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A Semi-detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics


I. Objectives:  

At the end of the lesson, they should know how to:

a. Know what is addition

b. Add two-digit numbers
c. Appreciate the value of addition

II.  Subject Matter

Topic: Addition of two digit numbers

Reference: Mathematics 2 pg. 15-20

Materials: Video, Pictures

Value:  To appreciate the value of addition

III.                Procedure

a.       Preliminary activities



-Checking of Attendance

b.      Motivation

Present a Song for Addition.

c.       Presentation

    Show them pictures of fruits and let them count.

Introduce now the addition

ADDITION- is the process of adding numbers.

SUM- the added numbers.

ADDENS- the number that is been add.

d.       Application

Ask the students this questions:

 What is the process of adding numbers?

 What do you call the numbers added?
 What do you call the numbers that’s been add?

e.     Evaluation

Count and add the pictures you see.

f.   Assignment

Write it on a 1 whole paper.

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