Bermudez Gemma Rose P. - LEARNING ACTIVITY 3.1

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Me as an IT Professional

Computer professionals include many different job titles, namely: Computer and information systems
manager, Computer support specialist, Computer programmer, Network and computer systems
administrator, Web developer, Computer network architect, Database administrator, Information
security analyst, Computer systems analyst and Software developer.
1. Seeing yourself as Computing Professional, please cite your responsibilities along the areas of: ∙
Responsibilities to Clients and Users
∙ Responsibilities to Employers
∙ Responsibilities to Other Professionals
∙ Responsibilities to the Public

Responsible to client as well as Users:

As a computer specialist, I am responsible for providing the finest service possible to my
clients and users. Understanding their needs, giving accurate information and guidance, and
guaranteeing the security of their data and systems are all part of this. I am also responsible
for ensuring that any items or services I deliver meet and exceed their expectations.

Employers' Responsibilities:
As a computing professional, it is my obligation to apply my skills and knowledge to assist my
employer in meeting their objectives. This involves giving accurate and timely advice and
support, ensuring that any products or services I create satisfy client criteria, and upholding
high performance standards. I am also in charge of safeguarding the organization's assets,
data, and systems.

Other Professional Responsibilities:

As a computing specialist, I am responsible for collaborating with other professionals to get

the best possible results for my clients and users. This includes recognizing their expertise,
offering accurate information and guidance, and working jointly to generate high-quality
products and services.

Responsibilities to the General Public:

As a computer specialist, it is my obligation to ensure that any goods or services I create are
safe and secure, and that they do not hurt the public. This includes making certain that any
data I collect and store is secure, and that any software I produce is free of security flaws. I am
also responsible for ensuring that any products or services I recommend are of high quality.

2. Narrate real life situation where moral responsibilities of a computer/IT professionals are
applied and discuss lesson(s) that we can learn from that scenario. Limit your answer into

One real-life example of a circumstance in which an IT professional's moral obligations

were exercised is the Cambridge Analytica incident at Facebook. In this scenario, the IT
expert in charge of user data security had a moral obligation to ensure that the user data
was secure and not utilized for malicious reasons. Unfortunately, the data was not
securely safeguarded, allowing Cambridge Analytica to utilize it unethically.

This case serves as a timely reminder for IT workers to respect their moral responsibilities.
IT workers must take the required efforts to protect the security and privacy of user data,
as well as accept responsibility for any security breaches that may occur. This case also
serves as a reminder that information technology professionals must be mindful of the
ethical implications of their actions and seek to uphold the highest ethical standards.

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