Act 5

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you're watching study with sudhir my name is TS sudhir and we are on Act five scene

one of The Merchant of Venice the concluding scene of this play now as I explained
to you in the introduction video this is essentially a romantic


comedy which is why the mood in the concluding scene of the play is one of one one
of romance one of love one of Carefree banter and everything gets resolved what we
saw in the first four acts of the play does not really come


out very strongly in the concluding scene so let's get started the scene starts in
Belmont uh in fact this entire scene is set in Belmont and the two characters who we
see on stage are Lorenzo and Jessica in whose care Portia


as you know had left the house when she went to Venice of course she did not
reveal that she was going to Venice but that's what she actually didn't we know that
through the trial scene in Act 4 scene 1.


Lorenzo says the moon shines bright in such a night as this when the sweet wind did
gently kiss the trees and they did make no noise in such a night troilous meetings
mounted the Troian walls and sighed his soul towards the Grecian


tents where preset lay that night now you have about four mythology uh classical
literary references in the first two pages of this of your textbook as far as this scene
is concerned and you would need to know about each one of

these classical literary references so he's saying that the Moon is shining bright
tonight it's on a night like this when the sweet wind is blowing the trees in a gentle
manner as if kissing the trees and the branches make absolutely


no noise it was on a night like this that troilers troilers climbed up to the walls I think
troyless climbed up to the walls of Troy the Trojan walls means Trojan or Troian
Waltz means the walls of the city of


Troy and sighed in love side because he was in love looking at the Greek Trends the
tents The Grecian tents where prasida was sleeping now what exactly is the uh story
all about troilus was the son of the king of Troy and he and


Cressida loved each other but when Troy when the kingdom of Troy was Under
Siege when it was attacked by the enemy uh krasida was handed over to the Greeks
in exchange for the prisoners okay now there when she went


uh when she was there among the Greeks she fell in love with a person called
Diamond d-i-o-m-e-d so every night what troilers did because he was obviously in
love with Cressida he stood on the walls of


Troy looking at the Greek camp at a distance and prasida therefore became the
symbol of the Unfaithful lover okay Jessica says in such a night in such a night did this
be fearfully over tripped the Dew and saw the lion Shadow before

himself and ran this mate away now this is the second example being cited now this
time by Jessica Jessica says it's on a night like this that this Bay walked lightly over
the dude over trip is walk lightly over the dew dew means


OS in Hindi and saw the shadow of the lion and ran away frightened okay dismayed
as in the reference of being scared now this Bay and pyramus who was her lover but
lovers in the city of Babylon and their parents were against


their relationship so they were not allowed to meet so they decided to meet in a
forest though some references also talk about how they met near a tomb okay this
way arrived first before pyramus and saw a lion which had a bloody mouth


after a recent kill okay the lion had killed someone some other animal perhaps most
likely and it had a bloody mouth so she flees she runs away scared on seeing the lion
but in the process leaves behind her cloak cloak as in the Garment


which you wait out where outside like a long coat when pyramus arrives p-y-r-a-m-
u-s when pyramus arrives he's shocked to see the blood-stained cloak of this Bay
which he obviously recognized because the lion had tone it


Venu Jio 2, [27-02-2023 23:36]

and left the blood marks on it the blood marks from its mouth it had left on the cloak
now what does pyramus obviously conclude that this way was killed by the Animal
by the Beast and also he saw the tracks of the lion so

when this base subsequently returns after a while by the time pyramus is not there
she finds uh the dead body of pyramids because he has killed himself he finds she
finds a dead body of pyramus in grief he has killed himself


and in grief she also kills herself so this is a story of two faithful lovers no doubt
about that but love that could not be fulfilled so the first one is of Unfaithful love the
second one Unfaithful then who has troyed people


Kingdom of Troy to give her over to the Greek tense that can be argued but it is seen
as a symbol of Unfaithful love the second of Love which could not be fulfilled
Lorenzo in such a nights to Dido with a


Willow in her hand upon the wild sea Banks and waft her love to come again to
Carthage now Lorenzo says on a night like this uh Dido stood with a Willow Willow
Branch Willow with which cricket bats are made with the Willow Branch in


her hand by the seashore and waved to her lover begging her to return to Carthage
okay now this is a reference to the third one is a reference to the Love Story
between anus who is a Trojan Warrior and Dido the queen of the


kingdom of Carthage but one day he left her and never returned Dido what Lorenzo
is saying is thinking that Dido must have sighed for her lover for uh for her lover on
the seashore Dido must have decide for her lover that

is anus on the seashore and Dido subsequently made a funeral prior for herself and
died on it again love which could not be realized okay now uh you would wonder
what is the really the


connection of these two guys talking about all these things because Shakespeare
also liked to show off his knowledge of classical literature and those days you know
all these things were considered quite a big deal in such


a night media gathered the enchanted herbs that did renew old Asian now uh
Jessica says on such a night media gathered magical herbs to renew or rejuvenate
old Asian and make him feel young again


if you recall you would have studied in class 9 there was a reference to Jason and
the Golden Fleece right in act one of the play now media was his wife who helped
him win the Golden Fleece she also gathered medical herbs magical


