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The Little Prince By Antoine de Saint- Exupéry

Submitted by: Roxas, Altheya
BSED Major in English

Chapter 1
Primeval- relating to the earliest ages (as of the world or human history)
a. Our primitive forest is slowly coming to extinction.
b. This place is known for its primitive appliances.

Chapter 2
Scarecely- by a narrow margin : only just
a. She can scarcely remember what happened last night.
b. There is scarcely enough food for the whole week.
Apparition- an unusual or unexpected sight
a. Apparition showed up right before her eyes.
b. Some say that apparition are very common in this place.
Cumbersome- unwieldy because of heaviness and bulk.
a. They managed to somehow move the cumbersome box.
b. Edward’s baggage for the vacation was cumbersome.
Indulgently- willing to allow excessive leniency, generosity, or consideration
a. Theresa’s parents was very indulgent with her.
b. Clarence looked at Sheila indulgently.

Chapter 3
Peal- a loud sound or succession of sounds
a. Peal of the ice cream vendor’s bell ringing was all over the place.
b. Justin made a joke that made her produce peal of laughter.
Reverie- the condition of being lost in thought
a. The lengthy discussion caused the students to be reverie.
b. During the whole flight he was in a reverie.
Chapter 4
Forbearance- a refraining from the enforcement of something (such as a debt, right, or
obligation) that is due
a. The company showed great forbearance to its employees.
b. Clare, emphasized the importance of forbearance in one’s life during her speech.
Fumble- to grope for or handle something clumsily or aimlessly
a. He fumbled his way to the altar.
b. Jericho fumbled the ball to his teammate.

Chapter 5
Tedious- tiresome because of length or dullness
a. The mass that was held last morning was tedious.
b. Because of the tedious speech Erika left the ceremony early.
Catastrophe- a momentous tragic event ranging from extreme misfortune to utter
overthrow or ruin
a. All the pollution in the Earth’s atmosphere caused great catastrophe.
b. Justin’s actions was the reason why they’re experiencing catastrophe.

Chapter 7
Warfare- military operations between enemies
a. That group of students always seems to be in a state of warfare.
b. Some country engage in warfare activity for power.
Muzzle- a fastening or covering for the mouth of an animal used to prevent eating or
a. She made her dog wear a muzzle, so it won’t bite.
b. The dog’s aggressiveness caused the muzzle to fall off.
Blundering- to move unsteadily or confusedly
a. I could hear him blundering in the kitchen.
b. He was blundering in the room where the baby is sleeping.
Chapter 8
Coquettish- a woman who endeavors without sincere affection to gain the attention and
admiration of men
a. Her coquettish acts made the man fall for her.
b. Jane’s traditional parents caused her coquettish behavior.
Adornment- the action of adorning : the state of being adorned
a. Her room needs specific adornment.
b. This building has little to no adornment.
Abashed- made to feel uncomfortable, disconcerted, or embarrassed by something that
has happened or been done or said
a. Abashed by his professor’s statement, so he took a step back.
b. He didn’t say a word, because he was abashed by what happened.

Chapter 9
Migration- the act, process, or an instance of migrating
a. One of the main reason of migration is for security purposes.
b. Migration nowadays is very common in the Philippines due to low paying salary
Dejection- lowness of spirits
a. The dejection caused by her problems was very evident.
b. The sudden news of James’ father’s death brought him to dejection.
Reproaches- an expression of rebuke or disapproval
a. Dave reproaches klare’s argument about the debate.
b. The teacher didn’t certainly liked the reproaches of her students.

Chapter 10
Ermine- any of several weasels whose coats become white in winter usually with black
on the tip of the tail
a. The king wore a white furry of ermine.
b. Ermine coat is very hard to acquire nowadays.
Obstructed- to block or close up by an obstacle
a. The road was obstructed by the fallen tree.
b. Students obstructed the pathway through the principals office
Sputtered- to spit or squirt from the mouth with explosive sounds
a. Karen got shocked, so she accidentally sputtered the water.
b. Elsa sputtered a lot of beer in her officemate’s blouse.
Vexed- affected with, marked by, or causing trouble or vexation
a. I was quite vexed when I found out that my flight had been delayed for another
two hours.
b. He felt vexed and frustrated that they hadn’t made any progress.
Forsaken- abandoned, deserted, or left behind. It can refer to a person, place, or thing
that has been abandoned or neglected. When someone is forsaken, it often implies a
feeling of loneliness, isolation, or sadness due to being left behind or neglected.
a. After the death of her husband she felt forsaken.
b. The abandoned house looked forsaken.
Condemned- declared to be reprehensible, wrong, or evil
a. Condemned practices of their organization was finally recognized by the
b. Because of the love they have towards their children, condemned behaviors are

Chapter 11
Monotony- tedious sameness
a. The endless meetings at work created a sense of monotony that left many
employees feeling unmotivated.
b. Her every day routine became a cycle of monotony.

