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"It is composed of individuals or set of individuals working towards a common goal". Which among
the choices is described in the quoted statement?
a) science
b) society
c) technology
A mythological figure with the body of a lion and face of a man is called?
a) Mummies
b) Sphinx
c) Pharaoh
Canoe was invented by which ancient civilization?
a) Maya
b) Inca
c) Aztec
Claim A: Technology has generally positive impact on human lives it promotes developments in all
aspects of society; Claim B: Human actions and abuse on the use of the technology defines a
generally negative impact of society to technology. Which is true about claims A and B?
a) only claim A is correct
b) only claim B is correct
c) both claims are correct
Claim A: When scientific knowledge is put into practice and materialize, technology is produced;
Claim B: As technology advances, new discoveries and observations are made which put science
under pressure. Which among the following is true about claims A and B?
a) both claims are correct
b) only claim A is correct
c) only claim B is correct
Excessive and improper use of technology have greatly affected the quality of time most people
spend with their loved ones. This negative impact can be seen in which aspect of society?
a) government and religion
b) trade and commerce
c) socio-economic conditions
The correct answer is: Socio-economic
Question 7
Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
From which among the following
places the Chinese Civilization
a. Tigris and Euphrates
b. Yellow River 
c. Hwang- Ho and Yangtze kiang
The correct answer is: Yellow River
Question 8
Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
He was the one came up with the
three laws of planetary motion and
described these motions using an
imaginary line called orbits?
a. Johannes Kepler 
b. Nicolaus Copernicus
c. Isaac Newton
The correct answer is: Johannes Kepler
Question 9
Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
He was the one to first develop a
computing device that laid
foundations to computers and
other related gadgets we have
a. Blaise Pascal 
b. Rene Descartes
c. Robert Boyle
The correct answer is: Blaise Pascal
Question 10
Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Heliocentrism describes the
arrangement of heavenly bodies
where the Sun is at the center and
everything revolves around it. This
theory about the universe was
proposed by which among the
a. Galileo Galilei.
b. Hans Lippershey.
c. Nicolaus Copernicus. 
The correct answer is: Nicolaus Copernicus.
Question 11
Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
In ancient african people made use
of gourds and shells in making many
of their traditional musical, while
the ancient Egyptians wrote on
papyrus made from a reed found
growing near the Nile River. This
statement illustrated which among
the choices below?
a. The impact of geography on
cultural development

b. The e!ect of artistic expression on
c. The significant role of education in
the ancient world
The correct answer is: The impact of
geography on cultural development
Question 12
Incorrect Mark 0.00 out of 1.00
In what way did the Olmecs and the
first Andean civilizations develop
along similar lines?
a. Both invented the wheel without
outside influence
b. Both arose without the advantage
of a major river nearby
c. Both domesticated llamas as a
source of wool

The correct answer is: Both invented the
wheel without outside influence
Question 13
Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
In what way science has benefited
a. Traveling farther and more easily
b. Healthier, longer lives
c. Both are correct 
The correct answer is: Both are correct
Question 14
Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Inca and Indian civilizations were
similar in the that?
a. both of them have developed a
canlendar system composed of
12 parts

b. both civilizations have advanced
understanding of mathematics,
especially trigonometry
c. both of them value textile artistry
the most
The correct answer is: both of them have
developed a canlendar system composed of
12 parts
Question 15
Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Instead of using irrigation
technique in farming, a rectangular
land of fertile-arable and watery
areas were developed by which
among the civilizations below?
a. Maya
b. Inca
c. Aztec 
The correct answer is: Aztec
Question 16
Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Irrigation system for agricultural
purposes was first practiced by
which of the following ancient
a. Maya
b. Inca 
c. Aztec
The correct answer is: Inca
Question 17
Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
It was an event that happened after
17th century where agriculture and
handicrafts were replaced from
man to machines?
a. Nanotechnology and Conceptual
b. Information Age
c. Industurial Revolution 
The correct answer is: Industurial
Question 18
Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Papyrus are the reeds used by
Egyptians to make paper, they grew
in water?
a. true 
b. false
c. neither
The correct answer is: true
Question 19
Incorrect Mark 0.00 out of 1.00
Technology has a significant
impacts in our society from
e"ective public information
dissemination to widespread false
and facetious infromation. These
e"ects are greatly observed in
which aspect of society?
a. Goverment and Religion
b. Trade and Commerce
c. Socio-economic conditions 
The correct answer is: Goverment and
Question 20
Incorrect Mark 0.00 out of 1.00
The development of which early
civilization was influenced most
directly by the Tigris River, the
Zagros Mountains, and the Syrian
a. Chinese 
b. Maya
c. Mesopotamia
The correct answer is: Mesopotamia
Question 21
Incorrect Mark 0.00 out of 1.00
a. Mayans are highly skilled in

b. They have highly advanced
understanding of astronomy
c. They have a well-developed
religious structures
The correct answer is: They have highly
advanced understanding of astronomy
Question 22
Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
The first printing tools were made
by which of the civilization below?
a. Chinese 
b. India
c. Egyptians
The correct answer is: Chinese
Question 23
Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
The following sentences below best
describes Newton’s contributions
during the 16th and 17th century
a. He was the first to explain the
undelying concepts of the
hydraulic press.

b. He proposed the concept of gravity
and proved that everything is
a!ected by this force.
c. He explained the concepts of light
and colors.
The correct answer is: He was the first to
explain the undelying concepts of the
hydraulic press.
Question 24
Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
The following statements below
describes the positive impacts of
technology in our government
a. The application of technology
promoted a proactive, safe,
predictive campaigns.
b. The application of technology
improves the implementation of
constitutional rules/laws.
c. The application of technology
encourages people to consume

The correct answer is: The application of
technology encourages people to consume
Question 25
Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
The land between two rivers, Tigris
and Euphrates, in Mesopotomia,
the cradle of many civilizations
refers to?
a. meadow
b. land
c. fertile crescent 
The correct answer is: fertile crescent
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The correct answer is: fertile crescent

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