Amir Unit Rate

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Title:-Material and cost estimation of Pipe Work

Item Description Uni Qty U.Price T.Price

1.0 Earth Work
1.1 Excavtion of pipe trench of for normal soil m3 124. 150 8,611.2
formation width(w=.6m)and 8
1.2 Excavtion of pipe trench of for Hard Rock m3 19.2 180 1,766.4
width(w=.6m)and depth(D=0.8m)

1.3 Back filling above the crown of the pipe m3 144. 60 4,968
and well rammed in layers not exceeding 0
25cm thick
3.0 PIPEs & Fittings(Class B)
2.1 Supply and Install GI Pipe and fittings
for Pressure main line & For
distrubution (Technical Specification
fulfilling ISO 1239 (Part 1 ) or BS :
1387 or Equivalent Weight and wall
thickness for all GI pipes.

260. 299,000.0
Φ=2" for road& river cross m 0 1,150.0
3.0 PIPEs & Fittings(Class B)
2.1.2 Supply and install GI Pipe Fittings

Φ=3" Pcs 4.0 862.5 3,450.0
Φ=3" Pcs 8.0 977.5 7,820.0
Φ=3" Pcs 1.0 1,725.0 1,725.0
Φ=(3"*2") Pcs 2.0 862.5 1,725.0
Φ=(2"*1") Pcs 2.0 862.5 1,725.0
Faucet Φ1" Pcs 4.0 862.5 3,450.0
Tee Φ1" Pcs 2.0 862.5 1,725.0
Gate valve treaded Φ2" Pcs 1.0 862.5 862.5
Gate valve treaded Φ1" Pcs 2.0 862.5 1,725.0
Water Meter Φ3" flanged with bolt Pcs 1.0 12,218.75 12,218.75
Checke Valve Φ3" flanged with bolt Pcs 1.0 12,218.75 12,218.75
Total Sum 362,990.3

Material & Cost Estimate of 75m3 RCC Reserviour

No Description unit Qty Unit Price Total Price

1 Earth Work

Site Clearing including vegetation and existing

1.1 msq 225 50 12,937.5
disturbance with in the working area (3m*40m)

Excavation for base slabe foundation to a depth

1.2 m3 62.8 250 8,666.4
of 1.5m

Back fill with selected material & compacting in

1.3 layers not exceding 15cm to a total depth of m3 20.9 800 13,219.25

1.4 40cm thick hard core filling m3 16.3 1300 12,184.25

Cart away all surplus excavated material to a

1.5 m3 107.8 150 18,595.5
distance of 100m

2 Concrete Work

2.1 30cm thick C-20 concrete for floor slab m3 6.5 11,500 48,587.5

2.2 25cm thick C-20 concrete for wall slab m3 15.8 11,500 118,105

2.3 20cm thick C-20 concrete for roof slab m3 4.3 11,500 32,142.5

7.5cm thick lean concrete above hard core and

2.4 m3 1.63 6,500 12,184.25
masonary wall

2.5 20cm thick C-20 concrete gread beam m3 1.62 11,500 12,184.25

3 RC bar as per construction drawing 0

Floor Slab Φ16mm kg 640 200 128,000

Slab Φ12mm kg 2,100.00 200 420,000

Slab Φ10mm kg 1,257.00 200 251,400

Black wire Φ1.5mm kg 72 250 15,120

Φ2mm kg 15 250 3,150

4 Form work 0

metal panel 0

a-Floor slab concrete m2 7.2 575 4140

b-Wall concrete m2 132 575 75,900

c-Top slab concret m2 31 575 17,825

d-Gread Beam m2 10.56 575 6,072

5 Plastering & other finishing work 0

supplying &placing tarred paper b/n lean

5.1 m2 32.56 1380 44,932.8
concrete & floor slab

Supplying & painting tarred paper with

5.2 m2 32.56 1380 44,932
bituminous mastic

Chiseling and plastering internal &external wall

5.3 m2 132 340 182,160
with 1:2 mortar & painting with cement paste

5.4 4cm thick cement screed for floor slab m2 25.76 900 16,280

6 Supply &Install GI pipes & Fittings 0

Φ4'' pipe for out let m 6 2070 12,420

Φ3'' pipe for in let m 6 2070 12,420

Φ3'' pipe for drainage m 6 2070 12,420

Φ3'' pipe for over flow m 6 2070 12,420

6.1 Fittings 0

Elbow Φ4 Pcs 4 1380 5,520

Tee Φ3 Pcs 2 1380 2,760

Union Φ4 Pcs 2 1380 2,760

Nipples Φ4 Pcs 3 1380 4,140

Water meter Φ4 with bolt Pcs 1 7130 7130

Gate Valve Φ4 Pcs 1 7130 7130

Supply&install ladder with Q1 GI pipe for

6.4 ls 2 5175 10,350
external&internal wall

mane hole cover with angle iron frame and

7 ls 1 5600 1380
sheet metal including pad lock (70*70)

