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She's one of the brightest star on Mil-an National High School.

A woman who's
striving to reach her goal and her dream.All of her dreams reflects who she are
and how great she are.Her name is Joy Nicole Perez and her dream is to be a Flight
Attendant."Everyone has a chance to be someone!"


•Finish Collage with a course Of Flight Attendant

•Have a work on well known airlines

•Be a well known Flight Attendant all over the world

•Travel around the world.

She is gorgeous woman who's dream is having a balanced justice."Everybody

must be treated right and everyone has it's own rights".A woman named Diexy
Jane Guimba is an aspiring Lawyer and a she wants a fair and balanced justice for


•Be a licensed Lawyer

•Solve case and defend many accused yet innocent client

•Be a well known lawyer.

•Be a judge someday.

"One successful person can change the world"But I'm sure in a good way!Here
comes a man who's dream is to be a businessman someday.He's goal is making
profit,Helping alot of unemployed citizen and to have a better future.His name is
Renz Marc Delos Santos,an aspiring business man,a successful one.


•Graduate a course close to business.

•Make a business someday

•Make the business grow and be successful

•Be a well known business man across the country

"Food is life!".She loves cooking and baking stuff.Cooking is her Passion and she always want to be a
professional someday. A woman who's name is Scieska Pasiwat and she wants to me a professional chef
someday."Someday everyone will rise up their head and be amazed of my masterpiece"


•Graduate a course."Culinary" to be exact.

•Be a licensed Chef.

•Serve at fancy and we'll known restaurant.

•Be a well known chef.

•Create own masterpiece

•Be one of the greatest chef.

He also want to be a great proffesional someday.He's intelligence will

make sure of his advantageous in this course."Love for the country starts
with the love of the citizen,justice and peace"His dream reflects his love
for the country and for peace.His name is Angel Jonne D.Melancio and an
aspiring Civil Lawyer.


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