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Presented By:
1AM20CS208-Syed Owais Umair
1AM20CS208-Syed Waseem Ahmed
1AM20CS215-Thejus Jayakumar

This women's security app is designed to provide enhanced safety measures and quick
emergency response in critical situations. With just a single touch, the user can activate the
app to send an SMS alert or initiate a phone call to pre-selected contacts. The app
incorporates advanced functionalities to ensure the user's well-being, such as real-time GPS
location tracking and updates, a Geo Fence feature to inform contacts about the user's
location, a 'Shake to alert' function, and the ability to send a distress signal using the device's
power button. When the app is activated during an emergency, it immediately transmits the
user's precise GPS location to the chosen contacts. The app continually updates the location
every 300 meters the user moves, providing accurate and up-to-date information to the
contacts. This feature ensures that the user's whereabouts are known, enabling a timely
response and assistance in critical situations. The Geo Fence feature acts as an additional
safety measure, keeping the user's contacts informed about their location. It allows users to
define virtual boundaries or safe zones, and if the user moves beyond these boundaries, the
app automatically notifies the selected contacts. This functionality provides an added layer
of security, ensuring that contacts are promptly alerted if the user enters an unfamiliar or
potentially dangerous area. The 'Shake to alert' function offers a discreet yet effective way to
signal for help. By shaking the device, the app triggers an emergency alert, notifying the
pre-selected contacts about the user's distress situation. This feature is particularly useful in
scenarios where the user may not be able to openly communicate or activate the app
through conventional means.

Existing System:
In the existing system, we have many women safety applications available in the market.
They all are can be used to provide security and solve the problem/issues. In existing, we
don’t send the exact location with an issue.
"Safe Trek" – Safe Trek provides a discreet way for users to contact emergency services. By
holding down a button in the app, users can summon help from local authorities. If the user
releases the button, they must enter a PIN to cancel the alarm.

Proposed System:
In this system, the user can update his profile and add emergency contacts. And the user can
submit a complaint with the exact location. And in this application, we can react within a
short time. One crucial aspect of the proposed system is the option for users to add
emergency contacts. Users can select and save specific contacts who will be alerted in case
of an emergency. These contacts will receive immediate notifications, including the user's
distress signal, along with their precise GPS location information. By allowing users to
personalize their emergency contacts, the system ensures that individuals they trust are
notified promptly, increasing the chances of swift assistance.

Problem Statement:
Women's safety remains a significant concern in many societies, with incidents of
harassment, assault, and violence occurring frequently. Existing safety measures often fall
short in providing timely assistance and accurate information during emergencies. There is a
need for an enhanced women's safety app that addresses the following problems:
1. Lack of Efficient Emergency Response: Current safety apps may not offer streamlined
communication channels to alert emergency services or designated contacts
promptly. This results in delayed response times, potentially compromising the safety
of women in distress.
2. Inadequate Location Tracking and Updates: Many existing safety apps lack precise
and real-time GPS location tracking, making it difficult for emergency responders to
locate and assist individuals in need. Continuous location updates are essential to
ensure accurate assistance in rapidly changing situations.

Software Requirements:
• Operating System : Android
• Language : Java
• Back End : MYSQL
• Server Scripting : PHP
• Ide: Android studio

Hardware Requirements:
∙ CPU type : intel i5

• Ram size : 8 GB

• Hard disk capacity : 1TB

• Monitor type : 15 Inch color monitor

• Keyboard type : internet keyboard

• Mobile : ANDROID

Future Scope:
The future scope of the enhanced women's safety app includes the potential for further
advancements and features to continually improve user safety and address emerging
challenges. Some possibilities for future development and enhancements include:
1. Integration with Smart Devices: The app can explore integration with smart devices
such as smartwatches, fitness bands, or wearable safety devices. This integration
could enable seamless access to safety features, emergency alerts, and location
tracking, providing users with more convenient and discreet ways to seek assistance.
2. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Incorporating AI and machine learning
algorithms can enhance the app's capabilities, such as intelligent threat detection,
predictive analysis of high-risk areas, and personalized safety recommendations
based on user behaviour and historical data. These technologies can contribute to
proactive safety measures and tailored assistance.
3. Real-time Video Streaming: Introducing real-time video streaming capabilities can
offer an additional layer of security. Users can activate video streaming during
emergencies, allowing designated contacts or authorities to have visual insights into
the situation, enabling more informed decision-making and response.
4. Integration with Public Safety Networks: Collaborating with local law enforcement
agencies or emergency response systems can improve the app's effectiveness.
Integration with existing public safety networks can ensure direct communication
and faster response times, facilitating coordination between the app and official
emergency services.

Tshe enhanced women's safety app offers a comprehensive and reliable solution to address
the pressing issue of women's safety. By incorporating features such as profile management,
emergency contacts, precise location tracking, complaint submission, and quick response
mechanisms, the app aims to empower women and provide them with a sense of security in
various situations. The app's ability to send SMS alerts, make phone calls, and share
real-time GPS location updates with designated contacts ensures that help can be swiftly
summoned during emergencies. The Geo Fence feature adds an extra layer of security by
notifying contacts when the user moves beyond predefined safe zones. The 'Shake to alert'
function and the use of the power button for distress signals offer discreet yet effective ways
to seek assistance.
Data Flow Model :


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