herbs at night and administered them to her father-in-law Asian to restore his youth
so these are the four stories okay the first three stories are more important and
more relevant okay Lorenzo in such a night did Jessica Steele now

he comes to the present steal from this wealthy Jew and with an unthrift love did
run from Venice as far as Belmont so Lorenzo says on a night like this Jessica ran
away from the wealthy Jew okay so steal the word steel here is


used of course in the literary sense it also is used in the sense of running away elope
she ran away from Venice to distant Belmont with her lover that is Lorenzo who has
no money so it's pretty clear and pretty uh honest about himself


because he's a spent unthrift love referring to he's a spendthrift okay and he's the
one who gets very lucky in this particular play Jessica on in such a night that young
Lorenzo swear his love he loved her well and stealing her soul


with many vows of faith and never a true one so they are essentially teasing each
other as well so she says on a night like this young Lorenzo showed that he loved her
a lot he stole her heart with balls of love but not one of these vows


were true Lorenzo says in such a night it's pretty Jessica like a little true so they're
also trying to rhyme in such a way slander her love and he forgave it her so she he
says on a night like this


Venu Jio 2, [27-02-2023 23:36]

pretty Jessica like a bad tempered woman shoe refers to a bad tempered woman
said false slander means false and damaging kind of statements about her lover but
he forgave her okay I would outnight you did nobody come but

hark I hear the footing of the man so Jessica says I would beat you in this game of
words but if no one interrupts us but wait I do hear someone coming I hear the
footsteps of someone of a man okay uh so the important thing about


these four is that they compare themselves to famous lovers from classical
literature who were romantic figures but not one of them I mean they didn't really
have a happy ending in that sense the first three in particular


right so try lesson precedure this band pyramus Dido and anus Jason and media to
an extent kind of thing okay they have ultimately tragic endings okay so it's the
stories of misunderstanding betrayal


and death okay uh Stefano is the guy who enters who comes so fast in the Silence of
the night he says I'm a friend Lorenzo says a friend what friend your name I pray you
my friend so he's asking his identity he says Stefano is my


friend so if you get an McQ about who is the person who comes and interrupts
Lorenzo and Jessica and you get options like long slot Stefano Balthazar there is a
graciano anyone you know so you need to know so these are the


small things which you need to pay attention to when you are dealing with mcqs in
particular from an McQ point of view Stefano is my name and I bring word my
mistress will be before the break of day which means

she'll be here before day break day break is done in fact that's one of the mcqs I had
put in our test series uh uh on our app so uh don you know so you can be you could
get one of the options as Dawn so you need to know break of day is


Before Sunrise and that is obviously referring to the time of dawn right uh she's
wondering about stray she dots tray means she's wandering about roadside shrines
so she he's also keeping up with the lie or probably what


Porsche has asked him to communicate with crosses where Travelers pray for a
happy married life so that's what she's praying about obviously no information about
what she has actually been up to in the Duke's court at in Venice


um who comes with her uh none but a holy hermit and her maid I pray you is my
master yet returned so Lorenzo asked who comes with portion Stefano tells her that
only nerissa and a Hermit he does not appear anywhere so


it seems a little strange this talk of a Hermit and he's never heard of after this
Stefano asked if Bassanioo has returned Lorenzo replies that he has not and not she
had he had heard about him he tells Jessica that they should


prepare to welcome uh Porsche right long slot enters saying solar Sola voho Sola
Sola who calls Sola did you see Master Lorenzo Master Lorenzo Sola Sola so as usual
playing the fool he informs uh Lorenzo that

bassanya will be here tomorrow morning the next morning according to a

messenger from him Han means that he blew the horn to announce the good news
and Sola Sola he is saying because he has seen the messenger from Bassanioo okay


he has seen the messenger from bassanya who wears a horn suspended from the
neck okay so he's imitating the sound of the horn this whole Sola solar thing to show
its arrival and he teases Lorenzo by pretending not to have recognized his


voice so basic Tom full ring which is pretty insignificant okay um post is the
reference to the uh I mean he's seen a messenger that's what the reference that tell
him a post come from


my master with this horn full of good news my master will be here before morning
ere means before and he exits thankfully he's the most irritating character in the
entire play Lorenzo Sweet Soul lets


Venu Jio 2, [27-02-2023 23:36]

in and there expect they're coming and yet no matter why should we go in normally
launch dot never came but I think it was in 2000 19 that a long slot passage came
much to the surprise of everyone otherwise long

slot is really one of the minor characters who isn't really uh given much importance
okay um foreign and there expect they're coming and yet no matter why should we
go in my friend


srifuno signify I pray you within the house your mistress is at hand and bring your
music forth into the air now there is a talk of music right so she he says my dear
Jessica let's go inside the house and wait for them to arrive wait


for who Portia and narissa but I guess it does not matter why should we go in
Stefano announced to the household staff that your mistress will arrive shortly is at
hand means she's pretty close by and she would be coming pretty soon and


play some music and Stefano exits and then How Sweet the Moonlight sleeps upon
this bank here will be sit and let the sounds of Music creep in our ears soft Stillness
and the night become the touches of sweet harmony


now uh the idea of playing music are two and you need to pay attention to this we
saw it in act 3 scene 2 music being played and one of the reasons that was being said
spoken about that time was that Porsche wanted to kind of calm her


nerves and of course the other thing about did the music actually end up giving a
hint to bassany in any way about the right casket right the role of music again now in
Belmont music is played so music is an integral part of

bellman's character the city's character in contrast to Venice which is associated
with laws with money with wealth with trade with Merchants with you know more
commercial Capital uh which is