7.1 Fence work 0

Fencing with barbed wire around the compound

with 10cm well seasoned wooden post stand to
the height of 2m above ground level with 0.5m
deep concrete foundation &bracing diagonal.
7.2 m2 120 240 24,840
The fence shall be constructed with 3mm
barbed wire horizontally every 0.2mm below
1m &0.4m above 1m with two ways diagonal

Construct &fix corrugated iron sheet door of

7.3 pcs 1 2,300 2,300
size 2m*1m with wooden post fitted with lock.

Total 1,591,865

Title :-Material Requirement & Cost Estimate of Valve Chamber For Reservior

It.No Description Unit Qty Unit Price Price

1.0 Earth Work

1.1 Excavation for base foundation Mcu 2.0 150 71.3

1.2 25cm thick hared core filling Msq 0.8 500 138.0

1.3 Cart away surpluses excavated materials Mcu 2.0 80 103.5

2.0 Concrete Work 0.0

2.1 10cm thick mass concrete above hardcore Mcu 0.3 9,500 1035

2.2 20cm thick Rcc Concret For base slab Mcu 0.6 11,500 2,070

3.2 20cm thick Rcc Concret For Chamber Wall Mcu 0.8 11,500 2760

4.2 20cm thick Rcc Concret For Top Slab Mcu 0.3 11,500 1035

3.0 Reinforcement Bar

3.1 Ø 12mm bar For Base Slab @20cm c/c kg 200.0 200 40,000.0

4.0 Form Work 0.0

4.1 Form work for base slab, wall & roof slab Msq 22.0 500 3,300.0

5.0 Plastering & Other Finishing Work 0.0

5.1 Plastering of Internal chamber Wall Msq 6.0 280 759

5.2 Pointing of External Wall Msq 8.0 180 276.0

Manhole cover with angle iron fram and

Ls 1.0 1,900 1,150.0
5.3 sheet metal including pad lock

Total for 1 52,697.80

Title :-Material and Cost Estimation of water point with Six foucets

Ite Description Uni Qty U.Price T.Price

m t

1 Earth Work

1.1 Site clearing up to a depth of 20 cm (6mx6m) m2 36 40 360

Excavate up to a depth of 40cm for placing

1.2 m3 6.2 200 248
hard core

1.3 Cart away the excavated material m3 12.6 50 264.6

1.4 Selected material filling to depth of 10cm m3 1.6 600 72

30cm thick basaltic or equivallent stone hard

1.5 core well rolled consolidated and blinded with m3 4.7 1500 940
crushed stone

2 Concrete Work 0

C-15 (1:2:4) mass concrete filled in to form

2.1 m3 1.8 9,500 9900
work for wall of water points

mass concrete above the hard core (t=10cm)

2.2 m3 1.7 9,500 9350
top of the water point

Three coats of plaster to the external wall of

2.3 m2 19.6 340 6664
water point

Construction of masonry valve chamber &

2.4 Mane hole cover with angle iron frame and Ls 1 8,900.00 8900
sheet metal including pad lock (60cm*60cm)

3 Masonry work 0

3.1 stone masonary work m3 1.7 4,200 2040

Supply & Fix Galvanized Steel Pipe With All The

4 0
Necessary Fittings (Class B Pipes & Fittings)

5.1 GS PIPE Ø1½" m 6 120 720

GS PIPE Ø1" m 3 80 240

GS PIPE Ø3/4" m 3 70 210

Fittings 0

Reducer 0

Ø 1½"- Ø 1" pcs 2 80 160

Ø 1"- Ø 3/4" pcs 6 70 420

Cross tee 0

Ø 1" Pcs 1 150 150

Tee 0

Ø 1½" Pcs 1 150 150

Elbow 0

Ø 1½" Pcs 2 150 300

Union 0

Ø 1½" Pcs 2 150 300

Gate valve 0

Ø 1½" Pcs 2 200 400

Faucet 0

Ø 3/4" Pcs 6 100 600

Couple Ø 1" Pcs 6 50 300

Nipples Ø 1" pcs 2 100 200

Water meter Ø 1½" (threaded) pcs 1 2,000.00 2000

1.75m high fencing with 20 c/c vertical spacing

barbed wire and 10cm wooden posts at 1m
6 spacing buried in 40 cm concrete foundation m2 60 240 7800
&fitted with 1m wide corrugated metal sheet
gate and lock