Chapter 12
Lugubrious- especially : exaggeratedly or affectedly mournful
a. The old mansion had a lugubrious appearance.
b. The lugubrious music played by the funeral band added sadness.
Impregnable- unable to be captured or broken into.
a. The room was designed to be impregnable
b. He figured that the criminal was impregnable.

Chapter 13
Balderdash- nonsense
a. The mayor’s speech was nothing but balderdash.
b. Camilla refused to believe her teachers balderdash.
Rheumatism- any of various conditions characterized by inflammation or pain in
muscles, joints, or fibrous tissue
a. My mother has been suffering from rheumatism for quite some time.
b. He had to quit his job because he was experiencing severe rheumatism.
Loafing- to spend time doing nothing.
a. He got fired for always loafing around instead of working.
b. After she finished the household chores, she spent her time loafing in her room.
Retorted- to reply quickly and sharply to a remark or criticism, often in an angry or witty
a. When Amanda was teasing her, she retorted with a sarcastic comeback.
b. “Why don’t you mind your own business?” she retorted sarcastically when asked
about her personal life.
Peevishly- querulous in temperament or mood
a. The kid spoke peevishly after finding out that he wasn’t allowed to eat any candy.
b. “I told you to be quiet” he said peevishly to his noisy brother.

Chapter 14
Scorned- to reject, disdain, or treat with contempt or derision.
a. Feeling scorned and betrayed by his boyfriend, Amanda plotted a revenge.
b. Her statement about him left him scorned and rejected.

Chapter 15
Voluminous- having or marked by great volume or bulk
a. I won’t be able to read that voluminous book.
b. The students gathered voluminous collections of comic books.
Ephemeral- something that lasts for a very short time
a. The beauty in her face was ephemeral, due to her aging.
b. Fame and money is ephemeral, fading away through the passage of time.

Chapter 16
Veritable- being truly or very much so. It is used to describe something that is an
authentic or genuine example of a particular thing, or something that is so extreme or
intense that it seems like a true representation of what it is described as.
a. The garden was a veritable paradise with different kinds of flowers.
b. The storm was veritable with its strong wind and heavy rainfall.
Spectacle- something exhibited to view as unusual, notable, or entertaining
a. Jane’s performance was a breathtaking spectacle.
b. The fireworks display on New Year’s Eve was a spectacular spectacle.

Chapter 17
Courteously- marked by polished manners, gallantry, or ceremonial usage of a court
a. The staff always greeted their customers courteously.
b. The prince greeted the queen courteously.
Chapter 19
Queer- differing in some way from what is usual or normal
a. She always felt queer whenever he is around.
b. The unused library had a queer smell.

Chapter 20
Dreadfully- in a manner that causes great fear, distress, or apprehension. It can also
mean in a very bad or unpleasant way.
a.The movie was dreadfully boring, with its predictable plot and monotonous scenes.
b. The news of the accident was dreadfully shocking, leaving the community in a state
of grief.

Chapter 21
Tame- reduced from a state of native wildness especially so as to be tractable and
useful to humans
a. The new puppy was so playful and energetic, so it was difficult to tame it.
b. The wild horses were gradually tamed and trained to work with humans.
Perflexed- filled with uncertainty
a. She was completely perplexed by the question, and was unable to answer.
b. Perplexed by his sudden change of behavior, I asked him if he has problems.

Chapter 23
Quench- to bring (something immaterial) to an end typically by satisfying, damping,
cooling, or decreasing
a. I needed to quench my thirst after that long walk under the sun.
b. The street vendor offered him a snack to quench his hunger.
Leisure- freedom provided by the cessation of activities
a. During my leisure time I enjoy taking a walk to the park
b. Sports are great activity for your leisure time

Chapter 24
Trudged- to walk or march steadily and usually laboriously
a. He trudged towards the mountain full of snow.
b. While it was raining, we trudged down the street to reach our destination.
Rigdes- an elevated body part or structure
a.The mountain in our place was known for its ridges.
b. He careved the ridges of the marble carefully.
Throbs- to pulsate or pound with abnormal force or rapidity
a. My head throbs with pain after a long discussion.
b. The loud music in the club may her heart throb.

Chapter 25
Hoisted- to raise into position by or as if by means of tackle
a. She hoisted her heavy backpack onto her shoulders.
b. Three men hoisted the big box to the upper floor.
Descent- the act or process of descending from a higher to a lower level, rank, or state
a.The plane starts to slowly descent in its runway.
b. He made a careful descent down the stairs.

Chapter 26
Asunder- into parts
a. The vase was torn asunder after the baby dropped it on the floor.
b. The collision of the rocks split it asunder.
Abyss- an immeasurably deep gulf or great space
a. He felt like he was falling into an abyss after the breakup.
b. The loss of the loved one left her feeling like she was standing at the edge of an
Irreparable- not reparable
a. The damage of Erika’s phone was irreparable
b. There’s certainly nothing we can do about his irreparable computer.

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