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Laborator 6 :

1) How are PAM and PCM signals usually multiplexed ?

d) time division multiplexed (TDM)

2) How is PCM different from PAM,PWM and PPM?

c) in PCM, the binary code represents the amplitude sample of the message signal

3) What device converts analog signals to digital codes for transmissions and converts
digital codes that are received to analog signals?

4) To improve the overall signal-to-noise ratio, a CODEC uses what process?

a) Companding

5) What process is used to carry many digital communications channels on the same
transmission line?

6) When PCM signals are time division multiplexed, what is the period of time called for
one PCM channel?
d) time slot

7) What is the difference between the A and u companding laws?

b) A and u laws differ in how the quantum value is encoded

8) IN PCM, what does the quantization process accomplish?

b) An amplitude sample is converted to one of 256 quantum values

9) In PCM with an 8-bit code, what does companding accomplish?

d) the overall signal-to-noise ratio is improved

10) Why is PCM preferable to PAM transmission?

d) The digital PCM signals are less susceptible to noise

11) How does the companding law for PCM signal associates the quantum value to the
analog signal sample?

a) the largest quantum is associated to the highest amplitude level

12) What is a disadvantage of the PCM transmission as compared to a PAM
transmission ?

a) strong timing and synchronization requirement

13) The quantization noise is determined by

b) the difference between the analog voltage and its reconstructed quantized value

14) the CODEC analog to digital conversion performs the following processes:

a) compression, quantization and encoding on analog sample

15) Assuming an analog signal with a maximum frequency fm=4khz, what is the data
rate (b/s) for the converted PCM signal with 8 bits per sample?

b) at least 64 kb/s

16) Assuming a PCM transmission with a frame of 25 time-slots, each slot having
duration of 500 ns, what is the value of the sampling frequency in the original PAM signal?

c) 80 KHZ

17) What is the consequence of using a non-syncronized time slot reference in the
PCM-TDM receiver?

a) the recovered analog signals are distorted

18) Assuming a PCM transmission system with a fixed sampling frequency, on what depends
the number of consecutive time slots in a frame?

a) the number of bits from the encoding word, or the number of quanta

19) Is there a restriction on the amplitude of an analog signal before quantizing it?

b) yes, because the analog samples are transmitted without errors.

20) What is the significance of the first bit in a PCM 8-bit code word, representing the
amplitude of a PAM signal sample?

d) specifies the amplitude sample sign

Laborator 5 :

1) Assuming a non-periodic message signal, the amplitude spectrum of a PAM signal is :

b) Discrete, containing several replicas of the message signal placed at the multiples of the
sampling frequency

2) What is the consequence of using a non-synchronized reference in a PAM-TDM system?

d) the receiver may not locate the right time slots

3) If a PAM-TDM system uses a frame of 125 ms and a time slot of 25 ms, how many 3,4 khz
message signals can the system handle ?

a) 5

4) The reconstruction of an analog message signal from its PAM version is performed using

c) a low pass filter (LPF) having the cutoff frequency value between fm and fs-fm

5) What condition(s) must exist to reconstruct a clear message signal from a PAM signal?

d) all of the above

6) The guard time in PAM-TDM signal is used to

b) separate the PAM-TDM pulses from different time slots

7) what circuit demodulates a pulse-modulated signal?

b)Low-pas filter

8) What factor is limiting the number of message signals accommodated in a PAM-TDM


d) the ratio between the sampling time and the carrier pulse width

9) The PAM-TDM transmitter must implement the following functions?

b) sample the PAM signals, generate the time slots references, multiplex the analog message
signals and clocks

10) PAM-TDM sample interfe……

d) transmmiting samples from several users message signals in ….time slots, ….user
occupying a separate slot ith its sample in a …..maner( cred ca asa scrie)
11) What is time division multiplexing?

b) a method of transmission that provides a common with separate (ceva cu i) assigned for
each of several signals

12) Increasing the sampling … in a PAM system has the following effects of the frequency
domain appearance of the PAM

d) the interval between the replicas is increased

13) The advantage of the PAM transmission, as compared to the analog transmission, is the
following :

b) Less consumed energy when small width …..are used in the carrier signal

14) What is the overall purpose of the PAM-TDM transmitter?

c) multiplexing messages

15) The power dissipated by a PAM signal is directly proportional to the value of what

c) PAM signal duty cycle fraction (PW/T)

16) If a message signal contains frequency components between 10hz and 10 khz, the
Nyquist rate is

a) 25Khz

17) Aliasing is caused by

d) wrong relation between the sampling frequency and the maximum frequency of the
message signal spectrum