Total Sum 52,193.80

Total Sum for 12Wps 626,325.6


Title:-Specification & BOQ for Generator House

Ite Uni
m Description t Qty U.Price T.Price

1 Earth work -
Clearing of site to remove top soil with an
1.1 average depth of 20cm m2 118.80 50 1,188.00
Bulk Excavation in ordinary soil to depth
1.2 not exceeding 50cm m3 37.20 200 4,464.00
Excavation of stone masonry foundation
well in ordinary soil to depth not exceeding
50cm deep starting from reduced ground
1.3 level . m3 7.10 250 852.00

1.4 Back fill with selected material m3 0.50 600 50.00

Cart away surplus excavated material up
1.5 to distance of 100m m3 60.96 80 1,828.80
25cm thick hard core filling below floor
1.6 slab and machine foundation m2 32.80 680 4,920.00

2 Masonary Work -

80cm thick hard trachyte foundation stone

masonry well below natural ground level
2.1 bedded into cement mortar (1:3) m3 11.36 4200 24,992.00
Stone pavement around building 1 m
2.2 width m2 32.40 380 9,720.00
Semi cercular drainage ditch around the
generator house with a diameter of 30cm
2.3 m 36.40 320 7,280.00
Stone masonary construction for retaining
2.4 wall m3 6.60 4200 14,520.00

3 Concrete Work -
C-25 reinforced cement concret filled in
to form work (a round steel
reinforcement bar and formwork
3.1 measured separately) -
1 In RC grade beam m3 4.18 11500 18,810.00
2 Ground floor slab m3 2.76 11500 12,420.00
3 In machine foundation m3 2.10 11500 9,450.00

3.2 Form Work -

1 In RC grade beam m2 14.20 500 3,550.00
2 In machine foundation m2 1.00 500 250.00


1 Concrete Work -
C-25 reinforced cement concret filled in
to form work (a round steel
reinforcement bar and formwork
1.1 measured separately) -
1 In R.C elevation column m3 1.13 11500 5,085.00
2 In R.C Top beam and lintels m3 2.14 12000 9,630.00

1..2 Form Work -

1 In R.C elevation column m2 18.00 500 4,500.00
2 In R.C top tie beam and lintels m2 25.65 500 6,412.50

Steel reinforcement bar (price includes

cutting ,bending, placing, in position and
1.3 tying wires) -

1 Ø 14mm deformed bar for six columns kg 110.17 200 13,220.40
1.3. Ø 12mm deformed bar for Grade beam
2 and top tie beam kg 218.09 200 26,170.80

1.3. Ø =12mm deformed bar for Machine

3 foundatiopn as per drawings kg 68.76 200 8,251.20
1.3. Ø =6mm stirrup plain bar for beam and
4 Column kg 672.93 220 80,751.60

2 Masonary Work -

20cm thick hard trachyte foundation stone

masonry wall above natural ground level
bedded into cement mortar (1:3) including
2.1 retaining wall m3 2.84 4200 6,248.00

2.2 Pointing external and internal walls m2 178.46 180 35,692.00

3 Hollow block work -

20cm hollow block wall cement mortar
3.1 (1:3) m2 72.43 900 21,729.00

15cm hollow block portion of wall cement

3.2 mortar (1:3) for internal partition wall m2 16.80 860 4,704.00

4 Carpentry, joinery and Roofing -

Upper and lower truss member size Ø 10
4.1 cm ml 133.00 50 5,320.00

4.2 Vertical and diagonal truss member ml 226.60 50 9,064.00

4.3 Zigba wood purlin placed at c/c 90cm ml 88.98 90 3,559.20

Supply and fix 20 x 200 mm facia board
4.4 32.40 150 1,296.00
Supply and fix edge gutter formed in G-28
flat galvanized metal sheet including
support brackets 1mm thick shaped steel
plate spaced at a maximum spacing of
1000 mm c/c and fixed to purlin - price
includes metal primer and two coats of
synthetic enamel paint

