Samples of Evaluation Templates

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Daniel Okal
[Email address]

1. Business Alignment and Evaluation

2. Completed Business Alignment and Evaluation Form
3. Level 1 to 4 Evaluation
4. Level 2 and 3 Evaluation
5. Level 4 Evaluation and Isolating effects of Program
6. Training/Program Cost Template
7. Calculating ROI
1.Business Alignment and Evaluation Template
Program (e.g Training Course)
(Business Alignment and Forecasting) (The ROI Process Model)
5 Payoff Needs ROI 5

4 Business Needs Impact Objectives Impact 4

3 Performance Needs Application Objectives Application 3

2 Learning Needs Learning Objectives Learning 2

1 Preference Needs Reaction Objectives Reaction 1

The template should be completed in conjunction with the main stakeholders during engagement. This ensures the training/program (initiative) is aligned
to business, objectives at all levels are met and on evaluation of the program/Training i.e. Reaction, learning, application, impact and ROI outcomes can
be compared with the needs. (NB not all programs need to be aligned and evaluated up to all levels e.g. an induction program might only need to be
aligned/Evaluated up to Performance/Application level).

Below is an example of a completed template for a fraud awareness training.

2. Completed Business Alignment and Evaluation Template

Fraud Awareness Training

(Business Alignment and Forecasting) (The ROI Process Model)
5 Payoff Needs ROI 5
Detect, minimize frauds Achieve 25% ROI -Training cost compared to monetary benefit
-Monetary benefit determined by cost savings of
reduced losses
4 Business Needs Impact Objectives Impact 4
-Reduce fraud related losses by... After completion of the training the following conditions Monitor frauds, thwarted/successful over three-
should be met: month period
1. Nil frauds within three months
2. Reduce write-offs by 90%
3 Performance Needs Application Objectives Application 3
Adherence to Bank’s fraud mitigation After the training is implemented, participants will: Follow-up questionnaire is given to participants to
processes 1. Have fraud mitigation processes implemented check frequency of skill application and barriers
2. Conduct 2 morning drills every month three months after training

Unscheduled Audits over six months

2 Learning Needs Learning Objectives Learning 2
-Causes of fraud After completing the program, participants will be able Administer a knowledge check quiz after training
1. Score 75% or more on the fraud training quiz

1 Preference Needs Reaction Objectives Reaction 1

Online training and continuous support At end of training, participants should rate each of the Reaction questionnaire is administered at the end of
following statements 4(80%) out of 5(100%) on a 5point the training
1. I will use material from the training
2. Training had practical content
3. The training was valuable for business
4. The facilitators were effective
2.Level 1 to 4 Evaluation Templates Samples of Level 1, 2, 3 AND 4 Evaluation Template
All templates should be modified to suit the Training/ Program or initiative.
Level 1(Reaction)
End of Course Evaluation Reaction Level 1
Name (Optional) Course:
Instructor: Date:
We would appreciate your evaluation of this course. Please tick the relevant rating boxes
Strongly Mostly Neither Agree Mostly Strongly
Objectives: As a result of this Disagree Disagree nor Disagree Agree Agree
training course am able to: 1 2 3 4 5
Understand the Bank’s
Performance Management Policy,
Process and tools
Understand how to use the BSC to
measure performance
Set a scorecard that is aligned to
Business Structure
Cascade performance targets
appropriately to our teams.
Set SMART performance
objectives for self and team.
Conduct impartial appraisals
Instructor Evaluation 1 2 3 4 5
Instructor demonstrated thorough
knowledge of the Subject(s)
Instructors’ explanations were easy
to understand
Course evaluation 1 2 3 4 5
The course content was relevant to
my role
The course material was easy to
The course provided me with
adequate opportunity for
What changes, if any, should we make in this training course?

What did you find to be of the most value in this training course?
Level 2 Evaluation (Learning)
This is a knowledge check quiz administered at the end of the Training/Program

Level 3 Evaluation (Application)

Name: Line Manager:

Staff No: Staff No:
Frequently Infrequently
I applied the knowledge/Skills Learned during the Course
How critical is applying the content of the course to your job success in terms of:
Extremely Not at all N/A
Leading a High Performing Team
Setting a scorecard that is aligned to Business Structure
Cascading performance targets appropriately to your team
Setting SMART performance objectives for self and team.
Conducting impartial appraisals/Reviews
Rate the level of improvement in skill or knowledge derived from the course content.
Between 0 to 100 Where 0%=no improvement 100%=Significant improvement
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80 90% 100%

Line Manager
Frequently Infrequently
To what extent has the participant applied the knowledge/skills
learned during the course?
Rate the participant’s level of improvement in skill or knowledge derived from the course content.
Between 0 to 100 Where 0%=no improvement 100%=Significant improvement
Any other comment on participants
knowledge /Skill application at the work
5. Level 4 Evaluation Template and Isolating effects of Program
Level 4 Evaluation (Impact)
To what extent did the following contribute towards Business improvement %
Aggressive Marketing of Bank products and services
Improved IT System
Improved TAT
Performance Management Training*

Total 100%

Isolating effect of Program/Training

This is a critical part of evaluation of a Program /Training. There is need to be clear right from
the time of Business Alignment –what business indicators will be observed three or more
months after training or implementation of the program. The change cannot be wholly
(100%) attributed to training it is good to appreciate that, as indicated in the table above.
Examples of impact of applying skills.
As a result of implementing this project, there should be:
1. A 10% increase in sales in three months.
2. A 20% decrease in the time required to complete a project.
3. A decrease in downtime of at least 30% within six months.
Example of participants estimates of impact.
Fact/Business Outcome; Over the last three months fraudulent transactions worth US$ 10,000 have been detected and
Factor that influenced Improvement Percentage of Confidence expressed Adjusted percent of
improvement caused as a percent improvement caused by
by project project
Fraud awareness Training 60% 80% 48%
Newly acquired software 15% 70% 10.5%
Introduced controls 20% 80% 16%
Other 5% 60% 3%

Assuming a sample of participants brought in their estimates and the average of adjusted
percentage of improvement caused by program- Fraud awareness Training is 45%
The amount saved that is attributed to the fraud’s awareness training is;
(US$10,000×45%) It is this amount, when annualized is compared with the cost of the
program to determine ROI
6. Cost Template
Cost of Training/Program
1. A program doesn’t have to incur all the expenses indicated in the template.
2. Some expenses can be estimated if actuals are not available as long as the estimates
are credible
Analysis Costs Total
Salaries & Employee Benefits (No. of People x Avg. Salary x Employee
Benefits Factor x No. of Hours on Training)
Total Analysis Cost 6,000.00

Development Costs Total

Salaries & Employee Benefits (No. of People x Avg. Salary x Employee
Benefits Factor x No. of Hours on Training)
Program Materials and Supplies Total 3,000.00
Manuals and Materials 3,000.00
Total Development Costs 9,000.00

Delivery Costs Total

Participant Costs Total
Salaries & Employee Benefits
Meals, Travel, & Accommodations
Program Materials and Supplies
Lost Production (Explain Basis)
Total Delivery Costs

Evaluation Costs Total

Printing and Reproduction 8,000.00
Data collection/analysis 5,000.00
Total Evaluation Costs 13,000.00

Template provided by ROI Institute, INC.

7. Calculating ROI

X 100

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