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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Where experiences toward 21st century lifelong learning begin
Panangan, Maco, Davao de Oro



December 13, 2022

8:00 pm – 8:45 pm


At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

1. Identify the rhyming words.

2. Write rhyming words properly.
3. Value the use of rhyming words in our daily life.


a. Subject Matter: Rhyming Words

b. Grade Level: Grade 3
c. Time Allotment: 45 minutes
d. References: K TO 12 Curriculum Self-Learning Grade 3 – English LM page
51-55 TG page 85-90
e. Instructional Materials: Visual Aids, Flash Cards, White Board Pen
f. Value Integration: Giving importance in identifying the rhyming words.



A. Preliminary Activities

1. Prayer

Before we start, let us all stand and Students stand and pray
let us pray.

2. Greetings

Good morning, class. Good morning teacher! Mabuhay!

You may now take your seats. Thank you, teacher.

3. Checking of Attendance

Let’s check our attendance. As I call

your name say present.

(Call the name of the students’ base Students say present if they are
on the class records) present.

4. Classroom Management

Before we start our discussion for

today, kindly arrange your chairs and Students arrange their chairs and pick
pick up all the scratch papers under up all the scratch papers.
your chairs.

5. Passing of Assignments

You have an assignment, right? Yes, teacher.

Okay, pass your notebook quietly. Students pass their assignments.
6. Review of the Past Lesson

Yesterday, we
Yes, teacher.

studied about
Elements of a short story teacher.

Character, Setting and Plot

Noun is the
Do you still name of
remember what person, place,
is noun? thing, animal
So, what is and events.
1,2,3,4,5 (claps)
noun? Raise
your hand if
want to
Class, do you remember our lesson

That’s great! What was our last topic


Very good! So, what are the

elements of the story?

Very good! Let’s give 5 claps to

(Name of student).

B. Motivation

Class, do you like a poem? Yes, teacher.

What title of a poem do you know? The fat cat.

That’s great! The fat cat. That is a nice Yes, teacher.

poem. How about the others? Do you have
any favorite poem?

That’s nice! I am also having a favorite

poem. Do you like to know my favorite
poem? Yes, teacher.

That’s great! The title of my favorite poem is

Bed summer.

Class, are you ready to listen?

Yes, teacher.
Listen carefully.
Students are listening carefully.
Bed in Summer
By: Robert Louis Stevenson
In winter I get up at night
And dress by yellow candle-light.
In summer, quite the other way,
I have to go to bed by day.

I have to go to bed and see

The birds still hopping on the tree,
Or hear the grown-up people’s feet
Still going past, me in the street.

And does it not seem hard to you,

When all the sky is clear and blue,
And I should like so much to play,
To have to go to bed by day?

Class, kindly read again my favorite poem. Students read the poem.
All read. Go!

Class, is it fun? Yes, teacher.

That’s great! Did you understand the Yes, teacher.

Yes, teacher.
That’s nice! And now, do you like a group
Work silently. Work together.
Class, I will group you into five groups by
rows. And before I give you the directions,
what are the rules during the activity?

That’s right! Work silently. Work together. Yes, teacher.

Class listens carefully. I have here flash
cards that contains words from the poem.
Identify or recognize the words with the
same sounds in the poem and pair it
together. After 10 minutes, you have to
select your leader and post it on the board.
As soon as the time ends, I will check your
work. Understood? Yes, teacher.

That’s great! You immediately start your

activity as soon as you receive the flash
card, understood?

Very good! Students start doing the activity.

(The teacher distributes the flash cards)

Night You
Way Day
Blue Street
Play Light
Feet Tree
See Day Students post their output.

Night Light
Class times up! Kindly post your output in Way Day
the board. Blue You
Play Day
Feet Street
See Tree

1,2,3 (clap), 1,2,3 (stamp feet), wow.

Let’s check your output.

Very good class for doing the activity! Let’s

give a wow clap to everyone. 1,2,3 (clap),
1,2,3 (stamp feet), wow.

C. Presentation of the Lesson

The group activity that we do are part of our The pair words have the same sound
lesson for today. What do you have but different in spelling.
observed to the pair words?

Very good! Nice observation. And it is

called rhyming words.