4.5 m 32.40 280 2,592.00

Supply and fix 120 x 60 mm G-28
galvanized iron down pipe including 1mm
thick metal support brackets fixed at a m
maximum interval of 1000 mm fixed to
walls or columns
4.6 60.00 180 6,000.00

Supply and fix roof cover in G-28

corrugated galvanized iron sheet fixed into
zigba wood purlin with dome headed
galvanized nails including copping & flush
4.7 and one coat of anti rust paint m2 80.42 860 12,063.00

5 Metal Works -

5.1 Windows -
1 Type W1 size (1.2x2) pcs 2.00 7,000.0 10,000.00
2 Type W2 size (1.2x1.2) pcs 1.00 5,500.00 3,500.00

5.2 Door -

5.2.1 Type D1 -
Supply and fix 3000 x 2000 mm sliding
metal door with rails pcs 1.00 14,000.00 8,000.00
2 Type D2 -

Type D2 size (700mmx2100mm) pcs 1.00 6,000.00 3,000.00

6 Fence Work -

1.75m high fencing with 30cm c/c vertical

spacing bar&10cm wooden posts buried in
40cm depth holl concrete foundation &
fitted with in wide corrugated metal sheet
6.1 gate with lock m2 75.48 240 9,057.60

Total 0
Title :-Material Requirement & Cost Estimate of Valve Chamber For Dsn.

It.No Description Unit Qty Unit Price Price

1.0 Earth Work

1.1 Excavation for base foundation Mcu 2.0 200 62.0

1.2 25cm thick hared core filling Msq 0.8 1600 120.0

1.3 Cart away surpluses excavated materials Mcu 2.0 80 90.0

2.0 Concrete Work 0.0

2.1 10cm thick mass concrete above hardcore Mcu 0.3 9,500.0 1,950.0

2.2 20cm thick Rcc Concret For base slab Mcu 0.6 9500 3,900.0

3.2 20cm thick Rcc Concret For Chamber Wall Mcu 0.8 9500 2,240.0

4.2 20cm thick Rcc Concret For Top Slab Mcu 0.3 11500 840.0

3.0 Reinforcement Bar

3.1 Ø 12mm bar For Base Slab @20cm c/c kg 120.0 200 8,400.0

4.0 Form Work 0.0

4.1 Form work for base slab, wall & roof slab Msq 22.0 500 2,200.0

5.0 Plastering & Other Finishing Work 0.0

5.1 Plastering of Internal chamber Wall Msq 6.0 280 660.0

5.2 Pointing of External Wall Msq 8.0 180 240.0

Manhole cover with angle iron fram and sheet

Ls 1.0 1800 1,000.0
5.3 metal including pad lock

Total for 1 21,702.0

Total for 2 43,404.0

Title :-Material Requirement & Cost Estimate of Electro-Mechanical Equipment.
It/ Item Description Uni Qty U.Price T. Price
No t
1 Supplyand Installation of Submersible
Pump With Q = 5lit/sec

H = 310mts
For 6” well Casing
Pump Power Sized by the manufacturer
based on the given head and discharge
having efficiency not less than 65%.
Voulcanizer and Every Necessory

 Set 1 1,050,000.0 1,050,000.0

1.1 Control Board
Impedance/Autotransformer Type
Control board including all required items
specified.  No 1 200,000.0 200,000.0
Impedance/Autotransformer Type
Control board including all required items
Power Cable Diameter = 4*Ø Suitable
1.2 for Selected Pump Power  mt 210 180.0 37,800.0
Electrode Cable (Double wire Insulated)
Diameter = 2*1.5mm2

1.3 Length  mt 210 45.0 9,450.0

Riser Pipe Class “B” with as specified
on particular specification for
Ø= 2 inch
2 mt 190 900.0 171,000.0
4 Fittings Supply and installation
4.1 Grooved socket 2” Riser Pipe Class “B” Pcs 32 350.0 11,200.0
with as specified on particular
specification for Pipe (ISO:1239)
4.6 Flanged reducer 3”- 2” pcs 1 250.0 250.0
4.7 Supply and installation of Disel generator pcs 1 1,900,000.0 1,900,000.0
of 2*pp/0.8 kva with all acceries

4.7 6mm Sheet metal capping welded around pcs 1 200.0 200.0
the pipe clamp or surface plate capping
with elbow connection
Total 3,379,900.0

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