Venice whereas Belmont is a much more of a relaxed and a cultural kind of a town
so you need to also understand the contrast between the two towns the two cities
Lorenzo how beautifully the Moonlight is


shining on this Bank sleeps means it's a very calm and a very gentle kind of a light
we will sit here and let the sound of music fill our ears right the Stillness of the night
suits the notes of the melodious music the Stillness


Stillness means absolutely calm of the night right it suits it's it is in sync with it's
almost in harmony with the melodious music so he's asking um Jessica to sit sit
Jessica look how the Floor of Heaven is thick inlaid with


pattiness of bride clothes gold so he says Sky the Floor of Heaven is referring to the
sky look how the sky is thickly decorated inlaid means decorated with patterns
patents means small pieces of shiny


metal uh it may seem a little surprising that he's referring to stars as bright gold
because they are not golden in color he's comparing the Stars to small patterns of
bright gold okay there is not the smallest orbit which thou

beholdest but in its motion like an angel sings so he says that the stars are and
planets move in Perfect Harmony and it seems as if you can hear the music in the
moment okay uh or means planet or any form of Heavenly


Body okay now there is not the smallest orb which thou beholders now this is an
interesting line because it is a reference indirect reference to Pythagoras remember
there is a reference made to Pythagoras in the earlier part


of the play as well he's talking here Lorenzo is talking here about his theory of The
Music of the Spheres and it seems strange because Lorenzo so far did not come
across as a very sophisticated or perhaps even a very educated kind of


person but here is talking about Pythagoras's music of the theory of The Music of
the Spheres according to Pythagoras please note it down each planet in the solar
system produced a particular note okay the different nodes


Venu Jio 2, [27-02-2023 23:36]

formed a Harmony this led to the Music of the Spheres in which the Stars also are an
integral part so the music also kind of includes the entire solar system now the idea
behind making Lorenzo speak about the beauty of the night was to


bring the romance back to Center Stage after a very very serious and a heavy duty
trial seen in Act 4 scene one the whole tension and the Elizabethan audience at that
partic point in time really appreciated these kind of scenes

which were beautifully written and beautifully beautifully crafted and presented on
stage and Lorenzo's these lines this particular passage by Lorenzo these lines are
considered one of the most beautiful lines written in these in


this particular play by Shakespeare so what Lorenzo is saying is that even the
smallest star sings like an angel in its motion the way it moves okay uh it can also
possibly mean that Angels listen to the music created by


the stars and the heavenly bodies the song is like a choir okay it's like a choir it's like
a koi yeah it's like a choir to the cherubins uh cherubins are the Angels who are


close to God those with very bright kind of eyes Okay so q u i r e is the old spelling of
c-h-o-i-r which is the modern spelling of choir okay so he says that our souls are
which are Immortal also have the


same kind of a Harmony but while we are on each in our human bodies while we are
here on Earth in our human bodies which is referring uh to the muddy vistur of
Decay he's talking about the human bodies and the immortality the mortality


of the human bodies and it encloses the soul in a rough manner okay grossly means
rough in a manner we cannot hear the music while we are within our human bodies
and we are not able to hear and appreciate the music best your literally

means clothing okay and Decay because the body decays after death and gets into
the muddy dead so he's kind of of making a rather philosophical kind of a statement
okay at that stage musicians enter the scene which he has already


asked for just a few lines before come home and wake Diana with the hymn with
sweetest touch peers your mistress's ear and draw her home with music so he says
wake up Diana okay who is the Roman goddess of the moon and hunting he asks


the musicians to wake her up with the hymn um and this is because the back story
of this is you may want to know and remember is because Dinah was in love


with someone called Endymion e-n-d-y-m-i-o-n and she came down every night
from Heaven to live with him okay also the covering of the Moon with the cloud was
interpreted as a sleep of the moon in the context of Dinah and


therefore the call to wake her up that's a backstory of this particular line of wake
Diana with a him okay so the mistress referred to now is Portia pierce your mistress's
ear and Lorenzo asked the musicians to play their


sweetest notes till they reach Portia's years who is on her way back home uh so that
the sweet Melodies draw her back later on we will hear a reference to music again
okay so Jessica says I am never merry when I hear sweet music okay

means that she becomes very serious when she here listens to Sweet Music Lorenzo
says the reason for that is that is that your senses are receptive to The Melody of
music okay that's because you're receptive that's why you react in a


particular manner um so he says a note a wild and wanted herd or race of youthful
and unhandled colds uh fetching mad bounce bellowing and name loud so what he's
referring to now


is animal behavior okay so he says note a wild herd of Untamed or mischievous

wanton means mischievous animals or a breed of young untrained horses Colts
means young horses jumping about madly making a loud sound bellowing or


