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Agrawal Jatiya Kosh’s

Seth Juggilal Poddar Academy (ICSE)
Upper Govind Nagar, Malad (East), Mumbai - 400 097. Tel.:2876 8085 . 28774670

Marks : 50
Std. :- VI Div. :- A / B/ C/ D /E Subject :- History
Date :- 1/12/2020 Time: 1hour 15 min Term - I (2020-21)

Section A- Civics

Question 1

Answer the following questions with reference to the chapter, ‘Rural Local

Self- Government’

a) State any two advantages of local self government. (2)

 The local people know the problems faced by the people in their area. Hence, they are in
a better position to solve these problems. (1mark)
 The local people want the development work like building of schools, hospitals, roads,
laying of water pipes etc. to be completed quickly. So they understand the need to pay
taxes for the completion of such projects. (1)
 By participating in the local government, local people learn to solve their problems
themselves and become self reliant. (1)
 The people develop initiative and the spirit of improving their lot through cooperation.(1)
 The local government lightens the burden of the Central and the State governments by
providing civic amenities at the local level. (1)
 The local representatives gain experience by working in a small area which later on helps
them in running the State or Central government. (1)

b) List down any two compulsory functions of the Panchayat. (2)

 To make arrangements for supplying clean drinking water. (1)

 To construct and repair roads, drains, wells and tanks. (1)
 To provide health and sanitation facilities. (1)
 To make provisions for proper light son roads and streets. (1)
 To plant trees.(1)
 To keep a record of births and deaths in the village. (1)
c) What are civic amenities? (3)

 Many people live together in a neighborhood, village or city.( 1)

 When they live together ,they need an organization to govern their community .( 1)
 provide public utilities such as drinking water, electricity, schools, hospitals and roads.
.( 1)
 These public utilities are called civic amenities. .

d) Mention the functions of the Block Samiti. (any3) (3)

 It makes arrangements for providing primary and adult education to the people in a block.
 It looks after health care and organizes vaccination programmes. (1)
 It helps the farmers by providing irrigation facilities and distributing seeds and fertilizers,
 It promotes cottage industries and arranges for training for self- employment. (1)
 It undertakes welfare functions such as the supply of clean drinking water, sanitation and
cleanliness. (1)

Question 2:

Answer the following questions with reference to the chapter, ' Urban Local

Self- Government’

a) What does the General Council of the Municipal Corporation comprise ? (2)

Ans. The General Council of the Corporation comprises:-

Mayor (½)

Deputy Mayor (½)

Municipal Councillors (½)

Aldermen (½)

b) Which urban local self- government bodies are set up for smaller towns? What are they
also known as? (2)

Ans. Municipal Councils are set up for smaller towns . (½)

Such bodies are also known as Municipal Committee , Municipal Board or Municipality. (1½)
c) Name the various sources of income of the urban local bodies. (any 3 points) (3)

 Tax on property from house owners. (1)

 Tax on business establishments like shops and markets. (1)
 Tax on vehicles , cars, motorcycles or carriages. (1)
 Water tax from users of municipal water supply. (1)
 Toll tax on certain roads and bridges. (1)
 Octroi on goods entering the city. (1)
 Fees for issuing birth and death certificates. (1)
 Grants from the State government. (1)

d) State the differences between Municipal Corporation and Municipal Committee. (3)
(any 3points) \

Municipal Corporation Municipal Committee

These are meant for big cities with a These are meant for smaller cities. (½)
population of 10 lakh and above. (½mark)
The head of the corporation is known as The head of a Municipal Committee is known
Mayor. (½) as Chairperson. (½)

It has more powers and more sources of It has comparatively less powers and fewer
revenue. (½) sources of revenue. (½)

It deals with the State Government directly. It deals with the State Government through
(½) the District Administration. (½)
Section B- History

Question 1

Answer the following questions with reference to the chapter, ' The River Valley

a) Describe the Citadel. (any 2 points) (2)

 . The Citadel was a raised platform, rectangular in shape.(1)