D. Lesson Proper

Class, kindly open your book in page 51. Students open their book.

First let’s define rhyming words. Class what

is rhyming words? Who wants to answer? Rhyming words are two or more words
Kindly raise your hand. that have the same or similar ending
Very good! (Name of student).

Now, let’s go back to our poem. In the first

stanza, what are the rhyming words? Raise Night and light teacher.
your hands if you want to answer.

Very good! (Name of student). What else?

Way and day teacher.
Very good! (Name of student). How about
the second stanza? See and tree teacher.

Correct! (Name of student). What else?

Feet and street teacher.
Correct! (Name of student). How about the
last stanza? You and blue teacher.

Very good! (Name of student). What else?

Play and day teacher.
Very good class! Those are the examples
of rhyming words. Let’s give 5 claps for Student’s clap.

E. Application

Class, we have another activity. Now, I will Yes, teacher!

group you again into 5 groups according to
your rows. I have here the flash cards. I will
give you one flash card each group which
contain a word. Give at least 5 rhyming
words to the word that you receive. I will
give you 10 minutes to do the activity. After
10 minutes kindly choose a leader to post
your output in the board. Do you
understand? Students do the activity.

The teacher distributes the flash cards.

Right Pump

Log Run


Class, times up. Kindly post your output in Students post their output in the board.
the board.
Right Pump
Light, Night, Dumb, Lamp,
Bright, Might, Lump, Hump,
Tight Numb

Bag, Mop, Fog,

Ran, Man, Sun,
Hog, Clog
Tan, Van

Make, Cake,
Fake, Take,
Very good class. Let’s gave everyone
Dionesia clap. 1,2,3 (clap), 1,2,3 (stamp
feet), bery good, bery good, bery good. 1,2,3 (clap), 1,2,3 (stamp feet), bery
good, bery good, bery good.

F. Generalization

Again, class how do you define rhyming Rhyming words are two or more words
words? that have the same or similar ending

Give me an example of Rhyming words. Day and Play teacher.

Correct! Another one? Night and Light teacher.

Very good. Did you understand class about Yes, teacher.

the rhyming words?


Now class, let’s have a quiz. Get 1 whole Students get their paper.
sheet of paper. Don’t forget to write your
name. And answer the following questions.

Read the following sentences. For each

line, write two words that rhyme.
Marcus asked his Expand,

Mr. Jamby has teacher to expand on

her answer, while he
wrote it out freehand.

a big bag. He wanted to demand Demand,

an answer, but let her expand

2. My sister is expand instead.

He knew he would need Exam,

to study for his exam program
before he started his

His knack was for Knack,

3. The red
music, not attack math attack

His mom was making Dough,

cabinet is open. pizza dough, although although
he knew it was for
4. The zebras He would share some Share,
of his square pizza with square
are running his friends

away. He began to quake in Quake,

his boots as he thought mistake
about his huge mistake.

5. I put Robo His favorite was her Grand,

special grand spicy bland

Oats in my sauce, as he didn’t like

anything bland.

Marcus asked his
teacher to expand on
her answer, while he
wrote it out freehand.

He wanted to demand
an answer, but let her
expand instead.

He knew he would need

to study for his exam
before he started his

His knack was for music,

not attack math

His mom was making

pizza dough, although
he knew it was for

He would share some of

his square pizza with his
friends after baseball.

He began to quake in
his boots as he thought
about his huge mistake.

His favorite was her

special grand spicy
sauce, as he didn’t like
anything bland.


Class, get your English notebook and copy

your assignment.


Write a word that rhyme with: Write a word that rhyme with:

1. Seed _____________ 1. Seed Feed

2. Dress _____________ 2. Dress Mess
3. Well _____________ 3. Well Bell
4. Free _____________ 4. Free Agree
5. Cane _____________ 5. Cane Lane
6. Sing _____________ 6. Sing Ring
7. Fight _____________ 7. Fight Light
8. Fly _____________ 8. Fly Sigh
9. Sun _____________ 9. Sun Run
10. Ten _____________ 10. Ten Yen

Prepared by:

Jingle P. Padong Shenna V. Durang

Teacher 1 Teacher 1

Approved by:
Rolando N. Sioting
Principal I

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