Venu Jio 2, [27-02-2023 23:36]

neighing around other sounds which are made by horses which is their nature hot
condition of their blood means it is part of their nature if they but birth here per
chance a trumpet sound or any air of music does their hairs now all


these animals that he's talking about if by chance per chance if by chance if they
hear a trumpet sound or any kind of music they come to a standstill together they
just stop okay all of them together their wild Savage means their Wild eyes

turn into a very peaceful or a mild look modest case as a result of the music that
they hear therefore okay this these lines are important uh they could come as a
possible reference to context or even as


an McQ therefore the Roman poet owent the reference to uh Orpheus that he's
making out here so so he's saying therefore the Roman poet owed wrote about how
Orpheus who is a Greek musician McQ questions can come


about who is the Greek musician being referred to and you they can try to confuse
you by mentioning Dido they can mention pyramus they can mention uh anus and
also uh Orpheus so just be careful and remember the musician who is being


referred to so the Greek musician being referred to here is Orpheus about how
Orpheus was a Greek musician could make trees so Stones okay trees stones and
floods floods as in streams the water body move from place to place by the


power of his music and bring them to life so there is nothing so stubborn stockish
means stubborn hard or Fierce full of Rage means fears which can resist music so
he's saying music is most powerful and it has that kind of


strength so the man who cannot be moved by the harmony Concord means
Harmony of music is only fit for treachery plotting and destruction okay treasons
stratagem and spoils okay that's what each of the words means treachery plotting

destruction and the thoughts and feelings of his soul are as dull as the Knight and his
emotions dark has hell okay Erebus means the home of the dead and it is an area of
Darkness uh near hell okay


remember that so no man like this should be trusted now pay attention to the music
Mark the music mark my words news means listen to listen carefully to the music
okay so we will pause here and this is the stage at which this is the


point at which Portia and nerissa enter the scene we will do that in part two of this
particular scene explanation I hope till here is absolutely clear thank you very much
for watching

Venu Jio 2, [27-02-2023 23:36]


welcome to study with sudhir we are now on the concluding scene I hope you have
seen the introduction to act five scene one that short video that I put out the part
one explanation the more difficult explanation of the literary references


by Jessica and Lorenzo in the earlier part of Act five scene one now we get to the
concluding part of this scene with the return of Portia with narissa and thereafter the
return of all the male characters as well so there is a sense


of reconciliation Etc that will take place with all is well uh all is well that ends well
kind of an ending as far as mov is concerned says that light we see is burning in my
hall how far that little candle throws

its beams and so shines a good deed in a naughty world now that's a very significant
kind of line because Portia also known is returning back home after having done
something good a good deed in a naughty world right we are talking


about all that transpired in Venice right so candle can also be interpreted that a little
candle a little sense of light a little goodness can actually end up uh doing larger
good in earn otherwise evil kind of a world right


narissa says when the moon Shone we did not see uh the uh candle right when the
moon Shone we did not see the candle uh Portia says the so doth is does so does the
greater glory dim the less a substitute shines


brightly as a king unto the king be by and then his State empties itself as doth and
Inland broke into the main of Waters music stop okay so uh posture says brighter
light always dims the Lesser smaller lights because the Moon


is obviously a more stronger light at that time they did not see the candle but that's
what she's referring to so a person who is working as a substitute a substitute shines
brightly as a king a person's working as a substitute for


example a deputy to someone shines brightly as a king but when the king is present
be by means when the king is present his glory vanishes his glory vanishes then the
state empties himself means itself means his glory vanishes

just like a stream Brook just like a stream flowing from the interior into the sea so
long as it is on the land the stream has its own significance the river has its own
significance but the moment it goes into the sea it becomes


part of the sea no one talks about the River or the stream uh after that right so
Portia listens to the music which narisa is saying is coming from inside your home
nothing is good I see without respect me


thinks it sounds much sweeter than by day so posture says nothing is good unless
it's affected by the environment I think the music sounds much better at night than it
does during the day what I told you in part one the reference to


the music coming again this time from Porsche so then narissa says the Silence of
the night silence bestows that virtue on it ma'am that you know it sounds better now
because it's all very silent right now okay so they are coming Before


Sunrise when it is still dark it is not yet the sun has not yet risen so it's still pretty
much dark the crowd dotsing as sweetly as the lock when neither is attended and I
think the Nightingale if she should sing by day


when every goose is cackling would be thought no better a musician than the Wren
okay so now Porsche says that the crows sings As sweetly as the law clock is also a
bird but no one is listening attended to means when no one is

listening if the Nightingale sang during the day when every other common Bird Goes
when every other common bird was also making a very harsh noise everyone would
think that it did not sing any better than a ren Ren is a small bird


again which did not have a pleasant sound so they would not be able to recognize
the beauty of the nightingale's voice if all the other birds are also creating a racket at
the same time so how many things seem good