 It was constructed with bricks and stones with watchtowers. .(1)
 It had massive walls and its height acted as a protection against floods. .(1)
 Important public buildings like the great bath, the granary, the assembly hall and the
workshops were located here. .(1)

b) Name the two archaeologists who discovered the ancient Indus Valley Civilisation.
Mention the sites discovered. (2)

Ans. Dayaram Sahni in 1921 at Harappa . (1)

RD Banerjee in 1922 at Mohenjodaro. (1)

c) State the reasons for the decline of the Indus Valley Civilisation. ( any 3 points) (3)

 Natural Calamities like floods, earthquakes caused havoc and destroyed human habitations.
 The Invading Aryans destroyed Indus settlements. .(1)
 Deforestation due to excessive use of wood for making copper and bronze, to bake bricks,
pottery, stoneware and to make boats and furniture, let to drying up of land and rendered it
infertile. .(1)
 Decrease in fertility because of increasing salinity of the soil caused by the expansion of the
neighboring desert. .(1)
 Changes brought about in the course of the river Indus led to the flooding of the hinterland
of Mohenjo-daro. .(1)

d) Describe the seals discovered at various Harappan sites. (any 3points) (3)

 Most of the seals are rectangular or square but some of these are circular in shape. .(1)
 They are made of either terracotta or steatite, a soft stone. .(1)
 Various animals such as the bull, rhino, tiger, elephant and crocodile are very beautifully
engraved on these seals. .(1)
 It seems that the seals were used by the merchants and traders to stamp their goods. .(1)

Question 2

Answer the following questions with reference to the chapter, ‘The Egyptian Civilisation’

Picture Study:

a) Identify the structure. (1)

Ans. The Great Pyramid. (1)

b) Where is it located? Who was it built by? How many years did it take to build the
structure? How many men worked on building it? (3)
 Located at Giza near Cairo.(1)
 It was built by Pharaoh Cheops (Khufu) of the Old Kingdom. .(1)
 It took twenty years to built the structure.(½)
 It was built by 300,000 men.(½)

c) What did the paintings on the walls of the structure depict? (any 4) (2)
 The paintings depict hunting scenes (½ mark )
 religious ceremonies (½)
 wars and battles (½)
 kings and queens (½)
 features of everyday living. (½)

d) What was buried in the above structure? What was the above structure made of? (2)
The above structure was built to bury the dead bodies / mummies (½)
of Egyptian monarchs (½ )
along with all kinds of precious goods. (½)
The pyramids were made of blocks of stone. (½)
e) Name some Egyptian craftsmen. (any 4 ) (2)

Ans. Potters, goldsmiths, weavers, sculptors, painters. (½ mark each)

Question 3

Answer the following questions with reference to the chapter , ‘ The Vedic Civilisation’

a) Describe the Yajurveda. (2)

Ans. It deals with the rituals or the hymns recited during the performance of Yajnas. (1mark)

There are 2086 hymns which throw light on the social and religious life of the Aryans. (1)

b) What was the duty of the rajan? What did he receive for his services? (2)

Ans. His main duty was to protect his jana from external attacks. (½)

and to maintain law and order. (½)

He received bali, voluntary donation for his services. (1)

c) Describe the family system in the Early Vedic Age. (4points) (3)

 In the Early Vedic Age, the Aryans lived in villages. (½)

 The family was the fundamental unit of the society. (½)
 It was patriarchal. This means that the oldest male member was the head of the family. (1)
 He was called kulapati or grihapati. (1)

d) What were the scientific developments that took place in the later Vedic period?
( any 3points ) (3)
 Astronomy was highly developed in the Vedic period. (1)
 People knew about the movement of heavenly bodies and could calculate their positions at
different times. (1)
 They could predict the time of solar and lunar eclipses. (1)
 They also knew that the Earth moved on its axis and around the sun, whereas the Moon
moved around the Earth. (1)
 All this enabled them to prepare an accurate calendar. (1)
 They knew the use of zero and how to make large calculations.(1)
 Square roots, cubes, cube roots were known and used.(1)

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