Lecture 10 2

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Fluid Mechanics CEE 3311


Conservation of energy

Simplified forms of the

energy equation

L. Handia
Simplified forms of the energy equation
Energy equation for steady, one dimensional incompressible flow in a pipe
Consider flow through the pipe system shown below.

Fig 11.1 Pipe system

dQ dWs d v2 v2 p
− = න ( + gz + u)ρ dV + න ( + gz + u + )ρ (v dA)
dt dt dt cv 2 cs 2 ρ

For a steady flow situation in which there is one entrance and one exit across which
uniform profiles can be assumed
dQ dWs v2 p 10.2
− = 0 + න ( + gz + u + )ρ (v dA)
dt dt cs
2 ρ

dQ dWs v12 p1 v22 p2

− =න + gz1 + u1+ + ρ1 (−v1 dA1 ) + න + gz2 + u2 + ρ2 (v2 dA2 ) 10.3
dt dt A1 2 ρ1 A2 2 ρ 2
dQ dWs v12 p1 v22 p2
− =න + gz1 + u1+ + ρ1 (−v1 dA1 ) + න + gz2 + u2 + ρ2 (v2 dA2 ) 10.3
dt dt A1 2 ρ1 A2 2 ρ 2

v2 p
For a flow the term + gz + in eq is constant across the cross section because v is
2 ρ
constant (we assume a uniform velocity profile) and the sum of + g𝑧 is constant if the
streamlines at each section are parallel. Therefore, we take the term outside the integral and
separating the velocity term integral
dQ dWs p1 ρ1 v13 p2 ρ2 v23
− + + gz1 + u1 න ρ1 v1 dA1 + න dA1 = + gz2 + u2 න ρ2 v2 dA2 + න dA2 10.4
dt dt ρ1 A1 A1 2 ρ2 A2 A2 2

See Lecture 8, Slide 2

1 v 3
dm α = A‫׬‬ dA =
It can be seen that ‫ ׬‬ρ v dA = ρതvA = = mass rate of ഥ
kinetic energy correction
flow. Where vത is the mean or average velocity over a cross factor
α = 1 for uniform flow
section. (v = vത )
dm ρ v3 For most cases of
However, does not appear as a factor of ‫׬‬ dA in turbulent flow, α ≈
dt 2
ρ v3 1.05. because this is very
eq11.4; so
10.4 it is common to express ‫׬‬ dA as close to unity, it is
2 common practice in
ഥ 3 2 2
engineering applications
αρ 𝐴.equation 11.4 now becomes  v 3
v v
dA   A    v A  
v dm
to let α = 1.
2 2 2 2 2 dt

dQ dWs p1 dm vത12 dm p2 dm vത 22 dm
− + + gz1 + u1 +∝1 = + gz2 + u2 +∝2 10.5
dt dt ρ1 dt 2 dt ρ2 dt 2 dt
dQ dWs p1 dm vത12 dm p2 dm vത 22 dm
− + + gz1 + u1 +∝1 = + gz2 + u2 +∝2
dt dt ρ1 dt 2 dt ρ2 dt 2 dt

dQ dWs p1 vത12 dm p2 vത 22 dm
− + + gz1 + u1 +∝1 = + gz2 + u2 +∝2 10.6
dt dt ρ1 2 dt ρ2 2 dt

Dividing by
1 dQ dWs p1 vത12 p2 vത 22
− + + gz1 + u1 +∝1 = + gz2 + u2 +∝2 10.7
dm dt dt ρ1 2 ρ2 2
The shaft work term is usually the result of a turbine or pump in the flow system. It
is therefore convenient to represent the shaft work term as
Ws = Wt − Wp Lecture 9 slide 11
where Wt =power delivered by a turbine
Wp = power supplied by a pump
Substituting eq 10.8
11.8 into eq 11.7
10.7 and divided by g results in
dWp dWt dQ
2 2
p v p v
dt + 1 + z +∝ 1 = dt + 2 + z +∝ 2 + 1
1 1 2 2 u2 −u1 − dt 10.9
dm ρg 2g g dm ρg 2g g dm
g g
dt dt dt

Replacing g(dm/dt) by dw/dt

dWp dWt dQ
dt p1 v21 dt p2 v22 1 dt 10.10
• dw + ρg + z1 +∝1 2g = dw + ρg
+ z2 +∝2 2g + g u2 −u1 − dw
dt dt dt

• All of the terms of eq11.10 have one dimension:

• = = LENGTH
unit weight of fluid FORCE
dWp dWt
dt dt
Hence dw may be designated as hp (pump head) and similarly dw
dt dt
as ht (turbine head).
1 dt
The term u2 −u1 − dw represents a loss of mechanical energy
due to viscous stresses, which is usually lumped together in a single
term called head loss and symbolised by hl . Thus eq 11.10
10.10 becomes

p1 v12 p2 v22
+ z1 +∝1 + hp = + z2 +∝2 + ht + hl 10.11
ρg 2g ρg 2g
This is the steady flow energy equation.
v12 p1 v22 p2
∝1 + + z1 + hp =∝2 + + z 2 + h t + hl
2g ρg 2g ρg
The sum of the terms on the left hand side of eq
represents the total energy, stated in energy per
unit weight of flowing liquid, plus the energy
supplied by a pump.
The sum of the terms on the right hand side
represents the total energy per unit weight at the
downstream section plus the energy given up to a
turbine and energy lost to friction between the
two sections
Energy equation for non-viscous steady, one
dimensional incompressible flow in a pipe
 If :
• the losses are negligible
• there is no shaft work
• the flow is incompressible
The energy equation becomes
v12 p1 v22 p2
+ + z1 = + + z2 10.12
2g ρg 2g ρg
The energy equation has been reduced to a form
identical with the Bernoulli equation. Assumptions
are similar in both equations.

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