18) The effect of aliasing appears when the ratio between the sampling rate and the
maximum frequency of the message signal is

a) less than 2

19) The bandwidth of the PAM-TDM signal is depending on

c) carrier pulse width

20) What is the difference between flat-top sampling and natural sampling?
d) flat-top sampling produces pulses with constant amplitude while natural sampling
produces pulses with variable amplitude depending on the amplitude of the input signal at
the sampling time

Laborator 4 :

1) A frame of time slots in a PAM-TDM transmission repeats at what frequency?

a) sampling frequency

2) What are the FILTER circuits used for in a PAM-TDM receiver?

c) reconstructing the message signals

3) What PWM parameter varies directly with the message signal’s amplitude ?

c) pulse width

4) Limiting a signal’s bandwidth

a) decrease the rise and fall times of a pulse

5) Which of the following can increase distortion in the recovered message signal when
transmitting over a noisy channel?

b) increasing the receiver bandwidth

6) What PAM signal parameter varies with the message signal?

a) pulse amplitude

7) How are PAM and PCM signals usually multiplexed ?

c) time division multiplexed

8) When channel bandwidth is increased

b) the message capacity increases

9) With a 13 khz maximum frequency of the message signal, what is an adequate sampling
frequency ?

d) 60khz

10) SNR(db) =20xlg(Vt/Vn)

When calculating the signal-to-noise ration, Vs and Vn are

c) peak-to-peak voltages

11) The PCM signal on the circuit board contains how many bits to encode a message signal?

c) 8

12) What are PAM, PWM and PPM signals ?

b) pulse-modulated signals

13) What are PAM-TDM signals?

PAM pulses sent in different time slots on the same channel

14) DM uses how many bits to encode a message signal?

c) 1

15) What will minimize the effect of the channel’s noise ?

a) increasing the signal-to-noise ratio

16) What multiplexing method is used to transmit different message signals in opposite
directions over the same transmission line between CODEC 1 and CODEC 2

a) time – division

17) What operation produces a pulse-modulated signal?

b) sampling the amplitude of the message signal

18) What parameter of a PPM signal varies in direct proportion to the message signal

d) the time interval between the PPM pulses

19) A 1-bit delta modulation (DM) code is output by the digital sampler. What does the DM
code represent ?

a) an increase or decrease in the message signal’s amplitude

20) What circuit demodulates a PAM signal?

b) samplehold
Laboratorul 1

1) What is the process of combining a message signal with a carrier signal for
communications over long distances?

a) modulation

2) When only the sum frequency is desired from a balanced modulator, what device
removes the lower

a) a filter

3) What is the name of the process when a low frequency message signal changes a
characteristic of a high frequency carrier signal?

a) modulation

4) What is the function of a balanced modulator?

d) all of the above

5) What device removes the lower sideband (LSB) drom a DSB signal?

d) filter

6) If a 2000 khz carrier signal (fc) is amplitude modulated by a 3 khz message signal (fm),
what frequencies are present in the frequency spectrum of the AM signal?

a) 1997 khz, 2000 khz, and 2003 khz

7) If the message signal to an amplitude modulator is a voice signal, the anvelope of the AM
signal will have what type of waveform

b) irregular waveform

8) What characteristic of the carrier signal is varied by modulation?

d) any of the above

9) When modulating a 1000 khz carrier signal with a 3 khz sine wave message signal what is
the bandwidth of the resulted AM signal?

d) 6khz
10)What is the impedance of an LC network at its resonant frequency?

b) The impedance is resistive and the network’s output signal is maximum

11) If the carrier signal frequency (fc) is 60 khz and the message signal bandwidth is between
0 hz and 3.4 khz, what is the resulted DSB signal bandwidth?

c) from 56.6 khz to 64.4 khz

12) What is the upper side-band filter (USB) filter’s output signal when the input signal is an
AM signal with suppressed carrier?

d)a SSB signal

13) A 50% modulated AM signal is output from an un-balanced modulator. What significant
output frequencies are present?

d) the lower sideband, the carrier, and the upper sideband frequencies

14) What are the functions of the VCO-HI and VCO-LO circuit blocks?

b) sine signal generation

15) What is the condition to have a valid amplitude modulation?

a) the carrier frequency should be larger than the maximum frequency in the message
signal’s spectrum

16) What is the bandwidth value of the DSB signal?

a) twice the bandwidth of the unmodulated message signal

17) What is the bandwidth value of the real LSB filter?

d) slightly larger than the bandwidth of the unmodulated message signal

18) Which type of modulation are changing the carrier’s angle?

a) Frequency and phase modulation

19) What is the function of the filter?

b) to pass some frequency components and to cut off others frequency components from
the input signal’s spectrum

20) What is the function of a modulator?

c) to translate the input signal’s spectrum

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