Venu Jio 2, [27-02-2023 23:36]

to us how many things by season seasoned are to the right praise and True
Perfection so how many things seem good to us seem perfect and are fully praised
right praise and True Perfection simply


because they are perceived observed seasoned observed at the appropriate time by
season means at the appropriate time okay so just see how the word season has
been used by Shakespeare out here okay so what Portia is essentially


making the point is that we appreciate things better when we pay attention to them
at leisure okay not when everyone is else is also doing pretty much a lot of things
okay so the place the time the circumstances the environment are

important to enjoy a good thing so music however perfect in the daytime sounds
sweeter at night because of the quiet environment okay uh now uh the Music Stops
okay Lorenzo says that's the voice and I'm much


deceived of Persia so uh and in the last line she refers to quite now that is peaceful
look how the moon sleeps with Endymion its lovers and will not its lover and will not
wake up okay uh Endymion which I refer to in part one


was the uh handsome youth who was loved by Dinah the goddess of the moon and
the line the moon sleeps within demion conveys the visual impression uh of the
Moon kissing him with its calm silvery kind of moonshine light okay Lorenzo


that's Portia's voice if I'm not mistaken if I am not deceived I have much deceived
Miss if I'm not mistaken that voice I hear is that of Portia Portia oh he recognizes me
like a blind man blind man recognizes the cuckoo by


the bad voice so she's referring to her own voice I mean she's making a comparison
to how a blind mine man would recognize the cuckoo just by the voice okay so we
don't know whether she herself she


consider herself not to be having a great voice okay dear lady welcome home Portia
we have been praying for our husbands health so continuing that Sharad that lie uh
that bluff with speed we hope the better for our words are

they return so she's she asked we have been praying for her husband's welfare and
we hope they have benefited speed they have benefited and are better off because
of our prayers have they returned Lorenzo informs her that her


messenger has informed that they are on their way back postia wants to continue to
keep them in the dark okay tells narissa to go in and give order to my servants that
they take no note at all of our being absent here so no one


to tell Bassanioo Etc that we were absent at the same time that they were in Venice
okay you also Lorenzo Jessica also should not reveal anything okay and then there is
a sound Lorenzo says your husband is at hand I hear his trumpet we


are no telltales man fear you not that we will not be revealing anything we are not
informers of Secrets you need not worry which is a little bit of an irony which is little
bit of a strange because in act 3 in front of Portia Jessica had


revealed secrets about remember and what he intended to do about Antonio Act 3.
scene one uh Porsche says uh this night me things is but a daylight sick it looks a little
paler it's a day such as


the day is when the sun is hit so Portia says I think this Knight is just the dim daylight
it only looks a little pale in comparison it looks like a day when the sun is hidden uh
maybe Portia wants to indicate that it is a clear night or a

dim kind of daylight instead of the complete darkness which one can expect at you
know day break during the night time basano if you walk outside at night pasanya
says we should walk whole day with the antipodes if you would walk in


absence of the Sun if you would walk in absence of the sun now Bassanioo says if
you walk outside at night when it's dark it would be daylight there at the same time
as it will be day on the other side of the


Venu Jio 2, [27-02-2023 23:36]

world now what is this reference to uh one of course Bassanioo is giving a
compliment to Portia he's obviously trying to you know flatter her the antipodes is
the point on the Earth's surface exactly opposite for example


Italy's antipode would be New Zealand okay England's anti-port is Australia okay
which means that when it is bright sunshine in say Belmont City it will be dark in say
Christchurch or in Auckland in New Zealand okay and vice versa


bassanyo says that if Portia walked in the night she will illuminate the area with its
Radiance with the radiance and brightness as the sun does on the other end of the
world that is the antipode that is in this case it would be in New


Zealand so here Bassanioo is comparing Persia to the sun it's self as if to say that she
can replace the Sun so he's obviously trying to give her a compliment flatter her
Porsche she punts on the night word light pretty much

similar to what happened in act 3 scene 2 before the Bassanioo casket scene I mean
before he chose the casket right so she puns on the word so you know Portia is given
to this kind of a banter a light-hearted banter uh she puns on


the word light which means bright and Immortal and she says Let me give light but
let me not be light okay which means let me not be unfaithful let me not be
unchaste okay so an Unfaithful wife makes a


husband sorrowful okay for a light wife doth make a heavy husband heavy as in
sorrowful and never be basano so for me so I will never let bassanyo be sad because
of my conduct but God decides everything welcome okay so she's


welcoming basanya back to Bellman I thank you ma'am keep welcome and now he
introduces Antonio this is the man this is Antonio to whom I am so infinitely bound
so infinitely bound means I'm indebted to


him and so I have very close ties with him so obviously he doesn't recognize that
they have already met in the trial scenes stupid fellow uh you should in all sense be
much bowed to him for as I hear he was much Bound for you so you


indeed need to be indebted to him because I hear since he was bound again
punning on the word bound this time for you in the sense that he became a prisoner
of you know he had to go to court and he could have almost

been killed by Sherlock in the court okay uh also in act 3 scene three we have seen
that uh Antonio did go to jail remember act 3 scene three so in that sense he did get
into trouble for your say Antonio no more since I'm completely


