the EM waves relate to their wavelength?

An electromagnetic wave's frequency rises as its wavelength shortens, while it falls as its
wavelength lengthens. An electromagnetic wave's energy transport capacity grows as its
wavelength gets shorter and its frequency rises.

3. Prolonged exposure to sunlight can cause sunburn. Which EM waves emitted by the sun can easily
cause sunburn: infrared waves or ultraviolet waves? Explain your answer.

ultraviolet rays because exposure to uv radiation can burn the skin and hurt our eyes

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