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The Ship for Southeast Asian and Japanese Youth Program (SSEAYP) is based on the respective

joint statements issued in January 1974 between the ASEAN Member countries (Republic of
Indonesia, Malaysia. Republic of the Philippines, Republic of Singapore, and Kingdom of Thailand)
and Japan.

Brunei Darussalam joined in 1985, Socialist Republic of Vietnam in 1996, Lao Peoples’
Democratic Republic of the Union of Myanmar in 1998 and the Kingdom of Cambodia in 2000,
following their respective admission to the ASEAN. The program is carried out by the government
of Japan with the active participation and cooperation of these ten Southeast Asian countries.

The objectives of the program include:  the promotion of friendship and mutual understanding
among the youth of Japan and the ten Southeast Asian countries, to broaden their perspective on
the world and to strengthen their spirit of international cooperation and practical skills for
international collaboration. With these objectives, we aim to cultivate youth who are capable of
exercising their leadership in their respective fields in a globalizing society and contributing social
progress including youth development. These could be achieved through the participants’ living
together in the ship, introducing their culture to one another and participating in discussions and
various exchange activities both on board and during ports-of-call.

This year’s SSEAYP has 27 delegates from the Philippines and Ms. Sarah Mae S. Tizon, represented
the whole Region 2 in participating this youth exchange program by the National Youth Commission.
She also represented the Student Executive Council (President), Santiago City Scholars Association
(Federation President), and the National Youth for Disaster Risk Reduction Management (Asst.
Secretary General for Development). Their batch was named Batch Ahon as it symbolizes the
resiliency of the individual here and across the globe in the time of pandemic. The international
program was held for 6 Sundays (November 13, November 20, November 27, December 4, December
11, and December 18, 2022). She was designated under the discussion Group 2 Disaster Risk
Reduction Management.

Being in this online exchange program was a bit difficult but on the other hand, it is enjoyable.

The SSEAYP is a program that brings together youth from the Southeast Asian Countries to
engage in cultural exchange, teach them about their own culture, and share their own culture with
each other

The program aims to create a safe space for young people to explore their identities, understand
the world around them, and build relationships with others who are similar to themselves. It also
works to promote cross-cultural understanding through the study of African arts and crafts, as well
as other aspects of culture which have been lost or forgotten. It seeks to provide opportunities for
young people to develop valuable skills and work experiences while making friends around the

According to the NYC, probably next year it will be back to a face-to-face SSEAYP Conference.

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