freed from it it also means that he has been repaid by basa news uh love that is
Antonio and Portia's expression of gratitude attitude Portia sir you are very welcome
to our house it must appear in other ways than


words therefore I scan this breathing curtsy so now Portia is saying that you are
welcome to our house uh the welcome should be in action not in words therefore I'll
cut short these polite and gentle conversation that we are


having scant this breathing curtsy is what it means gashiano saying to Larissa by
Yonder Moon I swear you do me wrong in faith I gave it to the judges Club so now
that ring episode is now being assimilated Amalgamated into this


particular scene Amalgamated with this particular scene in faith I gave it to the
judge's clerk would he were guilt that had it for my part okay in some additions it is
written as dead not guilt okay Woody were dead this

is from the British Traditions which are a little some of the words are a little different
there are some extra lines also which I've cut out from this particular PDF uh because
the britishers had some more lines which are not in the


Indian editions that you and I follow uh dead that had it for my part since you do
take it love so much at heart no so what is graciano arguing about I swear by the
moon above us Yonder okay


Venu Jio 2, [27-02-2023 23:36]

I swear by the moon above us that you are doing me wrong Yonder means above
you are misjudging me okay I am telling you the truth I gave it to the judges clerk I
wish the guy I gave to was dead as far as I am concerned since you are


getting so upset about it and taking it to heart now it seems like earlier in trial scene
he wishes his wife was dead so he seems to be kind of pretty okay with killing people
like that Portia wonders if the couple is already


quarreling and she asks what's the matter about a hoop of gold a paltry Rings stupid
fellow that she did give me who suppose he was for all the word like Cutlass poetry
upon her life upon a knife love me and leave me not such a


third rate fellow to have for a husband let me say that Portia says we are arguing
about a ring of gold hope ring of gold a ring of nominal value paltry cheap in terms of
value that she gave me it had the words

inscribed on it posi means inscribed on it like the verses engraved by a knife maker
but Cutler his attempt at poetry he's trying to attend poetry an attempt to denigrate
what was there engraved on the ring and it said love me and do not


leave me okay I which he thinks that it was not very significant so what does it show
so if you ever get some question related to graciano please do point this out and it
shows that he was a rude and an uncouth kind of a person and a


husband so please make a note of it narissa what talk you of the posi or of the value
you swore to me when I did give to you that you would wear it till your hour of death
understood why talk of Words which are inscribed on the ring


because the quality or the quality of the the ring or the quality of the verse you
promised me that when I gave you the ring that you would wear it till your hour of
death till you are dead and that it would be buried alongside you if not


for my sake at least for the sake of the many promises that you made you should
have been considerate towards your promises okay if not towards me at least
towards your promises you should have been more


considerate you claimed that you gave it to the clerk of a judge okay no I swear on
God and God is my judge that the clerk will never grow a beard on his face which
means to say that I am pretty sure that the person you gave to was not

a man but a woman so this is another way of saying that the person who you gave
the clerk to will never grow a beard on his face he will and he um he will grow a
beard if he lives long


enough you know if he grows up because that Clerk's judge was judges clerk was a
pretty young chap so was the judge that is Portia so he says if he lives long enough
he will definitely grow a beard


um yes if a woman becomes a man so she is taunting him and trying to test him
graciano now by this hand I gave it to you the kind of boy a little scrub boy no higher
than thyself so he's saying his height was almost that of you I


swear I give it to a youth a kind of boy a little undersized boy No taller than yourself
that is nerissa he was the clerk of the judge a talkative boy who wanted it as his fee
and I did not have the heart to refuse him you were to


blame Portia now says you are to blame I must be honest with you you were wrong
to give away your wife's first gift okay it was a thing that was stuck on your finger
with promises and fastened and bound with the Trust on your body okay


so that is what is so riveted with faith onto your flesh primitive means it was kind of
bound to your flesh body uh with commitment with a promise okay so he she says I
gave my love that is basanyo the ring and

made him a promise never to part with it lose it or give it away and here basanya
stands here is stance okay here he stands um I can express confidence on his behalf


Venu Jio 2, [27-02-2023 23:36]

that is behalf dare be sown for him that he would never part with the ring nor
remove it from his finger for all the money in the world okay he would not leave it
dot pluck his from his finger for the wealth wealth that the World


Masters that is for all the wealth in the world basanya would never give away that
ring which I have given it to him to tell the truth graciano you give your wife good
reason to be unhappy unkind a cause of grief to be unhappy with you if


it had happened with me I would be very upset so she is now setting the stage for
Bassanioo to confess aside that he's speaking on the side that post so that Persia and
no one else can listen and only the audience can listen why I were


best to cut my left hand off and swear I lost the ring defending it so basanyo to
himself says the best I can do is to cut my left hand and claim that I lost the ring
defending trying to safeguard it okay Russia no


um he decides to uh reveal what basanyo did as well so he says my lord bassanyo

gave his ring away unto the judge that begged it and indeed deserved it too so the
judge deserved it to and also requested for the ring then

the clerk who took a lot of pains in writing begged for my ring neither of them
would settle for anything else Ott means aoght means would take anything else
except but the two rings pursia watering gave you my lord not that I

hope which you received from me of me that I hope you did not give away the ring
that I gave you that you received from me if I could add a lie unto a fort I would deny
it but you see my finger hath not the ring upon it it's gone you

know if I could bake it better by lying I would deny it but uh you see my finger does
not have the ring on it it is gone Porsche even so void is your false Heart Of Truth by
Heaven I will never come in your bed until I see the ring so she

says your false Heart is also empty okay meaning to say that there is no truth in your
heart just like there is no ring in your finger I swear I will never be your wife till I see
the ring and nerissa also repeats the same line in the

