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Unit 3 - Task 6 – Let's discuss it


María Paula Silvera Rosales




Michael Darwin Romero

National Open and Distance University (UNAD)

Bachelor's Degree in Foreign Languages with an Emphasis in English Course ENGLISH III


Step 1

Link to the video “speak and improve-part 3”
Step 2

Descriptive essay

During this podcast, hosts Beth and Neil discuss the difficulties faced by women in politics,
including their underrepresentation in political office and the misogynistic abuse they
receive online. The hosts also talk about how women in politics often must walk a
tightrope, as they are expected to present themselves in a feminine and masculine way.

The podcast also touches on the issue of online abuse and harassment faced by women in
politics, which has become an increasingly serious problem in recent years. The hosts
discuss how the anonymity of the internet can embolden individuals to engage in
misogynistic and threatening behavior towards female politicians. This abuse can take a
significant toll on women's mental health and well-being and can also discourage other
women from entering the political arena.

The host seems to want listeners to think about the difficulties women face in politics and
how misogyny and gender expectations can limit their opportunities and affect their
performance in office. She also seems to want to highlight the importance of having equal
gender representation in politics and how female leadership qualities, such as
collaboration and understanding, can be valuable in political decision-making.

In my opinion, this episode is compelling because it presents a thoughtful and detailed

discussion on an important and current topic. The presenters do an excellent job of
providing statistics and concrete examples to back up their arguments, and they also
introduce a variety of expert voices and different perspectives.

Moreover, the podcast emphasizes that women in politics face a double bind, where they
are expected to balance their feminine and masculine qualities to be taken seriously as
leaders. This can create a difficult and often unfair challenge for women, who may face
criticism for being too assertive or too emotional, depending on how they present
themselves. The podcast also notes that this pressure to conform to gender expectations
can lead women to avoid running for political office altogether, which perpetuates the
cycle of underrepresentation.

Ultimately, this episode is a call to action to address gender inequality in politics and
recognize the importance of having more diverse and equitable representation in political
Step 3

Link to the audio recording
APA References

 Prasoon, S. (2015). Conjunctions. In English Grammar and Usage: Read Swiftly,

Speak Fluently and Write Correctly. V&S Publishers.

 Rosset, E., & Lait, B. A. (1999). Once + Present perfect. In English grammar 3: Vol.
2nd ed (pp. 74-75).  Stanley Editorial.

 Prasoon, S. (2015). Linking words and phrases. In English Grammar and Usage:

Read Swiftly, Speak Fluently and Write Correctly. V&S Publishers.

 Units 9 – 12. Books & Books. (2015). E-book. Level Four.

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