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Total History and Civics Class 9 ICSE Morning Star Solutions

Chapter 16 Salient Features of the Constitution—II.

These Solutions are part of Total History and Civics Class 9 ICSE Morning Star Solutions. Here we have
given. Total History and Civics Class 9 ICSE Morning Star Solutions Chapter 16 Salient Features of the


I. Short Answer Questions :

Question 1.
What are known as Directive Principles of State Policy?
The Directive Principles are the guidelines to be followed by the government of the country.

Question 2.
In which part of the Constitution are Directive Principles incorporated ?
Article 39 to 51 contain the Directive Principles.

Question 3.
Name one important source of Directive Principles.
The ideas of Mahatma Gandhi are one of the important source of Directive Principles.

Question 4.
When the Directive Principles are not enforceable by law courts why have they been incorporated in the
Some Directive Principles are not enforceable by law courts; but these are incorporated in the constitution
to deal with exceptional cases.

Question 5.
What happens in case of any conflict between the Directive Principles and Fundamental Rights ? Give
reason to support your answer.
In case of any conflict between the Directive Principles and Fundamental Rights, the former shall prevail.
This is because the welfare of the people as a whole is of paramount importance over that of an
individual. However, the Directive principles are not enforceable by any court of law in the country. This in
effect means that the citizens cannot move the courts of law if the government fails to implement these
directives. But on moral grounds both the government and the courts have to take cognizance of these

Question 6.
Name any two measures taken by the Government towards implementation of the Directive Principles of
State Policy.

1. To provide free and compulsory education to children up to the age of 14 in all government and
government aided schools.
2. Five-Year Plans to focus on the progress of weaker section of the society.

II. Structured Questions

Question 1.
There are differences of opinion regarding the significance of both the Directive Principles and the
Fundamental Rights. In this context explain the following:
(a) What are the chief differences between the two ?
(b) How do the Directive Principles complement Fundamental Rights ?
(c) What is importance of Directive Principles ?
Chief differences are as :

Directive Principles

1. These are in Part IV of Constitution

2. These are not justiciable
3. These create certain privileges.
4. These are directions to set objectives.
5. Their aim is a Welfare State.
6. These are related to wide range including international peace.

Fundamental Rights

1. These are in Part III of the the Constitution.

2. These are justiciable.
3. These are existing privileges for citizens.
4. These are certain restrictions on the state.
5. Their aim is political democracy.
6. These are related to the individual’s rights.

(b) Directive Principles province guidelines to the Fundamental Rights as an individual can get a peaceful
environment and enjoy his rights, provided there is national and international peace together maintained

(c) The importance of Directive Principal is remarkable, as these are the basic guidelines to provide correct
direction for proceedings and are essential to achieve ultimate estimated goals.

2. With reference to the concept of a ‘Welfare State’, answer the following questions :
Question 2(a).
What is meant by a ‘Welfare State’ ?
A Welfare State is a state which seeks to ensure the maximum happiness of maximum number of people
living within its territory.

Question 2(b).
How does the Constitution of India seek to establish India as a Welfare State ?
The Constitution of India seeks to establish India as a Welfare State. Although the words “Welfare State”
are not specifically mentioned in the Constitution, the aims and objectives of a Welfare State are clearly
pointed out in the Directive Principles of State Policy. These Directives emphasise that the goal of the
Indian Polity is a Welfare State, where the State has a positive duty to ensure to its citizens social and
economic justice and dignity to the individual. Both the Union and the State governments, have over the
past six decades taken steps to implement Directive principles, which aim at establishing social and
economic democracy, the basic goal of a Welfare State.

Question 2(c).
Mention two government schemes aimed at social upliftment of the poor.

1. The payment of wages is governed by the Government which has enacted legislation to the effect
that the payment be made according to the Minimum Wages Act 1948, as amended from time to
2. A social upliftment scheme, called the ‘Jan Dhan Yojana’, was announced by the Prime Minister,
Narendra Modi on August 15,2014.

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