British editions there are some extra lines out here which are not there in the Indian
editions okay Bassanioan says my sweet Portia if you did know to whom I gave the
ring if you did know


this is a passage which has come in the past as a reference to context questions so
please do prepare it well he says that my sweet posture if you knew who I gave the
ring to for whose sake I gave the ring to that is Antonio for what I

gave the ring that is the person saved the life of Antonio and how unwilling I was to
give the ring which is also a fact and the fact that he would not accept anything
except the ring which is also a fact so he's speaking the truth

you would reduce Abate means you would reduce the strength of your anger you
would reduce the fury of your anger and not be so displeased okay the strength of
your displeasure so Portia says if you so she

also replies to him in the same words and you realize that postia has a way with
words so she says if you had known the virtue of the ring if you had known the worth
of the ring or half the birth of the woman who gave you the ring okay
or half her worthiness of the person who that is Portia herself who gave you the ring
or your duty as an honorable man to preserve the ring you would not have parted
with the ring so she's kind of trying to counter each one of the points

that he has made which man she says would be so unreasonable to insist on taking
the ring that is the law the judge that is Persia in the form of uh Balthazar in the code
uh would be so unreasonable to insist to take the ring

if you had cared means pleased being scared to defend your point of view saying
that my wife gave it I cannot give it with determination obviously you were not
determined so that's why she's questioning his basic character out here

Venu Jio 2, [27-02-2023 23:36]

which man would lack good manners to insist on a ring that is associated with the
ceremony so she's saying what kind of a judge was he that he would insist on this
particular ring which is actually associated with the ceremony

and it is associated with a relationship of husband and wife nerissa says it right and I
believe it so I believe I bet that you gave the ring to a woman and not to a male but
no by my honor ma'am by my soul no woman had it but a

civil doctor so bassanyo says I swear ma'am and now he's note please note that he
does not say Porsche anymore he's obviously a little scared now yeah he says no
woman took it from me it was a doctor of civil law okay a civil doctor

that is a lawyer who refused 3000 ducats from me ducats from me and instead asks
for the ring which I denied him I allowed him to go away displeased even though he
had saved the life of my good friend that is Antonio what could I

say I was compelled to send it to him he's referring to Antonio obviously without
naming him okay uh I was enforced to send it after him I was beset with shame and
courtesy so he says that I was ashamed and wanted to

show good manuscripts he means good manners I could not dishonor Myself by
acting ungrateful and stay in my honor please forgive me and I swear by the stars
above that if you had been there you would have also begged me to give
the ring to that worthy doctor of civil law okay Porsche says let not that doctor ever
come near my house since he had got the jewel that I loved so he says do not ever
let that doctor of civil law that judge ever come near my

house since he has got the jewel that is the ring that I love that you swore to keep
forever for me I will be as generous as you liberal as in generous and I will not deny
him anything that I have and this is a slightly sexual kind

of a connotation that you know I could do anything with that lawyer because you
did not kind of keep up with the promise that I made so these lines are seen to be a
little more bold and therefore 4 removed from the Indian editions okay

nerissa says there are more lines of Porsche there's a line of grass you know which
has all been edited nerissa says nor will I refuse anything to the clerk so take care uh
to look after my uh take take good care to look after my honor

okay that is how do you leave me to my own protection you know I'll take care of
that okay so uh Antonio says I am the reason for these corals you know I'm the
reason sir not you you are welcome notwithstanding such is it don't be

upset you are welcome despite all this uh which is happening around us here in
Belmont so basanya says Persia forgive me this info strong in the hearing of these
many friends I Swear To Thee even by thine own Fair

eyes wherein I see myself so he Persona says forgive me this wrong which I was
compelled to do in Four Strong needs I was compelled to do by that particular lawyer
and he doesn't say by Antonio who says who asked him to go and give it in

the presence of all these friends I swear to you even by your beautiful eyes wherein
I see my own reflection Portia says Mark you but that in both my eyes he doubly sees
himself so Portia says hear what he says

he sees his Imaging each one of his eyes that is W sees himself to reflection you are
swearing by your two face double self again punning you know you have two phase
you know you on one hand you swear your love to me but on the other hand
you have given it to a man I am to another woman okay or at least that's what she
alleges is that an oath worthy of being believed you know your double faced man is
that an oath worthy of being believed oath of credit Bassanioo

says nay but hear me pardon this fault and by my soul I swear I never more will
break an oath with thee so he's now getting a little scared and desperate so he says
no just listen to me forgive this


