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Name: Lianna Dharampaul

Class: Grade 9 D
Title: Osmosis
Aim: To determine and observe the effects of osmosis
Materials/Apparatus: 1. Potato 5. Glass tile
2. Distilled water 6. Knife
3. Petri-dishes 7. Tissues
4. Sodium Chloride

Method: 1. The potato was peeled using a knife.

2. The potato was rubbed between the fingers to assess its texture.
3. The potato was cut into three strips with a length of 5cm and a width 1cm.
4. Three petri-dishes were half-filled with distilled water, saturated solution, and
super saturated solution.
5. The petri-dishes were labeled respectively.
6. One strip of potato was placed into each of the petri-dishes and covered with a
7. The setup was left to stand for 20 minutes and final observations were
Discussion: Osmosis is the movement of water molecules across a semi-permeable membrane
from an area of higher water potential to an area of lower water potential

In distilled water and Saturated solution, there was higher water potential present
in the solutions so water from the petri-dishes entered the potato strips, where
there was a lower water potential, hence the reason for the increase in both the
length and width of the potato strips. In higher salt concentrations, the super
saturated solution, a decrease in the length and width of the potato strip was
noticed. From those results it can be gathered that there was a higher water
potential in the potato strip so water had left the potato strip by Osmosis. As a
result, the size of the potato decreased.

It was necessary to peel the potato for this experiment because the peel is not a
semi-permeable membrane and as mentioned above, for Osmosis to take place a
semi- permeable membrane is needed, which allows only water molecules to pass
through it. In the experiment, the petri-dishes were covered to avoid evaporation
of the solutions and contamination from external conditions like bacteria or dust.
This ensured that the concentration of solute in the solution was the sole factor
influencing the movement of water in the potato.
Reflection: There are several practical applications that can benefit individuals, communities,
and countries farmers are helped to better understand how plants observe and
transport water, therefore helping to inform agricultural practices and increase
crop yields. Also, it is used to understand how cells absorb and transport
substances; possibly informing medical individuals for development of new
treatments. As water molecules are filtered through a membrane to remove
impurities, it is shown that osmosis plays a role in the water purification process.
It can help to improve water filtration systems.

Precaution: 1. Always wear protective gear. Wear gloves and eye protection in brackets.
(goggles) when handling the potato and solutions to avoid contact with potentially
harmful chemicals.
2. And sure to thoroughly wash and dry all equipment.
3. Follow the experiment protocol carefully and dispose of any leftover solutions
or materials properly.

Conclusion: The experimenter thought that a potato’s semi-permeable membrane can expand
or contract in size. This depends on the solution

Petri Dishes Length (cm) Width (cm) Texture

Distilled water (Before) 5 1 Turgid
Distilled water (After) 5.8 1.1 Turgid
Saturated solution (Before) 5 1 Turgid
Saturated Solution (After) 5.3 1.2 Turgid
Super Saturated Solution (Before) 5 1 Turgid
Super Saturated Solution (After) 4.8 0.8 Flaccid

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