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A contractor is any individual or organization that is hired to perform work for FLAT C
MARINE OFFSHORE on a contract basis.

1. The contractor assigned to work with FLATC marine offshore shall not have family ties with the
Directors, CEO, or any Shareholders of the company.
2. An employee of Flat C Marine Offshore Company shall also not be hired as contractor to
undertake any Job for Flat C Offshore Marine Company.
3. The Department/Person hiring the Contractor will notify the CEO/Departmental head before the
contractors are engaged
4. The contractor shall be well trained, certified and experienced in the Job he shall be assigned.
Contractors shall be made to proof of training, accreditation if any and experience shall not be
less than 6months
An Original Equipment Manufacturer, a person or a company appointed by the OEM and or
Classification Society Certified Contractor shall be preferred or shortlisted if any.
5. Three contractors shall be contacted for Pre-screening and screening process by the
department/persons hiring the contractors. Safety, Professionalism and experience shall be the
determining factors in choosing a contractor. Cost will not be the deciding factor alone.
6. Contractors shall be interviewed and assessed
7. References and Background checks on safety, reliability and professionalism shall be carried out
by the department/Persons hiring the Contractor
8. Decision and shortlisting shall be carried out and notify the departmental head/CEO
9. JOB/Contract shall be offered to the selected contractor
10. The Charterer/Flag state/Classification Society etc. shall also be informed if required or needed
11. IN ALL OF THE ABOVE HSE shall be notified in every step on the way.

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