Venu Jio 2, [27-02-2023 23:36]

mistake I'll swear I will never break an oath with you again okay Antonio I once did
lend my body for his wealth which but for him that had your husband's ring so
Antonio says I once placed my body that is referring to shylocks that oath

for his well-being wealth means for his well-being meaning that he was a surety for
Bassanioa for the well-being of basano if it had not been for the person who now
owns your husband's ring that is Porsche in the guise of the judge my

body would have been lost means I would have been killed I dare to pledge myself
once again okay Bound Again at the risk of forfeiting my soul as penalty that your
husband will never break a promise while again knowingly so knowingly he

will never do it again so he's making a promise on behalf of basanyo knowing that
that you know he did have a role to play in ensuring that the ring was given to uh
Porsche in the guise of the judge okay

Portia says gives Antonio a ring then you will be the security guarantee give him this
so she gives the ring back to him so he says give him this and beat him but keep it
better than the other that he should take care of this

particular ring and Antonio gives a ring and Persona says it's the same that he had
given it to the judge the doctor of law oh I had it of him pardon me basanjo for by
the ring the doctor lay

with me so he says that uh I got it from me basanyo uh forgive me now let me just
see if this line is in the Indian Edition one second yeah see I heard of him pardon me
Bassanioo okay uh for by this ring the

doctor lay with me will not be there in your Indian Edition I did not remove this one
okay with basically another line in this British editions which admits that Persia's
admitted to having slept with the legal expert in exchange


for the ring okay it's not there in your Selena Publications Edition okay nerissa says
and pardon me my gentle graciano for that same scrub boy the doctor's clerk in lieu
of this last night did live with me okay uh did give me this is


what is there in your Indian Edition in this is the British Edition this is I've taken from
a British website okay so she says the same thing that uh the doctor's Club gave to
me so uh the next line of graciano is not


there in the Indian Edition so we will not go through that Portia uh uh You Are All
Amazed here is a letter now she reveals a letter this is another passage which comes
quite often in the examinations as a reference to context

read it at your leisure it comes from Padua from belario there you shall find that
Portia was the doctor now she's revealing everything now she says you all look
confused okay here is a letter talking of two letters read it at your

leisure it is from padwa from belario okay to who she had sent Balthazar you will
find out that Persia was the doctor of Law and nerissa was a clerk Lorenzo here will
testify give proof that I left the house as soon as you did and

returned just before you did I have not yet entered the house Antonio you are
welcome now she addresses Antonio I have better news for you that you ex than you
expect open this letter a second letter you will find that three of your argosis

that is your ships have arrived at the harbor loaded with a lot of riches okay richly
come to Harbor suddenly you will never guess how I incidentally happened to get
this letter so it doesn't reveals it reveal it so

Bassanio was surprised and shocked and basan you asked posha if she indeed was a
lawyer in the court okay Antonio says uh and Christiana also asks the same thing uh
Porsche says Lorenzo my clerk has uh

Antonio says a sweet lady you have given me life and also a living I read confirmed
information in this letter the second letter that she gives him that my ships have
safely come to the harbor okay uh

Venu Jio 2, [27-02-2023 23:36]

Porsche how now Lorenzo my clerk has some good news for you I will give it to him
without charging if he says narisa and gives a document to Lorenzo so two letters
and a legal document to Lorenzo is what is handed over by Portia and

narissa this is from to you for you and Jessica it's a special legal document deed of
gift especially legal document and after he dies that is Sherlock dies you will inherit
all his property that he possesses Fair ladies

you dropped Mana in the way of starved Heaven Manna From Heaven have you
heard this phrase basically basically it's saying that you know you drop food uh which
is like you know offerings from Heavens Pleasant news to

starve people and since he's a spendthrift and not a very well to do guy is for him it's
like you know okay it's a reference from the Bible where Jews were wandering in the
desert and when they were starving God sent

them Divine food called Manna okay that's how this Manna From Heaven phrase
comes Porsche says it's almost morning but I'm sure you're not fully satisfied about
these events let's go inside and put all your queries you know charges

means you can question us and we will answer all your questions truthfully okay we
will answer your all your questions Faithfully truthfully upon integeries okay it means
a series of questions interrogatories means a series

of questions charge upon the integratories is a legal phrase that was used at that
point in time and at the end of the play Shakespeare obviously wants us to
remember that the legal court scene trial scene Act 4 scene one

was at the heart of the play and obviously he also wants to show off his
understanding of the law which is why he's using this kind of a legal terminology
intergatory okay so uh
Russia now has the last word he says let it be so then as long as I live I will not worry
about anything as painful as having to keep as keeping uh narissa's ring okay so uh as
sore you know even then at the end also he's not a very you

know he doesn't have a great way with words and seems to use all the wrong words
and is not a very polished kind of a person so Harmony is restored at the end of the
play everyone is happy and things are in order for all the main

characters in the play except of course okay I hope you have understood it thank
you very much for watching uh do well as far as the play is concerned thank you very

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